Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Intoxication ❯ Twists and Turns ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
He didn’t tell us that he had someone waiting on him at home.” She looked pained for a while. “Sam and my father had been trying to tell that Jacob was bad news and that I should stay away from him but I love him. I really do.” “I understand. It’s like moths to flame.” “Yeah. Its just that I can’t stand it that he’s like that. He used to be so nice then that mutt took over him and now he’s like a totally different thing. He’s not Jacob anymore and I just want my Jacob back.” When she said the last part she was sobbing. I could tell Esme’s mother instincts were trying to take over and after about all of two seconds they did. Esme went over to Jadyn and gave her a hug. I hugged her too and was surprised when she leaned on my shoulder instead of Esme’s. “Jadyn, don’t you hate me?”
“No. I know that Jacob has lied to me and for a few days now I have gotten glimpses of what the future would be like with him but, I can’t leave him because his buddies Paul and Embry told me that if I left him that they would kill me.” “Um guys would it be all right for her to stay with us. I can just tell him that Jadyn and I will be having a sleep over with Alice.” Yeah that’s fine. We can protect her better if she stays here with us instead of with you three at your place.” “Okay thanks. Can I use your phone Edward?”
“Yeah go ahead.” When he handed me his phone I dialed Charlie’s work number first and one of the other officers answered and told me that he had left for home. So I called the house and got Charlie and he told me that it was fine and I had to explain to him who Jadyn was.


We ended up getting everything sorted out. I would be staying with Alice and Jadyn downstairs. Edward was supposed to be staying upstairs but Jasper and Carlisle were betting on whether he would or not. Rosalie and Emmett were looking for houses in north Canada or in south Ireland. I had hoped they would move to Canada because then it would be easier to see Edward when he moved. "Hey Bella," It was Jasper. I had been hoping that he would stay with Edward upstairs. I still had a fear that he would kill me, and leave no chance to come back. Right now though, my fear of Jasper wasn't as strong as the fear that I would not see Edward ever again. "Are you still terrified of me?"
"Yes." I sounded so depressed. I knew he had either heard it or felt my depression over the possibility of not seeing Edward when he moved. "Bella, why are you so depressed?" "Because when you guys move in a few years I won't get to see Edward ever again." "Oh. You will be coming with us when we move. Edward is on his way down and I wanted to taste your blood. It smells so sweet that it pulls me in." Quicker than I could see Edward had grabbed Jasper by the neck and Carlisle had burst in through the door and through all this I had seen a little droplet of blood on my arm. Quickly I had tried to tried to stop the bleeding but I couldn't get the blood to stop coming out. Edward was busy controlling Jasper to notice and Carlisle was trying to calm them down. Jadyn had woken up in the chaos and she took notice of my blood loss. After that I passed out.
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When I woke up I knew something was wrong because I was in a hospital bed. I looked around but I couldn't see Edward. I tried to call for him but my voice wasn't working. As I sat up I noticed that Esme and Alice were talking in the corner. When I tried to yell it came out an odd unnameable sound.
"Bella, what's wrong?" after trying to tell her two times she noticed that I couldn't speak. She handed me a laptop and told me to type what I wanted to say. 'thanks' I typed. 'What happened to me?' " Jasper had attacked when we though he was calm. We thought that you would die. You aren't hooked up to machines anymore because everyone thought that you were dead.
"Where's Edward? Why is he not here?" I had been wondering why he had left me. I thought he had left me because he had no feelings for me.
" he went hunting with Jasper because he was having a hard time trying not to drink your blood and Edward had to go make sure he wouldn't attack any humans".
"Oh" I typed. I was so confused why would they even care if Jasper bit me. As if he knew I had missed him, Edward appeared.
" Bella, how are you?"
"I'm fine, How's Jasper?"
He's fine. We have decided that he will be camping out with Emmett, Rosalie and Alice."
"Oh why'd everyone think I was dead?"
When Jasper lost control he made the wound go from a little tiny scratch a big wound. When he hurt you the second time after you had fainted he was too fast for us to stop and he bit you. He got a lot of his venom in you. It turns out that you are now one of us." he had a look on his face that screamed that he felt it was entirely his fault.
'Edward, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't Jasper's either. It was mine. I should've known that he was having trouble and yelled for Alice or Esme, but I didn't.'
"Bella, you had a good reason." It was Alice. I wanted to believe her but I couldn't, I knew that it was my fault. Just then something registered in my mind.
'What do you mean one of you?'
"Well, you are a vampire."
'Oh. That explains everything.'
"What do you mean?"
'I can smell the lemon cleaner they use here.'
He looked surprised at that.