Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Who ❯ Bad Wolf ( Chapter 1 )

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Hey There!!!
This is my first go at a Fan-Fic so it probably won't be that good. But I am open to comments! Please R&R!
My e-mail address is
Sonic Who
The Characters are as follows:
Sonic-Sonic Who
Amy-Rose Tyler
Shadow-Captain Jack
Rouge-Jackie Tyler
Daniel (Me)-Mickey
Tails-Contestant on Big Brother
Knuckles-Contestant on The Weakest Link
Robotnik-Leader of the botniks.
Chapter 1: Bad Wolf
As Sonic woke up he suddenly found that he was not in the TARDIS and shouted `Where am I?' and `What's Happening?' as he done this he hit the door open and stumbled outside. As Sonic fell to the ground Tails came over and helped him up. As he was doing this he said to Sonic that `no one had told them he was coming'. Then after Tails had picked Sonic up he asked him what his name was and sonic replied with `what happened?' Then Tails said that he had been chosen. Sonic said `what for?' Tails replied instantaneously with `you're a housemate' and `you're in the house.' Suddenly there was a voice which said `would sonic please come to the diary room.' Sonic walked towards the door and pressed the button then walked in to find a big red chair. He sat on it and then the voice said `you are live on channel 2054 please do not swear' and then with a surprised look on his face, Sonic replied `You have got to be kidding.'
Then, somewhere else completely different from Sonic was Rose. She had also just woken up when Knuckles came over to her and she said `What happened?' Knuckles replied `that's the transmat, it scrambles your head up' and he went on to say `what's your name?' She replied `Rose' and then said `where's Sonic' and then out of nowhere Knuckles said `remember do what the Anne-Droid says' and `Its word is the law.' Rose then said `what do you mean Anne-Droid, like a robot?' Then someone in the background shouted `positions please' and then Knuckles said to Rose `come on, get up.' As they both walked to their podiums Rose said `I was traveling with Sonic and a man called Captain Jack. They wouldn't just leave me.' She walked up to her podium and said `I must be going mad, it can't be, this looks like… oh my god the Anne-Droid.' The Anne-Droid said `Welcome to the weakest link.'