Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams And Destinies ❯ The End ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 13
The End
Lyllandra joined Raven in the common area just ten minutes after the others had left. She had changed into a pair of khakis and a t-shirt. Raven just looked at her and she nodded. Raven stood beside her and in a flash of black, they were downtown in an alley way. Raven motioned for Lyllandra to stay hidden behind her and she peered out to see how the others were doing. Lyllandra came up just behind Raven and looked out also. She needed to see what was going on.
What was going on was that Robin and the others had arrived downtown in time to find Slade sitting at an outside table at the same pizza joint Lyllandra and Robin had been enjoying just the other day. The other patrons had fled and he was sitting quietly, savouring a drink someone had left behind.
“Slade.” Robin said in disgust. “You have a lot of nerve showing your face after what you did.” He didn't need to force himself to be angry with Slade, that came with the territory. But he did need to force himself to look the part of the grieving lover. He hoped the others could be as convincing. Slade couldn't know Lyllandra had survived and was back until they were ready to make their move. Little did he know the move was going to be made without him.
“Well hello Robin.” Slade sneered. “I didn't interrupt anything I hope. A memorial service perhaps?”
“Why are you here?” Robin demanded.
“Well you see I was going to let you stew in your own juices for a while and come back when you would have presented more of a challenge. But I admit I have a bit of a weakness where you're concerned Robin. Truth be told, I just plain missed you.” Slade stood up and threw his cup aside. He began to advance on the Titans who were poised and ready to attack…..
They all did. And they all turned to see where the command had come from. They saw Lyllandra standing just a few feet away!
“Lyllandra?” Robin didn't know what he was asking but it felt needed just the same.
“Where's Raven?” Beast Boy asked looking behind Lyllandra but not seeing her.
“You'll have to see to her BB.” Lyllandra answered simply. She did not move. “She didn't want to let me come out here so I had to incapacitate her.”
The other Titans looked at Lyllandra shocked, Slade temporarily forgotten. Starfire frowned. The feeling she had had when standing outside of Lyllandra's room had not gone away, even when she had seen that Lyllandra was alright. She now knew why. “What have they done?” She moaned.
“What have you done to Raven?” Beast Boy practically growled.
“I have not harmed her I promise.” Lyllandra looked right at Beast Boy. To his surprise he could see a confidence and power in her that made him fall back a bit. “I would never hurt my friends.” Beast Boy saw the sincerity in her eyes and rushed off to check on Raven.
“Not possible!” Came from Slade and everyone turned their attention back on him. Amazingly, Lyllandra's expression was calm and serene and she actually smiled at Slade.
“Hello Slade. You seem surprised to see me. Did you actually believe you could get rid of me so easily?” She took a step towards the surprised villain.
“No.” Slade refused to believe the sight before him. “I stabbed you. I saw the blade enter your chest. I saw the blood on the knife! There's no way you could have survived that!”
“That's very true.” Lyllandra admitted, her face still a picture of calm. “And had you not stirred up the trouble that you did, I might not have survived. But if you'd never brought me here in the first place there would have been no trouble so I wouldn't have been hurt at all. My my, now that's more complicated than I think it needs to be isn't it? How about we just deal with the problem before us. That would be you.” Her eyes suddenly narrowed and the calm look disappeared from her face. She now wore a scowl to make the most cold-hearted killer back away.
Robin was experiencing a very real sense of shock and confusion. He wanted to interfere but Starfire had come up beside him and held him back. She looked back at Cyborg where he was getting ready to help Lyllandra and shook her head.
“Starfire do you know what's going on?” Robin asked.
“Not exactly. But I do have an idea. We must be patient.”
“This has to do with that light doesn't it Star?” Cyborg asked joining them.
“I asked for those jedi guidy things to give us a sign didn't I?” Beast Boy said coming over to them with Raven in tow. She looked fine, just a little disgruntled at being one upped. “I guess I got what I asked for.” He gave a sour laugh.
“Are you alright Raven?” Robin asked.
“Yeah I'm fine.” Raven answered moodily. “I tried to keep Lyllandra in the alley but she touched me and there was this sudden burst of white light and the next thing I knew Beast Boy was ki….um…waking me up.” She blurted out suddenly red-faced. As was her normally green-faced boyfriend.
“Do you think your forces of balance have anything to do with this Raven?” Cyborg asked.
