Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic vs. the Pumpkin Master ❯ Pumpkin Ville ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]

“Wow! This place is beautiful!” said Cream, looking at the scenic village of Pumpkin Ville. “Ah, the golden autumn leaves barely resting on the trees. The deep blue of the beautiful sky, the glistening of the lake, the colonial buildings, this place seems so oblivious of time and the evils going on in the world… it feels so peaceful here,” said Knuckles, breathing in the fresh air.
“Wow, he is so deep, I didn't know that Echidna boy here had a sensitive side, it's kinda cute,” thought Rouge.
“Come, the mayors office is this way!” said Tikal as she motioned the others to follow her.
They walked across a golden-polled bridge that had a clear creek below it. Very brightly colored fish were happily swimming downstream.
The village was composed of many colonial buildings, such as a blacksmith's building, an old-fashioned chapel, and many shops full of odd things.
“This village seems to be frozen in time, like it was left in the 1600s,” thought Amy aloud.
“It only looks like that, residence around here are way more comfortable with the simple life,” explained Tikal.
“Oh, like the Amish?”
“Well, not exactly, Amy. The people around here are a little more… exotic, an-”
Tikal ran into someone, and it knocked her over.
“Oh, I'm very sorry, ma'am, let me help you up”
A very tall, very pale man lifted Tikal up and got her back up on her feet.
“Thank you, oh, hello Boris!”
“Tikal? Wow, I barely recognized you, it's been what… 140 years?”
“Now, what brings you here?”
“We must speak to the Mayor immediately, it is very important”
“Well, do you remember where it is?”
“Yeah, it's the brick building with the golden gate, right?”
“Correct, I hope you and you're friends get everything sorted out.
Boris looked behind Tikal, and starred at the others. His very small red eyes seemed to glare into their very souls. His fangs were white and he seemed to be drooling. His bald head was glistening in the sunlight.
“Well, come on everybody! We must hurry!” Tikal beckoned the others, and none of them hesitated to follow.
“Good luck, everybody!” Boris said slowly.
“Who was that?” asked Amy.
“That was Boris, he is one of the dayside vampire heads, he is one of the very few vampires that have adapted into living in constant daylight… don't worry, I know he looks intimidating, but he is a very kind creature”
“Vampires? But I thought they weren't real!” said Cream, uneasily.
“Hmm, just like they aren't real?” asked Rouge, pointing at people in their yards.
There were many kinds of “people” in the village. One such person was a rather large lady with green skin, and long, purple hair that stuck up. A little creature poked its head out every couple of seconds. She had a shiny pink dress that looked a little too tight on her. Another person was an extremely beautiful woman with long, wavy golden hair that she was brushing with a silver brush. She had very deep, blue eyes, and wore a long, gray dress. Little kids were running around on the brick street, they were tossing a head.
“Ew, that's nasty!” yelled Amy, unaware of how loud she was. Apparently, the kids heard her, because the one with the head threw it at Amy, and she caught it.
“OH, MY GOD! EEEEWWWWW!” She threw the head back to the kids so hard that it hit one of them in the face and he flew back.
“EEEEEWWWWW! WHERE'S MY HAND SANITIZER? AAHHH!” she ran up to where Sonic was walking and wrapped tightly around his arm.
“Sonic, can I walk up here with you? It's kinda creepy here…”
“Sure, but let go of me!”
“Okay, Sonic”
They reached the brick building with the golden gate. It was a four-story building with huge windows.
On the other side of it was the huge lake; it was glistening in the sunlight. Far on the other side of the lake, an island could barely be seen. A very mysterious and very beautiful song was being sung. It was coming from a beautiful woman that was sitting on a rock out on the lake. She had long, black hair and a dress that seemed to be made out of feathers.
Tikal called on a creature that sat on top of the gate. It was a small, green creature with yellow eyes and huge bat wings that was twice the size of the creature itself.
“Excuse me, Imp… but I must see the Mayor!”
“Very well, but there will be a small waiting period!”
“How long?”
“Oh, I'd say about 450 years! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!”
“Well, since you put it that way, go right on in! Her office is on the 3rd floor!”
