Suikoden Fan Fiction ❯ Love's Just a Form of Insanity ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rating: PG-13 (just in case.)

Genres: Romance/Humor/Angst.

Pairing: Watari/Fred, initially one sided.

Warnings: Yaoi. OOCness. Odd, odd pairing.
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Chapter 6

Fred was resolved the next day to do the proper thing and apologize to Watari. And then he would make sure to tell the ninja in as direct and tactful a manner possible why it would never work out. Yes, as soon as Rico would stop acting so weird, he could come up with the perfect speech.

“Rico, why are you staring at me?” Since early that morning, she had been looking at him as if she had never seen him before in her life. It was getting annoying and freaking him out a little.

“Oh, I’m not starring.” She said as she continued to stare.

“Right.” He muttered to himself. He knew he had to get rid of her, as he didn’t want her to see this conversation with Watari. In his mind, such a thing wouldn’t inspire confidence in one‘s superiors.

“Rico, if this is about yesterday morning, I apologize. Such behavior was rude on my part and you certainly didn’t deserve to be yelled at. I’m sorry.” She blinked for a few minutes, then shook her head.

“No, no. It’s okay. You have a lot of problems. A lot of problems, that you should tell me about.” She looked him in the eye, an intent look on her face.

/What is she…/

“Uh, sure Rico. Anytime.” As he got up to leave though, she conveniently stood in front of him. “Is there something else?” There was a sly grin there, which indicated he was about to be at the mercy of her wit.

“You never did tell me who sent that letter or what it was about. I think now would be a perfect time to spill the details.” At that moment, he had a feeling that she knew more then he wanted her to.
________________________________________________________________________ _____________

Watari leaned once more against his favorite spot, trying to figure out two things: one, how to get out of dancing with Lilly again, and two, how to get rid of the damn dog. It was sitting next to him, it’s tail wagging and ruining his image even further.

/Do I smell like a sausage or something?/

“Who would have thought it? Watari of the Black Wind making friends with a cute, little doggy.” Came a smug and oh so familiar voice. Watari’s head shot up and came face to face with Mike. He glared at the man, a surge of anger welling within him. Mike smirked, adjusting his glasses. “Ah and if that wasn’t enough, hanging around with some Tinto girl.”

“…” Watari glared, unable to hide his emotions.

/How dare he? What does he want?/

“It’s cute, really. I always thought you needed a social life. And little Ayame’s here as well. She’s doing very well. But, that’s to be expected. After all, she was always more stable than you. But, that’s not saying much, considering your personality.”

“What is it you want?” The ninja somehow managed to keep his voice level. Mike stepped closer, causing Koruko to growl.

“Shut up mutt.” The detective spat at the dog, barely able to contain his disgust. He then turned to Watari, wearing that pleasant, meaningless smile of his. “I just thought I should make something clear to you. We are old friends. And well, I don’t need anyone knowing that. I would like you to forget we ever met. You know nothing about me, is that crystal clear?”

Watari’s stomach turned at that smile, which was filled with malice. “I try to forget everyday.”

“Good boy. If I have to say anything in your favor, it’s that you know how to follow orders. No doubt much better than that flea bag. Well, I’ll see you.” He began to walk off, as if nothing had happened.

“Wait.” Watari called out. Mike turned, an expectant look on his face. “You won’t bother Ayame, will you?”

“No. Unlike you, she has never seen my face. She has no clue who I am. Which is as it should be. If only you had been so fortunate.” The detective walked off, leaving Watari shaken. Koruko barked as if to say good riddance. Once Mike was out of sight, Watari slumped against the wall, the feeling of revulsion taking over.

/Why all this? Why now?/
________________________________________________________________________ _____________

Fred smiled to himself as he walked down the halls. He had finally gotten rid of Rico by exercising his authority over her as the Captain of their order. While the two were close, Rico often forgot that there was a chain of command that needed be followed.

Though, the way she had been acting had bothered him. He wondered if she knew about Watari. And he also suddenly wondered if he really should have talked to Percival about this. Though, Percival thought it was a woman so…

/And Rico always, always thinks I have a crush on some woman. So…/

He decided not to worry about it, concentrating on his destination. He would speak with Watari and ease over any ill feelings. Then, he could go on and deal problems. Problems that were much more important than a crush.

Yes, in fact it was silly that he had been agonizing over it as much as he had. So what if another man was in love with him? It really wasn’t that different than a woman being in love with him. Well, it was highly irregular, but Watari was normal compared to most of the people in the castle.

