Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ Same Script, Different Cast ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Same Script, Different Cast
Ding Dong!!
Rukawa opened his eyes and looked up slowly at the sound of his doorbell. He had been sitting on the couch for the last twenty minutes, his head hung down wearily. He heard a rumor from Hikoichi, the Ryonan's information hound, the other day. A very disturbing rumor, one not to be overlooked, and he was going to confront the rumor on that very day. As a rule, Rukawa didn't listen to rumors but Hikoichi was a reliable source. After all, who knew more about Ryonan basketball players than Hikoichi, one of their own.
Ding Dong!! The doorbell rang again.
Rukawa got up and walked to the door, stilling himself for the confrontation with….
“Sakuragi,” he acknowledged the redhead softly.
“Rukawa,” Sakuragi nodded and came in when the brunette gestured him into the house.
Rukawa led the way to the living room and for a few moments, they just stood silently. Rukawa was looking at Sakuragi, but the latter's eyes were looking everywhere but him, shifting his weight from one foot to another.
“Thank you for coming,” Rukawa spoke softly, breaking the silence.
Sakuragi sighed impatiently. “Rukawa, cut the polite crap and get straight to the point. What's this about?”
Rukawa just stared at Sakuragi, who was looking down at the carpet. Again, silence settled on the two. Finally, Rukawa sat down and said wearily, “I know he's leaving me for you.”
Shock rippled through Sakuragi's body and his head snapped up. “Who said that? Who told you…”
“That it's true?” they both said in unison, Rukawa with a raised eyebrow and Sakuragi with his eyes widened. For a few moments, they just stared at each other in silence.
Rukawa sighed and asked, “What is he telling you?”
“None of your business,” he snapped.
“Well, I'm making it my business. I wonder, could it be the same things that he told me?”
“Hn, I doubt it. He told me that he loves me,” Sakuragi said smugly.
“I heard that,” Rukawa waved his hand at him nonchalantly.
Sakuragi got angry at the flippant answer and snapped, “And he told me I was…”
“Beautiful.” Again the two completed the sentence together.
Sakuragi frowned. Rukawa couldn't possibly know the personal things they said to each other. Curiosity got the better of him and he asked, “How did you know?” Silence greeted him. Growing impatient, he yelled, “HOW DID YOU KNOW??!!”
“Cause I played this scene before,” Rukawa said as-a-matter-of-factly.
Sakuragi gaped at him. `Impossible,' he thought to himself. `He can't possibly be leading me on. No, this must be a lie. Rukawa must have been spying on us during our personal moments.' He grew angry at this thought and felt more certain that he was right.
Rukawa, unknown to Sakuragi's thoughts, stood, and paced up and down the carpet. “Sigh, this is like a retake of my life,” he mumbled to himself. “I was his star for many nights. Now the roles have changed and you're the leading man in his life.”
He stopped in front of Sakuragi. “Lights, camera, now you're on,” he pointed to him. “Just remember you've been warned. Enjoy it now `cause it won't last. Hn, same script, different cast.”
Sakuragi glared at him. “What you're saying could be true. But you don't expect me to take advice from you,” he spat the last word like it was a disease.
“I'm not hating, but I wish the one before me would have warned me too.” Rukawa was about to continue but was interrupted by Sakuragi.
“No, don't say no more,” Sakuragi yelled and covered his ears with his hands, singing loudly to drown out Rukawa's words. He mustn't let Rukawa's words poison his love.
Rukawa covered the space between them and forcibly pulled Sakuragi's hands from his ears. “Uncover your ears, boy.”
“I'm not listening,” Sakuragi turned his face away and continued his warbling.
“I know you can hear me,” Rukawa said softly. “Maybe my reasons are wrong, but I know that you believe me.”
Sakuragi snatched his hands away from Rukawa and snapped, “It's your fault you didn't love him enough.”
“That's the problem. I loved him too much. And when you love him, he becomes unattracted to you.”
“No way. He's changed and I'll prove you wrong.”
“No, you won't,” Rukawa shook his head slightly.
“Go away!! Why can't you just leave us alone?! He loves me!!”
“He'll hurt you.”
Sakuragi continued, ignoring Rukawa's comments. “He'll stay with me…”
“He'll leave you…” Rukawa interrupted.
“For sure,” they ended up finishing together.
They stared at each other, Rukawa with sadness and Sakuragi with defiant anger. After a few minutes, Sakuragi broke the gaze and shook his head. He started walking to the front door, Rukawa's eyes following him.
When Sakuragi opened the door slightly, he turned back to Rukawa, his hand still on the doorknob. “I don't believe you. I love him with all my heart and nothing you say will change that fact. This may be a retake of your life and you may have been his star for many nights. But now the roles have changed and I'm the leading man in his life.”
“Lights, camera, now you're on,” Sakuragi continued and pointed to him just as Rukawa did earlier. “Just remember you've been warned. Enjoy it now `cause this relationship will last. I'm the future, you're his past.”
Sakuragi looked at him a while more then went out, slamming the door behind him. Rukawa's shoulders slumped, defeated. He sat back on the couch and closed his eyes.
`Well, I tried to warn him,' he thought to himself. `There's nothing I can do anymore to help him. I just hope you won't hurt him as much as you hurt me, Sendoh.”