Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams And Destinies ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 12
Raven floated into her bedroom, not even saying anything when the others ran in seconds behind her. She didn't usually appreciate anyone in her room but this was far too important to even think about such things.
“Cyborg do you still have the book you found in here earlier?” She called back without even looking. She had begun to rifle through the seemingly endless array of old and older books in her possession.
“Uh yeah Rae here it is.” Cyborg stepped forward and held the book out.
“Keep it for a minute.” Raven replied. She grunted in frustration as the book she was looking for seemed to be hiding. She thought for a moment then with a small “Ah ha” floated past her now confused friends to a small table beside her bed. She opened a small drawer at the bottom of the table and revealed a notebook with several pages that had come loose. The notebook looked ancient and ready to fall apart and Raven handled the pages with extreme care. She sat down on the edge of her bed and began scanning the book. The others looked on with bated breath for what seemed like forever. Robin began to lose patience.
“Um Raven, what is it exactly that you're looking for?”
She simply shushed him and kept reading. After another ten minutes, Robin was once again ready to ask her if she'd found anything when she suddenly looked up with an expression as close to beaming as Raven ever has or ever will get.
“Um….” She paused for a moment as if looking for the right thing to say. Then in a deadpanned voice said, “Eureka.”
The other Titans looked on confused and Beast Boy laughed at his girl's attempt at being excited.
“So you've found it?” Robin asked impatiently.
“I believe so. May I see the book you're holding Cyborg?” Cyborg handed Raven the book and she opened it to the page of the spell which Slade had used to bring Lyllandra to this world. She looked back and forth between the spell and whatever she had found in the old notebook, nodding and muttering to herself.
“Raven.” Robin's tone was close to threatening.
“Okay I think I have it. Listen.” She took one last look between the two books and addressed her friends. “I had to take a look at this notebook because it contains all the information I'd collected about the forces of balance during my studies with the monks on Azarath.”
“You wrote that book?” Cyborg asked looking unbelievingly at the ancient, yellow pages. “That thing looks so old it's ready to fall apart. And my eyes still may be human but I know I don't need glasses. You aren't as old as that book looks.”
Raven just smiled.
“Are you?” Robin asked wide eyed.
“Let's just say there are a lot more things that you don't know about my past and…” She glanced at Beast Boy. “There are a lot of things you're just better off not knowing.”
“That's okay.” Beast Boy smiled slyly. “I have always been attracted to older women.” Cyborg punched him in the arm laughing and even Robin smiled before getting serious again.
“Okay guys that's enough. Raven can you bring Lyllandra back here or not?”
“I think I can Robin but I'm going to need your help.” Raven looked at him seriously.
“Whatever I need to do.” Robin was unhesitant.
“Okay then I'll explain. You all should understand how light versus darkness has been translated into good versus evil in most cultures right?” They nodded. “But that's not necessarily the case. Just because the magic is dark does not make it evil.”
“Just like you Raven.” Starfire pointed out.
Raven normally would have shot Starfire a dirty look but she was just happy that everyone seemed to be following what she was saying.. “Yes Starfire I suppose you're right. You see, magic spells on their own are not good or evil. There are those spells that have the potential to be destructive or deadly but they have no affiliation or preference either way. It's the person using them that determines if they will be truly evil. The spell that Slade used to connect Robin and Lyllandra is not an evil spell. It's just extremely old magic that can have disastrous consequences. Connecting two people's minds, especially when those two people are an extremely long distance apart can cause problems. If one person is mentally unstable or has evil thoughts, that problem can be passed from one to the other. Slade's purpose in connecting Robin and Lyllandra was to hurt Robin. He figured that based on what he read, the spell would warp the both of you to such a degree that he would be able to cause your minds intense pain. He wanted you to be in the kind of love that is blind and misleading. But that's where his plan backfired.” Raven paused to take a breath and continued. “Slade's evil purpose caused a reaction. I think that's why the spell chose Lyllandra. Robin,” She focused on her leader. “The love you feel for Lyllandra is not a blind one. It is intense and it may feel like it's not your choice and I know this is going to sound really corny, but the spell chose Lyllandra because it knew you two were right for each other. The fact that Lyllandra was suffering from cancer was inconsequential, in fact, we should thank Slade in a way because if he hadn't started all this crap in the first place, Lyllandra would have died in her own world, likely sooner rather than later and you never would have known she existed.”