Yes, more normal and probably more agreeable than most. Like Lilly Pendragon, who was walking ahead of him. She was disagreeable, loud, bossy and strangely masculine for a noble woman. And she treated her two attendants quite badly. Fred liked to think that he was much kinder to Rico then Lilly was to Samus and Reed.

Speaking of the strange, obnoxious girl, it seemed odd that she was heading this way. From what Fred knew of her, Lilly didn’t seem to be the type who liked dark basements. If she had needed something, she would have sent Samus or Reed to do it.

“Watari! There you are!” She yelled as she turned the corner.

/What!? What does she want with him?/
________________________________________________________________________ _____________

Watari straightened up at the familiar bellow. There was Lilly, glaring at him, burning with primal fury. Koruko yipped and cowered behind Watari’s legs. “What is it?”

“You are late!” Actually, he an hour before the scheduled time, and he hadn’t wanted to go anyways. In fact, now was the perfect time to assert himself.

“Listen, unless you pay me, I see no reason to continue with this arrangement.” She looked ready to explode at that moment.

“You insolent, little maggot!!”
________________________________________________________________________ _____________

Fred was peaking around the corner, trying to figure out what the argument was about.

/It almost sounds like a…lover’s quarrel. Or some other kind of scandal./

He didn’t know why, but he suddenly felt a little angry.

/Was he just playing with me? Or is his heart that fickle? Wait, why am I getting angry? This is a good thing./

As he was thinking these things though, his nose was beginning to tickle. The knight tried to fight back the sneeze in vein. “Achoo!”
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Lilly turned around at the sneezing noise. “Who is it? I demand that you show yourself at once.” Fred came out of hiding, trying to maintain his composure. Watari stiffened visibly.

“I apologize. I wasn’t eavesdropping . I was just…” Lilly’s gaze, not to mention Watari’s presence was robbing the knight of all speech. The noble woman glared at Fred as if he was lower than dirt.

“You were what? Well?” Lilly had a hand on her hip, her lips pursed.

“I was…” Watari frowned at the pathetic display. Suddenly an idea sprang into his head. He threw his arm around Lilly and pulled as if to drag her away.

“What are?” She shouted at the sudden contact. Fred’s eyes went wide and you could see what appeared to be rage cross his face. Watari actually felt himself smirk for a bit. He didn’t know if it was jealousy or just disgust, but he was glad to get a rise out of the other man.

“Let’s get going now. It’s time.” Watari said to Lilly, leading her off before she could protest, with Koruko in close pursuit. ___________________________________________________________________________ __________

“What the hell was that for?” Lilly shouted once they were in the storage room. It didn‘t help that Koruko was nuzzling up against her.. “How dare you get so familiar with me!” Watari decided to remain silent and let Lilly continue on her rampage. “What if he got the wrong idea? Maximillian is just stupid enough to think that meant something!”

“That was the plan.” Watari muttered to himself, not realizing that he had said it out loud until he saw the look on her face.

/Damn it all./

“Why would you want that?” She looked at him suspiciously. “And it better not be because you like me.”

“No. It’s not.” The dog bark in agreement.

“Well, then why?” Lilly still seemed angry and utterly convinced that the ninja had been up to no good.

“…” Now was the time to leave. Watari dashed out of the room, leaving Lilly to bellow and Koruko to yip and whimper.
________________________________________________________________________ _____________

“What were they doing? Arm-in-arm?” Fred was pacing back and forth, not sure what he was upset about. Well, he knew it was something…

/What is he trying to do? Why was he with her? Is he using her or…/

He felt as if he had been betrayed. He had been worrying about it all this time and it was obvious that the ninja had considered it a joke. For all he knew, Watari had no feelings for him at all and that other night had merely been the ninja acting on some sort of animal lust.

It made him so mad, the thought that he had merely been an object to someone. Fred had his pride and his honor and to be treated as a, a toy…

It was beyond reproach. This was no longer a matter of awkwardness or humiliation. This was a personal insult. “Damn him!” Fred punched the wall. He would have to catch up to the ninja when he wasn’t in Lilly Pendragon’s company and have it out with him.
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To Be Continued…

Still don’t find out anything about Lilly’s plots, sorry. I’m getting to it.

Also, thanks to the reviewer who mentioned Mike. I had forgotten all about him. It really helped with this chapter.