Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ Where Is My fairytale Ending ❯ The Game of Love ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Where Is My Fairytale Ending

Chapter Two

The Game of Love

Hey! Like the story so far? I hope you do. Oh and if anyone is curious about the poem, I wrote it. If it sucks, let me know.
I'm not much of a poet, I just figured I would try it. Well, to the story.-Shadow Wolf

Tammy ran as fast as she could. Her long legs moving up in down is an increasing matter. She then turned sharply and jumped
into the pale blue sky. The sun shimmered off her back as she stretched her arms out, to catch the object of her desire.

The dark object flew into her arms effortlessly. She hugged it tightly, as she fell to the ground and skidded on her shoulder.

She laid there for what seemed like an eternity. She looked up at the bright yellow sun and smiled.

"You ok?" Her challenger asked, holding out a hand.

Tammy looked over at the boy and smiled. She then held up the football she had caught and let the sunrays reflect off her

She handed the ball to him and took his hand.

"I'm just fine Trey." She laughed.

Trey shook his head and smiled at the pink haired teen. He threw his arm over her shoulder, as the walked to the inn.

"You really scared me." Horohoro said.

"I'm fine. Really!" Tammy said, with a reassuring smile.

Horohoro sighed and let Tammy go in the door first and followed.

"Tammy! Horohoro!" Morty greeted.

Suddenly, Tammy's eyes caught Yoh. He was standing in the kitchen, washing the breakfast dishes. Tammy sighed and
walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Yoh." She greeted.

"Tammy!" Yoh turned to face her, "How was the game?"

Yoh set down the bowl he was washing and dried off his hands, with the towel that was lazily resting on his shoulder. He
then smiled his usual lazy grin.

"It was fun." Tammy blushed, " We could of had more fun if you played."

Yoh laughed suddenly.

"You didn't beat Trey too bad did ya?" He asked, in a teasing tone.

"As a matter of fact." Horohoro retorted, "She only beat me by four points."

Tammy giggled.

"Last time it was fifteen to zero." Yoh teased.

Tammy leaned towards Yoh's ear, "I let him get some points." She whispered.

Yoh busted out laughing, just as Anna entered the room. Anna glared at Yoh and snarled at Tammy.

"Are you finished with the dishes?" She asked, in her usual icy tone.

Yoh jumped and went back to his previous task. Anna smirked with satisfaction and went into the living room.

Tammy sighed. She felt really bad for getting Yoh in trouble. Her head hung low, as she retreated to her home. The room
she could escape to, to escape the world that damned her.

I cry silent tears
They flow uncontrollable
Not externally
But Instead internally
My tears embarrass me
Although I am the only one
Who knows they exist
I am ashamed
I am ashamed because I let love blind me
I allowed love to deprive me
Of my pride and dignity
But the only good thing about these silent tears
Is no one knows
That I am crying
Other then me

Tammy sighed as she finished her new poem. She titled it "Silent Tars". She then closed her secret book and slid it under
her pillow.

It was dark now. The sun had set many hours ago, giving way to a shinny full moon. Tammy loved nights like this.
Especially when the moon was so close, you could almost touch it.

She jumped off her bed and raced out the door, almost tripping over Morty.


Tammy fell to the hard wooden floor. Her head connecting with it.

"You ok?" A voice asked.

Tammy opened her eyes, to meet that of Yoh's. She quickly sat up and tried to fight her blush. She then smiled sheepishly,
as she looked up at her secret crush.

"I'm fine Yoh." She laughed nervously, "I was just in a hurry."

"Where?" Yoh asked.

Tammy slowly stood and dusted off her pants.

"I was heading outside." She replied, "I'll see ya later."

Tammy turned and was about to walk when......
Shadow wolf: Sorry about the cliff. I got to keep my stuff in check and this chapter was
getting kinda long. The next chapter is going to be called, "Midnight Meetings". Hope you like it.