Starcraft Fan Fiction ❯ Interstellar Explorers ❯ Α Πεω Simυlατεd Dαωη ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I'm stunned and a little disheartened that no one reviewed my last chapter. I thought it was pretty awesome... oh well that was why this update was late.

~ Α Πεω Simυlατεd Dαωη ~

Milo awoke a few minutes before his alarm and felt better than he had in ages. He'd been out like a light and hadn't dreamed at all to his recollection, but if he had he was sure who it would have been about. Reaching over for the red digital alarm on the bedside table he switched it off. Elliot was buried under a mound of blankets. Milo would've liked to explain what happened with Paige before his first class, but since Elliot had a free period first Milo decided to let him sleep in. Hopping out of bed with a stretch and silent yawn he made his way to his wardrobe with a spring in his step. It was a Friday and the simulated morning light glinted on the steel of Elliot's various weaponry display in a way that was more serene than intimidating. Milo picked out his red and white hero icon shirt and three-quarter camouflage pants. Slinging his bag on he tossed his towel over his shoulder and closed the door behind him gently, Elliot still deep in peaceful slumber. He hummed on his way to the showers and then to Sociology. Amelia had still beaten him to class, she sat a few rows back glancing through her textbook. Today she was wearing a white dress with a pale pink velvet ribbon around her waist, and matching hair band. Her short honey-brown hair was out and her blue eyes looked up at Milo as he walked over holding out her book. She took it with a smile.

"The disparity of today's reception is uncanny," she spoke as he took a seat beside her. Amelia rested her face in her palm while shooting a coy grin "Did you get lucky?"

"I simply had a wonderful sleep, Amelia." Milo responded and ignored her smug scrutinising stare. "What class do you have next?"


"So I'm pretty sure that means I have Weaponry with Elliot and Lauren after this..." he looked up thoughtfully.

"We have line five next."

"Alright, I'll have to talk to Paige first lunch then."

"So Paige is the mystifying factor attributing to your alacrity?"

"Good work psycho-analyst. I wasn't trying to hide that from you, you know."

She breathed into her hand before sitting up straight.

"It appears this talk with our mutual friend will in fact be the talk."

"Possibly." Milo spoke while looking forward.

"You're practically gushing about this," she deduced from the excited redness on his face "that's kind of adorable."

Milo shushed her as Ms Emerson started their lesson, with a grin Amelia turned her gaze to her workbook.

Their teacher spoke with emphatic movements and gestures that shook the beads that jangled around her neck. Her frizzy auburn hair was especially wild first thing in the morning. Despite her energy Milo found it hard to focus on what she was saying, Amelia could read him so well dammit. He didn't want to ask for his classmate's book again though so Milo tried to jot down as much as he could. The lesson went by mostly in silence while he tried to sift through his thoughts, he did have to borrow one of Amelia's pens at one point through the lesson. When the bell rang Amelia packed up her things quickly looking full of purpose.

"I'm going to have a discussion with our teacher."

"Really? About what?"

"You know what."

Oh. Nolan being put in their group, of course. Astronomy was the only compulsory subject and there were two classes for each year, but the MCA also required that each student take either Physics or Mathematics. As Physics was a lot harder there were also two different Maths classes. Considering Amelia was such an exceptional student she'd managed to convince the school to let her and Willow off the hook by taking both Chemistry and Neurology, two high level subjects instead. Maybe she'd be able to find some leeway with Ms Emerson in this situation, her teacher certainly adored her enough.

"I'll come too."

"You shouldn't risk tardiness to your Weaponry class and incurring Ms Jennings wrath."

"I won't stay long."

Amelia shrugged and made her way to the front of the class. Milo packed his things quickly but he didn't have a lot of hope that there was anything they could do to change things.

"Ms Emerson,"

"Yes, Amelia?" she looked up from the stack of books she was piling on her desk.

"I had an enquiry about the crew lists we were assigned, I'm sure you must already be aware of my team's predicament."

Milo hopped towards them. It both amazed and disturbed him how quickly Amelia could change her persona to an innocent goody-two-shoes whenever teachers were concerned. Ms Emerson stole a nervous glance at Milo and then the other students who were filing out of the room.

"Yes, dear. I am aware. It is very unfortunate and I'm so very sorry you were put in this situation. Your expedition may be the most difficult of them all."

Suddenly the thought struck Milo that Ms McDowell could have foreseen their attempt at meddling and already warned their teacher.

"I do believe you are correct." Amelia agreed. "I know little can be done to help us now, but I feel that if we were to familiarise ourselves with certain rules and procedures we may be able to report prohibited behaviour before it sabotaged our mission."

Milo looked at their teacher's face and knew she'd seen through Amelia's plan.

"I'm sorry, Amelia." she heaved the pile of books up and held them against her chest. "I can't help you, but for what it's worth I doubt Ms McDowell would have allowed you to work with him if she saw it directly leading your mission to failure."

"Alright," Amelia answered quietly, narrowing her eyes at the ground while her mind calculated furiously "Thanks for your time."

She gave them a sad smile "Milo, would you be a gentleman and hold the door for me."

"Certainly." They were the last to leave and Amelia helped their teacher with the stack of books while she locked up the classroom. Milo whispered to his friend "I didn't really think it would work."

"Yes, well me neither."

