The Bouncer Fan Fiction ❯ The Bouncer: A Surprise for Sion ❯ ? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Bouncer: A Surprise for Sion
“ ?”
Like a cheetah sprinting through the fields of an open plain, Sion ran frantically through the snowy roads of Dog Street with tracking down Kou and Dominique on his mind. He knew they just went out for a ride, but they were gone entirely too long. Just thinking about it got Sion to grit his teeth while he swerved between people and street signs. “Kou…”, he growled, blinking bits of snow out of his eyes, “ If you're doing what I think you're doing, I'll never forgive you…”
A brief image of Kou in a Victoria's Secret store, holding up various frilly and red lacey outfits for Dominique to try on flashed through his mind. Sion could hear him very clearly saying, “Come on! Do it for Sion! I'll just watch!” and “Let's hit Spencer's next!”
Just thinking about it increased Sion's anger, as well as his speed. Once he got his hands on Kou, he'd—
Alarmed and caught off guard, Sion cried out as a flying snowball smacked him squarely in the face—the impact knocking him to the slushy ground. With a growl, Sion forced himself up and wiped his face with his jacket sleeve. Looking around for the person who threw the projectile, Sion's eyes caught hold of a small shadow displayed against a wall. Then he heard child-like laughter. Rising from the ground, Sion curiously stepped closer to it. Seconds later, a young girl no older than seven emerged from behind the wall. She was clothed in a heavy jacket that was three sizes too big and had multicolored patches to cover up holes that used to be there. On her head, she wore a long droopy hood and in her arms, she clutched a very adorable teddy bear. In comparison to her raggedy looking outfit, the toy looked flawless and tidy, as if it were brand new.
Who was this child? Was she homeless? Her toy looked too new, if she was.
Forgetting about his rage of Kou and Dominique, Sion curiously made his was over to the little girl. Just as he got within speaking distance, she girl giggled and ran off right past him.
“Hey, wait!” he called, but the girl was a good ways ahead of him. Without knowing, he began following her. The snowfall had already began in increasing its flurry, but this was now totally oblivious to Sion. Before long, Sion slowed his pace as the girl came to a stop. Panting and looking around, Sion saw that they were right in front of a brightly lit police station. Just looking at the place sent chills up his spine, but he felt compelled to go inside. Returning his attention the little girl, to his surprise, he watched as she hesitantly inched away from the police station. Before he could call out to her, she was gone---running down the street in haste, her hood bobbing.
Perplexed, Sion tilted his head to the side. “….” Then he shrugged. Turning to go into the station, he stepped on something rather soft. Examining it, he found it to be the girl's teddy bear. She was already long gone, so he couldn't give it back to her. “I'll just hold onto it...”, he uttered. Allowing a few lingering thoughts to pass, Sion discreetly made his way up the steps of the station….