Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled: A Leah Clearwater Story ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3
After suffering through dinner (Nessie decided to join us and her focus was completely taken by Nahuel) I finally made my way back to my room, unfortunately Nessie migrated to that location also. When I looked at her it had dawned on me that Jacob didn't eat with us, and most of the day he hadn't been around Nessie.
“Where's Jacob?” I asked wondering why I was doing so much baby-sitting today. Why wasn't he hovering over Nessie when I needed him to be?
“I don't know.” She frowns, “until he changes his mind I don't care where he goes or what he does.” She said as she plopped onto my bed. I must have looked puzzled because she felt the need to elaborate.
“I am ready to have a real relationship. He doesn't think that I'm ready and he is basing that assumption purely on my actual age and not my mental age, I am more ready than he will probably ever be. I do love him and I know he loves me, I feel his actions are completely stupid.” She fiddles with one of my stuffed animals. “So until he comes around, why not mingle,” she says looking down grinning, “Nahuel is attractive is he not?”
Wasn't she asking me, not five minutes ago if I was interested in Nahuel? I guess it didn't matter to her anymore. It looked like she was planning on using him, I didn't like where this was going.
“You should give Jacob some time, your age is a little disturbing” I move to my computer logging on hoping she would avoid reading my face, all she would have seen was anger and hurt.
“Nahuel doesn't care about my age.” she said smugly, not knowing that the statement would cause me further pain, I felt like she had just shoved my face in mud.
“He says the most beautiful things and his eyes are amazing,” she says gushingly.
“I thought you loved Jacob?!” I say as calmly as I can muster.
She sits quietly for a few moments.
“I do.” She says softly, “But I don't want to wait, I want him to love me now, all of me”
“RENESMEE you know he does!” I snapped. This was getting ridiculous, hasn't this girl every heard of patience. Honestly, her father had to wait over a hundred years for his true love and she thought she couldn't wait until age eight.
“Well why won't he show it!” she say mad now, she actually stomps her foot, sometimes with meaning to she does show her real age.
“He does show it Ren,” I say inching my way to my door, “Just not the way you want him to!” This whole conversation has taken its toll on me, I am mad now, not just at the conversation but the whole days turn of events. My hands are shaking only a matter of seconds before the heat takes over and I phase. I race out of the room, down the stairs, and out the back door. This would be my first run here.
As soon as I phase I hear Jacob's thoughts, they were full of worries about his relationship with Renesmee. I now know what happened between them. Nessie (for a lack of a better way to say it) put the “moves” on Jacob, she had tried to kiss him passionately and he pulled away, he tried to explain his actions but she cried ran from him. It took everything in Jacob to pull away from her and if literally hurt like hell not to give into her desires, but he felt he did it for her own good.
One kiss won't kill you ya know. I can't believe that I am trying to convince you to kiss Renesmee.
It's not right, not yet. As he thinks this I see the faces of Edward and Bella, and he thinks that they would disapprove of this behavior that they still think of Renesmee as a little girl and sometimes he does too (rarely).
You may lose her then. My brain wonders to the events that happened today.
Wow! A lot has happened since I went on my run, he thought.
Yeah. Hoping he could hear the bitterness in my tone.
YOU IMPRINTED! He thought that new was good.
Yeah. I answered numbly I thought about the decision I had made.
You are in pain.
So are you, only you don't have to be.
Maybe you are right, I don't know, I have a lot to think about. He phases back and then I am left alone with just, the elements and me.
Good Advice
Jake must have listened to me, because when I woke up a bronze-haired ball of energy was staring right in my face.
“He did it” she squealed, “Jacob kissed me last night!”
I didn't know that Rennie could blush until now; her cheeks were a faint pink. I was happy she was happy now she could leave Nahuel alone.
“It was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced.” She beamed falling into bed with me, sharing all the details. I remembered feeling that way a long, long, time ago. I laughed and smiled with her, it wasn't a hard task, I was truly happy for the couple. I knew Jacob was what Ren wanted more than her own life; he has always been her top priority. I wonder how this will affect Nahuel; I don't want him to spend a second broken hearted.
“What's wrong?” She looks at me then touched my cheek. I saw my face I couldn't fib and say nothing was wrong with the expression that had come across it.
“Memories of Sam.” He is becoming a good scapegoat if I ever see him again I will have to thank him. I laugh.
Just then Jacob came to my door, Ren skipped to his side and brushed her lips against his, I could feel the happiness coming from the both of them and I'm not even Jasper.
I walked downstairs into the kitchen to find Esme's nose buried in a cookbook.
“I want to try something different this morning.”
“Would you like walnut pancakes or these omelets,” she pointed to the recipes in the book. I don't even have to look; I don't really care for sweet food of any kind.
“Omelets hands down.” She laughs at my adamant decision.
“Okay!” She in matter of seconds she was pulling eggs out of the refrigerator. Esme got to work; I left to her kitchen, her new domain.
I walked outside I stepped out a few yards from the front porch and lay in the grass. The atmosphere here was so peaceful, I smiled to myself and closed my eyes, I hummed softly to myself.
“You're voice is quite unique,” the voice said standing above me, “throaty and raspy, it is surprisingly enjoyable” He sits beside me and I become too relaxed to change my position I lay there content, my imprint at my side, I continued humming.
“You like the sun,” he states, “It makes you smile” then he smiles as though he figured out something important.
“A lot of things make me smile lately.” My eyes searching his, his eyes looked dazed for a little while then they readjusts into more of a shocked expression. He stands up so quickly that I missed the motion.
“Esme has prepared breakfast, she told me to retrieve you.”
“Okay” I get up and we walk into the house, Nahuel at my side again.
Breakfast was weird; Nessie loved the eggs, Nahuel not so much.
“I will have to hunt after this,” he states as he scrunched up his face. His face was so disheveled that I busted out laughing.
“You think this is entertaining?” He looks at me shocked and confused, “My taste buds have just been abused.” Esme turns around and almost looked hurt.
“No offense to you Mrs. Cullen, it's the taste of the eggs in general, not the way they are cooked.”
“I know, Nahuel” she smiles. At that moment I notice that I have never seen Esme really get angry with anyone that must be her “power” super niceness. I smirked at the thought, and then went back to eating my food. Nahuel eyes now examined me again as I finished my food, he looked disgusted. I laughed again.
“You laugh at the most unexpected times.”
“You've said that before.” I smirk.
“It is still true.” He smirked back.
Jacob and Renesmee where at the table when all of this was transpiring both whispering and laughing to each other, lost in their own little world.
“We should go hunting before school starts tomorrow.” Nessie say “Oh Leah, Nahuel will be attending school with us isn't that great.” She giggles, what does that little troll know.
“Yeah, sure.” At least I won't have to be in pain all day from his absence, it would occur during parts of the day.
“Leah you should come with us while we hunt” she beamed at her idea.
“NO I shouldn't!” I didn't want to see Nahuel in that way, gross!
“Why not Jacob's coming”
“It's not that bad Leah, honestly we've done worse.” Jacob said adding to my frustration.
Nahuel's eyebrow peaked up with curiosity at Jacob's last statement. It took everything in me to focus on Jacob.
“Come on! It will be a learning experience.” Jacob whined, I couldn't believe it; I have an alpha that whines. I laugh.
I huffed and folded my arms across my chest. I was going hunting.