Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Omochao and Eggchild take over the world again! ❯ I'm confused, very confused ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



OMOCHAO:" WHEEE!! This story is going a bit strange, it was suppose to be about me and Eggchild taking over the world, suddenly its become a never ending story about Sonic/Shadow love! THE MADNESS MUST END!!! WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!" {Explodes}

ME:" Hmm, that's true, who wants to see the story go back to Eggman and Omochao taking over the world?"

RANDOM PERSON:" I do mum!"

ME:" I'm not your mum!!"


ME: O.o "That was weird, anyway, on with the story!"

{ Eggman, being the naughty moose that he is, is sitting round a campfire with his minions, planing world domination! BWAHAHAHA!!!}

EGGMAN:" The nut job in the brackets is right, the world will be mine! Laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh!!"

OMOCHAO:" I still love you Metal!"

EGGMAN:"…………………… ..Anyway, what was out plan again?"

RASPUTIN:" WHEEEE! Plans! WHEEEE!!" ^________^

ALL: O_o

RASPUTIN:" Oh sorry, I just ate ten billion bags of Rainbow drop Yum-yum Pies!" ^_____^

EGGMAN:" Er, someone else read the plan"

MR. CRYSTAL PENGUIN:" Squawk! Ok, as the brilliant Captain Oats says-"

CAPTAIN OATS:" I'm just going outside for awhile, I may be quite some time……."

{Captain Oats gets ripped apart by the Wolves of winter}


EGGMAN:" Um…….you were saying, Penguin made of Crystal?"

MR. CRYSTAL PENGUIN:" That's MR Crystal Penguin to you!"

{Mr. Crystal Penguin poses in front of a snowstorm background while the Batman theme plays for some reason}

MR. CRYSTAL PENGUIN:" Well that was fun…..Ok, the plan is to get a big boat, sail into the ocean, release a plague apon the world, and sit there laughing while playing football with the Chaos Emeralds"

EGGMAN:" Right, I agree with that plan, but first we need a boat, a plague and the Chaos Emeralds"

{The seven Chaos Emeralds suddenly fall out of the sky and land in front of Eggman}


EGGMAN:" Hurrah! The Chaos Emeralds! Soon the world will be mine!!!"

METAL SONIC:" The wheels are in motion!"

EGGMAN:"……Right, Um, BWAHAHA!!!"

{Meanwhile with the Sonic gang}

SONIC:" I'm tired"

SHADOW:" I'm not surprised"

TAILS:" I'm a fox!"

KNUCKLES:" I'm a hound dog!"

AMY:" I'm getting excited!"

ROUGE:" I'm getting confused…"



{Omochao runs past waving an American flag, which is weird since I'm not American}

OMOCHAO:" I'm naked! NAKED!"

AMY:" Weir all naked, except for us girls" {Poses}

SONIC:" Oh the humanity!"

KNUCKLES:" Weir not Human!"

SONIC:" That's true…….I'm confused!"

{Later on, everyone is upstairs}

ROUGE:" Hey Sonic, why do you have a house with six bedrooms when only you and Tails live here?"

SONIC:" I'm not really sure…."

TAILS:" I think its so that everyone of you has their own room when you stay here"

KNUCKLES:" Ok, but why do you have a room for Amy?"

AMY:" I don't need a room, I can share with Sonikku!!!"

{Amy lunges at Sonic and pounces on him}

SONIC:" Get the hell off me! I only like to date people at least 34 years older than me!"

TAILS:" Yuck, you like old people, your weird"

SONIC:" Hey, I'm not that weird!"

SHADOW:" And I'm not that old!"


{Sonic and Shadow look at each other for a moment}


{They both start screaming and leap away from each other, sadly Sonic doesn't look where he's going and leaps strait out the window that magically appeared behind him}

SONIC:" AGHHH! The pain!!!"

{Shadow then falls backwards out the window and lands on Sonic}

SHADOW:" Hey, that didn't hurt that much!"

SONIC:" Shadow, that's because I broke your fall, and you broke my back…….now get your ass off my crotch and help me up!"

{Meanwhile with Eggman}

EGGMAN:" BWAHAHA! I've got the Chaos Emeralds and now I have a boat!"

OMOCHAO:" WHEEEEEEE!!! Its all going according to plan Eggchild!"

METAL SONIC:" But where are we going to get a plague?"

OMOCHAO:" Couldn't we just release an evil nasty disease on them?"

METAL SONIC:"………….That's what a plague is!"

OMOCHAO:" Oh yeah, I'm gonna go beat some Seagulls"

{Omochao flies off and crashes into a nearby Dog, causing it to explode}

ALL: O_o;

EGGMAN:" Er, lets sail away on the boat before Omochao appears again!"


{Everyone gets on the boat and it sails away}


ME: "Will Omochao catch up with Eggman? Does anyone really care? Find on in the next chapter!"


Er, the end! ^_^