Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Knives,The gun,And the talk show ❯ Funny photos and movie,Chickens,And you favorite host,Gun! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

thank you for the reviews!! ^^

chapter 3 o.o;;;

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Knives: GRRRRR!!!! WHAAAAA!!!!! *Is strapped down in a chair* LET ME GO YOU FUCKING GUN!!

Gun: NO! *Sicks out tougue* Naah naah noo noo!! *dances around knives' chair*

Knives: WHAAAA!!!! *trying to beark free from the ropes* WHAAAA!!! O.O

Gun: ^^ now! let's begin!

*Knives' lair turns into a talk show*

Gun: welcome back to yet another episode of... "Knives' Life" im your one a only,Gun! ^^

Knives: HELP PLEASE!!!! O.O

Gun: ^^;; hehehehehe isn't he the greatest! Now in our last episode we went through his clothes,well today were going to see old photos of when he was younger,and we have a speacial guessed on our show today! *reads card* MERYL STIFE!!!

Addiunce: *Cheers*

Knives: O.O *hearts form around his head* much i want to *blank* her!!!

Vash: KNIVES!!!! *runs up on stage* *punches Knives* YOUR NOT GOING TO SCREW MY GIRLFRIEND!!

Knives: O.O

Meryl: O.O

Gun: O.O

Addiunce: O.O

Vash: *looks around* ahhehehehee!! ^^;;;; *grabs meryl and wraps his arm around her* She's my bitch! ^^

Meryl: *her eyes turn into fire* BAKA!!!!!!!!! *slaps vash across the face then tackles him* *punching and kicking vash*

Vash: HOLY *Blank* !!!!

Meryl: DIE!!!! *kicks vash in the stomach*

Vash: OUCHIES!!! OUCH OUCH!!! *getting bloody up*



Meryl: *finshes and get's off stage*

Vash: *has a few broken bones and cracked ribs,bleeding on the floor*


Vash: ow....*passes out from pain* X.X;;;;

Gun: *blank*... O.O;;; *shakes head* okay let's go on with this wonderful show,shall we!? ^^;;;

Knives: NO! *secerity tapes his mouth with duck tape* O.o;;;

Knives: fuchtm youmth!!! *can't talk right becuase of tape*

Gun: now let's bring out our main singer,Meryl strife! ^^

*meryl once more comes out on stage,waves,and has a mircophone*

Meryl: hello hello! nice to meet you all! ^^ *is wearing a blue sparkly dress*

Guy: *whistles,woots* what a hotty!! Girls: *grumbles* *whispers to eachother* what a *blank* she's no better than us!

Knives: *getting pissed off with the men humans* LEAVTHM MYTH WOMENMHM ALONEMTH!! *still has tape on his mouth and is still tied down in his chair for safety measures*

Meryl: *starts to sing* Uhh ehh uh ah ah Ting tang walla walla bing bang Uhh ehh uh ah ah Ting tang walla walla bing bang Uhh ehh uh ah ah Ting tang walla walla bing bang Uhh ehh uh ah ah Ting tang walla walla bing bang!! *if you haven't guessed it's DDR 6th mix - witch doctor! ^^*

Midvalley: *plays his saxophone* ^^

Knives: MIDVALMTHLLY!! O.O *still can't talk right because of tape*

Meryl:I told the Witch Doctor I was in love with you I told the Witch Doctor I was in love with you *dance to the beat of the music* ^^

Knives: O.O whathmh...thethm...*blank*!!!

Meryl: And the Witch Doctor he told me what to do, He told me

Meryl: Uhh ehh uh ah ah Ting tang walla walla bing bang Uhh ehh uh ah ah Ting tang walla walla bing bang!! Uhh ehh uh ah ah Ting tang walla walla bing bang!! Uhh ehh uh ah ah Ting tang walla walla bing bang!!

Midvalley: *plays saxophone again*

Meryl: Everyone dance!!! ^^ *is dances happily*

Addiunce: *dances* *woots and laughing can be heard*

Meryl:You can keep your love from me just like you were a miser And I'll admit it wasn't very smart *points her finger to her head*

Meryl: So I went out and found myself a guy that's so much wiser And he taught me the way to win your heart *puts her hand over her chest*

Gun: ^^ *dancing around Knives' chair* TA DA!!! ^^ THIS SO FUN!!

Knives: YOUMTH MOCKTHM METH!! *growls*

Meryl: Uhh ehh uh ah ah Ting tang walla walla bing bang!! Uhh ehh uh ah ah Ting tang walla walla bing bang Uhh ehh uh ah ah Ting tang walla walla bing bang!! Uhh ehh uh ah ah Ting tang walla walla bing bang!!

Meryl: *bows* THANK YOU THANK YOU!! ^^

Addiunce: *Cheers* GO MERYL!! BRAVO BRAVO!!

Meryl: *blushes* ^^

Knives: O.O *wants to *blank* her really bad* *whimpers* *tape is riped off his mouth by Gun* HOLY *blank*!!!!! OUCH!! WHAAA!!!!

Gun: *sits back down in his chair* ^^ well let's go a show the first photo! thank you meryl!

