Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ Eavesdropping ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Marron and Gateau are not mine, if they were the world's supply of lubricant would be in serious jeopardy. Quick, stock up now!


"Look at me!" Gateau shouted as he dashed into the living room. Marron had been enjoying some quality time with a good book and looked up silently at the blonde's interruption.

"Gateau," he stated calmly.

"Its raining out," Gateau said, proceeding to strip out of his shirt, flexing his developed pecs several times in the process.

"Yes, I know," Marron answered. His eyes locked on Gateau's rippling muscles.

"It'll be dark soon." Gateau approached the couch, taking a seat on the end opposite Marron. He began removing his boots.

"Yes," Marron sat down the book he was reading, placing his glasses on top of it to watch as Gateau removed his jeans and thinking that the blond should put them in the drier.

"Do you want to go to bed?" Gateau winked, brushing a hand over Marron's cheek but then retreating.

"Not with you," Marron responded. His hands lifted to the collar of his robe and he carefully began to undo the clasps there. Soon the robe fell off his shoulders, pooling around his waist in a pile of white folds.

"Are you sure?" Gateau questioned, leaning over to press Marron back to lie against the arm of the couch and encountering no argument as he began removing the mage's simple white shoes.

"Quite sure," he answered. Pale hands worked at the maroon sash, soon dropping it to the floor. Gateau managed to remove his pants and robe, leaving him quite naked and very aware that the sofa was made of a very soft velvet material.

"But won't you be lonely?" His own underwear was dropped atop Marron's clothes and he shifted to place one leg between Marron's and the other to the side to get his balance. The mage's body was warm beneath his own as he lent over to place the first kiss on waiting lips.

"Not at all, Gateau, I have my book," but not a look was cast at the book laying on the coffee table. Golden eyes had closed fast as Gateau's' mouth descended on one of his nipples.

"If you take me over that book we can--"

"Gateau!" The name had seemed to be meant to cut off ant improper suggestions, but in truth Gateau's tanned thigh had come into quite close contact with a rather sensitive and rather hard bit of Marron's anatomy.

"Well, I won't say I'm sorry." He moved down, shifting his stance on the couch so that his hands were on either side of Marron's hips. Soon his mouth was upon the mage's erection, moving up and down and leaving it up to Marron to continue the conversation.

"You should not say things like--ah!"

"Mm?" Gateau asked, unable to talk.

"Like that. I am sure you would be better off if..." he paused as his eyes closed, trying to keep certain things silent as Gateau worked wonders on his lower regions. "If you spent more...reading."

Rising up, blue eyes met gold ones. "I have better things to do."

"I'm sure," the statement was full of sarcasm, but Marron smiled as Gateau lifted him from the cushions. Warm hands directed him to turn around. He laid so that his elbows were propped against the blue arm of the sofa, and his knees were bent so as to present his perfectly round bottom in the air. Familiar as it was, this gained another blush from him.

"I have no interest in your," Gateau inserted one finger to a small intake of breath, still Marron continued to talk, "hobbies."

"Well, you should try them before you decide for sure. We could go out on Saturday," Marron rocked against his hand and he withdrew it. Gently he leaned down to place a light kiss on his love's spine, a warning of what was to come.

"Certainly not," Marron responded. Gateau positioned himself, pressing the tip of his erection against Marron's entrance and seeing the other nod as he brought a delicate hand to his lips.

"Oh come on," the last syllable was prolonged as he slid into Marron. He ran a gentle hand over his friend's back, trying to make up for the pain as he watched Marron bit down on one of his knuckles. "We could go dancing."

"Go by yourself," he managed in a whispered tone that might have passed for suppressed anger if one couldn't see Gateau's hand reaching around to stroke his member as he rocked back and forth under the weight of the bigger man.

"OH! Come on," He repeated as he thrust deep, "you know it takes two to tango."

"I am afraid I don't know the steps to that one," Marron leaned forward, leading Gateau to hit his prostate with nearly every entrance. His breath was starting to hitch.

"I'm a fantastic teacher," he sped up, feeling his own end approaching.

"Gateau!" Marron cried, once again as if in angered indignation but the truth was to be seen as his white seed fell over Gateau's wearied hand and onto the cushion beneath.

"YES!" Gateau returned, not quite able to make it a question as he emptied his essence deep inside his lover.

Marron lie panting against the couch as Gateau pulled out, setting back. Lifting his head from the arm, he spoke, "Just go to bed Gateau."

"Alone?" The blond pouted as he pulled his underwear on, tossing his wet jeans and shirt over his shoulder. He pulled a tissue from a nearby box and began to gently clean up the mess he had made. Marron allowed him to do so.

"Yes, alone," the dark haired boy smiled. Standing he turned to pull on his pants as Gateau wiped at what would be the new mysterious stain on the living room couch.

"Are you sure?" he reached for Marron's sash, tying the knot himself.

"Quite sure," Marron smiled, settling back onto the couch and picking up his book.

Gateau bent down, leaning close he placed a soft kiss on Marron's cheek. "See you in the morning beautiful."

And then he walked away, Marron put on his glasses, and the door to the adjoining study opened to admit Carrot. The older Glace brother missed Gateau's half-naked escape up the stairs by mere second as he plopped down on the couch.

"Don't let him get to you ototo."

"Niisan? You were listening?"

"Yeah. Don't worry though; if he ever tried anything I'll give him what for. Nobody messes with my little brother without me knowing it."

"Thank you, Niisan."

"Say Marron, I could teach you to tango if you want..."


Notes: Review and I might let you see Marron's dance lessons...

Her Supreme Omni-potence,
Miko No Hoshi