Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ The Force of Hatred ❯ Down with the love and up with the hate ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

With Terra off the hook, and the charges dropped, she decided it would be best to head back with the titans to the tower. “If… you'll me.” she said. Knowing they couldn't leave her behind, and realizing they could use her help, they were more than willing to let her come back.
The city was put on extreme alert, and the titans got to the absolute bottom of everything once they showed Terra all the video footage they had obtained, even the ones from her school, but Terra could it all…
In the museum, she saw Beast Boy enter, murder the guards and steal the sword of hatred. At her school, he entered the building and managed to walk right through the doors without even opening them, even when it looked like he was sleeping peacefully in his room at the tower, he would then get up and create an illusion of himself and then slip off.
The titans couldn't see him at all though, only Terra could. This defiantly explained to her why everyone thought she was seeing things, but why is it that only she could see him? This didn't matter much to her now; she was very worried about the people in the city, and more worried about what the evil Beast Boy had told her about the real one. “What are we going to do?”
“What can we do…?” asked Raven “We can't even see him, so we can't tell where he is.”
“But we can't just sit here and do nothing.” protested Terra.
“And what do you suggest we do?” spat Raven.
“Ladies… ladies… chill!” snapped Cyborg. “Ten minutes she's back and you're both still at it like usual.”
Robin was still baffled by how evil Beast Boy had become, sure it was all the work of the evil force that now possessed him, but he didn't understand why and how anyone would become so weak enough to lose all their strength and let the hatred take over. That's when Starfire came into the room. “I believe I have found the answer.” she said sadly and held out Beast Boy's diary.
“You been readin it again…?” asked Cyborg. Starfire nodded and decided to read everyone the passage she had read from the segment about Beast Boy… something they should had done a long time ago.
*Beast Boy's POV*
I don't want to bother anyone with this story, Diary, but I need to tell someone, so it may as well be you. This all started years and years ago, but I still remember it like it was yesterday…!
My real name is Garfield Logan…
When I was five, and on safari with my scientologist parents, I was bitten by a rare green monkey and contracted a fatal illness that would've killed me, but my parents used an untested serum on me which, unintentionally, turned me green and gave me my animal morphing skills.
From that moment on, my entire life to this day has been shaped by nothing but tragedy, hardship, and misery.
Shortly after the mutation, my parents died in a flood, and it still haunts me today that I could've saved them, but I didn't. I lost my many foster families as well, they died too, and I was left with no one to turn to and no place to call home. Every family I gained, or every friend I ever made… I always lost them in a very short time afterwards, wither by death or they would just turn on me and act like complete jerks!
The streets were as cold as the cold hearts of the people around me. No one would help me, no one would feed me. Just brush me off or say mean things just because I was green. Always, they were judging me before they ever even knew me.
I joined the Doom Patrol some time later, and had a new foster family where I donned my outfit today, and my surname… Beast-Boy… but even it wasn't to last for Mento's harsh, discipline, and un-fatherly ways alienated me from the rest of the Doom Patrol. I couldn't take too much of the abuse so I left the Doom Patrol, another foster family down the drain.
I spent a long time out in the streets again until I joined up and helped form the Teen Titans. I was then that I'd try and start over, and forget my past. So I began telling jokes and trying my best to not let people know that I only do it to hide the pain I just could never seem to shake away.
But still, as much as I thought I could finally trust the titans and feel they would never turn on me like everyone else… it was just too much to ask for…
Robin: "None of us are interested…!"
Cyborg: "What's gotten in to you, man?"
Starfire: "You are behaving like a royal zarbnarf!"
Raven: "You're a jerk!"
"Always making fun of me- and when I stand up for myself, everybody's against me! They're the jerks! Nobody pushes me around! Nobody!
No one in the city seemed to like me too much either…
"Um...why is that guy green…?"
"And, EW… It smells like dirty laundry."
"Shoo! Yucky kid, get away! Go!"
"She's not interested."
"Yeah…! Get lost, Brat-Boy!"
No praise… No respect… No love…!
Always it was the same for me. I was just a born loser with nothing to gain. Even my jokes weren't helping me feel better anymore.
Not like the others… I'm sure they've had a share of issues before, maybe even just as bad, but they still get to overcome all their troubles and move on… and me… nothing but more and more misery.
Then, I met her Terra, A girl who actually liked me just for who I was… She even thought my jokes were funny and enjoyed many activities and things that I enjoyed did. For the first time in my life I fell… in love, and it felt so wonderful and deep down I felt Terra was falling for me as well.
Starfire didn't have to read anymore, everyone else got the idea… especially Terra. “I… I never knew.” She peeped and remembered all the times she had run out on him, especially “Things Change”
It was no wonder Beast Boy had changed so drastically, even before he pulled the sword from the museum. “Man…!” said Cyborg “I don't know what to say.”
Robin now understood what possessed Beast Boy to write terrible things about the others, even if it was just to his diary. Even Raven felt bad. If it wasn't for the fact that she was her father's former portal key, “I'd say he had it pretty bad.”
Finally, it was all starting to make sense, but sadly it was not enough to help them track Beast Boy wherever he was. “We have to face facts… he's not with us anymore, and that evil inside of him is making him kill innocent people. We can't let him get away with this.”
Terra knew it would come to this. They would have to find him, fight him… and possibly--
Her thoughts were interrupted when the alarm sounded. “Is it Beast Boy…?” she asked. Robin checked the computer. “It's coming from the park.” Robin said.
