Sorcerer Stabber Orphen Fan Fiction ❯ It's in the Family ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: The usual, I don't own any of the characters in SSO.

This is set after Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Revenge. This is based off the Anime only and the English ADV versions at that. Warning Spoilers!

Author's note: The language will get rough from time to time as our heroes' frustration level rises and believe me, their frustration level will rise. Also, you will notice that the characters have changed and may be somewhat OOC. Please keep in mind the events that happened in It's in the Blood and remember that will have far reaching effects... that said I am doing my best to keep them in character.

Chapter 6 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Hartia stuck his head in the kitchen one morning, several days after Azalie's last visit and about ten days after Cleo and Alik woke up. He saw Mariabella kneading some bread dough furiously. He was very surprised to see that she was really upset about something. `She has a temper?' he thought. `I missed our nightly tea last night because Alik and I were stargazing.' He smiled at the memory, `Cleo came too, but she conked out pretty early. I wonder, could Mariabella be mad because I was with them? Krylancelo sure was, not that he overtly displayed it. I'd better do something to make amends.'

Withdrawing quietly and unnoticed, he hurried into town, picked up some flowers and returned to the kitchen. After putting them in a vase in front of Mariabella, who was still killing the bread dough, Hartia said. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to miss our tea."

"You told me you were going with Alik to the lake. Now…don't bother me." Mariabella realized, as she punched the dough again, he thought she was mad at him. "It is not you."

"Oh….so what's wrong? Can I help?"

"Not now!" She paused and added, "Please."

"You have some flour on your nose, let me wipe it off." He moved closer to wipe it off her face, and was debating about kissing her, but nervously stopped.

Mariabella had enough experience with men to know when someone was about to try to steal a kiss and that flour line was as old as they came. Only this time, she found she didn't mind and was actually disappointed when he stopped. As she thought about it, she realized that he was giving her a choice and time. She pulled her hands out of the dough, reached up, grabbed the front of his robes, pulled him close to her and kissed him soundly.

She leaned back, enjoying the dazed look on his face, and he started grinning breathlessly. "I've got bread to finish. Go teach Majic something or check on Alik and Cleo. We'll talk later."

"Uh… sure." He said as he dazedly turned to leave.

Tistiny teased Hartia when he left the kitchen, "You know dark blue robes catch every bit of dust…including flour." He looked confused until she pointed to his chest. At his surprised "oh…" she smiled and added, "Unless you wish to give someone you've been teasing unmercifully some prime material to return the favor, you might wish to dust off or change soon."

Hartia stared at her, open-mouthed, as he realized for all her calm outward appearance, Tistiny had a wicked sense of humor and didn't miss much that happened in the house. He also sensed approval from her attitude towards him, which was a relief, considering what a bad experience Mariabella's last romantic entanglement had been.


Later that day, the doctor gave Cleo and Alik their regular check-up. The news concerned Tistiny and out right alarmed Mariabella, who was already upset about something Tistiny had yet to discover. She was hopeful it had something to do with a certain red-head sorcerer and the sparks she'd been watching ignite over the last several days.

Right now, she had to deal with another set of fireworks, between the other new couple in the house. She'd been watching Cleo and saw storm clouds on the horizon for them, unless someone gave an inch, especially considering this morning's events. As stubborn as those two were, it would be bumpy indeed. She decided to try to do what she could to smooth things out, or, at least, try to get Cleo to understand his deeper feelings, the ones she knew he couldn't express yet.

She entered Cleo's room, to find her pacing. "Dear, Dr. Hale said you are supposed to rest some more this afternoon."

"I know, but I can't sit still."

"That won't help, and you know it. Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"Mother. I-I don't want to talk about it."

"Dr. Hale said he suspected you weren't gaining weight because you are stressed. So, what's wrong? You are not usually as careless as you were this morning."

"It's a long story." Cleo said with a sigh, and added in anticipation of what she expected her mother to say next, "And, I don't want to go into it, even if you have the time."

"I suspect I already know. Now, you've given me a reason to butt in. You're both just like your father, you go to any lengths to protect the ones you love. You can't fault him for that. I know you have done so in the past and will do so again in the future. Correct?"

