Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Enter: Ryooki ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Saiyan Saga
Disclaimer: Don’t own DBZ or Tenchi Muyo; if I did, Frieza would still be alive and Ryooki would be a Pokemon...snicker, snicker. Got Frieza?

Enter: Ryooki
A strange creature enters the Saiyan Saga and will Cerulean and Golen ever think about getting back to Frieza’s ship? One things for sure, Zarbon’s worried sick about Cerulean...
By Queen Breeza

The pod continued to drift as Frieza’s ship soon went out of eye-view. Golen turned the pod back around to its formal position. There was nothing but silence as the pod continued to drift away into space and nothingness. It remained quiet like that for five more minutes until Golen, still sitting on Cerulean’s lap, asked a dumb question.
“So, what now?”
Cerulean said nothing. She was thinking about Zarbon and how much she missed him already. She was also very angry at him, but she wouldn’t let it show; her face was emotionless.
“We could go exploring if you want,” suggested Golen. He knew it was a long shot because he still felt guilty about leaving Kahlil. Even the thought of his best friend hurt. But trying to occupy himself with something was the first step to recovery from a loss for him.
“I know a place that only a few people know about,” Golen continued. This time he didn’t wait for an answer. He plotted the coordinates, and the pod shifted into warp phase, speeding through space and changing directions every now and then.

Zarbon retired to his quarters after the next planetary destination had been made. He opened the small frig he had in his room, took out a can of grape soda (he doesn’t know how it got there though), and took a long drink that seemed to last a minute. He frowned. Must be thirsty, he thought.
~Zarbon, come in~ the voice from the scouter he was wearing sounded fearful. ~Zarbon, answer me!~ It was now frantic. ~What the freak is so important that you won’t answer??~
Annoyed, Zarbon pushed the scouter’s button to answer. “What is it?”
~Zarbon, did you see your sister come in?~ It was Dodoria. Other than Zarbon, Dodoria was the only one who could openly express his care for Cerulean, unlike the other men on the ship who didn’t want Frieza to notice. Zarbon, on the other hand, could care less what Frieza thought of this. So far, he hadn’t done a thing. After that beating Zarbon got from Frieza, he could give a rat’s--
~Did you??~ Dodoria broke his train of thought, and he answered back, “No, but I’m sure she did, Dodoria. No need to get a hissy-fit over noth--”
~I don’t think so!~ Dodoria’s voice implied. Zarbon was getting tired of him yelling like that into the scouter. It was, after all, directly over his ear.
“How so?” he asked. He wasn’t about to worry yet. They still had to search the ship first. Cerulean was famous for hiding in any nook and cranny left unexplored by a rat.
~The two soldiers who stand guard over the main entrance of the ship ever day didn’t see Cerulean go back on the ship not one time.~
Zarbon still wasn’t worried. “Big deal, she has a bladder the size of a football so she wouldn’t need to use the restroom. And I gave her plenty of money before she left, so she wouldn’t have to come back for more. But I know for sure that she came back on the ship when she saw everyone else getting on.”
Dodoria was silent for a moment. ~So, you still think she came back, huh?~
Now Zarbon was really annoyed. “Look,” he yelled, “unless you have something important to tell me, leave me alone! Cerulean is somewhere here on this ship, not...not...” His voiced trailed off as he struggled for the right word.
~Dead?~ Dodoria said it for him. ~Just to be sure, you wanna check the entire ship?~
“Yeah,” he sighed. Now he was worried.