“So then is this fate?” Beast Boy interrupted.
“I don't believe in fate.” Raven and Robin said at the same time. They looked at each other and smiled. They both had their reasons.
“It's not fate.” Raven said. “It's as I said before. Slade cast these spells without any thought to the consequences. But you can't disrupt time and space like that and walk away from it. The disruption he caused was apparently large enough to cause an intervention of sorts. Ever since, these powers have been manipulating things to try and restore things to normal. I think based on what we've seen so far, Lyllandra and Robin have the power to stop Slade and set things right. Don't ask me how because I have no idea. But that has to be the reason why Lyllandra is still alive even after Slade's attack on her. I think Slade's whole goal was to hurt Robin so much that he would lose himself. I'm willing to bet that he wanted Robin to think that Lyllandra's death was his own fault so that he'd grow dark and bitter. Then one day Slade would return and he could finally have his apprentice back.”
“That makes a really frightening sort of sense Raven but,” Robin said. “this doesn't tell us how to get Lyllandra back.”
“I'm getting to that. I believe that Lyllandra really is needed to set things straight so I think it is entirely possible to get her back in this world again.”
“Then why were we able to send her back in the first place?” Beast Boy piped up. “If she's needed here so badly then why let her leave?”
“I've been thinking about that myself actually.” Robin broke in. “If Slade didn't know that we could break the ring and send Lyllandra home then he may not know how strong the connection between us really is. He probably doesn't know anything about these forces of balance you keep talking about either. If he did, he never would have cast the spells in the first place. See, I think Slade really believes Lyllandra is dead. Of course he would because I believed she was dead until I heard her. He believes his plan worked to an extent. He wanted to cause me pain and guilt and believe me, when I thought he'd killed Lyllandra just as she would have been safe, that's exactly what I felt.” He was silent for a moment, thinking. “But now we know she's alive. So now we have the advantage.” He looked at Raven who nodded.
“I believe that's pretty much the point Robin.” She said. “I think it's a bad idea to try and guess what the powers are trying to do but I think it's pretty obvious at this point that we have to get Lyllandra back here and we have keep it secret from Slade until we're ready to make our move.”
“Then are we finally to hear how Lyllandra will return to our world?” Starfire asked, sounding impatient.
“Alright.” Raven stood up and motioned Robin to stand beside her. He did as he was told and she said to him. “This is going to sound like something out of a bad soap opera but it's very serious and I need you to concentrate on what I'm saying and I need you to answer truthfully okay?” Robin nodded.
“Do you love Lyllandra?” Raven asked in a most serious tone.
“Huh?” Robin's eyes opened wide as he became all to suddenly aware of his friends all watching.
“You heard me. This is no time to act like some embarrassed little teenager. Do you love Lyllandra?”
“Yes. More than anything.” He answered this time without hesitation. He noticed that Raven had closed her eyes and begun chanting in a strange tone and in words he'd never heard when he answered and almost instantly he was surrounded by a black light and before anyone else in the room could react, Robin was gone!
Lyllandra had started to pace around the living room. She couldn't think any harder than she already was and she couldn't sit still any longer. She was full of nervous energy but even the pacing was starting to hurt her head.
“I know I heard his voice.” She said aloud to herself yet again. “I am not going crazy. I know I heard him! But if he's not here then how is that even possible? Unless….” She stopped dead in front of the memory chest as the idea suddenly hit her. She slapped a hand to her forehead. “Oh how could I be so stupid! I'd just finished becoming friends with someone who was empathic, she's probably telepathic too! When I heard Robin he must have been contacting me using telepathy with help from Raven!”
“Well you're half right.” Robin's voice suddenly sounded in her ear again. But this time Lyllandra realized she could hear it more in her head than from anywhere in the room.
“Robin! I can hear you!” Her heart flooded with relief. “I'm so glad you're okay…you are okay aren't you? And what about the others are they alright? Is Starfire alright? And what do you mean I'm half right?”
She could hear a slight chuckle. “Easy Lyllandra. I'm alright. But we don't have much time. I need you to listen to me okay?”