Cleo snorted in disbelief, "Love... maybe, once, I-I'm not sure anymore, but we're falling into our old routine already. I-I mean, that's good, but that doesn't ...oh... nevermind. I don't have a problem with him protecting me, he's always done it. Even when he's pushing me away, I know he'll always keep me safe. I just don't understand what… er, why. "

"He does care about what's best for you. He always has and always will. With that in mind, you should do as he says right now, dear."

"I never do what he says."

"Now would be a good time to start."


"After everything that has happened, he needs to feel he is in control. Promise me. You know, I worry."

"That's a dirty trick. And you did that to Dad all the time."

"And it works as well on you, as it did him. Your promise?"

"Yes, it does. I promise. I don't like it, but I promise. But, I want a promise from you. Don't teach that to him, please. I have enough trouble with him as it is."

"I don't think he will need my suggestions on how to deal with stubborn people."

"You didn't promise, Mom."

"Ah… you got wise to me. Well… I will not make a promise I know I will not keep. But, I do promise I will not intervene any further, unless I feel it's absolutely necessary." Tistiny stood to leave, but stopped as she decided to give her daughter some much needed advice, "Give him some time. Things have changed a lot recently. Never give up on him."

Tistiny closed the door, leaving Cleo looking completely shocked as the realization hit her that her mother knew exactly what was bothering her. Most importantly, she realized her mom had given her some good advice. She had been about to give up on him.

She knew what a good judge of character her mother was, even if she had made a mistake with Agan, or had she? `Come to think of it, Mariabella said that Mother had pushed her to get me in the wedding. Could Mother have?' Grinning slightly, `Yes, I'll bet she did.'

Well, since her mother had never mis-advised her, she resolved to do as Tistiny bid. Although, actually, that was easy. Cleo knew herself; if push came to shove, she'd never willingly abandon Orphen, no matter how much he tried to push her away.


Shortly after the doctor left, Cleo had some broth and went to bed. Hartia, not having anything else to do, went in search of Mariabella. He found her in the upstairs drawing room, sitting on the couch, doing her needlework… well… not exactly doing her needlework, as much as stabbing it, like it was alive and she had to kill it. He realized that whatever had been bothering her earlier in the morning was still a problem. He quietly entered the room and sat across from her.

She didn't acknowledge his presence, but kept stabbing the cloth. He cleared his throat and tried to get her attention. This time, she looked up at him but only grimaced.

"Um… It's later. Would you like to talk now?"

"No." She replied brusquely. "Thank you," she added.

"Uh….Maybe I can help?" Hartia said, catching her eye and smiling.

With a sigh, Mariabella started to tell him about Dr. Hale's visit earlier in the day. "Alik is improving by leaps and bounds, right on schedule. He has gained the weight the doctor wanted him to."

"That's good news, certainly nothing to be upset about. What about Cleo?"

"The doctor is very concerned. He said Cleo is under stress and it needs to be reduced or removed." She threw the needlework down on the couch next to her and started to weep slightly, "She lost weight, weight she cannot afford to loose. Now, she weighs even less than she did when she returned. I am scared that I may loose my sister again, and I just got her back."

"What?" Hartia was shocked. True, Cleo was still looking painfully thin, but she appeared to be eating well. Inwardly, Hartia wondered, `What does Krylancelo think of that news.'

"Does Krylancelo know?"

"Who cares?!?!" She bit off angrily.

"What can I do to help?" Hartia asked, thinking, `Now, I know what the problem is. I should have guessed.'

"You can reduce her stress by removing him." Hartia rocked back on his heels at the venom in her voice.

"What brought that on?" Hartia said, when he saw her eyes darken with anger, focused on him now. Back-pedaling, he quickly added, "I believe you! I just want to know what happened that convinced you he's the source of the stress."

"Don't you have eyes? Do you mean, you haven't noticed him pushing her away? Closing himself off her from completely? He's even refusing to consider going to the festival in three weeks. A festival they've attended together for the last couple of years. A festival he knows she loves. It would be something for her to look forward to, other than him treating her like dirt. You want to help me? Get him out of her life."

