Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled: A Leah Clearwater Story ❯ Chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: Hey, again thanks for the reviews!! I am hitting a roadblock bare with me. Hope you like it!
Btw- Leah and Nahuel didn't have sex . . . yet lol!
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Chapter 16
As we pulled up to the our house I felt a tug in the pit of my stomach, knowing that my moment with Nahuel was now over, I will never understand what got into him last night but I hope it won't be the last time I experience such happiness.
As Ren walked through the door Bella and then Esme embraced her as though she had been gone for years. Nahuel and I tried to squeeze by the over dramatic family reunion taking place in the threshold when Rosalie comes bounding down the stairs, with Edward behind her.
“Glad to see you two made it home safely, I was worried I would have to find another puzzle to solve.” She smirked at us momentarily then took Nahuel by the hand and led him up the stairs. I frowned at his abrupt departure.
“Don't worry pup, I will return him in a few minutes.” Rosalie seemed just as vested in finding a logical answer and solution to Nahuel and my problem as Dr. Cullen and Edward. I made my way to my room and unpacked my clothes, which took all of maybe five minutes; I then walked down the hall to find Seth and Shelly playing Punch Out on his Nintendo Wii. Seth hates when I play him because he knows that I will always beat him, but I give it to him he always comes up with a logical excuse, like Leah something was in my eye or Leah I was talking to Jacob. Shelly on the other hand was impressive and had beaten me several times thus far.
“Dang Shelly!” I grabbed at her controller trying to distract her and throw the game; she however jerked her arm back.
“Leah, stop trying to cheat just because you're losing!” she laughed.
“I personally don't think there's a better time to cheat than when you're losing.” I laughed back. Then the nearness of Nahuel's scent distracted me.
“Ha! You ain't got nothing on me, I whooped you butt!” Shelly said gloating.
“Yeah, yeah” my lack of concerned colored my voice as I handed the controller to Seth.
“Leah leaving so soon?” Seth laughed darkly, “Where ever could she be going?” he asked sarcastically.
“Number one: Shut up! Number two: If I can't beat her you never will” I pointed to Shelly who was dancing in the floor still gloating.
“I did once” he said sounding offended by my comment.
“Only because he gave me a faulty controller!” Shelly laughed as they began to playfully bicker back and forth; I backed out of Seth's room and accidentally into Nahuel. I instinctively turn to face him and the closeness of his face caught me off guard and my lips fall open.
“Hey, Rose finally released you I see” I smiled softly, he nodded staring intrusively into my eyes and intense emotion flooded through me. He smiled playfully as though he had lifted the inappropriate thoughts from my mind. He then began to lead me to my room when I make an unwanted but necessary act to stop him.
“Don't you want to go hang out or something?” I said trying not to sound like a super slut, every time I had the opportunity to be alone with Nahuel I seemed to . . . for the lack a better way to put it seemed like I tried to rape him. He probably thinks I have mental issues of some kind, I laughed.
“Go out?” he frowned confused, “Is that what you want to do?” he said placing his hands in his pockets. No that is not what I want to do; I want to push him into my room and onto my bed . . .
“So what do you want to do?” he said raising his eyebrow. My attentions refocused from my daydream onto his words, where did I want to go with Nahuel?
“I have an idea!” I said pulling him down the stairs and out the door. Fifteen minutes later at exactly 11:00PM we arrive at the school I drove down to the parking lot in front of the track.
“Why are we here?” Nahuel asked as we approached the locked gate.
“You are always saying how much faster you are than me, here is your chance to put you money where you mouth is, sort of speak” I smirked as I jumped the fence with ease, he followed suit.
“You thought a track was necessary to prove I am faster than you in your human form, we could have just raced in the forest.”
“This adds a more official tone to it don't you think?” Nahuel laughed shook his head.
“Whatever you wish, however please don't pout too much when I beat you, you can't help the fact that you are a little slower.” He smirked once more knowing that statement would annoy me.
“Right, right, so on the count of three then.” He nodded and readied himself at my side. I counted it down and we were off; some hurdles had been left on the race track which and minimal obstacles for both of us, we raced a total of nineteen times. I won only nine of the races but I took solace in the fact that if I had phased I would have beat him no problem.
“So its pretty much a tie.” I said a tiny bit out of breath.
“No, Leah, I beat you, the only way we could tie is if we raced once more and you were to win, which you wouldn't because you are exhausted.” He smirked not seeming the least bit out of breath.
