Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Ozzy ❯ Ozzy v. Arsinoe ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
“Run!” Ozzy yelled to Rouge as they dodged the lasers. “Something tells me we’re getting closer!”
“Oh really! What may I ask gave you that bright idea!” Rouge retorted running along side him.
“Look up ahead!” said Oz sprinting for the double doors. He and Rouge burst through the doors and barricaded them immediately. They looked around and the room was completely dark. “Where are the lights?” Oz asked getting to his feet.
“Ow! You stepped on me!” Rouge said standing up and slapping Ozzy, then she stopped. “Oz?”
Rouge turned away from the door. “You on my left right?”
“No I’m on your right…I think…why?”
“Who did I just slap?” Rouge gulped.
Suddenly the lights came on and Rouge was face to face with a silver hedgehog. The hedgehog reared her fist back and went to punch Rouge. Rouge ducked and Oz got the full blow.
Oz was knocked down to his knees. He looked up and saw the female hedgehog. “Arsinoe.”
Arsinoe kicked Ozzy across the face. Oz went sliding across the concrete floor. Rouge was taking advantage of the situation and making her way for the core of the facility.
“Ozzy! You stay here and take care of she devil over there and I’ll get Isis.”
Oz was thrown across the room and hit the wall. “No problem.” He grunted as he stood back up. He watched Rouge sprint out of the room. He braced himself against the wall.
He and Arsinoe were sizing up one another. Arsinoe was a head shorter then Ozzy. She seemed a few years younger then him, by like two or three. Her silver fur glistened in the ultraviolet lights and her yellow eyes burned with malice. She wore combat boots with black and gray camo pants and a black tank top that hugged her form. Oz thought her attire suited her. He smirked, to bad she’s the bad guy he thought to himself.
(A/N: XD Leave it to Oz to have a perverted moment before he dies!)
Arsinoe was given strict orders to kill the intruders. Her opponent didn’t look like much of a challenge. But she was taught not to underestimate even the most pathetic looking of rivals.
She eyed her prey as he stood to his feet.
Ozzy took a step forward and then another and another until he was only a few feet from Arsinoe. Arsinoe stood her ground ready for anything. They circled each other keeping their eyes on one another. It was a game. Who would make the first move? Ok this is where all that that training pays off, Oz thought. This is really going to hurt. He threw the first punch, Arsinoe moved to counter it, he faked her out, spun and kicked her in the chest. She didn’t even move! Oz gulped. “How about we settle this with a nice game of cards?”
Arsinoe backhanded him and sent him to the ground. Oz rolled over on his back. He blinked trying to clear the stars from his head. He had to think of something fast. A thought stuck him and he got up and stealthily slipped a knife from his wrist. He faced Arsinoe and smirked. “Time to see if you bleed.” He threw the knife.
The force of the throw made Arsinoe stumble and turn from Oz a little. When she faced him she smiled and held the knife with her mid and fore finger.
Oz’s jaw dropped. “No frickin way!”
Arsinoe’s eyes narrowed, “Your turn.” She threw the knife before Oz could even blink; it hit him in his shoulder. “Are you done testing me now?”
Oz growled and pulled the knife out dropping it on the ground, “You pass with flying colors.” He looked ate her skeptically. “Why not a lethal blow?”
Arsinoe smirked, “I like slow and painful. I’m not much for the instant death deal.”
Oz nodded, “Which is why you’re a psycho.”
“You’re only delaying the inevitable.” Arsinoe said as she walked up to him.
Oz took a step back each time she took a step. “Yeah, I don’t see a problem with that.” His back hit the wall.
Arsinoe was only a few inches from him. “Don’t worry. After you I plan on finishing your friend.”
Oz glared at her his anger rising. “That’s if you live.”
Arsinoe swung but Oz ducked and kicked her feet from under her. She jumped back up but Oz was ready for her. As soon as she was up Oz slid another knife from his wrist. Arsinoe grabbed his wrist and squeezed until he dropped the blade. Oz fell down to one knee and Arsinoe punched him in the face and kicked him to the ground. Oz rolled and stumbled to his feet. Blood was pouring from his face and his shoulder. He wiped some out of his eye and growled in frustration. It was all or nothing. He ran at Arsinoe and tackled her. He fell on top of her and before she could react he had her neck in a death grip. Effortlessly she ripped his hands from her throat and punched him away as if he were a pest.
“I’m getting bored. I just might kill you now.” Arsinoe said as she brushed herself off.
Oz was on one knee and panting. “Oh yeah? Well I’m just getting warmed up.”
Arsinoe grabbed him by the throat and lifted him into the air. “I hope your friend is more amusing.”