"Oh…I'll go talk to him, don't worry. This will not be a problem anymore. Give it 24 hours." Hartia stood up and left the room, a man on a mission. He popped his head back in the room, "After I fix the…um… rat problem, tea? And cookies, maybe?" He added hopefully. She nodded and he left to change.

Laughing slightly, Mariabella followed him out and went downstairs to start on the cookies she'd promised Alik. She also wanted to make sure there were plenty for her sweet-toothed friend. `Or, is he more than that to me?' she asked herself.


Orphen had been away from the house most of the day, finally settling at the top of the tower, his tower in the lake. He was trying to keep to his resolve to keep Cleo at a distance, but it kept getting harder and harder. `This morning's shopping trip was rough,' he thought … `No. I won't think about it. I can't think about it,' as he placed his hand in his pocket, fingering the button in there. In an attempt to turn his thoughts away from the painful subject, he considered something else that happened earlier in the day. `I pushed Majic hard today and he was looking awfully tired. I'd better check on him.'

He'd just reached the shore, when he saw a shadow appear from the top of the tower followed by an unmistakable and all-to-familiar voice, calling out "I am the Assassin…"

"Hartia, what the hell do you want? Aren't you getting a little old to play Black Tiger? I was hoping once you got a girl, you'd give that up."

"It's New Black Tiger and I'm not here to talk about me, I'm here to talk about you." Hartia `ported next to Orphen.

"Oh, great, a shrimp on a mission. Later."

"No. Now."

"Later. I just realized I need to check on Majic."

"Krylancelo, don't you remember the last time I tried to tell you something and you didn't want to listen?"

"Fine. Come with me." Orphen started walking back to the house, with a frown on his face, not looking forward to whatever burr was up Hartia's ass now. "Although, why you feel you have to get dressed in that get-up for something you decide is a mission, I'll never understand."


Cleo was in the kitchen, trying in vain to keep up with Alik, who was baking cookies with Mariabella. Tistiny asked her to take a few cookies and milk up to Majic.

When she arrived in Majic's room, she found him asleep at his desk, with the rubbings strewn about and a pen still in his hand. Thinking to fetch a blanket off the bed to cover him up, she looked for a place to set the milk and cookies down, only to discover his untouched lunch still on the table.

Her blood started to boil; they were driving him into the ground and it was going to stop, now. More than angry, she was also worried. He looked really exhausted, more than just working on the rubbings. The dark circles under his eyes indicated significant lost sleep….she should know.

Gently, she slipped a hand around his shoulders and shook him slightly to wake him. "Wh…oh…uh…I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry I woke you, but you look as bad as I do… What's going on?" She asked as she stood back up and moved slightly away from him.

"N-Nothing. I've just been working on the rubbings." He looked down and away from her, not wanting to meet her eyes, a sure sign he was lying.

"It's not just that and you and I both know it. Please tell me." She placed her hands back on his shoulders.

"I…I can't."

"Is it something I did?"

"No! It's me."

"Look at me." She said as she moved a hand under his chin, "We're family, aren't we? You can talk to me. I'm not going anywhere."

Majic choked back a sob when she called them family, but started crying in earnest when she said she wasn't going anywhere. She slipped into the chair with him, hugged him and just let him cry. He was babbling incoherently, but she just let him release the pent-up emotions.

While he was crying on her shoulder, she was thinking about what might have caused this outburst. It dawned on her then, he was somehow feeling responsible for not stopping her kidnapping, or worse.

"Majic, you're exhausted, let me help you to bed and you get some rest. You've done the same for me." They stood together and she noticed that Majic was now just a little bit taller than her. "Majic, you've grown again. You're taller than I am…Stop it, at once."

Majic laughed slightly, "Come on, Miss Cleo, you know I can't control that."

"I do…but it got you laughing."

"Miss Cleo… I… I'm sorry."

"For what?" She asked gently.

"For…for…giving up on you."

"How do you figure that?"

"I…I accepted your…your… ah…"

"Supposed death?"

Unable to speak, Majic just nodded as tears threatened again.

"Majic, look at me." He looked up to see her smiling reassuringly, but with worry in her eyes. "I have a question for you. Given what all three of you saw, what else were you supposed to think?"