Meryl: *blushes* no problem! ^^ *goes off stage*

Gun: now this first photo is when vash and Knives dressed up for halloween! ^^

Knives: O.O;;;;

*show pic of Knives dressed up as barney*

Knives: HOLY *blank*!!! O.O;;;

* plays bareny's theme song* *i love you,you love me,we are a happy family*


Gun: okay okay let's show what his brother dressed up as! ^^;;;

*shows Vash dressed up as a chicken*

Gun: O.o;;; and i was a expecting him to dress up as a doughnut!

vash: *is back brand new like noone beat the *blank* out of him*

Vash: I LOVED CHICKENS BEFORE DOUGHNUTS! *huggles two chicken*

Chicken 1: *pecking on Vash's broom headed hair*


Knives: wait I thought roosters cockle doodle doo....not chickens!!

Gun; not in this show!! ^^

Knives: o.0 0.o???!!?? wha!??

Vash: *huggling chinkens* me love chickens eddy..erm i mean Knives!! ^^

Knives: I love money and jaw breackers!! i mean...WHAT THE *blank*!!! O.O;;;

Gun: okay....^^;;; let's go to the next photo,NO! it's a movie,what a surprize it's a moive of when knives stole vash's cookies! ^^


Vash: oh..poor knives! ^^;;; *still holding the chickens*

*shows moive/clip*

* shows Lil Knives eatting cookies*

Lil Knives: I want more cookies! *thinks* cookies are so good,but only gotten want more!

Lil Vash: Yum! ^^ these are so good! I wish I had chicken..that's good to eat.....*blinks* o.o

Lil Knives: *walks up to his brother* may I have a cookie vash?

Lil vash: NO! these are my cookies! *protects his cookies form his brother*

Lil Knives: *growls* *thinks* VASH THESE A HUGE CHICKEN BEHIND YOU!!

Lil Vash: WHERE!? *looks every where*

Lil Knives: *steals Vash's cookies* *eats them* ^^

Lil vash: I don't see a big chicken...KNIVES! *looks at his brother eating his cookies*


Lil Knives: Uh oh....*face grows big and turn green* *races towards the bathroom*

Lil Vash: *cringes* Ewl....

*end of clip/moive*

Addiunce: *laughs and feels sorry for both knives and vash*

Knives: O.O man! that was embarrassing!

Vash: But Funny! *laughing*

Gun: ^^;;; isn't it cute how kids think!? ^^;;;

Gun: okay we'll be right back after this commercial!

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a women's voice: ladies has this happen to you?

*Milly and Wolfwood is sitting on the bench*

Milly: *is quite*

Wolfwood: *is quite*

A women's voice: nothing to say and your love has nothing to either? well we've created a new appliance for all you lovers out there!

*shows a book*

A women's Voice: he book is called " THE BOOK FOR DUMMIES: how to talk to YOUR lover!" garnerntee to help you talk to YOUR lover! ^^

*goes back to milly and Wolfwood*

Milly: *looks in the book* *is reading what it says*

Wolfwood: *reads from book* i too...^^;;;

*they hug eachother*

A Women's voice: how sweet!! ^^ okay this book sells for 19.99 plus tax! ^^ buy it now!!

a Man's Voice: *talks waaayy too fast!!* thiscommercialissadandpaithic!!

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Gun: welcome back to "Knives' Life" im your crazy host,Gun!

Knives: welcome back to my hell hole!! whaaa!!!!!

Gun: now to the last photo of the day! ^^

Vash: let it be chickens!! ^^ *huggles the chickens again*

Knives: o.0;;;you scare me vash...your such a *blank*!!

Vash: your a *blank* and you eat *blank* all *blank* ing long!

Gun: O.O

Knives: O.O

Addiunce: O.O

Vash: ummm ahhehehehee! ^^ i love chickens! *runs off stage*

Knives: VASH YOUR GOING TO DIE ONCE I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!!!! *tries to escape from the ropes* WHAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Gun: ^^;;;;

Knives*mouth taped again* *pissed off* .....*thinking of a evil plots*

Gun: okay let's get t the last photo before we're out of time!

*shows the photo*

*it shows Knives in the tub with his rubber ducky and his clown and duck towl*

Knives: O.O;;;;;;;

Addiunce: *laughing and awing*

Gun: how..erm...well a grown man with his ducky! ^^;;;

Gun: well that's it for today! next time on "knives' Life" we will let YOU pick what you want to see!

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here's the choices:

"what kind of different underwear Knives wears."

"more funny photos of Knives"

"see Knives' old grlfriends!"

"can Knives burp the ABC's?"

and finally...

" what Knives did bad in homeschool!"

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Gun; and yes YOU get to pick! Tell me what you want to see,and if you want gives us ideas! no we're not losing ideas,we just want to see what makes you laugh! ^^

Knives: O.O NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vash: I love chickens!!! and doughnuts!!! ^^

Gun: and good night everyone!!

*things to back to as they were*

Knives: *still tied down in the seat* DAMN YOU!!!!

Gun: bai bai folks!!


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L.A.G: okay here's the deal,pick what you want to see. and if you want,tell me a idea! ^^

Knives: your so messed up... *shakes his head*

L.A.G; okay bai bai people!! plz review!! no flames!! and pick what YOU want to see out of this show!! ^^ and pick one thing!! ^^