He waved to her with a half smile while leaving for his next class. Then as he remembered it was with Ms Jennings he started moving a bit faster. She'd told them last time that this lesson would be held in the Training Dome. The Exodus CZ17 had five major domes, the atrium was in the middle and surrounded by four others. The Study Dome, Dormitory Dome and Education Dome were the most often used. The Training Dome had a unique architectural inspiration and was home to various arenas and eastern themed buildings which were apparently keeping in theme with the Academy's philosophy. The dome also had a bridge connecting to a smaller section that the students were only allowed to visit one time a year in the Summer. It was sort of like a reward at the end of the year.

Milo saw a familiar blonde pony-tail by the trolley and started running. Someone closed the gate behind them and before the last person took their seat Milo jumped, swinging his legs onto the transport unit. Some of the students stared, he made his way to the seat next to Lauren slightly out of breath.

"My man!" she held out her hand and he rolled his eyes but relinquished a high-five. After he strapped himself in the trolley beeped and was off.

"I thought I might've been late." he called out over the wind.

"You might be. Mr Whitley made a few of us stay back for a talk cause we failed the physics exam."


"Eh. I don't give a fuck. It was a pretty hard test, Paige only just managed to pass and she was spewing about her result." At the mention of his crush Milo looked away so Lauren wouldn't notice the play of emotions on his face, she wasn't very observant though and continued talking "at least if we're late we get yelled at together."

Milo looked at the other passengers but couldn't recognise anyone else from his Weaponry class.

"You're really good at the subject though," Milo started as the trolley came to a stop. "She'll reserve all the yelling for me."

"Still doesn't mean I like her," Lauren hadn't bothered doing up the safety belt, she stood up after him and they left. "I mean, I'm pretty sure she must be menstruating all the time. With that permanent scowl on her face you'd think she walks around with a stick up her ass all day." Milo snorted and they cut across the grass of the atrium to their next tunnel, some students were hurrying back the other way. He glanced at them nervously.

"I'm wondering if we should jog there?"

"Fuck that. Don't be a pansy."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Milo slowed down a bit. "What does it matter if we're five minutes late, for all she knows I could've just been using the toilet."

"Hmm." they both knew rational excuses wouldn't have much ground.

"You're pretty chill, Lauren." Milo noted "I should learn to give less fucks about things too."

"Ha, I think mostly I just like to give off the impression that I don't care."

They made their way casually to the next trolley and then were walking beside the arenas towards the large gazebo across the shooting range. As they approached their teacher she was facing away from them and already yelling about something.

"Welp," Lauren muttered.


"She's already peeved. I only couldn't be fucked rushing cause I figured she wouldn't get too cross with me."

"Hey! I'm walking in after you!"

"Ladies first." Lauren stopped and held her arm out to the entrance.

"Fuck off."

"Fine, you pansy." she made her way in and Milo followed tentatively.

"-could be a bit responsible and not act like children! You're almost adults for goodness sake! I'm here to teach and you're here to learn so get your act together! Flynn!" she noticed Milo and Lauren, the class looked at the latecomers gratefully after being spared from their teacher's scorching stare. Ms Jennings was not quite in her fifties but her spite-weary face looked decades older and her long brown hair was flecked with grey. "Late again I see! Fantastic! Wonderful! If you're aiming to be a functioning and independent adult someday you're on the right track! Both of you sit down!"

Milo darted to where Elliot sat in the third row and Lauren took the seat on his other side. Ms Jennings grumbled as she started going through the notes on her desk. Elliot's head was in his hand and he looked bored.

"What happened?" Milo whispered carefully.

"A group of students in the front row started talking about an assignment so she decided to yell at the whole class. Nothing new."

"Alright!" Ms Jennings rounded on them again, Milo and various others couldn't help jumping. "Get your P27 Plasma Rifles on your desk, we're going to practice loading all the compartments in less than thirty seconds. If any of you haven't mastered this by now I'll make you do it in front of the class until you get it right!"

The students got up and headed for the large crate at the end of the room where the weapons were stored.

"Have you been practising for the self-defence aiming audit?" Milo muttered to his best friend.


"Like not at all?"


"I was kinda worried cause I thought I hadn't practised enough..."

"Well you can't be any worse than me. Why don't we do some practice here at lunch?"

"Okay- wait no, I can't." Milo remembered "I have to talk to Paige about something first." His friend gave him a suspicious look. "How about we do it second lunch?"


"Want to practice here or in the Arcadium range?"

"Here," he pulled his assortment of pieces from the box "We can practice the new Combatives techniques here as well then."

"Sure." Milo crouched down and pulled out the bits of his weapon while Elliot moved back to his desk. He picked out a plasma ammunition cartridge, the scope, the barrel and then the silver gun. Carrying his pieces to his desk he put them down, they were shiny and slick but had some dents where careless students had dropped them in the past.

Soon Lauren joined them and set her parts down looking excited.

"Let's do this!" Milo knew she could get her gun completely configured in fifteen seconds with no trouble at all.

Ms Jennings activated the projection display on her holo-pad and got the stop-watch application ready. She strolled about the front with a gaze like a hawk.

"Start!" there was a fumbling sound as pieces clicked together, nozzles were twisted and energy cylinders hummed after firing up. Lauren slammed her gun down with satisfaction and looked smug after only ten seconds had passed. Elliot finished at twenty-five and because Milo's nervous fingers didn't connect the valve properly he just finished at twenty-seven, releasing a sigh of relief. A boy in front barely finished before the holographic counter reached zero. Ms Jennings looked around the room in a moment of satisfaction.

"Alright!" she barked "let's move! Onto the shooting range!"

Thanks for following Philosopher Riven! I hope I get some feedback soon otherwise I might as well stop writing :/