Lyllandra nodded before realizing that Robin couldn't see her. She rolled her eyes at herself and answered aloud, “Yes I understand.”
“Good. I need you to focus Lyllandra. I need you to think of me. You…” His voice faltered a bit. “You need to want to see me.”
Lyllandra didn't answer. She had already closed her eyes and was creating a picture of Robin in her mind's eye. She focused on making the picture clear and could, all at once, hear someone chanting. It sounded like Raven and she was saying words that Lyllandra had never heard before. A strange pulling sensation started in Lyllandra's stomach. Her vision began to blur and she realized that she was now seeing the living room through a shell of black energy! She took one last look at the memory chest and for the last time, Lyllandra disappeared from her mother's spacious art-deco living room.
When Lyllandra felt that she could open her eyes again, for a moment she was sure she had passed out. She was standing in the middle of a dark and fragrant forest! Just like the one in her dream! The trees rose above her like giant spires. She could not see the tops, nor could she see the sky. The air around her smelled of pine. Strangely enough, it reminded her of the badly scented pine tree cut outs that her father used to hang on the rear view mirror of his car. She saw that she was standing at the base of an extremely large pine that had to be centuries old. Its trunk probably could be measured in metres. Mesmerized, Lyllandra reached out to touch it. She extended her arm but stopped. If she was in the same dream she'd been having for weeks, she shouldn't be able to move at all. She waved her arm about and looked down at her feet. She lifted first one and then the other. There was only one conclusion she could draw from this.
“I'm not dreaming anymore. I'm really here.” She said aloud, breaking the absolute silence of the forest.
“Yes you are here. And so am I.” Came a voice that she knew was not in her head. She turned quickly and was face to face with Robin! He came out from in between two large trees and stopped just a few feet away from her.
“Robin! I…but how?”
“I'm not exactly sure myself but I know we have Raven to thank for it.” Robin made to take another step towards her but stopped. He seemed unsure of what to say next.
Lyllandra misread his hesitation. “Robin…I'm so…” She could feel tears welling up and tried to swallow them back. “I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you or the others. If you can't forgive me for it then I understand.” She felt a tear roll down her cheek and desperately tried to hold her emotions together.
Robin looked at her in shock. “What on earth are you talking about Lyllandra? You did nothing wrong!” He did take a step closer then. “Slade tricked us all. He manipulated you and me from the very beginning! You have nothing to be sorry about. It's me who should be apologizing.”
“Why? You did your best to help me. I'm so grateful for that.”
“No not that.” Robin's face went very red. “I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted myself and how I felt about you. I thought it was just Slade having his way with me again and I completely turned my back on you and ignored my feelings. I never meant to hurt you Lyllandra.”
Lyllandra's tears were falling faster. She swallowed hard and barely managed to whisper, “I'll forgive you if you forgive me.”
Robin looked at Lyllandra wide-eyed and then smiled. He closed the distance between them and placed one hand on her shoulder. She was trying desperately to keep from crying and he could feel her shaking with the effort. He lifted her chin so he was looking her in the eyes. She looked at him and managed a smile.
“Wait a second.” Her voice was choked but she was smiling. “Something's not right.” Before Robin could respond, Lyllandra reached up and with one swift movement, she removed his mask! “Now that's better.” She had to stifle a gasp as she finally looked in Robin's eyes. If any doubt had been left in her heart it vanished in the instant she looked into those deep brown eyes. In them she saw everything he'd been hiding. All the love and emotion he hadn't been able to show because of his doubts radiated from his eyes now as he looked at her. It felt almost like he was looking right into her. It was a wonderful feeling that she remembered all too well from her dreams. “Please tell me this isn't actually the dumb dream again.” She pleaded to no one.
Robin did not answer. At least not with words. He reached up with his right hand and gently wiped the tears from her eyes. Then he cupped her face in his hands and brought her slowly to him. Lyllandra, knowing what was going to happen and desperately not wanting to wake up this time, leaned up quickly and kissed him! He immediately returned her kiss and she felt his hands leave her face and reach around to her back. He squeezed her tight to him and, if possible, managed to deepen the kiss they shared.
