Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ From Ryoko, To the Universe, Love and Peace! ❯ Ryoko's Mother ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A./N : Wow, a whole hour and I still don't own Tenchi or Trigun… Oh, well, Jerusalem wasn't conquered in a day, you know. This chapter should go more into Ryoko's Emotions… I don't know, I'm just telling the story, okay!?!?

From Ryoko,

To the Universe,

Love and Peace!

Chapter two

Ryoko waited atop the roof. She gazed upward, into the stars… She recalled many times when she had done this, with Tenchi on one side, and Ryo'Ohki on the other. Even Ayeka was starting to feel like part of her family. But… This Sakuya was very bad news, and Ryoko knew it. 'When Tenchi comes home, he will not be alone…' She wished she hadn't told Ayeka… But it was for the best. Ryoko didn't want her to get her hopes up. "Poor optumistic Princess," She sighed. Why did this Sakuya feel she must invade their lives? Why did Grandfather have ever have to send Tenchi to Tokyo, anyway? Fate was never kind to Ryoko.

"Why, Tenchi?" she asked the open air. There was no one she could talk to, just Ryo'Ohki and the stars… But there was one other person… "NEVER! I will never resort to getting advice from Little Washu!" She sighed. "It would be nice to talk to some one, though…"

The next thing Ryoko knew, she was in Washu's lab, spilling her heart out. "And I know what he'll say! Oh, mother, I don't know what I'm going to do!"

"Now, Little Ryoko, let's not over react. It's not as if you can be sure. Besides, even if HE doesn't love you, there are other men in this galaxy." She raised an eyebrow at her crying daughter.

"But… Mother… I love him… He's all I could want!" She gasped for breath, her tears slowing.

You'd think he would be, but…" she smiled, holding her daughter in suspense. "I didn't think the two of you were compatable, anyway!"

Ryoko burst into tears. "What are you talking about! He's perfect! How could you call yourself my mother?!?!"

Washu seemed unscathed. "Well, Ryoko, Dear… He's human, your… a part of me. He was eighteen. Your…" She calculated in her head for a moment, then gave up. "A lot older."

Ryoko sulked. "How dare you! And how am I going to find a guy in his hundreds… Let alone his seven hundreds?!?!"

Washu shook her head. "All things are possible. It's a big Universe, you know… How many planets do you think there are?"

"I don't know, but I do know I'd grow old looking through all of them!" Ryoko replied, none too happily.

"So you want to settle with the first one you find? You do know you would out live him, Don't you?" Washu tried to reason with her daughter.

Ryoko began sobbing freely now. Washu held her close and whispered to her. "I know Ryoko, but you've gotta hold up… It's not that hard. I'll help you, I promise…"