Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Slayers Resurrection ~ a continuation of fate ❯ A quest for the Five Light Weapons ( Chapter 4 )

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Slayers Resurrection
Chapter 4: A Quest for the Five Light


¡¥Jeez , that sure is one creepy woman.¡¦ Lina commented,
¡¥Well, usually creepy people are wiser.¡¦ Amelia said,
putting her arms around herself. The night had already fell, and they were going
up the mountain, which was cold.
¡¥Have you ever wondered why magic was only rich in the
barrier?¡¦ Zelgadiss asked.
¡¥Hmmm¡K¡K¡¦ Xelloss stroked his chin.
¡¥Well you know that the barrier was a thousand years ago,
who¡¦d know what happened before.¡¦ Filia said, walking up.
¡¥Hey, by the way, what have you guys done during these six
months.¡¦ Xelloss asked out of the blue.
¡¥Huh? Not much.¡¦ Lina replied, ¡¥we just went around the
place, figuring out new places of interest in the plan.¡¦
¡¥And food.¡¦ Gourry added, his eyes shining.
¡¥And FOOD!¡¦ Lina cried.
¡¥Well I just went back to Saillune to get on with my
work.¡¦ Amelia sighed, her face a bit pale.
¡¥Then why are you here now?¡¦ Lina asked.
¡¥To get away from all that work from home, its driving me
crazy.¡¦ Amelia said, sighing louder.
¡¥Too bad for you.¡¦ Xelloss said, grinning. Obviously he
was starting to enjoy that look on Amelia¡¦s face.
¡¥There is no doubt that Zelgadiss had been going around
searching for a cure.¡¦ Gourry said, looking at the chimera.
Zelgadiss shrugged. ¡¥You know what, I¡¦m starting to like
this body of mine.¡¦
¡¥Huh?¡¦ Amelia looked at him incrediously.
Xelloss noticed that Filia was really quiet, not looking
straight forward but at the sides.
¡¥So what have you done Filia? You didn¡¦t seem to look good
after the fight.¡¦ Lina asked, looking back over her shoulder to see Filia look
up suddenly.
¡¥Uh, um, nothing really.¡¦ Filia said, managing a small
smile across her face.
¡¥You didn¡¦t go anywhere?¡¦ Lina asked, not really
believing her.
¡¥Just wondered around thinking what to do with my life.¡¦
Filia responded.
She stole a glance at Xelloss¡¦ back, which seemed to be
looking at her.
I never knew you were such a good liar. His voice suddenly
rang in her head. She almost jumped, then a little blush appeared on her cheeks,
going silent again.

¡ @

Valgarv stepped inside the long corridor which seemed
everlasting. Weird carvings under dim light accompanied him along the way.
¡¥Along this path, towards the light weapons¡K¡K¡¦
Reinette said in his head.
Valgarv was silent, just walking along the red carpets
patiently, careful of every step. He had gone through too much in not to be
careful in any way.
¡¥Wait.¡¦ Valgarv stopped short, looking around with
his sharp eyes.

¡¥Someone is already entering the barrier
Reinette said, a little panic in her voice.
Valgarv sighed, ¡¥how far is the barrier from here?¡¦ he
¡¥Not far.¡¦
Valgarv teleported here and there until he reached the huge
vault that held the five light weapons. He knelt down near a statue that was
hung on the wall, careful not be seen by anyone.
He took a look and saw a figure, well obviously it¡¦s a girl
with aqua green long hair, standing near the huge white translucent barrier.
¡¥Who is that?¡¦ he asked Reinette.
¡¥I don¡¦t know, but somehow I feel something different
from her.¡¦
Reinette said.
¡¥Who are you anyway?¡¦ Valgarv asked, closing his eyes.
¡¥You¡¦ll find out later.¡¦ Reinette replied. Val
sighed, then looked back at the figure who seemed to have a way of opening the
¡¥And do you have any idea how the barrier works?¡¦ Valgarv
¡¥Um¡K¡K no.¡¦ Reinette said sheepishly in his
¡¥Great, now what do you want me to do?¡¦ Val asked sharply.

