Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Side of Life ❯ Dark Side of Life ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Darkness invaded. Drapes were over the windows, the door was locked, the covers over her entire body. She refused to eat, or drink anything for the past three days. More than just refused, her body rejected it all. She tried to eat a cookie two days ago, and the taste on her mouth was bitter, sour. She thought the cookie had gone bad, but she remembered she bought the packet not even a week ago. She tried another one, and the same taste was received, along with a quick trip to the bathroom. She made it just in time to pull up the toilet seat, and hang her head over the bowl.
She hadn't done anything for those three days, except lay in her bed. She tried to make herself not think about him. Anything but him! But every try was hopeless. She knew she couldn't stay in bed for the rest of her life, she had to get up, do something, but she couldn't find the strength nor the will to do so. Only one thing came to mind, but the reason she came to Forks was to never go back to that life. She wanted to leave that life in her past, never look back, and perhaps have a normal life with a family. Her past life was one she wished she never had. PLUTO had ruined her life, and it seemed now that they were the only ones who could restore it. The rush, the risk, the constant danger was the only thing she could think of that would keep her mind off him.
She thought back to last year, where she told them she wanted out.
Bella approached her superiors at PLUTO. She was decided she wanted to leave this life behind, and she would do anything to have it her way. She was called in into a huge office that had a table on the opposite end. It was long-ways, and it was inhabited by five people, three men and two women, her superiors. She approached them.
“I was told this was something you needed us all here for, Agent Swan.”
“Yes, Sir, it is. I'm thankful you're all here.” She took a deep breath, “I want to end my career with PLUTO.” As expected, they were taking this as though they were being told it's going to drizzle, but inwardly, she knew, they were cringing.
“Tell us, why have you decided this?”
“All my life, all I've ever known is PLUTO. I've done exactly as I've been told, exactly as I've been taught, and as a result I have become PLUTO's champion, but this is not a life I would have chosen for myself, had I a choice. Because of that tragic car accident, I was robbed of my parents and my childhood. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful you took me in and cared for me, gave me a life to which I never have to want for anything, but this is not a life for me, not a life for a sixteen-year-old to have.” She paused for a second, “I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say. I don't want to leave in bad terms. I don't want the life of secrets anymore. I want to be able to go outside, and enjoy the sun, and not have to be watching my back every single second, or wondering what every person is thinking or planning to do the next minute. I want to be normal. I want to go to school, make friends, have a boyfriend, go out on dates, stay passed curfew. I want to be a teenager.
Her superiors were showing no emotion, but Bella knew they were hurting. To them, Bella was more than just an Agent, she was their Star Child, their champion. She knew very well they would do anything to keep her, even if it meant giving up a hand, or a leg, but they would keep her.
Kalen, one of the two women, spoke up. “Would you consider taking a vacation?”
The other superiors liked that idea. “That's a good idea.” Jack, the Superior, said. “Take some time off, as long as you want. Go to a place of your choice, anywhere you want. We'll pay for everything, we'll let you stay at one of our properties, and assign you a car. We'll send you a thousand dollars semi-weekly, and you can enjoy your vacation to the fullest. Think about it, really think about it, and when you've finally made your mind up, let us know, and we'll go from there. Will you accept our offer?”
Bella knew they would come up with something to make her stay. She knew at the end of it all she was going to leave, but she decided to play their game. She accepted their offer.
“I want to go to a small town, preferably up north. A place where there is few people, and I can have some time to think. Do you know of such a place?” Bella asked.
Cherry, the second woman, said, “I know of a place. I was there around five years ago. The town is called Forks, it's in Washington State. It's near the beach, it's very small, it has many local businesses, and it has a local high school. With our influences, you can be enrolled tomorrow if you like, and be in the graduating class you should be in. I think it's what you're looking for.”
Bella loved it. The way she described it, it was just the place she was looking for. She accepted it. The next day, she was taken to the airport, and had a one-way ticket to Seattle, Washington where agents from PLUTO would be waiting for her to take her to her new home.
