Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ The Connection ❯ Scene One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N Tenchi Muyo! is owned by AIC and Pioneer and not by me. (ending dry and dull disclaimer)

The ideas in this story are mine though and if you'd like to use or borrow them, contact me first at ring_princess@hotmail.com or ring_princess2001@yahoo.com

Note: What Should Have Been has no cooresponding timeline in the Tenchi Verse. This story was started long before I cared for such things, so please keep that in mind as you read.

The Connection
Scene One
By RingPrincess

Washu tapped her chin as she stared at the readouts on the many screens fed from her holo laptop, their many colors creating fantastical shapes upon her face. She shifted on the burgundy hovering cushion.

"I wonder," she murmured aloud and began to type again. The click of the keys the only clear sound in that section of the lab. Tanks of water surrounded the platform on which she worked. Various aquatic life forms acquired from different parts of the universe swam between the clear walls that made the prisons of their homes, the many layers of water-filled tanks creating a blue atmosphere.

Washu looked up again from her typing, staring thoughtfully at the one empty tank. The former round occupants called MASU were assimilated into the body of Ryo-ohki, a mineral based life form created by Washu herself. Her brow furrowed as she stared, seeming to be looking beyond the tank deep in a train of thought no one could break her from.

'The danger Ryoko was in has no comparison to the danger Tenchi is in now. The risk he took to save her means little to the risk of keeping this link open as they have so blithely decided to do..' Washu's thoughts hammered against her consciousness. 'Is Ryoko truly unaware of what could happen if they remain in constant thought contact without controls?' Washu shuddered, "The complete loss of individuality and sense of self." Washu's gaze focused back on the bright blocks of colors that made up her readouts and projected simulations of what could happen to the couple. 'And that is the least that could happen and the odds are not in their favor for success.'

She pushed down a key with her index finger. The extra screens vanished from existence and the main screen cleared of all data. 'I must prevent this.'

Only one question remained




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ring_prince ss2001@yahoo.com
http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/ringprincess/index.html http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tenchimuyofanfiction/
http://www.thete nchireviewer.net