Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Reluctant Reunion ❯ Confessions ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: All Sonic Team characters are owned by Sega. Deacon Sparks and Kane are both owned by me, JerseyDevil.
Chapter 4: Confessions
Setting: Right where chapter 3 left off
Shadow held his right cheek where Rouge had slapped him. He was overcome with confusion and grief.
“What the hell did you slap me for?” shout Shadow at Rouge.
Rouge crossed her arms and gave Shadow and angry look. “Oh, so now you care about us! Only took you a couple of years!” she said in a pissed off tone. She turned away from Shadow and started to walk away from him. Shadow's confusion soon turned into anger.
“God dammit, Rouge! I just saved you from that asshole and this is what you do?!” shouted Shadow angrily. Rouge did not respond as she walked down to the burnt-down building.
“What the hell did you do, Shadow? She is pissed off at you,” asked Deak.
“It's probably the fact that I was gone,” responded Shadow. They proceded to follow Rouge back to the van that the Chaotix were in. During that entire time, nobody spoke a single word.
Shadow could not help feeling guilty about what happened in Westopolis. “This is all my damn fault. If I had just stayed here, not of this would have happened. Rouge's right to be pissed off at me,” was all he could think of during the walk back. After ten minutes, they finally arrived at the van.
The creak of the door attracted the attention of Vector, Espio and Charmy. Upon hearing it, they all got ready to fight. However, a look of relief came over their faces when Rouge passed through.
“Oh man! We were worried about you Rouge,” said a relieved Vector, who was leaning against the hood of the van, “Are you O.K.?”
“Yeah, I'm fine,” responded the white bat.
“Thanks to us,” said a voice from the door. It was Shadow who was coming through with Deak following him. Rouge ignored his comments and got in the van.
Vector got in the driver's seat of the van and said to Shadow, “Come with us to our headquarters. We'll fill you in about everything and you can crash there for the night.” Shadow proceded to get into the van and sat in the seat opposite Rouge, with Charmy in between them. Deak got in the far back of the trunk, which was a large space behind the back seats.
“Can we swing by the area we came and get my bike?” asked Deak. Vector nodded and they were off. It was a five minute ride to Deak's bike. He got out of the van and hopped on his motorcycle. Vector opened the driver side window and popped his head out.
“Follow us to our headquarters and be careful. There might still be a few clone soldiers and robots hanging around in the streets so keep an eye out for them,” warned Vector. Deak gave Vector a nod and they both made their way toward the Chaotix headquarters. The streets were paved with debris, ash, brunt buildings and rotting corpses. After a fifteen minute ride through Westopolis, they reached the Chaotix headquartes, which were right outside of the city in a nearby forest area.
Everyone got out of the van (And in Deak's case, of his motorcycle) and made their way inside of the building, which was a bone color and was constructed with stone. They made their way through the wooden front door and the took a seat in the main room by a round, wooden table. Vector sat at the head of it while everyone gathered around it, except for Deak.
“Hey Vector, you got anything to eat?” asked the hungry porcupine. Vector pointed toward a blue refrigerator in the kitchen. Deak immediately rushed toward it and raided the fridge for something to eat.
Shadow took a seat next to Vector and asked, “So, what has been going on here?”
Vector took a deep breath and began, “It all started two months ago. Tails was reported missing and nobody could find out where he went to. Sonic was distraught at this that he completely devoted himself to finding Tails. He ignored his other duties as a crime fighter and put all of his attention in finding Tails. About three weeks ago, he received a tip that Tails was being held captive at Prison Island and dashed off there as soon as he heard. Nobody has seen him since. We were going to organize a search party a week ago but then this Kane fellow came by and started attacking Westopolis so we had to focus on that. I'm pretty sure that Kane is behind both the disappearances of Sonic and Tails. If we want to defeat Kane, we must go to Prison Island and see if Sonic and Tails are there.”
“So when are we going?” asked Shadow.
“Hold up, Shadow. We can't go just yet. I've arranged a helicopter to pick us up tomorrow afternoon to take us to Angel Island,” informed Vector.
“What are we going there for?” inquired the black hedgehog.
“We can't take down Kane alone. We're gonna need some help. We're going to Angel Island in order to get Knuckles to help us. Cream and Amy are already there asking him to join us,” responded Vector.
“Knuckles?! He won't join us. I'm sure all he cares about is his stupid emerald,” said Shadow angrily.
“At least he cares about something besides himself,” said Rouge and she stormed out of the room.
“Wow, that is one pissed off woman!” said Deak with his mouth half full. He was stuffing his mouth with Chinese food from the fridge. Vector sighed to himself and gave Shadow a serious look.
“You're gonna have to talk to her before we leave tomorrow. This mission against Kane is very important and we can't have dysfunction in the group,” said Vector
“Why do I have to talk to her?” complained Shadow.
