Vampire Hunter D Fan Fiction ❯ History repeats itself... does it? ❯ The Ally ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Ally

With no more words D turned and briskly walked out of the saloon. The man he had wanted to talk to wasn't there, so he didn't waste time on useless arguments. He knew the people hated him for what he was. He didn't care. They needed him no matter what. And he could always use the money.

"Sir?" A young voice calling after him. "Sir! Please wait, sir!"

D halted, hands on the saddle. He didn't turn around.

"Umm..." The soft sound of nervous shuffling. "My great grandfather wanted to talk to you..." The boy's voice trailed off, hesitant when there was no reaction from the man at whose back he was staring, then he continued, quickly, as if not to lose courage, "He's the one who really sent for you, sir."

D turned his head to glance at the boy.

"He knows you!" The emerald eyes were wide and hopeful as the boy stared up at the hunter. Please don't let him rip my head off! Please don't let him bite me!!

Slowly D turned around completely to face the boy. So this was the old man's great grandson. Looking at the kid closely D could actually see the resemblance. Right down to the expression of a frightened rabbit in the face of the wolf. He almost smirked, almost. "Lead me to him then," he said softly and straightened back up. Grabbing the reins of the cyborg horse he followed the boy, who ran ahead. Convenient, this way he didn't have to go looking for the old man all over town.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Hunter D... it has been a long time..." Rolfe struggled to his feet to greet his visitor. His almost bald head only reached to the tall hunter's chest as he stepped close and watery green eyes looked up to meet cold grey. "But yes... you still look the same..." The old man sighed and turned away. "Like a fond memory... it never changes in your mind, even though the real people grow old and in time vanish... memories never age... like you..." He dropped back into the arm chair and weakly groped for the blanket that had slid to the floor when he had gotten up.

Wordlessly D bent down, grabbed the blanket and draped it over the old, frail body. Rolfe sighed thankfully. "You wished to speak with me," D said evenly.

"Yes, please, sit." Rolfe gestured towards the chair across from him. He sighed when D didn't move to follow the offer. "Very well," he chuckled a bit, "It seems you have me twist my old neck then in order to look up at you, young man." D didn't react and Rolfe's face fell. The old man sighed again and leaned back.

"I gather Perry told you that I was the one who summoned you. The people in this town were desperate and they demanded the best hunter money can buy, and I happened to know him. I didn't tell them who I would call, or rather what I would call, I figured they wouldn't care as long as the job gets done."

"It seems you were wrong," D commentet dryly.

"So I've heard... Before Perry lead you in he told me about that bigmouth in the saloon... and the people's reaction." He shook his head. "It's sad... people forget so easily... It is kinda easy for every new generation, they simply grow up with the latest fashion, with the latest way of thinking, but for you it must be hard, being torn between admiration and hatred, never knowing really what to expect from us short-lived humans."

D listened quietly, no emotions showing on his still, pale features.

"There was a reason why I sent you the advance along with a letter about our problem here. I didn't want you to be forced to deal with the people in this town. You weren't supposed to come here. You were to go out there and solve our problem without ever meeting the people here, or at least only after you've done your job, when the people would be more inclined to overlook what you are."

D's eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

"Don't get me wrong, I meant well, I meant to spare you from more useless torment." Rolfe looked up, washed-out green eyes sad. "Why'd you come into town?"

"I was ambushed," D said and Rolfe's eyes widened, "By someone in this town." The old man gasped.

"Are you absolutely certain?"

The hunter didn't bother with a reply. Rolfe frowned. "But why?"

"Distraction. I was closing in on the target. This person was sent to throw me off in order to ensure an escape."

Again Rolfe gasped as the meaning of D's words sank in. "You mean.... that can't be! These people hate vampires! No one would side with one!"

"I never know what to expect from you short-lived humans..." D repeated the old man's words, no sarcasm in his smooth but monotone voice, just stating a fact.

Rolfe sighed. "You're right... you never know... some stupid humans even fall in love with vampires..." he said, shaking his head.

Involuntarily D gritted his teeth, his jaw worked, and the old man thought he heard a low growl, but when he looked up the hunter's face was the same still alabaster mask he always showed, cold and devoid emotions. Nevertheless Rolfe felt a chill creeping up his spine as he re-thought his words. Fool!

"Well..." He cleared his throat. "If there is anything you need to know besides the facts I wrote you in that letter, let me know." He reached for a bell sitting on the table beside him. "For now you'll have to excuse me. It is getting late and it's been a long day for me. You are welcome to stay here for the night." Perry bounded into the room and stared at his great grandfather and the hunter expectantly. "Perry will show you to a room if you decide to stay."

D inclined his head ever so slightly, acknowledging the offer. "I appreciate your kindness, you are very generous," he said evenly, then turned to leave.

Perry jumped up from the armrest of his grandfather's chair where he had settled and ran after the hunter, reaching out, but not quite daring to actually grab on to the black cloak. "Oh come on," he called and hastily added, "Sir!" He almost ran into the man when he halted at the door, and stood staring up at his profile. "Where else do you wanna go?" His voice was small and almost pleading.

D didn't turn to look at the boy, he stared ahead unseeing, hand on the doorknob. "Out to do my job. I don't need sleep." With that he opened the door and left.

Rolfe stared at the closing door sadly. So alone... He sighed. "It's okay, Perry," he said to the boy who looked horribly disappointed. "He knows he is welcome here and he can come here when he needs a place to stay. I'm sure he will remember."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"The kid's got a point, you know..."

D took up the reins and mounted the horse, then turned it out onto the road. The light breeze gently picked up the heavy cloak before it let it settle on the horses croup.

"And what the hell was that supposed to mean anyway? 'I don't need sleep' - bullshit!"

"Not like them," D replied.

"Aw heck! Of course not like them! But it doesn't make a difference really. Resting your body in order to rejuvenate your strength is a vulnerable state, no matter if you call it sleep and do it in a bed or if you rest in peace in a coffin or dig a hole! You need a safe place and with someone around you can trust, if anyone! So, where do you wanna go? Where can you go?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

Left Hand sighed. "I was afraid you'd say that..."