Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ The Princess and the Demon ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Tenchi Muyo characters are owned by AIC pioneer.

[Chapter 5]

The princess slowly walk towards the hanging portrait at the center of the twin staircase. Her eyes wide, she can feel her heart beating fast and loud as if she is going to have a heart attack at any moment. Upon closing in at the portrait she can recognized 2 women. One with pink hair, tall, slender, beautiful woman...looks like Washu but in a more adult form. The tall woman is embracing a smaller one, though the part of that portrait is well damaged, she can recognized the cyan colored hair the smaller woman have, the face on that portrait is torn, so the princess have to walk closer to look deep in the torn protrait, and to her surprise, a hint of gold can be seen at the torn eye of the smaller woman, and she felt her heart stop. That smaller woman if she is not mistaken is the same girl in her dreams, that same girl that gives her this familiar embrace, the girl she is longing to be with every night even though its just her dream, those eyes that melts her inside...'who is she?' she thought to herself.

Then she look at the twin staircase, she's been going up to the east wing since she arrive, and never gave a thought of glancing to the west wing. So she did, she slowly walk towards the west wing's stair. Unlike the east, this part is dark, though she can see silhoutte's of hanged frames on its wall. Slowly after taking the last step, she went to the hall were the hanged frames are, straining her eyes to see the hanging portrait, and she saw the same, every portrait is destroyed, especially those that bears the cyan colored haired woman, then she stop, suddenly she felt her hair rise up, she can feel the feeling of evil surrounding her and then, its as if its sucking air from her lungs...and she heard that growling voice...


She knows that voice, it was the demoness, she turn around to run but her knees were buckling, never have she felt fear this way, there are lots of threats in her life for being the crowned princess but never she felt like this, like being sucked into nothingnness that she will never escape, and then she saw that shadow, the shadow she saw killed KAIN, she cried as her body fails to move from her command to flee

"PRINCESS!!!!" she heard another shout, she look up, and saw Yosho running towards her, "Run Princess!" the older woman said to her, but her kness are weak, she tried hard to run to the woman but her body just wont move, and then her world was swallowed into darkness...

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She gasp as she open her eyes and sitted herself. she look around and found herself in her room, the feeling of relief flowed through her and she cried 'i'm not dead, i'm not dead' she chanted, and yet she can still feel that fear inside her, the shadow coming to her, ' can't stay here any longer or the demon will kill me, i have to escape...i have to...' she thought to herself as she bolted out of her bed and out of her room

"You should have not scared her that way Ryoko. Haven't you seen how scared she is, she fainted!" Washu is scolding her daughter

"It's curiousity that kills the cat! I told her not come at this wing and she disobey"

"And you think that's a good punishment for her?"




Their conversation was cut by a monitor appearing between the two, it was Yosho. HEr eyes wide, somewhat scared, "The princess.."

"What happened to her?" Ryoko bolted out of ther chair, anxious

"She run away, i saw her heading to the forest to escape"

"Another damn!" Washu said

"I'm going to get her...God! breaking the only two rules in a day...that princess is sure tough!" Ryoko said shaking her head

"I think you have to hurry before the other demons there feast on her" Washu said, "Don't forget what time it is right now"

Ryoko look at the watch on her wall, "Damn!" then she teleported away


Ayeka is running wildly, without thinking, all she could think is to go out of the castle, she run and saw the gate closed so she run away from it, she have to think of a way out, without remembering the warning ryoko gave her on her first day in the castle, her feet brought her to a dark forest. Her heart beats faster, half of her mind tells her to go back its dangerous, the other half yells freedom...'freedom it is' ayeka told herself as she continue to run into the forest.

then their eyes opened revealing dark black orbs, and they smiled
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Ryoko teleported until the opening of the forest, because from there, her power of teleportation will not work for this part of the castle that is being inhabited by black spirits living to devour fresh meats, and have been the twin of her curse...the once beautiful forest she loves to go to play is now a dangerous ground to anyone who bares foot in it. Her heart is racing, she have to see her princess fast before the other demon devours her princess...

Then she heard a high pitch scream....'princess' Ryoko sped her way to the sound of the scream to see her princess lying on the ground unconcious as a black shadow start its way to the princess. Ryoko yielded a small red energy from her hand and aimed at the black shadow. Ryoko knows it will not affect the creature but it will distruct it so she can have her way in between, this means she have to fight this demon to save her princess...She readied herself 'if i die today saving her...doesn't matter, i'll die anyway' she thought then charge

The princess from her unconcious state slowly opened her eyes, she touch her body and realizing she is still alive smiled. Then her gaze focus on a woman in front, her back on the princess, she cannot see her face but can see the long cyan colored haired. She was busy fighting the dark creatures, as the dark creature pound on her, giving her body bruises and wounds, she was wearing a red top and black huggin pants that are stained with blood, perhaps she's been fighting for long, aiding her are other shadows that are fighting the other dark creatures. She closed her eyes again as she doesn't want to see the mad fighting, the blood spilling from the woman, the growling noises that sends chills in her spine...it was a horrible sight in deed, and she knows she had made a great mistake.

After a while...there was silence. She dare not open her eyes for she was afraid of what she might see, then a soft whisper in her ear says "just close your eyes princess, don't open them, i don't want you to see my face and die in my arm ok?" the voice were smooth, and she knows the owner of that voice, "your injured?" The princess ask

"a little, princess, just close your eyes"

Ayeka did as she is told. She's been a fool to disobey those rule, she have made this mess because she is just a fool. Tears began to fell from her eyes, then she felt her body being lifted up by a pair of strong arms...and that feeling of familiarity came to her...the same familiarity from the arm that embraces her in her dreams...the same feeling. She felt them move slowly, "princess" a gentle voice coming from the demon, "I hope you learn a lesson today, please...is two months to long to ask?" she can't answer. She slowly open her eyes, she saw the womans body, her arms that cradles her, blood flowing, "I'll stay Ryoko...i'm sorry" then she close her eyes again

Ryoko smiled

-end chapter 5-