She remembered when she first got here, a year and half ago. She remembered when she first met him, her first day in her new (and very first) high school. She remembered all the trouble they had just to officially meet. She remembered the day she was preyed on at Port Angeles, and how he came to her rescue all of a sudden. She remembered when she found out the truth of his being, and how she was not afraid of him, and how in love she fell with him. She remembered the first time he said “I love you”, and their first kiss. She remembered everything so vividly. She remembered her birthday just a few weeks ago, and how that day ruined everything. She remembered the things he said when he left.
She was in pain. She loved him so much, but he had only used her. All he wanted was a fling, and he got it. He wanted to experience a relationship with a human, and he got it. Now, he was gone, and she was left with her broken heart to pick up the pieces. She had to get over him just as he was over her. She had to forget him.
She grabbed her phone. She dialed the very-well-known number. There was a voice on the other end, a sales call. It was offering Organic Beauty Supplies. She keyed in her code. The sales call was interrupted, and then there was a female voice on the other end.
“Peace is preferred…”
“… Over all violence.” Bella finished the sentence.
“It's great to hear from you again, Agent Swan. Whom may I transfer you to?”
“Jack Olsen.”
“One moment, please.” Beeps were heard. Bella waited for no more than ten seconds. A deep, male voice answered.
“Bella, how nice to hear from you again.”
“Likewise, Jack.” There was a pause, “I've made my decision.”
“Tell me.”
“I want to come back.”
“I've been hoping you'd say that. Tomorrow morning, a car will pick you up.”
“Can it be today?”
“It sure can. Be ready by six o'clock.”
“Yes, Sir.” The line went dead.
She was going back to the life she wanted to leave, but that was the only way to get him off her mind. Back to PLUTO, back to being the champion, back to protecting the country she was born in.
She packed her belongings, and tried to leave nothing behind. He promised he would never come back, so why was she so scared she would leave something behind and he would use that to find her? Because she was paranoid. She answered her own question. Regardless, she left nothing for anyone to find. She would go back, and she would pretend nothing happened. She would get to work immediately, kill a few bad people, and enjoy her life as a secret agent for PLUTO, Peace Longing Utopia Training Organization.
Within the hour, she had everything ready. She still had five hours to spare, so she took a bath. She was out in half an hour, and she got dressed. She decided to wear all black. She wasn't in the mood for any cheerfulness. She still had four hours. She got in her car, and drove. She drove and drove, not paying attention to where she was going. When she realized where she was going, it was too late to turn back. She had to actually get there, and turn around. She drove up the narrow street, leading up the mansion. She parked her car in front of the house, and she got out. She saw it was completely empty inside. It was abandoned, left here to forget. She stared at the house, and remembered the first time she was there. She felt so safe in his arms, so warm, so secure.
She spoke out loud, knowing no one would hear her. “You promised you'd be with me forever. You promised to love me until the end. What good is the word of a vampire?! I promised to never go back to my old life, I guess you rubbed off on me. I've never broken a promise in my life, I guess it's true what they say: There's a first time for everything. Just as you promised to never see me again, I promise I'll never come back to this forsaken town again.”
She got in her car, and drove back. She had lost track of the time. When she looked at the clock, it was five minutes until six. She sped all the way there, and made it seconds before. As promised, a car arrived at six o'clock. A middle-aged man stepped out. Bella had been trained to always assume everyone is her enemy. She had a knife hidden under her long sleeve, and a gun tucked behind her pants. She stepped out with her luggage. The man approached her.
“Screw war…” the man said.
“…Embrace peace.” Bella answered.
The man took her luggage, and put it in the trunk. They drove off, headed straight for the airport.
Five hours later, she was back in Phoenix, her birth place. She was told to go straight to Jack's office. She did as she was told. He, along with the other superiors, was waiting for her.
“Welcome back, Agent Swan.” Jack said.
“It's good to be back.” She answered.
“Did you enjoy your vacation?” Kalen asked.
“Yes, very much.”
“It's good to hear you enjoyed it. We have a job for you.” Jack said.
Bella smiled. “I was hoping you did.”