The Saiyan pod finally reached its destination: Earth’s moon. The way Golen had found out about this moon was by illegal planetary travel. He had gone to many places with Kahlil in the past, starting from the time when he had built his first Saiyan pod. He was only two when he built it, and Kahlil had helped him do it. Unfortunately and fortunately, it was destroyed on Planet Vegeta. That ship was a lot more technologically advanced than the one he was riding in, but he didn’t need anything else to remind him of Kahlil.
“Uh, Golen? We’re here,” Cerulean said to the daydreaming Golen. “You can let go of me now.”
Snapping back to reality, Golen searched behind him for a small compartment. In it was supposed to be two breathing apparatuses, an extra just in case the first didn’t work. They were never checked for damage. Stupid idea, Golen thought, What if the first caused the other to break? Bye-bye oxygen.
While Golen was thinking all this, Cerulean had already opened the pod, and seemed to be...breathing. She was breathing just fine.
“Golen, what are you doing?” Cerulean asked her strange little friend. He was now upside-down in the pod. How’d that happen?
“Hmm??” he managed to finally sit up and realized that the pod’s door was open. “You can breath?! How is that possible??”
Cerulean corrected him, putting her hands on her hips. “We can breath. And I don’t know how either.”
Suddenly, Golen’s question was answered as the moon seemed to have...earthquakes? The “landscape” began to split and shift and grass began to grow. Flora began to surround the two explorers, and water appeared. Somewhere behind a rock a small creature with big ears, a cat face and paws looked at them curiously. The creature had dark brown fur with white areas on its paws. It’s tail was short and stubby, and it wagged as it looked at Golen’s monkey tail.
“REEOOW!” it said happily. It’s sound startled Golen and Cerulean, and they quickly shifted their sight to see the creature bounding happily towards them.
“Ohh, it’s so CUTE!!” chimed Cerulean. She stooped down to pick the creature up and fluffed it’s fur like it was nothing more than a hairball.
“What is it?” Golen asked, more to himself than to Cerulean.
“Who cares?” Cerulean answered anyway. “I just wanna fluff it, and cuddle it and hug it and fluff it some more and squeeze it...”
“And love it and play with it and...”
“...and rub it and feed it and teach it and...”
“...jump with it and hold it and pet it and...”
“Sheesh, it’s about time! Don’t you wanna check the rest of the place out first?” questioned Golen.
“Mmmmm, no, not really,” Cerulean hummed. She continued to hold the creature in her arms. It didn’t seem to mind anyways.
Golen studied the creature carefully in Cerulean’s care. It didn’t take him long to figure out what the creature actually was.
“Hey!” Golen’s eyes lit up and seemed to change from purple to brown(I’ll explain later, waaaayyy later in the saga.) as they always did whenever he figured out something phenomenal. “It’s a Rio!” (I never knew what they called the animal-ship things in Tenchi Muyo, so spare me. My fanfiction :b! Grr!)
“A what?” Cerulean asked only half listening as she was trying to take a small sphere out of the creature’s head, much to the creature’s dismay. It tried moving away from Cerulean, but Cerulean was very good at catching rats, and to her the Rio was just a different type of rat. She constantly grabbed the rat back to her and her continuous prodding of the sphere.
Golen tried to look over this strange activity. He quickly thought of a name, which just so happened to be Ryooki, and began explaining the creature’s functions and some things about what it could do. Cerulean was actually interested when Golen mentioned that this tiny little animal in her hands was really a ship and could take them anywhere they wanted, if it wanted to that is. Immediately after hearing this, Cerulean began to think of Zarbon again, and how much she wanted to be with him.

“CERULEAN!?” Zarbon’s voice rang throughout the ship, and his disparity for Cerulean was easily felt by all. Past one corridor, down another, through this door--no matter where he looked, Cerulean was no where to be seen. Zarbon’s worst fears began to become a reality to him; that scared him most of all. Just the thought of losing the last member of his family was enough to make a weight in his throat that dragged down to the pit of his stomach. Sooner or later he thought he would just break down and cry. Then along came Frieza.
“Zarbon, what’s going on? Why are you making all that noise?” growled Frieza. He swirled the wine in his glass around and around, nearly hypnotizing Zarbon. Quickly, Zarbon straightened up and told Frieza his situation.
“Is that all?” Frieza said, returning to a normal state of calmness.
“Y-yes, sire,” Zarbon stammered. He didn’t even look Frieza in the eyes. His eyes were still wandering to different places of the hall with a lost hope of finding Cerulean. Frieza noticed this.
“I’m sure she’s around here somewhere,” said Frieza. He closed his eyes and continued, the wine still swirling in his glass even though he had stopped moving it. “Stop worrying, she’s second-class material, remember? She’s probably hiding from you in the lower levels of the ship.”
This didn’t help Zarbon at all, and he watched with despair as his leader continued in his hoverpod past him to the throne room.