“Okay one, they're not `my' forces of balance and two isn't it obvious? Lyllandra never had the ability to knock me out just by touching me before.” Raven answered. “I think the powers that be are about to interfere in a much more tangible way. We'd better stay out of it. Except you Robin.” She looked at her leader. “You had better stay close to her. Don't interfere unless she asks you to but…don't leave her.”
“Fat chance.” Robin grunted and with a quick leap he was standing beside Lyllandra. She did not move or acknowledge his presence.
Slade stared at the girl in front of him. He knew it was impossible that she should be there, not only had he killed her but she had been thrown back to her own world. But here she stood in front of him, not only very much alive but looking at him with a sense of confidence and defiance that unnerved him and, frankly, pissed him off. “So you managed to survive and find your way back to your boyfriend did you?” He laughed. “I suppose how doesn't matter. I'll just have to make sure that I dispose of you properly this time.”
“Actually Slade, how I am still alive should be very important to you. It has everything to do with why you have failed in your plan and why you will fail again.” Lyllandra said simply but her face was still contorted in a scowl.
“Failed? Who says I have failed?” Slade laughed. “A minor setback in my plans that's true. But once you've been destroyed then I'll be right back on track.”
“I'm not the one who's going to be destroyed today Slade.” Lyllandra raised her right hand which, incredibly, began to glow! Robin backed up a step but heeded Raven's warning and did not leave.
Slade's eyes opened wide as he saw this impossible thing happening and before anyone could react, he sprinted towards Lyllandra, fists upraised. Lyllandra did not move. Her hand continued to glow bright and she brought it up to the level of her face. Robin whipped out his staff but Lyllandra held out her left hand to stop him. “No Robin. He's mine.” Slade whipped out a blade much like the one he had stabbed her with before. He thrust it at her but she evaded it easily and with an agility that didn't even seem human, she reached out and grabbed him by the collar! Her strength seemed incredible as she brought Slade's face right up close to her own. “Didn't I tell you that you couldn't get rid of me that easily? I'm like a bad penny.” She sneered at him. “No matter what you do, I'm always going to turn up.”
Slade struggled but to no avail. Lyllandra reached out with her right hand and a burst of energy came from it and impacted Slade square in the chest! He flew backward and landed on his back a few feet away but before he could move Lyllandra was upon him. Her right hand still glowing she pointed it at his face as she kneeled on his chest.
“What are you?” Slade gasped for air as Lyllandra was effectively sitting on his lungs.
“What I am you have made me.” Lyllandra said simply. “You started this Slade. You set in motion things which cannot be undone. You have disrupted the very essence of the universe. You've been a very naughty little boy Slade and you're going to have to be punished.” She smiled a grim smile.
“By you?” Slade managed a weak if unconvincing laugh. “I think not.”
“Not just by her Slade.” Robin's voice became louder as he came beside Lyllandra once again. “You wanted to hurt me by hurting her but the only one who's going to get hurt here is you.”
“Much of what you have done cannot be fixed. But I can make sure you never do it again.” Lyllandra's hand glowed even brighter and Slade began to struggle fiercely under her. She seemed to have no trouble holding him down however and as Slade saw the truth in her eyes, he began to scream. But it was too late. Lyllandra sent out a devastating blast of energy right into Slade's face. His scream was muffled as it impacted. The light got so bright that Robin and the others had to shield their eyes from it. When it dissipated, Slade was on the ground, not moving. So was Lyllandra.
Robin ran to her and propped her up in his arms. The others came running over as well.
“Lyllandra! Lyllandra!” Robin yelled as he cradled her head in his arms. “Come on Lyllandra snap out of it!”
Everyone gathered around Lyllandra to see that she was okay. Everyone except Raven. She hung back a little bit, considering the situation. “Lyllandra said that some of what Slade had done could not be fixed.” She thought to herself. “I wonder what she meant by that.” She looked towards where the others were gathered around Lyllandra. They were so busy paying attention to her that they didn't see it but fortunately Raven warned them in time.
“Azarath Metrion Zinthos!” She yelled the words and knocked a very alive and threatening Slade back on his ass. The other Titans looked up and over at Slade who, incredibly, was getting back up again!
“Is there no way to defeat this bastard?” Beast Boy leapt up and changed into a Bull to knock Slade back down and keep him there. Cyborg stood up and fired a blast at Slade from his energy cannon. Robin still held Lyllandra who was beginning to show signs of coming around.