Starfire prayed that no one had been hurt. It wasn't likely as the city alert cautioned citizens to remain in their homes. Nevertheless, they had to check it out. Robin gave Terra the option of sitting out, but Terra insisted she go. She couldn't live a normal life anymore anyway, and now that she was back she was going to act like it. She pulled her goggles down over her eyes and said “Let's go!”
Robin smiled and officially welcomed her back. “Titans… move out!”
The streets of the city were much quieter since all citizens had returned to their homes, but in the park it was another story as several strange creatures were tearing the place up. The police arrived on the scene and tried to hold the monsters back, but to no success.
The titans arrived not a moment too soon. “Titans… attack!” shouted Robin, and they rushed into action, but as the battle began the titans soon recognized the monsters anywhere… it was all the people who were murdered. They all looked so gray and sinister like zombies, but they were much stronger and viler than when they were alive, and attacked the titans without delay.
They were strong enough to pick even Cyborg up over their heads and throw him hard. Starfire and Raven blasted them with projectiles, and while the monsters were struck, they didn't seem to receive much damage and just walked right through them and attacked the girls hard.
Terra, still remembering her practice, made a huge flat rock wall rise up from the ground in attempt to hold the monsters back. “That should hold them.” she said, but she was soon proved wrong as the monsters, with their super strength, managed to shatter the solid rock and break right through it.
“Dang…! What is with these guys…?” growled Cyborg “It's like we can't even scratch them.”
That's when the sound of sinister laughter was heard and everyone saw him standing up on a tree limb, not invisible, with his arms folded and his cape fluttering in the wind. “Beast Boy!” cried Terra.
“Surprise-Surprise…!” he teased “I see you've met my new army! Marvelous, aren't they?”
He explained how he hadn't actually killed them all the way through but only halfway-- When he murdered them, if he chose so, he only destroyed whatever good was in them, banishing that half of them to the darkness to join Beast Boy's good side. Then, only the hate remained and they rose up to carry out his bidding, and he already sent more of his minions out into the city to kill more people and turn them into hateful beasts. Soon my army will grow and the hate will be ready to consume this planet and purge it of the purity there is!” he laughed evilly.
The titans couldn't believe such horridness, even Terra. He really wasn't the Beats Boy she remembered, but suddenly. “NEVER…!” Robin shouted as he threw his disc-bombs at the tree limb. Beast Boy leapt down just in time before the bombs blew the limb to pieces and now stood to face him. “We won't let you do this!” Robin shouted “We'll beat you or die trying.”
Beast Boy merely chuckled “How noble… yet so foolish as well.” Robin charged straight at him with his metal staff at the ready, but as he zoomed right past him, Beast Boy struck him hard with something sharp right across the chest, scarring him.
Robin looked and saw a metal blade poking through Beast Boy's arm. “You didn't really think I didn't have extra abilities now, did you?” he mocked. Robin felt his anger spiking and charged back to fight him.
The other titans tried to rush in and help him, but the other monsters held them back. “Robin…!” cried Starfire, but Robin was very busy trying to keep his guard up. Beast Boy fought well, and Robin suddenly realized he was battling against someone who had fought for centuries and was far more skilled that he was.
Beast Boy managed to strike Robin hard, over and over, and while Robin managed to land a few successful punches, Beast Boy didn't seem to get tired and kept on hitting him back, eventually drawing out his sword, clashing with Robin's staff, eventually knocking it away, and grabbing Robin by the neck. Robin felt this was the end for him. “You may beat me… but you'll never defeat the titans. Good always triumphs over evil!” he snarled.
Beast Boy merely laughed at him “You're only half right about that.”
The other titans caught sight of what was happening. “Robin…!” cried Starfire… and he gazed back at his girlfriend “Starfire…!” he called. That's when Beast Boy swung his sword hard and slashed Robin clear through the heart.
Starfire was devastated. “NOOOOO…!” she screamed as Beats Boy pulled his sword form Robin's body letting it fall to the ground. “Uhn… Star… fire…!” Robin groaned as he passed out.
Beast Boy laughed maliciously as he licked the blood on the blade of the sword. “There goes another poor, pitiful soul.” he mocked “The pureness within him will be swallowed by the hate, and soon he will be exactly like the rest of my minions.” and indeed, Robin's dead body transformed in a swarm of red flames and he looked just like the other beasts.
“Robin!” cried Starfire “Robin, please… you must fight it.” but Robin couldn't understand her. His body had been consumed by the hate and he now only existed to serve Beast Boy. The titans were all surrounded by the swarm of monsters, and Beast Boy was at the lead. “Oh, I should have done this a long time ago.” Beast Boy sniggered.
“Beast Boy, please…!” Terra begged “I know you're filled with hate, but don't let it control you.”
Beast Boy growled and felt his head aching a little, but he shook it off, and pushed Terra hard to the ground. “You waste your time, my dear! Your friend is mine now, but fear not… for I'm about to end your suffering and let you join him in the darkness.”
The titans all huddled together and found no way to escape. “It's been nice knowin' y'all.” Cyborg whimpered. Starfire hugged Raven tightly “I shall miss you all, very much!” she said tearfully.
Raven, feeling crushed by Starfire's grip managed to groan “Me… too… I guess!” but as Beast Boy swung his sword ready to slice them all to bits, the titans vanished, causing him to miss. “What…!? No…!” he thundered “I was close!”
Still, now that they were gone, who would dare get in his way now? This city… and then the world will feel the hate! The hate…! THE HATE!!”