“Whatever” I said walking to the middle of the football field. I took off my over shirt and lay on the field in my sports bra and sweats. I was a little exhausted. Nahuel lay on his side playing with a strand of my hair.
I lay peacefully listening to my heartbeat slow with my eyes closed. The moment was perfect until I heard the slight buzz come from my phone. It was a text message from my mom that said Happy 26th Birthday my beautiful daughter, I laughed I had completely disregarded my birthday two years after I stopped aging.
“What is it?” Nahuel asked grabbing my phone.
“You didn't tell me today was your birthday!” he frowned.
“Well technically it just became my birthday, it just turned midnight like three minutes ago.” I shrugged and inhaled deeply.
“December 2nd?” he said as though it was a question so I nodded in response closing my eyes once more.
“You have only lived a little over a quarter of a century, no wonder . . .”
“No wonder what?” I said instantly defensive my eyes had now popped back open.
“No wonder you get so jealous so easily.” He laughed softly.
“And you don't get jealous over me?” I sat upright; he smiled quietly obviously amused by my demeanor. I huffed frustrated by his lack of a response. I rose to my feet.
“I guess it is time to go home then” My attitude now coloring my voice.
“Frustrating you is effortless task I must say!” he laughed behind me, he then lifted me, “Of course I would become jealous if another male spent time with you, to be honest when I first arrived I was jealous of anyone you spent time with that wasn't me.” He laughed and smiled, “Am I forgiven?” I nodded I saw no point in arguing with him he always knew how to charm his way out of the situation.
“I am curious about something?” his brilliant with smile illuminating the dark.
“That's never good” I frowned playfully.
“ Can puppies . . .” He plopped his finger on my nose, so if I didn't know he was referencing me I now did.
“Can puppies what?” I spit out, he knew I hated being called a puppy. Honestly, if I phased into a puppy I would be quite useless.
“Can they fly?” he said quickly as soon as I processed what he had said it was too late I had been thrown into the air and had now passed the tree tops, a brief scream escaped me as I started to fall I closed my eyes and within seconds I was back in Nahuel's arms.
My eyes bugged out of my head shock with disbelief.
“Okay, it's time to go home, anytime, your boyfriend starts throwing you in the air like some damned basketball, its time to change locations.”
“Leah you were scared, I heard you scream!” he fell on the ground with laughter.
“I am glad almost killing me amuses you!” I huffed. He collects himself and stands in front of me wrapping his arms around my waist.
“I did no such thing!” he smirked pulling me closer, “You are not that fragile in that respect” I said nothing I just wrinkled my nose up and turned my head.
“Oh come on, you aren't mad, are you Leah?” he took his pointer finger and placed it under my chin and forced my eyes to connect with his, I hated when he used this on me, stupid Emmett for telling him how it works, one day I would pay him back for this.
“No, Nahuel I am not mad at you” I said in a trance like state.
“Good!” he said playfully brushing his lips against mine, however after he did this the look I his eyes wasn't so playful.
“We should return home now” he said his voice now low and slightly strained.
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Once I changed into my pajamas I went to Nahuel's room, he was in a black t-shirt and his boxers sitting on the edge of the bed trying to find something on television.
“Oh you're not dressed . . . I will just . . .” I went to leave the room very slowly.
“Leah you can stay, this is what I plan to rest in” He said motioning for me to sit beside him I did just that. “Honestly, I'm wearing more clothing than you are at the moment.” Waving his hand motioning toward my cami and shorts.
“You don't like what I have on?” I frowned I thought it was a step in the right direction, it was cute and way more girlie than anything else I usually wore around him.
“No, I do like it, that's the problem” he examined me briefly then tried to return his attention back to the TV. “Horror or comedy?” he asked.
“I don't care,” I said crawling towards the head of his bed, “I'll be asleep in a few minutes”
“Why are you so tired, don't you feel well?” he said as he climbed in the bed too.
“Nahuel it is two in the morning” I said laying my head against him as though her were a pillow.
“Oh, I guess I lost track of time.” He said as he rubbed my back. I inhaled deeply letting his beautiful scent relax me. “Leah . . .”
“Hmmm” I murmured in his direction.
“I wish you didn't have t sleep. I will miss you while you dream.” He whispered in my ear as though it were a secret.
“I will miss you too.” I murmured once more, I felt him shake gently from laughter; he must have known I wasn't completely coherent.
“Don't laugh!” I said as I made a pathetic attempt to hit him, he grabbed my wrist and laid my hand on his chest.
“Rest Leah” he said, and with that I surrendered my battle with my eyelids and let blissful sleep take over.