Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled: A Leah Clearwater Story ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: Hey! Thanks again for the reviews. I wanted to answer one of the questions. Leah is and will always be a shape shifter (my favorite shape shifter) it's not like she is part vampire or anything - I hope that helps!! More fluff is on the way!
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Chapter 14
Tests seemed to be Carlisle's answer for everything. Seriously, I would frown and he wanted to draw blood. However, he did feel that it would still be okay for me to return to school. While Carlisle was performing his own test, I was doing some experimenting of my own. It seemed like everyday I would go phase and try to build up tolerance for the pain I endured during the process. At first, I convinced Ren to come with me. But after the first five times, I mastered it. I didn't even flinch when I phased back and forth.
One morning after my “run,” Ren joined me while I dressed for school. She smiled and looked as if she were glowing.
“Hey, Ren! What's up?” I said putting on the last article of clothing.
“There has been something I wanted to tell you. Promise me you won't be mad.” She said. Her mood seemed blissful. Her news couldn't be bad, could it? She then gently laid her head on my shoulder and her hand on my arm. I then see two figures in the dark, a man and a woman, I hear the words `God only knows what I would do if you were to leave me, if I were to have to watch you die like . . .' suddenly, I recognized the voice . . .It was Jacob. I then see his face as he laid Ren down on the bed `. . . I love you Renesmee' and then they . . .
“No, you didn't!” My eyes bugged out of my head as she shared every detail; I couldn't believe she had sex before me!! How old was she like five years old and Jacob was close to my age!
“Ren, I can't believe you did that! Jacob is old enough to be your dad!” I huffed.
“Well, Leah, look at Nahuel. He's old enough to be your great grandfather and you want to . . .,” she said jokingly. She almost seemed a bit smug in her behavior.
“But, I haven't.”
“And who's fault is that?” she said putting on her jacket. “Be honest. You would die for the opportunity.” She smirked and then pointed to my eyes, “Or you'd die trying.” She giggled and left the room.
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During the school day I felt numb. I couldn't believe that seven year old had enjoyed the “throws of passion” as she put it, before me. I couldn't believe Jacob was that flexible! (Ugh! My gag reflex just activated) I couldn't get the stupid image out of my head. When Ren shares her thoughts, she makes you feel what she felt. I kept reliving everything. Honestly, I thought it quite sickening and beyond annoying. I spent most of my day in silence and in shock. During gym I said less than two words to Jacob fearing I would slug him in the chest out of spite and anger. Instead of eating in the cafeteria during lunch, I ate in the art room not only wanting but also needing space. I think Nahuel realized my need because we didn't speak until English.
I watched as his beautiful body entered the room and took its place at my side. I sighed in relief from his closeness and then trembled as the vision that Ren placed in my head this morning morphed into something new. Instead of her and Jacob, I saw Nahuel and me; our bodies so close as we make love. I felt the intense pleasure ripple through my spine and I gasped for air.
“You okay?” he said. I usually started talking to him before he took his seat, but today nothing. I nodded briefly answering his question, yet I still couldn't speak. I was too busy day dreaming about his muffled moans of pleasure against my ear as my nails attempted to dig into his skin. I let out yet another sigh of frustration. Then, I realized Mr. Cooper was standing in front of me trying to gain my attention.
“Your permission slip, Miss Clearwater,” he said a bit agitated.
“Huh, oh, thank you.” I said slightly confused. I frowned at the tiny slip of paper in my hand, Ugh a play.
“We will be joining Ms. Grace's class to go experience the story you have been so diligently reading. The field trip will be over night because of the time and location of the play. The performance will take place at the Orca Theatre and will be performed by a small, but very successful out of town Theatre Company…” he rambled on about the play. Eventually his voice faded into the background, and the intense daydream took over once more. As the oh-so-naughty thoughts filled my head, my heart began to pound erratically. I couldn't even look at Nahuel for fear I would attack him.
“What is wrong, Leah?” he whispered so quietly that only I could hear.
“Nothing, I am fine.”