"I should have…"

"That's not an answer to my question. Given what evidence you had, what else were you supposed to think?"

"He used illusion…"

"I know, Majic. You knew he used illusion magic before, or, at least, had hints of it, but that was different. Now…you know the answer to my question."

"I know… Hartia and Orphen saw you killed and I saw the immediate aftermath. There wasn't a really any way to doubt… but Cleo…"

"No buts… there wasn't any way to doubt. No matter what ended up happening, with the information you had, you had no other conclusion. Blaming yourself is only going to hurt us."


"You think I can watch you, my…well, brother, hurting and not worry?"

"I guess not. I-I like that. I-I've been thinking of you as a sister for a while. I'll try."

She hugged him and gave him one of her special smiles, "That's all I can ask. Now… lie down, `cause you still need rest."

"Well…I am tired, but probably not as tired as Master Orphen and Hartia, since healing magic is so draining and they've been casting on you an… oh, shoot." He covered his mouth, realizing as he did, it was already too late. He saw the anger and worry build in her eyes. She quickly stood and trotted for the door, just as Orphen and Hartia entered.

"Oh, good just the pair of idiots I was looking for."

Behind her Majic was waiving his hands mouthing `run,' as he tried to gesture for them to leave the room, fast.

Without turning, she said, "Stop that, Majic. Bed, now!"

Orphen spoke up, "Isn't that usually my line?"

"I wouldn't piss her off right now." Hartia whispered to Orphen. "She looks plenty mad already. What did you do?"

"Shut up, Hartia." He whispered back and then louder, as he addressed Cleo in his usual mocking tone, "What's wrong? What's upset you now?"

"You stupid, manipulative, conniving, imbecilic, magic-using …" With a growl, "morons!"

Majic sat on the bed, watching Orphen and Hartia face the wrath of Cleo, Majic quietly said, "I'm sorry," and worriedly watched the ensuing fireworks.

"Okay…it's official…she's pissed off because of you. So, what did you do this time?"

"What makes you think it was me?"

"History… you're the only one who can set her off this fast."

She stepped up close to them and looked up at the pair. "Both of you!"

Majic again said, "I'm sorry."

"Make that the two of you and the Shrimp!" Cleo said as she reached up to rip the mask off Hartia's face.

"Me? Why me?" Majic whined.

"What nonsense are you going to accuse me of now?" Orphen groused.

"Hey, at least I didn't try to do the speech for you. So…what did he" Hartia added, pointing to Orphen, "do now?"

"Okay….Majic…what is she going on about?" Orphen said exasperated as he rolled his eyes at Hartia.

"I… I… uh, kinda let out that healing magic is …um … draining."

"Shit!!!" Hartia and Orphen said in unision.

"Great job, Majic." Hartia said.

"Yeah…thanks." Orphen added.

"I'm sorry, it just sort of slipped out." Majic whined.

"Leave him alone. He is exhausted. You two are running him ragged. Not only are teaching him the teleporting and DRAINING healing spells. You have been slave driving him about making copies of the rubbings, when it would be much simpler to just go to the ruins and make another copy. How can you expect him to keep up with anything…"

"Damn. I guess we know where the brains of this outfit are." Hartia quipped.

"Damn it." In a thought, Orphen added, `Why didn't I think of that?'

"You mean you hadn't thought of that. Jeez… I never use to think magic rotted your brains. I guess I was wrong."

"When have we had time?" Orphen said, pleased that he thought of an excuse to get the last word in. "We've been watching over two invalids."

"And making a third!" Cleo said, pointing at Majic.

Hartia couldn't hold it in; he started howling with laughter, "Give it up, Krylancelo. We forgot. The thought never even occurred to us." With a bigger grin, full of mischief, "Maybe we can blame Azalie, she didn't think of it either."

From the bed, snickering was heard as Majic muttered, "That'll go over well." All the laughter lowered the tension levels in the room.

"Fine, we forgot. Okay." Orphen said angrily. "I'll go now. I'll `port over there and be back in a few hours."