“But it should have worked!” Starfire exclaimed. “Lyllandra's power was incredible and she hit him square in the face! He should not have survived!”
“It wasn't enough.” Came from Lyllandra who had finally opened her eyes and was now trying to get up. Robin was helping prop her up on her feet where she swayed dangerously. “The powers that they gave me just weren't enough.”
“But they should have been!” Starfire insisted. When she had seen the power that Lyllandra possessed she had understood what had happened earlier and she had been so sure that everything was going to work out. But Lyllandra had done her best and Slade still would not go down. Now what were they going to do?
“You mean that's what that ball of light was?” Robin asked amazed. Lyllandra smiled weakly at him.
“Lyllandra.” Raven said quickly. “Do you still have the powers?”
“I think so yeah.” Lyllandra was still very unsteady on her feet but some of her colour had returned.
“Robin.” Raven focused on him. “I think it's time you helped Lyllandra out.”
“How?” Robin asked confused. “I don't have the powers that she does.”
“I think this is where the “we can only do it together and if we believe in each other” part of the sappy movie comes in. You have to help her find the power in herself.” Raven couldn't help but roll her eyes. She couldn't believe what she was saying but she had no choice. She knew how this stuff worked and she had to make it happen. Even if it made her want to yak.
“So what do I do?” Robin asked desperately.
“Just be there.” Lyllandra answered and she let go of Robin and walked away towards where Beast Boy and Cyborg were trying to fight Slade. A lot of good it was doing them too. Slade was far too formidable for the both of them put together. Even after taking a beating from Lyllandra. “He's going to get another beating before this is over.” She thought sourly. She lurched towards them and Robin caught up to her.
“What do you need me to do Lyllandra?”
“You have to lend me your strength.”
“How do I do that?”
“Use the meditation and focus techniques that Raven had been teaching you. You have to focus on bringing all your power to the surface and then giving it to me.”
“Maybe Raven should be the one doing this. I mean she's much better at this stuff.”
“No. It has to be you. Don't you see Robin?” Lyllandra stopped and looked at him. “This is why the spell chose me in the first place. Both you and I and the feelings we share are the only things that can stop Slade for good. If we can't get over our doubts about ourselves and each other and find a way then no one will. Now we have to hurry. There's not much of me left.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Raven's powers of balance people gave me these powers but they're strong. They're getting to be too much for me to handle. If we don't do this soon, I may lose myself.”
That was enough for Robin. “Lead the way and tell me when.”
They both approached Slade who stopped when he saw them coming. Beast Boy and Cyborg stopped as well. Beast Boy called out. “Lyllandra?”
“Back off BB.” She yelled back as she limped towards Slade. “I have to finish this.”
Both Cyborg and Beast Boy obliged. Slade stared with pure hatred at Lyllandra. He wouldn't say it but he was feeling very nervous. Nothing was working out the way he had expected. He didn't know who these powers were that they were all talking about but he wasn't about to let them or anyone else deprive him of his fun. He swore to himself that after this mess had been cleaned up, he would never touch another magic spell. How right he was.
Lyllandra stopped mere feet away from Slade. Robin came up right behind her. He practically had to hold her up though. Aside from controlling the powers that for now had a home in her, she also had to expend a tremendous amount of energy in keeping her sense of self together. She felt like the power was ripping her apart. She could also feel the powers that be inside her head. She knew that half of what she was saying came from them but it wasn't the horrible out of control feeling she had experience back at Slade's hideout. She was in control of her own actions. It's just that the powers that be weren't giving her much choice in the matter.
Slade did not move as Lyllandra approached him. He didn't really believe that she had enough energy to defeat him. She could barely move for crying out loud! Even with the Boy Blunder holding her up, to kill him she'd have to use all of her energy and that would surely kill her. Slade very much doubted that Robin would allow that. Of course he always had underestimated the lengths to which Robin would go to see him destroyed.
Robin let go of Lyllandra, closed his eyes and began to focus all of his energy to a point. In his mind he used the image of the ball of energy that had entered Lyllandra's body as a reference. Lyllandra meanwhile had begun to collect her massive power into her hand again. She was afraid that it would take too long and Slade would strike before she could pull enough energy together. But he seemed to be unafraid. Instead he taunted them.