¡¥Well, um, just watch and see what that girl is up to.¡¦

Reinette said.
¡¥What a great strategy.¡¦ Valgarv said back, rolling his
eyes. He could faintly hear the girl say something to herself.
¡¥So it¡¦s here?¡¦ the girl said to herself, well she
shouldn¡¦t be but was.
She paused for a while, ¡¥I¡¦ll try and see what I can
¡¥Who is she talking to?¡¦ Valgarv whispered.
¡¥How would I know.¡¦ Val was silent, still watching
the situation. The girl held up her hands, then the barrier slowly started to
The girl smiled, but quickly sported a sweatdrop when she
realized that there was still five separate barriers to open.
¡¥Hey! You never told me that there were FIVE separate
barriers to open!¡¦ the girl cried, hands on her hips. Valgarv nearly had to
cover his ears at the echoing.
Then she seemed to be arguing with herself.
¡¥Well anyway, I¡¦ll try to open Garuvera first.¡¦ The girl
finally said after a few moments.
¡¥Who the hell is she talking to.¡¦ Valgarv mused.
The girl seemed to concentrate her powers for a long time,
either trying to figure a way to open the barrier or trying to open it now.
Then the barrier started to open at super low speed. She
almost had to fall back when it was half way open. But she did succeed at the
¡¥YO!¡¦ the girl cried, jumping forward and taking the bow
and arrow in her hand.
¡¥Fine, great. NOW what do we do?¡¦ Valgarv asked.
¡¥Wait a moment, the other four barriers should open by
Reinette said.
¡¥Huh?¡¦ and on the dot, the other five automatically opened
at full speed.
The girl was silent for a while. ¡¥Can you tell me
happened.¡¦ She asked finally in the air.
¡¥Who the hell is she talking to?¡¦ Valgarv said again.
¡¥Whatever, we can get the weapons first.¡¦ She said.
Valgarv scanned the area, then spotted two grey figures not
far from him, shooting out laser beams suddenly.
The girl dodged, looking up to see the two grey figures
revealed to be two guys that were practically identical, just the hair and
clothes different color.
¡¥Who are you?¡¦ the girl asked, glaring at them, levitating
in mid air.
¡¥Priest of Dynast Grausherra.¡¦ The two replied.
¡¥Grau and Grou?¡¦ The girl shot a glance down the other
four weapons, then looked back at the two long haired priest of Dynast. She saw
that their eyes were cold, like the weather at the poles.
¡¥Get out of my way!¡¦ the girl shouted, shooting one hand
to the side, ¡¥these weapons cannot be in Dynast¡¦s hands.¡¦
¡¥And that¡¦s what we¡¦re here for.¡¦ Grau, the one with
in blue said.
¡¥Oh so, I guess the one that wanted to steal the weapon
where those two.¡¦ Valgarv whispered, still not coming out from his hiding

¡¥What are you waiting for? Go get the weapons!¡¦

Reinette cried in his head.
Suddenly a red green beam of light shot out from behind. The
girl was just able to teleport out of the way, hoping that it would hit Grou.
But no luck.
¡¥You think your too clever girly.¡¦ Grou snickered, his
lips curved in a smile. He appeared beside Garu. ¡¥Now you get out of the way
and give us Garuvera back.¡¦
¡¥Never.¡¦ The girl cried, the bow and arrow turned into a
white green ball of light and disappeared in her hands.
¡¥Oh, now how did that happen?¡¦ Valgarv asked, looking up.
¡¥Valgarv!¡¦ Reinette cried again, but Valgarv ignored her.
¡¥The five light weapons are ours.¡¦ Goru said, looking at
the girl through narrow eyes.
¡¥In your dead stinking dreams.¡¦ The girl said back, an
evil smile on her face.
¡¥Well you¡¦ll have to give it back sweetie, cause its
ours.¡¦ Garu said. The girl winced, disgusted of being called a so lame name.
Garu shot out beams of black stuff. The girl teleported above
him, then the light weapon appeared in her hands again. She pulled the arrow and
aimed at him.
Garu¡¦s lips curved into a grin, ¡¥if you shoot, you¡¦ll
die as well.¡¦ Then at the same time, Goru was gathering his powers.
The girl turned back a bit, grimacing.


