Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Just Another Failed Attempt To Defeat Knuckles ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Just Another Failed Attempt
To Defeat Knuckles

* i dont own knuckles, or metal knuckles, or make any money off this.*

Twas a lovely day on Floating island. of course knuckles woke late...

12:00am. knuckles house.

knuckles woke up.. on the floor.

knuckles: yowch..... who that knocking at the door?

knuckles got up and opened the door.

a echidna, looking like himself, but it was wearing mailman clothes...

knuckles: ive never seen you around here before.

????: um.... floating island sent me to give you this.

knuckles: what is it?

????: um... its a letter. a telegram!

knuckles: from who?

????: its from Julie-su.

knuckles: could you read for me.... its got long words.

????: ohhh... very well.

" Dear Knuckles,

i dont like you, i love Mighty! so Nyaa!

Signed, Julie-su"

knuckles: no!!!!! theres something funny about this telegram...
maybe its a trick?

???: well i must be going now....

knuckles fetched his phone and dialed Julie-sus number.

Knuckles: Hi, um Julie-su, did you send me this nasty telegram?

Julie-su: i didnt send any body a telegram.... why dontcha read it to me.

Knuckles: ok, here it is.

" Dear Knuckles,

i dont like you, i love Mighty! so Nyaa!

Signed, Julie-su"
Julie-su: thats the biggest lie ive heard all day.

Knuckles: then who wrote it?

Julie-su: who was the guy that sent it to you?

Knuckles: that phony looking Mailman....

Julie-su: there arent any mailmen on floating island.

Knuckles: hm.... well im going now, see ya.

knuckles hung up the phone and dashed madly after that mailmans footprints.

"what kind of an idiot would do that????"

he ran smack into the "mailman" who dropped his pants.

" your no mail man your a metal echidna?"

MK: thats right, i cam back to get revenge.


MK: come on, im much stronger now.

MK shot missiles at knuckles, but he dodged them ( not trying) and kicked metal knuckles' head off.

" what a wimp!"