Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Rain Universe! ❯ Interludes ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer :I own very few people I own Rain Kirei Oni Kyo Kyoji Kero Jillian Tairo

Almost every creature has a father in the universe. The 1st prince and princess of Jurai their names Kyoji Kamidake Masaki Jurai and his twin sister Rain Misao Masaki Jurai don't have a father. Born to their mother Ayeka Masaki Jurai on 8/23/1998 standard earth time. They know very little about the man that is their father, Tenchi. As they get older they ask about him, but never get a strait answer out of their mother, Ayeka. That's about to change when Ayeka knows they will keep asking wouldn't you want to know about your father. Ayeka realizes they deserve to know and tells her daughter first then her son. Ayeka loves the twins unconditionally no matter what the circumstances surrounding the why they were conceived. This is the introduction.

Tell me if you want more.