Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction ❯ The Mew Street Boys ❯ Coming Up with the Name ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Akai: Bwa!!!! here is my master maybe... nope this is just another off the wall humor ficcy ^_^

Kuroi: For Tokyo Mew Mew!!!!

Akai: be warned this is er wierd yeaaah mhm like Decked I came up with this in band class and Decked is alll screwy so ^-^;;; hehehehehehe

Kuroi: can we start?

Akai: sure.
Disclaimer: >.< do i look like a person that owns a awesome anime/manga? didn't think so.

*all Tokyo Mew Mew boys are sitting in a room.*

Ryou: * is in a corner chewing on a pencil eraser looking at the note pad before him is a anima* Hey Guys can we start a band?

Masaya: * is running around, nude, trying to rape Masha* sure!!! come here you stupid little robot!!!

Pie: * is staring at the masha and Masaya thing* Hn.

Kish: *he and Tart are playing strip poker with Keiichiro, Kish down to boxers, Tart shoes, shirt and boxers, Keiichiro, socks boxers and a pony tail*

All three: Sure!


Ryou: *looks up at Kish* Hey Kish! when we first met why did you wear a skirt?

Kish: It wasn't a skirt you pathetic Idiot!!!!

Ryou: ^.^ oh ehehehehheheheheheh erm oops?

Kish: -.- *kicks Ryou*


Ichigo: * runs in in a cat costume that says ''wonder kitty'' on the front* Oh no Ryou!!! *acts dramatic*
He was a kind person and he will be missed!

Ryou: *sweatdrop* I AIN'T DEAD YET!!!!!!!

Ichigo: Oh heavens bless us!!!! they have returned him from the dead!!!!!!!!!!

All But Ichigo: *Sweatdrop*

*All the other girls come in*

Mint: Come on Ichy-toes time for your medication! *drags her off*


Pudding: medicine medicine Ichy-toes-chan has to take medicine!!!!!!

Lettuce: Zakuro?

Zakuro: Hn?

Lettuce: should we do any thing to help?

Zakuro: Nope.

Pudding: TART-CHAN!!!!!!!!!

Tart: 5.....4.....3......2.......1"

Pudding: *runs in and tackles Tart* Tar-Tar- Chan!!!!

Tart: *Kisses her* Hi pudding-chan.
Ichigo:*Is watching all of this from Ryou's not so secret, secret lab behind the stove at cafe Mew Mew.* AWWWWWWWWWWWW HOOOOOWWW KAWAIIIIIII!!! OWIIEEEEEE!

Mint: *hAs a giant needle in hand* *Snickers* Life is a pain in the rear!!!

Ichigo: *sulking* ain't it the truth!!!
Ryou: hmmmm mEwSyNc? nah it says we are sluts come forth and praise us in hopes of comming to our hotel rooms.
*thinks more* I'VE GOT IT!!!!!!

All: *stare at Ryou*

Ryou: we shall be called........THE MEW STREET BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Masaya: Happy Happyy Joooooooooooyyyyyyy!!!!!!

Kish: Burn Masaya, Burn in the eternal flames and ROT!

Pie: *has dissapeared*

Masaya:*stops acting stupid* wheres Pie?

Pudding: *comes in in chef attire* in da oven!!!

Tart: Why is my stupid brother in the oven?

Pudding: Because Ichy-Toes-Chan told meh that when you put a pie in the oven it cooks and it tastes really good!

Tart: Pudding, Koi, she ment dessert pie not person Pie!!

Pudding: oh! thats why he's screaming!!!!!!

*Lettuce,Mint,and Zakuro bust through the window in fire men outfits*

Lettuce: Lead us to the Kitchen!!!!!!

Mint: Lettuce you retard were in the kitchen!!!!!!!

Lettuce: oh ehehehehehhe *blushies*

Kish: *Glomps Lettuce* its okie Lettuce-chan!

Mint & Zakuro: *role eyes*

Zakuro: *opens oven and pulls out Pie* Pie-Kun!!!!!!!

Pie:*Tackles ZaKuro* oh Zakuro-san! it was horrible!! *kisses her* You know you look sexy in a fireman out fit?

Mint: Hmphf! wheres my Masaya?

Keiichiro: >.< last time I checked he was trying to rape Masha...........AGAIN!!!!!

Mint: *opens Masaya's door to see him naked and trying to catch Masha* 0.0 HOLY -BLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP-

Masaya: *looks at Mint* Hi Hi Mint-Koibito-chan *glomps her*

Mint: 0.0 erm Masaya? Your naked!!!!!!

Masaya: O.o I am? *looks down* I am!!!! no wonder there was a draft!!!!

Mint: *Faint*

==========END CHAPTER NUMBER ONE==============

Akai: so what did you think Read and Review!!!!!

No flames please!!!!!


um okay I have this idea for a ficcy and I wanna know what you think its a Mint/Ichigo one so in your reviews tell me if i should write it or not!


Akai Tenshi
Kuroi Kokoro