The Imp jumped off of its post and hit a button, and the gate slowly opened, and they walked into the yard. As Knuckles passed he glared at the Imp with angry eyes, and it quickly flew up back to its post.
They entered the building. The first floor was just a huge hallway with seven portraits.
Portrait #1: A very attractive young lady with long, curly blonde hair. She has blue, mischievous eyes and a rose-red dress.
Portrait #2: A pretty lady with green eyes, a green dress, and jet-black hair.
Portrait #3: A gorgeous woman with what seems like wavy, blue hair. She has eyes as blue as the ocean, and a blue dress.
Portrait #4: A well-built man with everything covered but his dark green eyes.
Portrait #5: A handsome man in a cape, he has spiky jet-black hair and blue eyes. He wears a cape and wealds a sword.
Portrait #6: An intelligent-looking lad with shaggy blonde hair and hazel eyes, in his right hand, he has a book entitled: CREATURES OF THE DARKSIDE.
Portrait#7: A nice-looking young man with spiky, brown hair and brown eyes. His fists are clenched and fire is surrounding them.
They came to the end of the hallway; all that was left was an elevator with one last portrait hanging above it. The portrait is of a young woman with black hair and blue eyes. She wears a black dress and has a necklace with a sun-shaped carved diamond on it.
The elevator opened by itself.
“Come, we must go to the 3rd floor” said Tikal.
They all walked in the elevator, which was surprisingly spacious.
There were four buttons:
Floor 1: Lobby
Floor 2: Defense against the Darkside
Floor 3: Mayor's Office
Floor 4: Dayside Council Hall
Cheese flew to where the buttons were and hit the 3rd floor button. None of the felt the elevator move, but when the door opened, they were in a different room. It was a dim room (this was because there were red curtains covering the huge window).
The room had many shelves piled with books and bottles and other such things.
The table at the far end of the room had a big crystal ball in the middle of it.
“Can I help you?” asked a kind voice.
“Who said that?” asked Knuckles.
“That would be me!”
A chair behind the table turned over to reveal a woman.
“Hey! That's the woman in the painting! She's hot!” said Knuckles.
Rouge slapped Knuckles across the face.
“Hey! What was that for?”
“Hmm, nothing” said Rouge angrily.
“Tikal! How have you been?” asked the woman.
“Not very well, Sarah… the Pumpkin Master has returned”
“W-what? Are you sure?”
“Yes, and he took the Chaos Emeralds!”
“This is terrible! And his fortress is so close to this village!”
“Don't worry, Sarah… my friends here will defeat him!”
“What are you talking about? These kids can't possibly defeat one of the greatest dark sorcerers ever to walk the Earth!”
“These `kids' defeated the creature of destruction and they defeated a great monster created by science… and they match the prophecy… there are seven of them, and there are seven here! Trust me, they will be victorious!”
“Hmm, very well! You've never been wrong before… I'll trust your words! But remember… these seven are responsible for the safety of this whole world, one wrong move could doom us all!”
“Huh, that's nothing new! Don't worry, lady! We'll kick this guy's butt!” said Sonic, confidently.
“Hmm, don't underestimate the Pumpkin Master… he has extremely powerful dark magic at his disposal! 2000 years ago, most that stood against him fell to his feet! You must be careful! Furthermore, it's not just this world that is in danger… once he takes control of this world… he will go after yours! So promise me you will be careful!”
“Okay, We will be! Now, how do we get to his fortress?”
“Well, there is good news… his fortress lies on the island across the lake, and the only way to get there is by boat. The boat is a five-star cruise ship! And I give you eight tickets to get onboard! It takes six hours to get there, so you might as well relax before the fight of your lives!”
“Well, actually… you only need seven tickets… because I must leave! I wish you all good luck! Farewell!” said Tikal as she vanished in a flash of light.
“Alright! Let's get on that ship!” yelled Sonic.
“Hey, can you tell us how to get to the ship?” asked Tails.
“Hmm, just keep going down the street until you reach the docks… the ship is on the seventh dock, here are the tickets!”
“Okay, now let's GO!” Sonic ran to the elevator, and the others followed him.
“Be careful!” yelled Sarah.
What kind of dangers await our heroes on the island? Who knows what will happen?