Robin had noted the similarities between his current surroundings and the dream. He didn't know why they had ended up here. He figured it had something to do with `them' and their interference. But for the first time in his life, he did the smart thing and ignored everything he'd heard about being guided and any notions he had left that his feelings were not his own. He knew his feelings were real now. They were just too damn strong not to be. He loved the woman he held and he wanted to shout it out to the world. But that wasn't his way. So he settled for showing her instead. All in all, a reasonable compromise.
Lyllandra's entire body felt on fire and she threw her arms around Robin's neck. This was not the first time she had been kissed but the feeling of someone's lips on hers had never felt so good and so right. The fact that she didn't know where they were or really what the hell was going on, for the moment, didn't matter. All she could feel was Robin. All she could taste was Robin. All she could smell….was cheap hair gel. But even that only served to intensify the feeling that this was the best thing that had ever happened to her. She was in the arms of the man she loved and she was healthy enough to love him back. They could be together for the rest of their lives…or could they?
That little bit of doubt penetrated Lyllandra's otherwise enamoured mind and she reluctantly pulled back from Robin. The first of her senses to kick back in was her sense of smell that told her the odour of pine was gone. The next thing to hit her was her eyesight which told her that they weren't in the forest anymore! They were, in actuality, holding each other in the middle of Raven's room!
Lyllandra felt Robin's arms leave her as he too realized where they were. He stepped back, a completely shocked look on his face that she was sure matched her own. They were indeed back in Raven's room and they were alone. Robin immediately replaced his mask and went to the door, Lyllandra right behind him. The door opened with a hiss just as Lyllandra tripped over one of the books Raven had cast aside during her earlier search. She slammed into Robin's back and caused him to fall over into the hallway. At the last minute he twisted around to grab the doorknob but missed and landed on his back, Lyllandra landing right on top of him. They both froze for a moment as the impact of what just happened sunk in. Then an amused voice said,
“I'd tell you to get a room but you already had one. Couldn't you at least keep it in there?”
“Honestly! I agreed to give them a moment but that's just taking advantage of my generosity.”
Robin and Lyllandra looked up into the highly amused and happy face of their friends. Beast Boy and Raven had made the comments and they were the first to help the flustered couple up. Both Lyllandra and Robin were extremely red-faced at being caught in such a position but they could not disguise their happiness, or their confusion.
“Um…hi guys.” Lyllandra waved timidly to her friends. Although Robin held no malice for her earlier actions, she couldn't help but feel really guilty about what had happened and all she had put her friends through.
“Lyllandra. Good to have you back alright.” Cyborg said from where he was standing in front of Starfire who seemed to be having a hard time keeping still. Cyborg looked at her and sighed. “Okay Star, go for it.”
Lyllandra didn't even have time to ask Cyborg what he meant before being bowled over by an ecstatic Starfire.
“Oh my friend!” She exclaimed, cutting off Lyllandra's air supply for the second time in only three days. “I am so glad you are unharmed and have returned to us! I was so worried that I had harmed you when we fought earlier….oh.” She stopped when she saw the expression on Lyllandra's face. “Please do not dwell on what happened earlier. It is over now and we will not allow Slade to harm you again. He will be made to pay for what he has done.” She stood up and put her right fist over her heart. “I swear it as the second princess of the planet Tamaran.”
Lyllandra couldn't help but smile. It seemed like her friends had forgiven her after all. Everyone shook their heads at Starfire's melodrama but there wasn't a frown in the house. Beast Boy's eyes were positively gleaming from where he stood propping up a now officially exhausted Raven.
“Raven!” Lyllandra exclaimed running to her. “I heard you chanting when I was taken to…wherever that was. It must have taken a lot out of you.”
“It wasn't just that.” Beast Boy said eyeing Raven darkly. “She's definitely had more than her share of excitement today.”
“Raven,” Robin said. “You've done an awesome job today and believe me, I owe you more than I could ever repay you,” He said as he stood beside Lyllandra and put his arm around her shoulder. “But I'm officially ordering you as the leader of the Teen Titans to go to bed!”
Raven didn't argue. She was too busy snoring lightly from where she had finally given into her exhaustion and fallen asleep on Beast Boy's shoulder. Beast Boy sighed and carried her off to bed. When he exited her room a few moments later, the others were waiting for him.
