Superman Fan Fiction ❯ "Thanks A Lot" ❯ "Pre-Crisis" & "Much Ado About Karas" ( Epilogue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Thanks Alot -- Much Ados About Karas"
by Dr. Thinker

Elilog #1 - "The Pre-Crisis"

The rocket ship landed at the moutain outside of Midville, Delware. Just
then Superman arrived.

"Don't worry, I'm still breathing." Kara Zor-El.

"But that's impossible! You have to be.." Kal-El remarked.

"From Krypton, Kal-El?" Kara Zor-El asked.

"Who did you know my name?" Kal-El remarked. "You
don't look like any Krypton that rember.

"Let me tell you a story." Kara Zor-El.


Elilog #2 -- "Much Ado About Karas"

Clark placed his cup of orange juice.

"So what's Kara In-Ze been up to--usually when spring breaks
comes--she's up in Metroplis faster then speeding bullet."
Clark stated.

Martha pointed to the floor. On the floor was Supergirl's
white T-shirt, black hairband, red skirt, white gloves, and red boots. Aslo
was pretty what would be skin.

"Shedding?" Clark stated.

A unfamilar voice remarked, "That' s right..sorry, Clark,
it's just me, Kara.--I thought some of Argoians
get new voices around that time. I was busy with
school and handling out with Leena Luthor. Who
would thought a Luthor would honest. Don't worry,
she doesn't know my indenity. Anyway, I'm getting
dressed--including my new supergirl outfit.'

"NEW?" Clark asked with a spit out a pulp of orange on
the side.

"Yeah. Latest Friday was free-time in the Computer Lab,
so--this girl wonder what happens with her comic version--
Powergirl. Well, she ended up at CD Comic's website, and
discover that Tor-Ro was really Comptro 12--Comptro 13's
mother, and ended erased from that dimisonal--much to
the fans's happy suprized--looks like Zara Ker-Zo is
finaly returning-- Powerman/Capeman #8--I saw picture
of 'Wizard #148.' featuring her new costume--I'm cried
for no reason." Superman heared a clicked,

"I'm was in my sercet land for this week. To work on
this new costume." Kara In-Ze finished.

Kara In-Ze floated into the room. In her long blonde
hair was a lot longer then usually then before
the shedding, but she stilled
have her hairband--but it was now,
white. Her Supergirl T-Shirt was still
a mini-T shirt with a red mini-cape--but
the mini-t-shirt was blue instead of
red, and her skirt was blue as well,
but it had a yellow belt on it. She
didn't have her gloves, but her red
boots were bit longer. On one of
her hands was a small orb-like

"I would have cover myself more--but the people
of Smallvilel & Kansas." Kara In-Ze remarked, "Well,
you should stop worried to much about Zor-El. He's

"Why?" Clark stated.

"He was killed on Argo. Watch this." Kara In-Ze remarked,
as she placed.

The mechine hum for a moment. Then Zor In-Ze appeared.

"Dear Jor-El. My brother, Jor-El, I know you been
searching for me--trying to figure out where on...but
remember that girl you saw with me on Cylon's Day. Well,
she was an Argo, Kalia In-Ze. I fall in love with her,
I decide on getting married with her. If I married
on Krypton, she would have gotten my first name
as a last name, but if I married on Argo, I
would have got her name. Anyway, I visited
'Brainic' on this--and head commucated with
'Martix'--and dispite my doubts--not
with Martix--she's a pretty good judge
of charcater--it's with Brainic--I builted
Martix at the replacement for him--but
the council rejected--on it's WHIM! Martix
project that he will be the one that
will killed Krypton. Anyway, I know
about the drestoryed of Krypton, I want
on tell me about my future daughter who
will end up on Earth as the second most
powerful human on that planet--Kara
In-Ze, the Supergirl of Earth. If
you are their, Kal-El and Kara
In-Ze, be good cousin--and make
your forgetten worlds pround."

"I didn't reason--it to it yet...but looks
like I'm your cousin in more then one way."
Kara In-Ze remarked.

"Great Scott!" Superman stated

###########THE END###################################################################