Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ The Long Way Home! ❯ The Arrival ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Prologue: The main character in this story is an alien I call Juno for lack of anything better. He is the product of genetic experimentation from Frieza's top scientists. He became much stronger than anyone expected including Frieza himself. He was supposed to be help Frieza exact his revenge on earth but a major miscalculation sent him and his fellow "experiments" along with their creator Dr. Greco to the opposite end of the universe. They arrived a year and d a half late and were defeated by the more powerful z warriors. Juno was the only survivor opting to join the earth special forces instead of being killed. During his time spent on Earth he underwent a change of heart and decided mere months before the Cell saga began to go back out into space and set right the many wrongs Frieza had done. (Which explains his absence during the cell saga) This is probably all the backstory needed other than a physical description of him, again which helps to explain the reactions he receives in the story. He is about seven feet tall close to four hundred to four-fifty pounds. The closest character to him is Burter of the Ginyu Force. He looks very similar to him except more human eyes and no orange ridges on the top of his head.

"Huh" Juno sighed as he looked out the glass viewport of his Capsule Corporation starship given to him by Bulma shortly before he left earth, which seemed so long ago even though it hadn't been slightly over a year. It felt like the time had dragged on for so long and he felt glad to be returning to his new "home". He calculated via the ship's computer of course that it would take him exactly a week before he landed once again on the green planet's fertile soil. This time his arrival would be welcomed. Strangely enough he had sensed and recorded again using the ship's sensors some very odd energy levels emanating from Earth, he didn't give it much thought, if it was trouble the Earth special forces could handle it with no problem. Juno laughed out loud, the readings were probably the results of some intense training, he thanked Kami that he hadn't been slouching either not wanting coming back to earth only to find out everyone had improved far beyond him. He swore that off in the distance he could see the planet getting closer. "I'm almost home," he said to himself turning away from the viewport and planting himself down on the Captain's chair behind him. "It won't be long now!" A smile crept slowly onto Juno's scaly face. He would soon be home again. Time passed and Juno began to nod off from lack of anything to do. He was nearly asleep when a siren suddenly started blaring. Juno snapped up and peered down at the console in front of him. He hit a button and a bland lifeless voice began to talk. "Warning, warning unidentifiable anomaly forming at xq4 parsecs. Evasive maneuvers are suggested. Juno flipped some more switches, silently cursing him for not paying more attention to Bulma when she had explained the controls. Finally he found the autopilot switch and turned it on. Once again the computers voice spoke: "Course cannot be adjusted in time, collision is imminent, please fasten your safety-belt and prepare for impact." Juno once again stared out the viewing port not knowing what he expected to see. He saw a huge black swirling vortex, which was steadily growing larger as he flew closer towards it. Within minutes his ship had reached the maw of the black mass, Juno decided as his ship was being sucked into who knows what that it would be useless to scream seeing as how death was surely upon him. He blacked out just as his craft fully entered the hole. The last thing Juno saw before he became unconscious was a strange, bright white light. More time passes....
"H-Huh, huh wha-what happened, where the hell am I" Juno awoke on the floor of the control room of his ship after what seemed to be an eternity. He sat up and rubbed his head, which was throbbing with pain. "Ugh. Oh god, my head feels like it splitting, I wonder how long I've been out cold." He stood up his knees nearly buckling under his own weight and wobbled over to the slightly sparking control panel. He flicked switches and pressed buttons hoping he could get the ship back online. Or at least get a reading on wherever he could possibly be. His attempts however, were in vain, the piloting controls were in working order, but he couldn't do anything more. Juno grunted in anger. "Damn, well at least I'm not dead, I think." What was left of the scanners told Juno that there was in fact a planet within landing range. "I suppose the best thing I could do would be to land and get some kind of bearing on where I am. Juno set the coordinates for the nearby world and turned on the autopilot system. As his ship picked up speed, he sat back down in the captain's chair trying to figure out what had just happened to him meer moments ago. After a few minutes of contemplation, Juno's thoughts were interrupted by the slightly altered computer voice, which now sounded like it had a stroke. "Attention all passengers, prepare for landing. "We at Capsule Corporation hope that you had a pleasant and smooth trip. We also wish that you chose us again for your return flight. Have a nice day!" Juno rose out of the chair and walked over towards the door. It slowly creaked open; Juno shaded his eyes as the bright sunlight began to pour in. He stepped out and looked around. "Wow this place looks like earth, but something about it just doesn't seem right.' Raising his hand to his face, he switched on his trusty scouter. The scouter was, naturally, built by Bulma and modified specifically for tracking Chi powers large and small. One of Juno's only weaknesses was like his former lord Frieza he had difficulty-sensing chi powers on his own. He could unaided sense strong powers in general, but he could not tell anything more than that. Turning his head from side to side he scanned the area before him. "Let's see, that's odd I'm picking up some strange readings out there. Humph, probably just that black hole thing messing up my scouter." The bleeping device showed a number of powers. There was a large group of energy clumped together to the west of Juno. However a big one was not far north of his current position. "Hmmm coupla big ones out there, might as well check out that big one north of here" Juno powered up and took flight towards the closest reading he received. Juno noticed as he was flying that this planet looked very much like Earth. The location he was heading towards turned out to be a high school in the middle of a large city. "Oh well the only way to learn anything about this place and the people is to go on in I suppose." Juno started to walk towards the school and the power inside it once again not knowing what to expect.

End of Part One
Next time on Dragonball Z/Tenchi Muyo: Juno vs. Tenchi! Who will survive this odd battle at Tenchi's own high school!