“Come now Lyllandra. You can't honestly believe that you have the power to defeat me. Look at you! You can barely stand up! And the Boy Blunder over there can't help you. He's too busy worrying about who's going to betray him next to be able to focus on anything. How about we call a truce for today hmm? You know I really am glad you're alive. It'll give me the pleasure of killing you one more time.”
Lyllandra tuned him out as best she could. She was for a moment worried that Slade's taunts would affect Robin's ability to concentrate but she could feel the energy build up behind her and she knew she had nothing to worry about. She tried to prepare herself to receive the energy but it came in such a massive blast that when it impacted her she screamed. The energy was too much! It filled her up, combined with the small amount that she had remaining and immediately left out of her right hand directly at Slade!
Slade saw the glow that accompanied Robin's transfusion of energy into Lyllandra. He wanted to run but it all happened too fast. As soon as she began to scream, the energy left her and flew straight at him.
“Oh shi…..” And he was gone. Vapourized into nothing but harmless steam, Slade the most hated and dangerous enemy of the Teen Titans, was finally gone.
With Slade gone, the last of the power exited Lyllandra's body with an enormous Whooosh! She sank to the ground. Robin dropped down next to her, struggling to stay awake. The other Titans ran over to them. Robin leaned over to Lyllandra who was quickly fading into unconsciousness. “Will you be okay?”
“Yeah.” She answered weakly. “Did we do it?”
“Yeah.” Robin's answer was just as weak but he still sounded amazed. “Slade's really gone.”
Lyllandra sighed. “My power is gone too. You were amazing.” She smiled. “I had no idea you had that much energy in you.”
“You haven't seen anything yet.” Robin said slyly. “Just wait until you recover your energy. I'll give you a run for your money.”
Lyllandra managed a weak laugh and she reached for his hand. She gave it a slight squeeze. “I can hardly wait.” Then she said no more.
“Lyllandra? Lyllandra?” Robin pressed.
“It's okay dude. She's just asleep.” Robin hadn't even heard Beast Boy or the others arrive. When he saw their happy faces, he knew everything was okay and allowed his own exhaustion to take him.
When Robin awoke several hours later he was lying in his own bed back at Titan Tower. He sat bolt upright and his first thought was for Lyllandra. Was she okay? He turned to get out of bed and stopped when he saw her lying there next to him! She was still asleep, laying on her side. He leaned in close to her and could hear her slow, even breathing. He smiled and gently ran his fingers through her hair. She moaned lightly and curled up even tighter to her pillow. Robin had the sudden urge to be that pillow. But he let her sleep and quietly left the room to find his friends.
He found them sitting at the kitchen table looking rather morose. He felt the hairs on his neck stand up straight but Starfire must have seen his face because she stood up quickly and said, “Do not worry Robin. All is well. I am glad you're finally awake.”
“If all is well then why do you guys look like you're getting ready to go to a funeral?”
“Well there's something you need to know about Lyllandra man.” Cyborg said uneasily. He pulled back a chair for Robin to sit down.
“What about Lyllandra? She looks fine to me. Is there still something wrong with her?”
“She regained consciousness for a little while when we got the two of you back to the tower.” Cyborg continued. “She…Robin she doesn't remember anything about the battle. She doesn't remember anything about Slade or how she came to be here or why she's here. Tell the truth, she doesn't remember anything about being from another world in the first place. It's like her memory has been totally wiped.”
It felt like someone was pouring ice water down Robin's back. “She doesn't remember anything? Anything at all?”
“She remembers us.” Raven said quickly. “So she should still remember you. But from what we saw and heard, she seems to think that she's been here all along.”
“But why would that be?”
“I've been thinking about that.” Raven said. “Actually I've been thinking about it ever since she said that some of what Slade had done could not be undone back downtown. I wondered what that meant. I think this is the final act of the powers of balance. She can't go back to her own world anymore so they've erased any memory of her home so that she can make a new life for herself here. It's the best explanation I could come up with anyway. See,” Raven's tone became quiet. “The spell I used to bring her back was one that played off of the spell that Slade had cast in the first place. The connection already existed between the two of you, I just had to bridge it through the physical world. But when Lyllandra chose to come back here, and it was her choice you understand, that was it. There was no going back. All I can think of is maybe this is the best way to keep the natural order in place. Not to mention the kindest thing for Lyllandra.”
“Then why do we remember it?” Robin asked.