After Mr. Cooper gives more information on the trip, he handed out a small pop quiz for extra credit. Ten basic questions about information that I wasn't there for, I knew most of the questions dealing with Midsummer Night's Dream and I guessed on the rest. After I finished, I peaked at Nahuel out of the corner of my eye. He had already finished and was staring aimlessly across the classroom. He looked lost. For some reason, it was comical to me.
“What is funny?” he whispered. I shook my head and smiled.
“I am glad you are smiling,” he said, “I thought I had done something to offend you.”
“No, never!” I said shocked by his confession. Apparently, I spoke too loudly.
“Miss Clearwater! No talking!”
“Sorry” I whispered. Nahuel shook silently with laughter. I elbowed him in the ribs.
“Oww!” Nahuel said playfully, knowing I could never hurt him. However, Mr. Cooper heard him.
“Miss Clearwater! Did you just hit him?”
“Mr. Cooper I . . .”
“No! I don't want to hear it, up to the office!” he said pointing towards the door.
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Detention sucks! When I was back in Forks, I wasn't the best student in the world but I never received detention for anything. So now I sit in this classroom with an hour and thirty minutes to go. I had already been sitting for thirty minutes and finished all of my homework assignments. The only thing amusing me was Seth, Shelly, and Nahuel. They all took turns walking past the classroom holding up stupid signs that had ``FREE LEAH!'' written on them. I was glad they all stayed and waited for me otherwise I might have died from sheer boredom.
Their comical antics almost took my mind off of the huge cloud hanging over my head, the longing that now took over my whole body. When I was finally released from that temporary prison, Nahuel instinctively took his place at my side.
“Sorry, Leah” he said still laughing at the situation.
“You should be!!” I huffed, but smiled; he returned the gesture.
“He tried to spring you, Sis. But, Mr. Cooper was not having it!”
“Weird, I thought you vampires could convince people to do anything,” I said teasing Nahuel and wrapping my arms around him.
“It works better on females. I could show you if you would like?”
“No, I am pretty sure I will be okay without being a witness to you bending the will of some poor, unsuspecting girl” I said walking away from him.
“Who said she would be unsuspecting?” he said lowering his head and staring deep into my eyes, “Leah . . .. I have a favor to ask?”
“What?” his stare was annoying and uncomfortable I couldn't look away. Dammit, I knew what he was doing and still couldn't resist.
“Would you let Shelly drive your car?”
“But . . .” I said trying to think logically. Then, he got closer.
“Please, Leah. It is so important to me.” He held his hand out to take my keys. I reached in my pocket surrendered the keys.
“Thank you.” He said and threw the keys to Seth who then gave the keys to Shelly, “And that Ladies and Gentlemen is how you render Leah Clearwater speechless.” He said taking a bow.
“Not Funny! Shelly, give me my keys.”
“Leah, you said I could drive.” She whined placing the keys in her pocket. I huffed out an exasperated sigh.
When we got home Jacob, Nessie, Rosalie, and Emmett were gathered in the family room.
“Hey, come watch the movie with us!” Nessie called eagerly waiting for us to all file into the room. Once we were all settled, Seth cut off the lights and there was Nessie and Jacob sitting together in the dark. The memories washed over me once more. A small shiver went up my spine and I jerked a little in Nahuel's arms.
“Are you alright?” he asked me for the millionth time today.
“Yeah,” I sighed and stretched unnecessarily. He then kissed me on the forehead. During the movie Nahuel's fingers teased at my rib cage slowly traveling up and down my side. I was working really hard to think of thoughts that would bring my heartbeat down to a normal level. I thought of my mom, dad, and Forks, all things that I missed. I didn't realize how badly until this very second. The shock of that admission made me feel a little depressed with all of the room in my head. I started to balance my new life versus the life I would have had if the Cullen's hadn't come to Forks. I would have been happy, in love, carefree, and fertile. But, would I want that life now if it were offered to me?
I turned to look at Nahuel. He contently held me in his arms as he talked with Emmett. Nahuel tightened his grip on me however, his arms still felt gentle and inviting. I loved him. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to. I love Nahuel and I will be by his side until death's cold hands rip us apart and I would never wonder what if again.