Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Omochao and Eggchild take over the world! Wheeee!! ❯ Eggman steals the Master Emerald! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


OMOCHAO:" Hi, I'm Omochao, I'm here to help you! Did you find the digging tool yet? Be careful not to fall in holes! Last time on Sonic, Eggchild decided that he wanted to take over the world, or something…. So now he's going to find all the Chaos Emeralds! But first he's gone to Angel island and is going to steal the master emerald! Wheeeee!"

EGGMAN:" WHAHAHA! YOSH! Stealing that master emerald was too easy! Oh wait, I haven't stolen it yet…"

{Eggman lands on the island and runs, well, waddles up to the master emerald}

EGGMAN:" Oooooh, pretty!"

METAL SONIC:" Ignore the fibres of life my son"

EGGMAN:" AH! What are you doing here!?"

METAL SONIC:"………Snick snack snick snack!"


METAL SONIC:" Give me pie andromida!"

EGGMAN:" Er….I'm gonna steal the emerald now"

{Metal Sonic collapses to the ground and starts choking, suddenly he coughs up Omochao}


OMOCHAO:" Hi, I'm Omochao! And I'm here to help you! Bye ,bye!"

{Omochao vanishes, taking Metal Sonic with it}

EGGMAN:" Well that was weird"

{Eggman shrugs and grabs the master emerald}

KNUCKLES:" Stop! You thief in the darkness of the darkness!"

SONIC:" Retard!"

KNUCKLES:" Noooooo! You discovered my secret!"

{Knuckles starts crying and Sonic starts to laugh}

OMOCHAO:" To do the bounce attack, press B!"

TAILS:" Give us back the emerald you pervert!"

{Omochao smacks Tails}

OMOCHAO:" Don't be rude to the Eggchild!"

{Tails kicks Omochao}

OMOCHAO:" Your mean! I'm not helping you anymore! I have also cursed you for life!"


{Omochao starts chanting and does a weird dance around Eggman}

SHADOW:" What's happening dudes, yes, I said dudes, not pawns for my master plan, but


ALL: "……"

AMY:" Well you see, like, Eggman, is like, stealing, the, like master emerald, and like-"

{Knuckles ties Amy to Omochao}

OMOCHAO:" Hi, I'm Omochao, we can be best friends!"

AMY:" For the love of god no!"

ROUGE:" WHEEEE! Gold pancakes for all!"

OMOCHAO:" Feel my wrath young specials!"

{Omochao takes out a brick with the word `wrath' painted on it}

OMOCHAO:" Please feel my wrath, it has a toffee filed centre!" ^_^

{Everyone backs away from Omochao}

SONIC:" Come on guys, lets stop Eggman! WHEEEEE!"

ALL:" Great idea Sonic! WHEEEEE!"

METAL SONIC:" Idiots! He left when all you morons first got here!"

KNUCKLES:" Oh no! My master emerald, my poor baby!"

ROUGE:" That emeralds mine!"

{Rouge and Knuckles start fighting and fall into the centre of the Earth}

OMOCHAO:" Come back Eggchild! Till we meet again my darlings!"

{Omochao vanishes in a puff of smoke}

SONIC:" Stupid Eggman! How dare he steal the master emerald!?"

TAILS:" Er, Sonic, without the master emerald, this island is going to fall into the sea…"

SHADOW:" Uh oh…"

{The island shakes and starts to fall towards the sea}

ALL:" HELP US!!!!"

OMOCHAO:" Wheeeee! Me and Eggchild will rule the world, Hehehe, er, to find out what happens next to the poor dumplings, wait for the next chapter! Bye, bye!"

{Omochao explodes}