Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Suddenly A Twist of Fate ❯ What?! Punishmental Pageant?! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 1: What?!Punishmental Pageant!!!!angrily pressed my fist against the table.The older swordsman,Gilbre,didn't even seem to be angered such a movement on my partaking.He merely grew a smirk.DO YOU MEAN BY PUNISHMENT?!?!?!?!WHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!"I and gold streaked haired woman holding a golden staff with two orbs entrapped with in its rings and the one upper its glowing features smiled to the old for giving me that peice of information,Mr.Gilbre...I thank you on behalf of time and my requests on /him/Lina..Mr.Gilbre's daughter was killed by accident by the effect of your Dragon Slave on Lupe's Tower of Tricks..."reminded me the horrible thought that had been bottled up like the sands within an hourglass.just don't see why he doesn't make us go to jail and be executed by Darisious Alukan...Her betrothed."can't have you,all killed for my daughter's death because as only any monster knowsthat there is only one person which I cannot kill...but anyway my daughter's life is not as important a goddess' quest...and I cannot punish the souls who killed her I can only hope that one day those will be repaid in three times for what they've done in heavan....or hell.."He told eying all of usescpecially.."None of you females look like you wear dresses as an every day thing...Haha...want you to participate in a Pageant called The Cherry Blossem Pageant...That is your punishment..will make all of you Females in it...And whoever wins in the topthree ranks will be given Ten million gold..all the females have to enter...So How many is there?"abou-"I started but Amie cut me off.5. Amie Malkieth,Amelia Wil Telsa Sailunne,Lina Inverse,Sindtre Serak.,and..Xellos Metalluim.."i-"A hand covered my mouth as Amie nodded to Xellos who currently understood but I didn't!!!Xellos in Amie's army or what?!understand..Go now."Mr.Gilbre calmly told us as he ushed us out of the office building.all decided on a tavern to drink at.Sindtre the darkelf/human (now at least) was angry at Gourrybecause of his way of attaching himself to her...It was an interesting site to look at when we walked andhe got the crap beat out of.I knew Sindtre's beauty in the contest would help her but then again who go to such a dumb thing.out of anyone that was gonna perticipate it made me just a tad too jealous of her...night in Amie's room)order right now to come before me...I have an assigned task for you."I told the air in front of me.phased in two feet away bowing to me...Amie?What is this task?I will promise to accomplish it."He told me bowing on the ground me.I sighed and felt angry at myself for making him do this but...It was my duty it had to be done..all I only live for others....want you to kill Lina Inverse,Help the contest participatents and last but not least report to on a regular basis from Xellas,your evil lord all right?"ma'am..I understand all of that...I will gladly kill Lina Inverse with my own two hands.I have a question for you,Mistress if you don't mind my asking?"I smiled to him laughing.gave me no choice.I don't mind."the Gods make you do this because of your duties or desire?"He thought of her posistionas a protecter and watcher of all the worlds.A spectator until the moon's dimension opened to on world by never given a choice of my duties,Xellos.It is given and carried out..refused or never failed...Or else I shall die along with my worlds that I watch over a mother to her children..I already know about your thing with Lina..Don't make that in the way of your objective..My duty in living for others but not myself is hard on me..I always ask myself why do not live for myself?Its because I'm tied up in a loop I've never gotten out of....her anyway you want..I do not care but do not make it point to me..."told him hastingly and he left after his question had been answered.may have been a friend but my duties come before anything they?