“Because she's pissed off at you. You two need to settle your differences before we do this,” chimed in Espio, who was sitting on the other side of Vector.
“Well, she probably doesn't want to talk to me right now,” said Shadow.
Vector nodded in agreement and said, “Good point. Wait until tomorrow mourning to talk. She's probably still emotional about seeing you. We should let her cool her emotions before you two sort this out.”
Shadow sulked in his chair. “Fine,” he responded, “I'll talk to her tomorrow.”
Deak went over to the leather couch in the room next to the main room. He sat down on the couch and put his feet on the table. He noticed a stack of playing cards one the far end of the table. He picked them and shuffled them.
“Anyone up for some poker?” he asked, looking at everyone else.
Setting: 2 hours later
“Full House! Three queens and a pair of sevens. Pay up, bitch,” exclaimed Deak as he won yet another hand, his fifth in a row. Deak had just cleared everyone out of money. He eagerly grabbed the cash in the middle of the table.
“Damn it, Deak. You cleared everyone out,” said Espio in frustration. He slammed his cards, which had pairs of both aces and jacks.
“Time for some celebration music!” said Deak as he approached the stereo on a nearby table. He turned on the radio and put it on a high volume. Instantly loud rap music went blaring through the speakers.
“Hell Yeah! This is the shit!” said Deak as he danced along to the music and started reciting the lyrics of the song.
Insert Lyrics Here”
Meanwhile, Shadow had been staring out of a near by window into the moonlight. He was too deep in thought to enjoy a card game. “Why am I feeling so bad about Rouge? I saved her from being Kane's prisoner and rape victim. So what if I had gone away? I have a right to start over and leave my past behind me. I'm the one who should be pissed off. She nearly tricked me into thinking that this disaster was my fault,” he thought to himself. Shadow decided he was too tired to continue thinking so hard and he got up.
“I'm tired, it's been a long day. I'm going to sleep, see you all in the mourning,” he said as he made his way to the spiral staircase at the corner of the main room.
“There's an empty guest room at end of the hallway upstairs. You can use that one. As for you, Deak, I guess you're sleeping on the couch,” said Vector. Deak was not paying attention as he continued rapping the lyrics of the song.
Shadow continued to make his way up the stairs until he reached the second floor. He started to make his way down the hallway to the empty bedroom until his ears picked up a sound.
“It sounds like, somebody...not just somebody, Rouge!” Shadow said to himself. Then he heard a sniffling sound followed by a whimper, “And she's crying.” Shadow made his way to the door from where the crying was coming from and began to move his hand toward the knob, but he moved it away.
“No, it's none of my business,” Shadow said to himself, “Let her have her space. She hates me anyway.” He started to walk away but something in the back of his head said, “What the hell are you doing Shadow. Rouge hates you because she thinks that you don't care. Go in there and show her that you do!”
“Fuck!” Shadow said to himself. He made his way to the door and opened it. In there he saw Rouge lying on her side on her bed crying. She turned around to face the visitor. When she turned around, Shadow got a good look at her face. Her eyes were puffy red and the tears had left her cheeks stained with mascara that had been washed off.
“What do you want, Shadow?” she said in as stern tone.
“I didn't come for a fight, Rouge. I just wanted to see why you were crying. Is it because Kane nearly raped you?” asked Shadow. Rouge turned her face away from Shadow. She got off her bed and picked up a lamp, which was on the nightstand next to her, and tossed it in Shadow's direction. Shadow dodge the lamp by Chaos Control and ended up on the side of the bed Rouge was on.
“What the fu-” said Shadow, but he was unable to finish his sentence when Rouge interrupted him.
“You just don't get it Shadow. You never will. You're so selfish and you'll never change,” said Rouge, who was on the verge of tears. Shadow was now fuming.
“Holy shit, Rouge! What the hell do yo want. Do you want me to tell you why I left? If I do, will you tell me what's pissing you off so much?!” screamed Shadow.
“Fine! Tell me why you had to abandon us! Abandon me!” Rouge barked back.
“Okay! After I fought Black Doom, I wanted to but my past behind me. I couldn't do that if I stayed so I left and started over.” said Shadow. Rouge did not look pleased at this answer. She knew there was something else on Shadow's mind.
“That's not the whole answer, Shadow, isn't it?” she responded.
Shadow threw his hands in the air and said, “What are you talking about, Rouge? I told you why.”
“There's something else. That's not the entire reason!”
“What the hell do you want?!”
“I want the truth!”
“I told you the truth!”
“No, you didn't,” said Rouge and she began to cry. Through her tears she hollered, “Why did you have to leave?! Why, Shadow? What was here that could have reminded you of the past?!”
“YOU, ROUGE!” yelled Shadow. Rouge could not believe what she heard.
“You're a constant reminder of her!!”
“Of who?”
“Maria! You remind me of Maria and that makes me afraid!”
“Afraid of what?”
