Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Royal Love ❯ The Prince ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3 The Prince

Bella looked at the boy in fascination “The Prince” she whispered

“Get away from her it looks like she doesn’t need your help at all, so go bug my siblings now leave!” the prince demanded.

All of the servants turned around to look at him “Yes sir” they all replied before scurrying off to parts unknown.

The prince watched them off before returning his topaz eyes back to Bella who seemed to be still glued to the wall. He walked towards her slowly trying not to scare her. She stared at the god-like boy that stood before her looking at liquid topaz eyes that seemed to captivate her heart. But something seemed to off when she caught sight of his pale marble skin.

“Are you ok” he asked
Unfortunately she was speechless so she could really answer him. He looked at her confused before he was standing directly in front of her. She looked up at him once again meeting his topaz eyes.
“I said are you ok” he said rudely.

She frowned at his rudeness “Yes I am” she replied.

“That’s good, now can I ask you one question, love, who are you?” he asked still a little irritated.

She glared at him catching a hint of his irritation “My names Bella Swan” she answered.

The fact that she was glaring at him was really pissing him off because no one ever glared at him. But he did not that she was pretty for a human even if she was irritated at him as well. He noticed her chocolate brown eyes that seemed to captivate his attention. Her heart shaped face and slightly pale skin made her even more beautiful. He tried to hide his emotions from her putting on the same irritated look that she had. He caught sight of her glare while also looking at her clothes noticing that she wasn’t royalty meaning that she could be the help.

“Are you the new maid?” he asked pointing at her clothes.

Her mouth dropped open in shock “No! I’m you new fiancé you asshole” she growled crossing her arms over her chest.

He burst out laughing tilting his head back letting his laugh fill her ears, to her is sounded like an angel laugh at her. She became even more angry at him getting ready to yell at him before she saw Carlisle walk in to the room.

“Actually Edward she’s telling the truth, she really is your new fiancé son” he explained joining them.

Edward stopped laughing staring at his father in shock before looking at back Bella. She still had the frown on her face from when he had angered her just moments ago. Suddenly he felt guilty that he had made fun of her by degrading her.
“See I was telling you the truth prince Edward” she snapped.

“Well how was I supposed to know that” he snapped back glaring at her.

“Well I expected that you would believe me” she snarled.

“Shut up woman! How was I supposed to know no one informed me that I was getting a new fiancé!” he yelled looking from Bella to Carlisle.

Bella cringed slightly after being yelled at backing away a little bit watching the prince turn his attention to the king. She backed away slightly hoping that both of them wouldn’t notice that she was leaving. They were to busy arguing to notice that she had left the room and had asked a maid to show her to her room.

“Well I was going to tell you when you got back, but I couldn’t find you” Carlisle informed him.

“I came in through the front door” Edward replied.

“Oh then why didn’t you come to me as soon as you got in?” Carlisle asked.

“Because the servants were attacking her so I helped her out” Edward answered.

“Ok, then why were you so rude to her if you didn’t know who she was” Carlisle asked before looking around.

“I saw her clothes and thought she was the help so I asked her if she was new” Edward answered truthfully.

“Oh ok, but that doesn’t excuse you of your actions earlier, and besides do you know where Bella went?” the king asked.

Edward looked around noticing that the girl he had been utterly rude to had suddenly disappeared out of the blue. He didn’t even hear her leave and on the other hand he couldn’t hear her thoughts either which confused beyond so many levels.

“Can you hear her thoughts, Edward” Carlisle asked with concern on his face.

Edward shook his head meaning that he hadn’t heard a word of her thoughts while they were arguing then he saw one of the maids walk in.
“Diana did you happen to see a young woman walk out of here?” Edward solemnly asked her.

She looked at him “Yes, I did she asked me to show her where she would be staying and I had Angela take her up to her room” she answered bowing her head while answering him.

“Thank you” he said nodding his head towards her.

She silently blush “Your welcome master” she replied before walking away.

Carlisle was shocked that Bella had managed to leave and go find her room in such a short time without him or Edward noticing. He wondered if she could be the one that his son would chose to be his wife after a long time of looking. But the one thing he worried about was that what if Edward wouldn’t let her in. Edward listened to his fathers thoughts silently as they stood there for what seemed to be forever but only lasted a few minutes.

Edward started to leave “Where are you going” Carlisle asked.

He looked back “ I’m going to talk to Alice” he replied before walking off to the west wing of the castle.

Disclaimer: I don’t own twilight Stephanie Meyer does
A.N Please review or I cant update anymore chapters for your entertainment so please review!!!!!