“Good question.” Raven said simply. “We may never have an answer but one thing is certain. We can't ever talk about what happened with Lyllandra again. If she believes that she's been here, friends with us and together with you for as long as she can remember then that's what we let her believe.”
Everyone nodded. Robin said, “I can do that.” He paused and then smiled. “But whose smart assed idea was it to put Lyllandra in bed with me while we slept our exhaustion off?”
“Uh dude, it was hers.” Beast Boy said quietly.
At Robin's confused look, Cyborg said, “When she came to and didn't remember anything, she couldn't understand why you and she were so out of it. We told her you guys were in an accident and you just needed to rest. When Starfire tried to take Lyllandra to her own room, she was confused. As far as Lyllandra knows, she's been with you for..well…ever Rob.” He couldn't say more.
“I think I get it.” Robin nodded his head and actually smiled. “That's okay with me.” Everyone looked surprised at his reaction so he elaborated. “Hey, you said yourself Raven that Lyllandra was chosen because she and I are right for each other right?” Raven slowly nodded. “And I love her more than my own life so you know what? For once, I'm leaving this entirely in fate's hands.” He stood up and made to walk back down the hallway but stopped and turned. “Besides,” He said slyly. “What kind of boyfriend would I be to start arguing with my girlfriend about what she believed?”
“Dude!” Beast Boy exclaimed laughing.
“Well alright!” Cyborg smiled.
Starfire simply smiled at Robin. She was terribly happy that her best friend had found someone who he could love but she was even more happy at the fact that over the last few days, Robin seemed to have lost a little of the cynicism that had haunted him since before she had met him. He seemed more willing to accept that some things were meant to be instead of insisting on finding a reason why they couldn't possibly be.
Robin's smile said it all. He turned down the hallway and headed back to his bedroom. He reached the door just as it opened and Lyllandra came out, stretching and yawning. When she saw him, her face lit up and she threw her arms around him.
“Robin! I'm so glad you're alright! When I woke up feeling horrible the others said that we'd been in an accident and that we just needed to get some rest but I was worried about you. You looked really out of it.”
“Everything's okay Lyllandra.” Robin replied hugging her to him. In a way he was sad that she wouldn't remember the amazing things she'd done but in a way he could understand how this would be better for her. And, he realized, it didn't really matter what she remembered as long as she remembered that she loved him.
“So we can be together forever right?” Lyllandra asked suddenly. Robin looked at her and she looked almost confused. Like she didn't know quite why she had said it. Robin shushed her quickly with a deep kiss.
“I certainly don't have any other plans.” He said when he finally let her go. She smiled at him and took his hand and together they walked back out to the common area to see their friends.
“Water beats Fire.”
“Lightning beats Water.”
“Earth beats Lightning. I win!”
“Meteor beats Earth. I win.”
“Aww man!”
Six months had passed since Lyllandra had first arrived in the Titans world. And as far as she was concerned, she had lived in a small town in Canada as an orphan for most of her life before moving to Jump City to start a career for herself as an author. And when she had found Robin, she had found a reason to stay. The other Titans were more than happy to let her believe what she wanted. And they had had no trouble at all accepting her into their lives. Except perhaps for Beast Boy, whose butt Lyllandra had just kicked at their favourite card game. Cyborg and Starfire laughed at Beast Boy's expression as Lyllandra swept up all 30 played cards from the table and put them into her already substantial pile.
“That's the fourth time you've won tonight!” Beast Boy complained. Raven patted him on the shoulder in condolence and followed that with a quick kiss on the cheek. Strange Raven behaviour in front of her friends? Six months ago hell yeah. But Robin and Lyllandra's relationship hadn't been the only one growing over the last while. Thanks to Beast Boy's inextinguishable love for Raven, which he had not once hidden since admitting he loved her (even though it drove her crazy at first) had eventually worn her down to the point where she had decided it was learn to show affection in public or kill Beast Boy. Since the latter would surely have landed her in jail, she figured her best option would be door number 1. So she had slowly started to come out of her proverbial shell and, while she and Beast Boy were taking it a little more slowly and still had separate rooms (unlike Robin and Lyllandra), one no longer had to guess if there was anything between them. They were very obviously a couple now and, whether she would admit it or not, Raven seemed to be enjoying it a lot.
“What can I say? I'm good!” Lyllandra smiled and began sorting her cards.