¡¥Would you think there would be something weird or strange
up the mountain?¡¦ Amelia asked.
Zelgadiss shrugged. ¡¥I wouldn¡¦t be surprised if we saw a
dozen of chimeras there.¡¦
¡¥If there was I would use Dragon Slave to destroy the whole
mountain.¡¦ Obviously Lina said with clutched teeth.
¡¥The sooner we go there the sooner we leave.¡¦ Xelloss said
sighing. He didn¡¦t know but he had this uneasy feeling in his gut that
something bad was waiting for them. Or maybe just he.
¡¥What is the matter with you Xelloss?¡¦ a voice said from
behind him. He turned his head and saw Filia looking at him with a look of
curiosity and annoyance. ¡¥Don¡¦t tell me your scared.¡¦ She raised her
¡¥Since when did Filia ul Copt care about Mazokus?¡¦ Xelloss
asked, closing one eye.
Filia turned her head. ¡¥I just don¡¦t want you to disturb
me all the time.¡¦
¡¥Ha, like you wouldn¡¦t enjoy it.¡¦ Xelloss taunted, they
were walking a bit slower than the others.
Xelloss didn¡¦t hear Filia talk back as usual, so turned
around and saw that Filia was looking around the corner.
¡¥What is it?¡¦


¡¥Valgarv! What are you waiting for?¡¦

Reinette screamed in his head.
¡¥Okay okay, fine I¡¦ll go!¡¦ Val said. He teleported next
to ragnomenix, the spear, then snatched it away.
The girl eyes widened when she saw him sneak up, then
teleported behind him. Val saw her just in time and disappeared.
¡¥Valgarv?¡¦ Goru said suspiciously.
The girl looked at him.
¡¥I thought you were dead.¡¦ Garu said, narrowing his eyes.
¡¥That¡¦s none of your business.¡¦ Valgarv said.
¡¥But taking these five weapons is our business.¡¦ Garu
Then the four started fighting, with the end results of
Valgarv taking Regnomenix, the girl taking Garuvera and the other three
including Garonova by the two priest of Dynast Grausherra. Valgarv nearly cut
out a bunch of that girl¡¦s aqua hair.
Then they went out of the Sanctuary. Valgarv suddenly noticed
a pink figure shoot out, sharp wind blowing past him and the girl.
¡¥Invaders.¡¦ The figure suddenly stopped in front of the
two escaping priest, turning out to be Serius, former servant of Volfoid.
¡¥So you want to stop us eh Serius?¡¦ Grou asked, holding up
Vodiga next to his face, only showing his eyes which made him look like a ghost.
¡¥Return the five light weapons or else.¡¦ Serius said
through narrowed eyes.
¡¥Or else what?¡¦ Garu asked, appearing behind him,
obviously they were trying to surround Serius. Mezado was floating in front of
him, while Gorunova in his hands.
¡¥Why not try being attacked by the light weapons Serius.¡¦
Grou asked slyly, focusing the energy in the axe.
¡¥And die right under it.¡¦ Garu added.
¡¥NO!¡¦ The girl shouted.
The two powers were released and hurled towards Serius in
opposite directions, surrounding him.
The girl screamed. Valgarv looked sideways at him. He didn¡¦t have any feelings
for Serius being killed. He did somehow kill Ellobus anyway.
Then it exploded.
¡¥Punishments for distracting us.¡¦ Garu said, smiling to himself while
eyes closed.
¡¥Let¡¦s go.¡¦ Grou said, they did have better things to do than staying
mourning at some useless stuff.
¡¥How dare you¡K¡K¡¦ the girl said with clenched teeth, her right hand in
fists, her left hand clutching tightly at the bow. Her eyes hidden.
¡¥Valgarv stop her!¡¦ Reinette cried in his head.
¡¥Huh? Why?¡¦ Val asked.

¡¥I think she¡¦s going to shoot.¡¦

Valgarv made a distance away from the girl.
The girl yelled, pulling the arrow and releasing it at full speed. It speed
towards the two priest, they used the two weapons to return the powers, but
Garuvera was much stronger than the other two.
The impact of the three powers exploded, Grau and Grou disappeared, and the
Sword of light somehow was shot out.
The power of the strongest light weapon Garuvera had almost suddenly
disappeared abruptly, then they saw the earth shaking.
¡¥Oh no.¡¦ Valgarv said, slapping his head.
¡¥Oh God, its warping.¡¦ The girl moaned.
¡¥How idiotic are you already to shoot that arrow?¡¦ Valgarv said, shaking
his head. He¡¦d have to find that sword before those two creeps did.
¡¥Shut up, you ¡V ¡¥ the girl turned around and found that Valgarv had
disappeared out of sight.
She paused for a second, then smiled to herself, the bow disappearing in her
¡¥Whatever, you wouldn¡¦t be going too far with that weapon anyway. I¡¦ve
got better things to do.¡¦ Then she disappeared. Leaving half the deserted plan