Jack picked up a small controller, and pointed it at a wall. The wall had a built-in-screen, and it turned on. A picture of a man popped up. He was in his late thirties, white, bearded face, and the eyes of an assassin. A profile picture was there as well, and his nose was bigger than it seemed.
“This is Derek Wenton. He sent a tape where it had him saying he will right all wrongs of the government. We all know that means trouble, and lots of blood. He was last seen in San Francisco. We need you to take him out. Make it clean.”
She kept her eyes on the screen. “Yes, Sir.”
Bella was flown out to San Francisco where there was also a PLUTO station. Jack informed them of her arrival, and they were expecting her the next day. When she got to the airport, a car was waiting for her, and the same process was performed. She was taken to the station, and there they filled her in on all the details. She was given his exact location due to a tracking device that was implanted on him. Bella got everything ready. She was leaving at ten p.m. She dressed in all black, wanting to fade into the darkness. She had her weapons of choice, knives under her long sleeves, and guns around her thighs. She took the car that was assigned to her, a black Toyota Avalon. She punched in the address into the GPS, and she sped away. She wanted to get this mission over with as soon as possible, but she wanted to feel the rush of the danger. She hadn't done it in a year and a half, but she was ready for it.
She got to the place in twenty minutes. She parked her car where there was no street lights, and no cars around. She parked it three blocks away from the actual place. She got out, inspected her surroundings, then when she was sure it was secured, she walked off. She walked like a cat, soundless and invisible. She took care that her shadow was not visible as much as possible.
When she arrived, she looked around the building to find a way to scale it. She found a fire escape, and she climbed up. She made it to the roof. She saw windows on the roof, and she neared them. She took care that no one would see her. She looked inside, and saw shadows in the darkness. She looked closely, tried to make out which one was Derek. She saw the shadows just talking, and moving their arms as gestures. After about five minutes, she saw the shadows walking away. She saw him, Derek. She took out one of her knives, slowly and quietly opened a window. It was stuck. She used her knife to try and crack it open. When she finally did it, she saw the shadows were nearly out the door. She had to get them back in range, but conspicuously. She opened the window just a tad, she searched near her feet for something, anything. She found pebbles. She grabbed a handful, and let them drop inside. When they hit the floor, she saw the men turn around. One of them signaled another one to check it out. When the guy walked towards it, Bella saw it was not Derek. She needed Derek. No matter, she had to take them all out. She had to do it clean, no evidence left. She took her knife, and threw it directly at the man near the pebbles. It hit him on the side of his neck, pierced him fully. He grunted, then fell instantly. The other men knew they had been found. They quickly ran out of the room. Bella quickly got up, and headed for the fire escape. She grabbed hold of the railings, and let herself slide off. Her feet hit the floor. She took another knife out, and a gun. She ran around the building, looking for some way inside. She found a window. With her elbow, she broke the glass wide enough to stick her hand inside. She reached in, and unlocked the window. She pulled it open, and jumped inside. She scanned her surroundings. It was clear. She ran out the door, and listened for any noises that could lead her to them. She heard voices. She waited at a corner. She heard them get closer. She waited, just a bit longer. When the man was in range, she slammed the knife in his throat. She saw the man was not Derek. He was actually standing behind him, a terrified look in his face. When Derek saw that Bella was headed for him next, he ran away, screaming. Bella reclaimed her knife. She wiped it on the man's shirt, and held on to it. She saw where Derek had turned. She walked silently, keeping her breathing calmed. She walked into the room, and saw it was nothing but walls, no windows, no form of escape. She didn't see him, it was dark, but she heard his breathing coming from a corner. He knew the end was near.
She lifted her gun. She heard exactly where he was, and she pointed her gun that direction.
“I have to right all wrongs.” He said, “You can't kill me.”
“Wanna bet?” She pulled the trigger. Afterwards, she heard nothing; she shot him in the head, died instantly. She put her gun up, and knew what came next. She had to gather the bodies, and burn them. She had to get rid of all the evidence. She got her knife from the first guy, then dragged his body. She set the fire, and let it burn out. When there was nothing but ashes left, she gathered them all into a small box. She headed for the ocean where she could scatter them out, and no trace of them would be left.