Poking a finger in Orphen's chest, Cleo said forcefully, "No, you'll go tomorrow, with Wolven protection. We're all targets. And no magic. You've done quite enough already." She glanced at Hartia to include him in this statement, "That goes for you, too. Especially since you've both been wasting your magic every afternoon for the last week. That's when you've been doing the healing, right?"

Hartia nodded sheepishly, as Orphen glared at him. "Stop encouraging her."

"She's right, and you know it." Hartia added in a thought, `She was about to say something. Shut up, Krylancelo.'

She realized she didn't want to continue with this subject. She looked down and saw the mask in her hands, "Shrimpy, why are you dressed up?"

"Oh … I …um … I" Hartia started to say, when Orphen interrupted.

"I decide when healing is unnecessary or not." Orphen said to both of them, effectively baiting her.

Even though she knew what he was doing, it still rankled, so she responded heatedly, "You were trying to remove all the scars, weren't you."

"Are you trying to make a point here or are you just blowing hot air?"

"You can't remove them. They're permanent." She paused as a shadow of memory and fear appeared in her eyes. "H-h-he m-made sure of it." Before anyone could react, she pushed past them and left the room.

Hartia opened the door she'd closed behind her, to watch her enter her room. He heard a slight thud as Orphen fell to his knees.

Majic faintly said, "That's a break-through. She said something about it. That's a good sign, isn't it?"

"Yes…but do we want to really want to know?" Hartia murmured thoughtfully.

"I've got to know. And she's got to talk about it." Orphen felt like he'd been gut punched. `Is there no end to the horrors that bastard inflicted on them? I want to kill something, to avenge them. I hate this, having my hands tied. This is so infuriating,' he punched the floor. `How can she be so sure it won't work?' Then he remembered something, "Oh…shit…he said it burned and mine didn't."

"What do you mean he said it burned? Who?" Hartia asked at the same time Majic asked a question of his own.

"Burned? Who?"

"Just remembered." Orphen said with a grimace as he brought his other first down with a smack to the floor, wishing he was hitting Garik.

"Remembered what?" Hartia pressed.

On his hands and knees now, Orphen answered brokenly. "Remembered…outside the cave…Alik came running up after Garik flew off. He had a small cut on his arm, which was bleeding, and I healed it. He looked up at me with those eyes and…and said mine did-didn't burn like his did. Those were his exact damn words and I'd forgotten them. Damn it! I need to know what the hell they went through. How can I protect them if I don't know?"

"Well, you have a hell of a method of building trust and showing you care, Mr. Sensitivity."

"Shut up, Hartia." Orphen bit off, glaring at Hartia for inadvertently using one of Cleo's phrases when he had ticked her off, usually just before she stormed off.

Hartia slammed the door shut and rounded on Orphen. "Not this time! You've been systematically shutting everyone out… especially her, since she woke up. Hell, this is easy now, because this is what I wanted to talk to you about, anyway. Now, I have a few questions for you and you are going to answer them."

Standing back up, Orphen glared at him, "Hell, no."

Hartia walked up and punched in him in the jaw. "Sit down. We have a lot to discuss. I was going to wait for later, but we're doing it now, if I have to tie you down."

"What are you afraid of?" Majic asked quietly but both of the older men were so wrapped up in their argument they ignored him.

Hartia continued, "I said I have some questions for you and, by God, you're going to answer them."

"Fine. Get it over with."

"How many scars does she have on her back?"

"Forty-two on her back."

"She has scars elsewhere?"


"What about Alik?"


"How many scars does Cleo have in total?"


"How long are they?"

"It varies."

"But, you know how long and where every single one of them are placed, don't you?"

"Of course. I'll never forget."

"Same with Alik?"

"Yes" Orphen hissed out, giving Hartia a glare that said, `Where are you going with this?'

"The doctor was here today. He's worried."

"He's not the only damn one, she's not recovering as fast as she should be."

"The doctor has a legitimate concern. He said it was probably because of stress, to either remove or reduce it. Because she's lost weight, and not gaining it back like he wanted."

Both Majic and Orphen said "What?"

Majic added in surprise, "But we all eat together, we watch her eat. How?"

