The Bouncer Fan Fiction ❯ The Bouncer: A Surprise for Sion ❯ This is SUCH and Ungood Situation! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: THANK YOU SOOO MUCH BLUE MAGE QUARTET FOR READING AND REVIEWING THIS STORY! ^^;; So far you're the only one who left comments, thank you ^^
The Bouncer: A Surprise for Sion
“This SUCH an Ungood Situation!”
Inside the walls of the police station, Dominique and Kou sat in a rather strange waiting room, staring warily at one another. Kou had his arm dressed sloppily over one chair with his legs spread in a boorish manner, while Dominique sat in a slouch with her elbows to her knees and her head in her hands.
Neither of them bothered to say a word to one another, as the distant tempo of “elevator music” drifted between them.
`I can't believe we got caught' Dominique thought to herself, as she led her gaze to the carpeted floor.
If only he'd known…
Shaking her head, Dominique began to regret her actions with going out with Kou that day. If Sion found out what had happened, well, he wouldn't be too happy. Granted she and Kou were out to get Sion on Congratulations present for his 3rd year as a bouncer on Dog Street.
But now…
Absently, her mind thought back to when she told Sion the day before that she would be going out with Kou. She remembered the hurt expression on his face at first, but then it changed to a trusting one and he said it was allright. Dominique knew that Sion and Kou were good friends, and of course, she and Sion were really good friends, if not becoming more, so Sion should be okay with it, right?
Even so, if Sion found out that she and Kou were at a police station from something they both were engaged in…oohh…if Kou were a wild animal, Sion would slay him and roast him.
Drifting out of her daydream, Dominique looked to Kou, who's expression had changed from bored to disgusted.
The two had been out for a joyride, testing Sion's new car that Kou had gotten for him, until Dominique caused a ruckus and got him to lose his attention on the road. Ironic enough they ended up at the foot of a police station…of which they were now. Neither one had any idea what would happen to them….but if Sion ever found out…he would NOT be a happy bouncer…
“Aggh!!!” Kou groaned, as he clawed through his hair. “This is SUCH an ungood situation.”
“Hey, don't worry about it!” Dominique said with a twinge of cuteness lifting in her voice, “This will all be over with soon. Right?”
Kou eyed this girl as she playfully tilted her head to the side and smiled at him. It was all because of her and her cuteness that got them into this mess! If she hadn't argued with him and jumped in his lap while he was driving—
“I wouldn't have enjoyed it!” he blurted out, entirely in the wrong.
Blinking innocently, Dominique gave him a perplexed look as she wrinkled her nose; that little mole on the side of her face rising with the slightest twitch. “Kou, what are you talking about? You `wouldn't have enjoyed it'?”
Breaking out into cold sweat at his folly, Kou cleared his throat and smiled alluringly at Dominique to camouflage his inner masculine embarrassment. “That is, I mean, with all this...chaos and ironic mishaps happening, I…uh…wouldn't have enjoyed spending this much time with you if I…uh..hadn't…done…so…Yeah.”
Perplexed, and a little amused, Dominique saw straight through his behavior and laughed at him. Crossing her arms, and her legs, she leaned back in her chair and tossed her curls back with a quick movement of her head.
Kou said nothing as his divided attention went to the smooth outlines of her legs in front of him.
Dominique sighed. “You can stop now, Kou.”
“Hm?” he replied, not entirely hearing her words. He just heard her voice and responded to it at first, but then he seamlessly trailed his eyes up to be met with hers and smirked to her. “Whatever you say, Dommie.”
With a quick jolt, Dominique sat up and glared at him. Still keeping her arms crossed, she leaned forward she gave him a look that told him, that whatever he was going with these cute nicknames, he'd better put a stop to it ASAP.
Catching on, Kou playfully sat up straight and saluted her with a suave grin. “I'll be good.” Looking down, he whispered, “That goes for you too.” Then he returned his eyes to her, with a very flirtatious smirk dressed across his lips.
An expression of pure disbelief drew across her features. Poking her bottom lip out, she strongly didn't believe that Kou could actually BEHAVE. She doubted he even knew what the word actually meant!
“Hmph!” she grunted, turning her head haughtily to the side, her curls following and wildly bouncing around her face.
She looked so cuuute, Kou couldn't help but smile…and stare.
Realizing he was getting a little too happy watching her, Kou cleared his throat and hunched over to punch himself repeatedly in the abdomen.
Out the corners of her eyes, Dominique watched him and couldn't help but giggle.
“Hey that's not funny, Dommie! A man's gotta be able to have his controlling limits!”
“You can say that again! And for the last time don't call me Dommie!” she shouted, reaching over to grab his shoulders and started to shake him.
“AHEM, children.” The deep voice of an officer boomed, causing both Kou and Dominique to stop what they were doing and look at him. Then Dominique quickly returned to her seat, her eyes not leaving the officer. Smiling sweetly at him in hopes that he'd go away, she waved to him. “Hello there, Mr. Officer!”
“Oh uh…hello there…!” the officer replied bashfully.
“Hey!” Kou whispered to the officer out the corner of his mouth. “Go find your own!”
Dominique pretended as if she didn't overhear him and continued to smile. “So, what brings you here, Mr. Officer?”
“Oh, well, I'm here to interrogate you, my dear.” He replied with a fraternal smile and a wink.
Blinking innocently in surprise, the moment Dominique opened her mouth to say something, Kou jumped in front of her and waved his arms. “Hey, buddy, back off! She doesn't want any!”
Laughing the officer backed off and shook his head. “Young lady, you are lucky to have a supportive significant other like this young man right here.”
Both Dominique and Kou's faces went rosy red then flushed pale white.
“Ya hear that Dommie?” Kou asked, hiding his nervousness under a bright smile. He slipped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “We're an item!! And you thought you- could- resist- me!” he added matter-of-factly, getting Dominique to cringe in his arms.
“You're joking!” she retaliated, pushing him away. “AND STOP CALLING ME THAT!”
Kou laughed and winked at her. “Ooh feisty! And hey, I can't help if calling you Dommie sounds cute!”
Irritated, Dominique stomped her foot on the floor and stuck an accusing finger in his face. “Call me that again and I'll tell Sion!!”
“Huh, you'd do what…!” Kou winced and mockingly got on his knees and folded his hands together as if to plead her not to. “Oh please, Dommie pleeeaase don't tell Sion!” Then he hung his head. `He's already gonna get on me for getting sent to a police station with you…'
Watching the two toil about each other and then someone else, the officer chuckled and stepped closer. “Ohh so this Sion person, is that this young lady's father?”
Silence coated the room and the two stared at the officer, giving him odd and mortified looks.
Embarrassed, the officer scratched his head and turned on his heels. “J-Just follow me to the interrogating room…”
As the officer led the way, Kou elbowed Dominique in the shoulder. “Way to go Dommie! You probably scarred the guy for life!” Kou whispered to her behind the officer's back.
“Oh, just put a lid on it, will you, Kou!”
“Ohh or else whaaat?” Kou playfully provoked, enjoying her feistiness and slipping his arm around her again.
“This!” she whispered and kicked him squarely in his pants.
As he sunk to his knees, Dominique playfully stuck her tongue out at him and told the officer to wait a while.
“Kou has a stomach cramp!” she lied, winking at Kou.
Kou shook his head, wheezing. She didn't even mean to kick him that hard, but he doubted she knew how much strength she actually had!
“I'll….I'll be okay…in a minute!”