Oz roared, “I swear if you touch-“ He gasped and gripped her wrist as she squeezed.
“What could you possibly do to me?” She smiled. “It’s been fun.” She threw him down into the ground, so hard that he bounced up.
Oz couldn’t believe it was going to end here. It couldn’t end here. But there was no chance of him ever surviving this mission anyway. He lay with his face in the floor. His blood began forming a pool beneath him. Arsinoe pushed him over with her foot. He could barely see her; his eyes were so swollen.
She bent down over him, “You’re going to die knowing you are a failure. You fail your mission, protecting your dear friend Tye, Tino, and you’re partner.”
Something clicked in Oz’s head. “That was you? You did that to Tye?”
Arsinoe laughed, it gave Oz the shivers. “Congrats, you figured it out.” She smiled down at him, “How is the cripple? To bad she didn’t die. Oh well she’ll join you soon enough.”
Oz grabbed her ankles and pulled her feet from under her. He jumped up and kicked Arsinoe in the side. She rolled away from him and stood up. Her eyes widened a little and then smiled amused. “So you still have some fight left?”
Oz took his stance, his face cold and emotionless. Arsinoe took her stance as well. Once again they were at a stand still, sizing each other up. This time Arsinoe made the first move. She threw punch after punch and Oz blocked each one.
She swung with her right but Oz caught her by her wrist, while twisting it he spun around and swept her legs from under her, as she fell he elbowed her in the stomach. Arsinoe rolled backwards into a crouching position. Oz attempted to kick but she blocked it and spun to sweep his legs from under him but he jumped up and spun again and kicked her across the face. Arsinoe skidded across the floor but quickly jumped back to her feet. She ran at Oz and sent him into a wall with a drop kick. Oz stood leaning against the wall, before he could shake off the blow Arsinoe came at him again. Oz ducked and she ended up punching the wall. Oz maneuvered behind her and grabbed her from behind locking her arms at her sides. Arsinoe put her feet on the wall for support and kicked off doing a back flip over Oz. In mid flip Oz jumped up and kicked her down to the ground using the force of her flip to make the impact even harder. Arsinoe bounced up off the ground and rolled away from the lynx.
Oz stood panting and waiting for Arsinoe to get back up. He watched her as she slowly stood up and noticed blood trickling down her chin and the cut above her eye. They glared at each other murderously. One of them definitely wasn’t going to walk away from this alive.
They both ran at each other and jumped into the air; with lightening speed Oz kicked Arsinoe’s foot down and kneed her in the face. Arsinoe flew through the air and collided with the wall the same time Oz landed on the ground and he sped toward her. As she bounced off the wall he did a roundhouse kick sending her through the wall.
Oz started walking toward the hole and a boulder came flying out at him. He ducked barely missing it. Arsinoe stepped out over the rubble panting. Oz wiped the trickling blood from his chin as she came out. After a short pause they were in another whirl wind of punches, kicks, spins, and flips. When one was winning the other would pick up and fight even harder.
As the fight came to an end an alarm went off. “Attention, base will self destruct in 15 minutes.”
Oz hesitated for a moment and Arsinoe grabbed his arm and flipped him over on the ground. He quickly jumped back up and caught Arsinoe’s foot as she tried to kick him. She flipped over and kicked him with her other foot. Oz staggered back and regained his bearings. Arsinoe came at him from the side. She ran, jumped up in the air rolling she wrapped her legs around his neck, flipping him to the ground. Her feet were still around his neck when they fell to the ground and she squeezed as hard as she could. Oz extracted his claws and dug them into her legs. She didn’t budge so he dragged his claws shredding the meat. She yelled and kicked him in the chest and pushed him away.
Arsinoe and Oz stood up as much as their beaten bodies would allow them. They both were hunched over with their hands resting on their knees panting and sweating.
Oz started to worry about Rouge. He shook his head. He had to stay focused on the task at hand. He couldn’t help her if he was dead. With that he looked up at Arsinoe. His gaze stone and determined.
Arsinoe started to get a little irritated. She didn’t think he would last this long, the pathetic pest. She looked up and her eyes locked with his. She knew that look. Any predator had that look when they were about to make their kill. She felt a wave of fear sweep through her. She might actually lose.
Oz came at her and hit her in the jaw with an upper cut. He hit her so hard she flipped over onto her back. Before she could react he picked her up by her collar and punched her in the face again and again, then he threw her into the wall. She hit the wall and her unconscious self-slid down to the floor. He walked over to her and grabbed her by the wrist, “It’s time to see mommy,” he said as he dragged out.
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