"Alik's put on a few pounds; the doctor is well pleased with his progress. But something is interfering with Cleo's recovery and I know exactly, what, or more, correctly who, is but I'll get to that in a moment. Krylancelo, where is Cleo in the most danger?"

"Away from me."

"In all your travels together, she ever been in danger?"

"Yes." With an exasperated eye-roll, he answered in a patronizing tone.

"And you saved her, right?"

"Yes… but she shouldn't have been in danger in the first place. She should have stayed in school. Then, none of this would have happened."

"Oh… so, Agan would never have shown up and started courting Mariabella? Cleo wouldn't have disliked him?"

"Well, probably not."

"So, if she didn't have you, and thereby us, when Agan beat her the first time, she would have died. Or worse, since Garik wants her alive, he would have healed her. Want to imagine what kind of pain and scarring his healing her internal injuries would have done? I don't."

"Fine, then she should have never left Totokonta with us after the Agan mess was over."

"Oh…that's good and when we left, Garik could just come and grab her while we were gone."

"Fine, we made the best decisions we could at the time. What's your point?"

"You want her safe. You'd give your life for it, right? You've admitted, at least to yourself, that you love her, right? Then why the hell are you pushing her away?"

"I'm not."

"Don't lie to me!"

Orphen turned away; he figured this was where Hartia was going with his interrogation. And how the hell could he answer Hartia when he wasn't even sure of the answer himself? He had to keep her safe, but he had to protect himself from being hurt again. The simple fact of the matter was he recognized that if he lost her that way again, he wouldn't be able to continue, and he was trying to protect himself from that hurt. "You seem to think you have all the answers. You can't figure it out?"

"I want to hear you admit it."

"I can't… I can't survive losing her again. I have to protect myself."

"That's what I thought, you selfish bastard! God, I was hoping I was wrong. So, you figure it will be less painful to push her away, then to risk loving and losing her? Alright. Go! Leave right now and don't come back. She doesn't need a coward."

"I am not."

"Yes, you are. And, I need to point out that right now, you're the one killing her."

As the argument was escalating, Majic had stood up and gone to his closet. He pulled out some clothes, specifically his black suit and hung it on the outside of the door. He interrupted Hartia as he was about to start in on Orphen again.

"Master Hartia, I've gotten my black clothes out and will go freshen yours. We'll need them again, soon." Then he turned to Orphen, "Family means opening up your heart and allowing them inside. Until you can do that, we don't need you." Majic paused for a moment and added, "As a matter of fact, we need you gone."

Hartia and Orphen stared at Majic, opened-mouthed, as he left the room.

"Well… I couldn't have said that better."

"He's learning too damn much from you. Delivering a line like that and leaving."

"Actually, I was thinking that sounded like one of Cleo's. I'll add my two bits and then leave you to think. You're the stress, Krylancelo. She loves you with everything in her, and as your apprentice said, until you can accept everything that comes with having a family, they're …well… we're better off without you." With that last line, Hartia left the room leaving Orphen alone with his thoughts.


Outside, Tistiny and Mariabella had been listening to the argument through the door. When Tistiny heard Majic's statement, she knew he would be leaving soon, so she quickly grabbed Mariabella's collar and dragged her around the corner.

They peered around the corner and watched Majic exit and go into Hartia's room. They had just stepped back into the hall, when Hartia exited the room in an unusual outfit. In the brief glimpses she had, Tistiny had seen the tension in both Majic and Hartia's shoulders so she decided she needed to do something to help them relax. She glanced at Mariabella and noticed where her focus was. Grinning mischievously, she said loud enough for even Hartia to hear, "Mariabella, are you enjoying the view? I agree, that outfit definitely show's off his ass -ets."

She saw Hartia pause, with a catch in his step, as Mariabella's shocked, "Mother!" echoed down the hall. She saw the side of his face glowing almost as red as his hair as his shoulders shook lightly with an unmistakable chuckle. He then tugged at the short cape of his New Black Tiger costume before continuing. He opened the door and flashed a sheepish grin back at Mariabella before disappearing into his room.


Author's Note: And I'm sorry everyone…this ones a cliffhanger and the next chapter isn't completely beta'ed so it'll be a couple of weeks at least before the next ones out. * ducks and hides under desk *