“That you are little lady I must say.” Cyborg sighed, staring down at his own declining pile of cards and pushed back from the table. “I just put a new killer sound system into the T-car (I'll take y'all for a ride tomorrow) and I can't afford any more cards this month so I better give it up for tonight. You just wait till I get me some more packs Lyl. Then you gonna see some action!”
“Bring it on tin man.” Lyllandra smiled. She looked at her other friends. “Who else is gonna run?”
“Well you've got all my cards.” Beast Boy grumped. “So I guess I'm out too.”
“Yeah me too.” Raven said gathering up her last few cards. “It's getting late anyway. I'm gonna go meditate before bed.” She kissed Beast Boy one more time and floated off towards the bedrooms.
“We are still journeying to the mall of shopping tomorrow yes?” Starfire asked looking at Lyllandra.
“Yeah sure Star. Tomorrow afternoon though okay? I have to finish that last chapter I've been working on.” Lyllandra had written a few short stories in the last few months and had woken up one night with a great idea for a full length novel. It was about a girl who travelled to a parallel dimension and helped a group of superheroes defeat a raging villain mastermind. It had caused a group choking incident when she had revealed the plot to her friends at the kitchen table one morning but they had sucked it back and encouraged her that it sounded like an awesome idea. Very original.
“Very well. I too shall go to bed. I cannot afford to lose to you again. Good night my friends.” She floated off after Raven.
“Good night Star!” was chorused by the remaining table sitters.
“Alright then. I guess this night ends with me the undefeated champion yet again!” Lyllandra chorused cheerfully. She made to stand up when a hand on her arm stopped her.
“Already forgot I was here huh?” Robin smiled at her, holding one more card in his hand.
“Robin. You have one card. And nothing beats the meteor card. How can you hope to play and defeat me?”
“You know it is getting late. I'm going to bed.” Cyborg stood up and motioned for Beast Boy to do the same. He wasn't quite getting the hint though, surprise surprise. Cyborg sighed and grabbed the changeling by the collar and hoisted him out of the chair. “Go say good night to Raven BB.” He said carefully.
“Oh yeah sure. Night guys.” Beast Boy and Cyborg bounded off towards the bedrooms, mumbling at each other.
Lyllandra watched everyone disappear in confusion. “Okay then.” She muttered. “I guess it's just you and me. You sure you wanna lose that last card?”
“Just play your hand.” Robin smiled.
Lyllandra threw down an easy to beat wind card. “Okay let's see what card will be mine next.” She goaded. Robin put his card face down on the table however and just looked at Lyllandra.
“Aren't you going to turn it over?”
“I'll leave that pleasure to you.” Robin said slyly, his arms folded across his chest.
“You guys have been acting weird all night.” Lyllandra complained. “Not that it's anything new mind you but tonight it's been weirder than usual. Have you been hitting that super sugary lemonade again?”
“Just turn the card over please.”
Lyllandra sighed and did as requested. When she turned the card around however, she did not find an elemental sign. Instead, she found a beautiful ring taped to the underside of the card. She looked at the card in shock and then at Robin who was sitting stoically in front of her.
“So. Do you have a card that will beat that?” He asked innocently enough but the smile on his face said it all.
“Robin is this…what is this?”
“It's a promise ring.” He was quick to say. He took the ring off the card and held it out in front of Lyllandra. “I think we're both still a little young for the real thing (and Bruce would kill me if I brought home a fiancé before I turned 21) but I wanted you to know that when the time is right, I fully intend on making an honest woman of you. That is…if you'll accept it.”
In answer Lyllandra stuck out her hand and Robin placed the ring on her finger. It was a lovely white gold with a topaz, Lyllandra's birthstone, in the centre. She felt like her face was going to split from the smile that covered it. She leaned in quickly to Robin and kissed him passionately. It was several seconds before they parted and when they did, they said not another word to each other. They didn't need to. Robin took Lyllandra's hand and led her up to the roof where they sat holding each other under the stars for a while. Each was contemplating a full life with the other but Robin wasn't worrying about the future like he usually did. As he sat with his arms around the woman he loved with her head back against his chest, staring out at the infinite stars of the now properly flowing universe, he decided that some things didn't need to be overanalysed. Some things were just meant to be.
Author's Note: Well that's it. I hope you review to let me know how it was. I'm always looking to improve and constructive criticism is always welcome. I hope you enjoyed Dreams and Destinies. Thanks for reading!