Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Blackout's profile ❯ basic info ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Blackout, the story behind The King of Darkness
Blackout may not have told anyone much about himself, but here is all of the information on Blackout that you need to know.
Name: Blackout The Hedgehog
Speicies: hedgehog
Age: Approx. 36
Origins: Space Colony ARK, illegal conyinuation of Project; SHADOW
Well Known Relatives: Shadow The Hedgehog
Height: 3 feet, 6 in.
Additoinal information: Blackout the hedgehog was an illegal continuation of Project; SHADOW, and was created by altering a sample of DNA from the preivious result, Shadow The Hedgehog. He could control darkness and manipulate it to become anything he wanted. He could easily cause a blackout by turning the darkness around him, or anywhere else in the area that he wishes to blackout, into electricity, and short circuit every electronc device within that area, hence, the name Blackout. Many people veiw Blackout as a monster created by terrorists to destroy America, but was actually created to protect life on this planet. He was sent to this planet by a member of the team that created him who had become friends with Blackout, in order to escape capture by the government. Blackout could run at speeds simmalar to, if not higher than, Sonic and Shadow. Blackout is supposedly `The King Of Dakness'
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