“Okay.” Lyllandra spoke first. “So when do I get to know just what the hell is going on? How did I end up back home and how on earth did I end up here again?”
“It's story time again.” Cyborg smiled. He took Lyllandra's hand and started towards the common area. “Let's adjourn to the couch while Raven sleeps and Cyborg the smart shall tell you all you need to know.”
Raven slept all that night and well into the morning. The others, though really they should have been sleeping as well, were all too excited and full of adrenaline to even entertain the thought. So they convened on the couch and with everyone contributing, finally everyone was brought up to speed on what had happened up to that point, except for how Raven had gotten Lyllandra back to their world and they were going to have to wait until she woke up to get that story. Lyllandra sighed and leaned back on the couch.
“Wow. That's really amazing. I never believed in any of this stuff when I was living in that other world.” Lyllandra had, over the last few hours, gone from saying home, to my world, finally to that world. She was not surprised and only mildly concerned that her connection to her old life was disappearing that quickly. “But here it seems anything is possible. I'm glad for that though. It's gotta keep things interesting and it means that we'll have a good chance of finally defeating Slade. Once we figure out how we're going to do that, that is.”
“Yeah I have no idea about that one either.” Cyborg said as he dipped his hand into one of the bowls of snacks they had grabbed around 3 in the morning.
“If those funky jedi guidy things wanted to show up and give us a sign, I'd be more than happy with that.” Beast Boy added.
“If Raven is right I am sure they are still guiding us in their way. We need to just continue with our lives as we normally would given the situation. If we start to second guess ourselves, we run the risk that we may fail.” Starfire said wisely. “We must have faith in ourselves and each other. Things will work out.”
“You're probably right Star.” Robin said. “We know we have the advantage in that Slade still thinks he killed Lyllandra. All we have to do is figure out what role she still has to play in all this and that will reveal to us how to defeat Slade.”
“But how do we figure that out?” Beast Boy asked innocently enough but he got glares from everyone there. For all their positive talking, not one of them had any idea.
Lyllandra yawned loudly and looked at the others sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“No apologies necessary.” Cyborg said looking at some readings on his arm. “I should recharge anyway, we all should.”
“You're right. Having at least a nap may help us think more clearly.” Robin stood up and took Lyllandra's hand, helping her up as well. The others took the cue and all adjourned to their bedrooms. Robin walked Lyllandra to her door and when the others were out of sight, he grabbed her to him and kissed her deeply. “I can't tell you how glad I am that you and I got everything sorted out.”
“Mmmm me too.” Lyllandra replied as they finally parted a little bit for air. “It was so frustrating having to rely on a silly dream. I can't help but feel sort of grateful to Slade for that know what I mean?”
“Yeah I do. Even though he brought you here to cause pain, it's completely backfiring on him.”
“And that will be the sweetest revenge of all.” Lyllandra winked at him and slipped into her room.
Robin watched her door close and slowly walked to his own room, fighting the powerful urge that had come over him to grab her and bring her to his room with him. He reached his room, locked the door and sighed. “First things first.” He said to himself as he forced his hormones to a reasonable level. “I'll make Slade pay for what he's done to hurt her and then we can be together for the rest of our lives. Or can we?” The thought came unbidden but it would not be ignored. Robin laid down on his bed but he did not sleep.
Neither did Starfire. But for a very different reason. Finally given some time to think on her own, Starfire had not gone to sleep but instead was hugging an overstuffed pillow on her bed trying to call forth the feelings she had gotten before. She tried desperately to hear the small, quiet voices in her head that told her to not worry; Everything was working out the way it should. She had been so sure that once Lyllandra had returned to their world that they would find a way to defeat Slade and Lyllandra could stay with them and Starfire would finally have a permanent shopping buddy. But the feeling of certainty did not come. Instead, came a feeling of foreboding. She felt as if she had missed something. Something important. The feeling was so strong that eventually, she left her bedroom and walked out into the hallway. She stood in front of Lyllandra's door, wanting to knock but not knowing why. She was still deliberating when she was interrupted by Raven coming out of her bedroom, looking very refreshed.
“Star what are you doing?” Raven asked as she stopped beside her friend.
“I…do not know.” Starfire admitted looking very confused.
