Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ First Wave ❯ Chapter 1: beginnings ( Chapter 2 )

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The next day over 4 miles away at one of the popular beaches was a mixed family, which were on a holiday, the two adults sat watching their two children.

"Oh!, Xavier" whispered a female voice into her husbands ear as she watched her 5 year old child playing in the water, in her arms was a baby girl fox.

"Yes! Laura what is it" a dark grey fox replied in a whisper.

"I'm just going to say that we have a wonderful family, Xavier" Laura whispered, she then looked down at her baby girl.

Suddenly both Xavier and Laura heard they son calling them, Xavier stood up and told Laura to stay with the baby.

Xavier walked over to where a young purple chameleon was standing and said to him, "Esmond, you know not to shout why'll Rene is sleeping" Xavier said firmly.

"I know, dad" the young chameleon said, he had his head looking down at the ground, and in a low voice he said "but dad I found a baby".

Xavier was shocked by what his son had just told him, "What did you just say you found, my son, show me right away".

"Over here, dad" Esmond started to run over to where he found the baby carrier; his dad was following behind him.

Xavier looked into the small baby carrier and a gasp left his mouth "oh my".

He bent down and picked up a baby that was in the carrier, it was a light brown hedgehog, he then noticed two things in the carrier one was a letter that he picked up and started to read it the letter said:

Please look after my dear son; you see my husband doesn't understand his gift.

Twin forces of Angels and Devils summons the Chosen.

The other thing in the carrier was a black Emerald medallion, which Xavier placed around the baby hedgehog's neck, Xavier looked at his son "we better get back to mum".

Esmond and Xavier walked back to Laura and Rene; Xavier then showed the baby hedgehog to her.

"Hmmm!, Rene it looks like you have two brothers now"


5 years later

A young brown hedgehog was stood outside of a shop waiting, he was wearing a red T-shirt, black trousers and white sneakers, he had his head looking down but when he looked up you could see that he had red eyes, then two others appeared out of the shop door.

"Have you got it" the hedgehog asked, all he got in reply was a nod from the 10 year old chameleon.

"Come on, give it here" the hedgehog wined.

The three started to race each other down the streets of their hometown, the young hedgehog was about the age of 5 and was happily running down the Crouded Street and with him were Esmond and Rene.

"Come on, you two" the hedgehog shouted happily.

"Hay, wear not as fast a you" called Esmond, running next to him was his sister Rene.

"Come on, Esmond" shouts the hedgehog again.

Esmond looks ahead at the hedgehog with a look that could kill, Esmond ran fast and started to catch up to the hedgehog, the three turned a corner.

"Max, look out ~" Esmond shouted, but he never got a chance too finished, his hand touched the t-shirt on the hedgehog's back but the only thing that happened was that his hand slipped out of Max's t-shirt.

Max hit an elderly grey fox, both fell to the flour, the old fox looked at the young hedgehog "will you young ones go play some were else" the old fox snapped.

"Yes, Cilla" replied Rene; she was stood next to Esmond.

Max stood up, he then helped the elderly fox up "I'm sorry, Cilla"

"You are forgiven, young one" Cilla said, she then put her hand on Max's forehead {you are young, but you will learn in time} she spoke like her ancestors did, for that matter most Dephian's could use some kind of psychic ability.

Esmond looked at Max then back at his sister, who was standing next to him "it's time to go home" he paused then said "come on, Max, sis, mom's making dinner".

"I hope it's not the same as last night," the Rene said.

Max looked at Esmond "Ok, brother" he called and walked over to him.

The three arrived back home, it wasn't anything special just a normal house in a normal neighbourhood, the street was called Cascade falls, the reason why there was a waterfall in the neighbourhood this waterfall was very special some people said that this waterfall could take you to a whole new world.

"Mom, dad, wear home" Esmond called in the hallway of the house; the three took off their shoes in the hallway.

"Eso, mom's going to kill us" Rene said to her older brother, he looked at her.

"Esmond, Max, Rene" their mother called from the kitchen, the three looked at each other worried then slowly walked into the kitchen.

"Yes, mom" the three children said in union as they entered the kitchen.

"You now dinner starts at 6:00, that was over an hour ago where have you three been" Laura shouted in a worried tone, Xavier was sat in a chair looking the three children.

"Sorry mom" Max said, standing in the doorway, "I wanted to go to the sweet shop" he walked over to the chair and sat down, the other two did the same.

Laura looked at the young hedgehog and she looked at him in a sad way then she spoke "Son, I know you love going to the sweet shop, but please can you go when I or your father are with you"

"but, mom" Max smiled at her "Esmond was with me"

Laura then looked at Esmond "Esmond you know why I don't want Max outdoors"

Later the family were watched T.V. in the living room they were watching a movie, Max was on a the sofa with Rene, Esmond and both there parents Laura and Xavier were sat on the same sofa in the room.

After the movie had finished the three children where about to go up to bed when Laura said "Max, Rene, Esmond get out of the house, now".

The three kids looked at her confused, then their father shouted "KIDS GET OUT"

Esmond turned to his younger brother and sister "come on" he grabbed Rene's and Max's hands and ran out of the house through the back door only to see 5 giant fish in robotic bodies stood looking at them, one of the fish tried to grab the children but the three kid ran under them.

"Bring them three" a voice replied.

Esmond turned to the voice, the voice came from red cobra, "oh and get the parents too".

One of the Drakon Prosecutors walked in the home and within 10 minutes the Drakon had both Laura and Xavier in his arms.

Max watched as Laura, Xavier, Rene and Esmond being taken away by the Drakons. "Rene, Esmond, Mom, dad" Max yelled, but it was no use; the Drakon who had Max was not going to let him get away, well not without a fight, Max kicked the one who had him, just then in his mind he heard Esmond voice say {we'll me again brother}.

{No, no don't leave me} Max cried in his mind.

{Be strong my son} Xavier voice said calmly.

{I will dad} Max cried

{Don't forget we'll me again brother} Rene and Esmond both said.

Max watched from the arm of the Drakon that held him as Laura, Xavier were put in one spaceship, Rene in another and Esmond in a different spaceship. The Drakons were not just doing this to the Evelyn family they were splitting up families all over the town, and then each of the spaceships took off.

Laura had told Max never to use his psychic power, but this was one time he didn't listen to her, Max used his power and blow up the houses in the area, plus he hit the Drakons and the red cobra.

"Don't try that again, kid" the red cobra shouted in anger, he then had one of the Drakons hit Max's face with the back of it's hand, Max dropped to the ground holding his face in pain, Max was crying hard now. The Drakon Prosecutors put Max in a red ship, they put him in a cell on broad the ship Max ran to a window and he watch his home from above as the clouds started to disappear, he whispered to himself "I will see you again mom, dad, Rene and you to Espio"