“Afraid that I would fall in love with you!! I loved Maria once and she died. I don't want to love anyone one, I couldn't stand the heartbreak of losing someone I love!” said Shadow. “Did I just tell her that!” he thought to himself. He began to walk away
Rouge was in disbelief in what she had just heard. He whispered under her breath, “I love you too, Shadow.”
Shadow stopped in his tracks. He turned his head around to Rouge and said, “What did you say, Rouge?”
Rouge, who still had some tears in her eyes, glanced at Shadow. All of her emotions had been bottled in and now they were ready to explode.
“I love you, Shadow! You wanted know why I slapped you earlier and that was because I loved you and when you disappeared my heart was broken. I was pissed off at you for breaking my heart but more pissed off at myself for loving you. I tried not to but I can do it anymore. God dammit, Shadow, I love you!”
A tear slid down her cheek and she said, “But now I know you don't want to love me and I can understand.” she began to walk away from Shadow, but he grabbed her shoulder.
“Shadow...What are you-mph?!”
Shadow had pressed his lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around his upper back and kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around her back and slid them down to her waist. He licked her teeth and her lips parted, allowing his tongue to enter her mouth. Their tongues began massaging each other and their grips grew tighter and they began kissing more passionately. Shadow pulled his head away after a while.
“I love you, too, Rouge. I'm done with denying my emotions,” he whispered. Rouge had tears of joy streaming down her face. She pulled Shadow my his chest fur and threw him onto her bed. She climbed on top of him and pulled down her pants. Shadow knew instantly what Rouge had on her mind.
“Are you sure you want this?” he asked, not wanting to take advantage of her emotions. Rouge gave him a kiss on the lips and said, “More than anything, Shadow. I love you so much.” Shadow pulled the covers over them and they continued until the wee hours of the mourning.
Setting: The next mourning
Shadow woke after a long night. He looked beside and saw that Rouge was half asleep with her face on his chest fur. She gazed up into his eyes and gave him a kiss on the lips. He brushed her hair lovingly and turned around. However, when he saw Deak, with his arms crossed, a huge smirk on his face and smoking a cigarette.
He chuckled to himself, pulled out his pack of cigarettes and jokingly asked, “Can I offer you either one of you a smoke?” Shadow and Rouge both gave him death glares. Deak put his pack back in his belt and proceeded to walk downstairs. Shadow sat up on the edge of the bed. He let out a sigh and began scratching the back of his head.
Rouge sat up behind him and started massaging his shoulders. “Don't worry about him. All that matters is how he feel for each other,” she said. Shadow nodded in agreement and the two made their way downstairs. When they reached downstairs, everyone was looking at them.
“Well, I see that you two settled your differences,” said Vector, who was half smirking. Shadow and Rouge both gave Vector death glares.
“How had to tell everyone, didn't you Deak?” said Shadow, who was irked at the moment.
“C'mon, Shadow! We're only screwing around with you. If you and Rouge wanna be more than buddies, go ahead. I promise I won't give you shit,” apologized Deak. Then a buzzing noise was heard from the stairs. Charmy made his way down the stairs. He was half-asleep and had bags under his eyes.
“Wow, Charmy, you look horrible,” said a concerned Espio.
“I feel horrible, Espio. I didn't get any sleep last night,” said Charmy.
“Why not?” asked Vector.
“Well, I was laying in my bed but I was hearing noises. Loud, banging noises. It sounded like a ghost because I heard moaning as well, but I'm too old to believe in ghosts,” explained Charmy, “It's really weird. I've never had to deal with these things before.” Shadow ad Rouge's cheeks turned bright red from embarrassment.
“Charmy, come here. I need to explain some things to you,” said Deak. Charmy followed Deak's instruction and flew over to Deak. He lowered his head to Charmy's ears and whispered in his ears all the details of “the birds in the bees”. Charmy's face gave off a look of complete shock. He stared at Shadow and Rouge with his mouth wide open.
“EWWWW!” said Charmy in disgust, “You guys are disgusting!” Deak was now rolling on the floor in laughter and everyone else followed, expect, of course, Shadow and Rouge, who were immensely embarrassed. Charmy then flew upstairs to get some sleep.
Settings: 3 PM the same day
A black helicopter landed in front of the Chaotix headquarters. Vector was hanging around outside when it landed. He rushed inside and shouted, “The helecopter's here, come out and get on.”
Everyone soon rushed outside and climbed onto the helicopter. Vector got in the passanger seat.
“Where to, Vec?” said the pilot.
“Angel Island, Bruno! Thanks for coming on such short notice,” said Vector. Bruno put the helecopter in gear and it took off, headed to Angel Island.
Wow, this chapter was probably the longest chapter I've ever written. Well, a lot of things happened and I wanted to get most of the dialogue out of the way. There's still a little bit in the next chapter but the rest of that chapter will be mostly action.
Well, keep on with the reviews and thanks to everyone who has.