“Um…okay.” Raven looked at her friends expression and at the door she was in front of. “Is Lyllandra okay?”
“I believe she is sleeping.”
“Then why are you standing in front of her door like this?”
“Don't know right? Then let's find out. It's better than standing out here in the hallway.” Raven reached up and knocked on Lyllandra's door. There was no answer. “She probably is sleeping. And after what she's been through she'll need the rest. We shouldn't disturb her.”
“Alright.” Starfire said uncertainly and she let Raven lead her away and out to the common area.
About an hour later, Robin, tired of lying alone thinking doubtful thoughts got up and walked to Lyllandra's door. Telling himself that seeing her would ease his inner Doubting Thomas, he reached out and knocked. There was no answer. “She must still be asleep.” He thought to himself. He almost turned away but then decided that he didn't need to wake her. All he needed was to see her and he would feel better. He pressed the button beside her door and it opened automatically for him. He walked into the room but stopped short at the sight that greeted him. Lyllandra was lying on her back in bed but she wasn't alone. There was a ball of bright white light hovering above her and as Robin watched horrified, it turned several different shades of blue and shot right into Lyllandra's chest! Lyllandra, at that moment, opened her eyes and sat up straight. Robin's paralysis broke and he ran to her. She was clutching her chest and gasping for air. Robin grabbed for his communicator. “Titans get to Lyllandra's room now! There's trouble!” He picked Lyllandra up and ran out into the hallway. The others arrived at the same time and he yelled to Cyborg, “Take her to the medibay, I'll be right behind you.” To Starfire, Beast Boy and Raven he yelled, “Search Lyllandra's room. Let me know what you find.” And he took off down the hall after Cyborg.
Beast Boy, who was still yawning from being woken up said, “What the hell just happened here?” But Raven and Starfire didn't answer. They just looked at each other and Raven said,
“Starfire, maybe we should start listening to your `intuition'.” Starfire just looked shocked and upset. They went into Lyllandra's room and began their search for anything unusual.
Meanwhile in the medibay, Cyborg had run several scans on Lyllandra for over an hour. She had begun to breathe normally again and had calmed down although she was still keeping a hand on her chest as if to keep her heart from bursting out. She and Cyborg listened to Robin's account of what had happened.
“Something went into me?” Lyllandra asked fearfully.
“I don't know what it was, but it was bright and when it entered your body is when you woke up.” Robin replied.
“Well I've done some scans and I can't find anything wrong or different about Lyllandra than the last time I scanned her which was only a couple days ago.” Cyborg looked at the screens where information about Lyllandra's life signs was being displayed.
“Something happened Cyborg.” Robin insisted. “I wasn't seeing things and Lyllandra didn't start having trouble breathing for no reason.”
“I know man, I know.” Cyborg said in a placating tone. “All I'm saying is that all my instruments here can't find anything.”
“Is she okay?” Raven entered the medibay followed by Starfire and Beast Boy.
“Can't we have ever a day without something really weird happening?” Beast Boy complained.
“Not as long as you live here no.” Raven deadpanned at him.
“What did you find?” Robin demanded.
“Nothing.” Starfire answered. “There was nothing unusual at all in Lyllandra's bedroom. Nothing physical and Raven could not sense any wayward energy.”
Lyllandra and the Titans looked at each other, all of them asking the same question silently. Just what the hell was going on? They were about to get their answer and sooner than they thought for just then, the Titan's communicator went off. There was trouble in the city. Lyllandra voiced the question they all had.
“Is it Slade?”
“Let's find out. Raven, give us a head start and then you bring Lyllandra downtown with you. Keep her out of sight! Everyone else with me.” And he ran out of the medibay, the others close behind.
Raven turned to Lyllandra and said, “You'd better change. I'll wait for you in the common area and then we can go after the others.” She left the room.
Lyllandra leapt off the table and smiled. Everything was going according to plan. Even Slade had shown up at the right moment. She knew it was him. She could feel it. Robin wasn't supposed to have seen the orb of light that entered her body but she had managed to fool the others so far into thinking she didn't know what happened in her room. But she knew. She knew everything now. The tiny, quiet voice in her head had told her everything she needed to know. She would go downtown with Raven but she would not stay hidden. No. She and Slade had much to discuss.