Vampire Hunter D Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Hunter Ramika ❯ Swords ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 5: Swords

"But you can't just leave in the middle of my excavation!" Professor Almund screamed at Sabattian. He waved his arms and complained about the enormous debt he incurred in hiring the two monster hunters.
"Forget the last of our fee then. We have more pressing business elsewhere."
"Besides, none of us have run into monsters worth spitting at in the last two weeks." Spenser added, "Plus two more hunter groups have arrived. Your assistant, Oscar has been negotiating hiring them. Their fees are not nearly as large as ours."
"But you are the best! I want the best!" the professor's face turned red and he choked. "You have to stay here!"
"We have to do nothing. We have the pay you gave us for services already rendered. The Rosarios are nearly as good as we are. You are in quite capable hands."
"I should have listened to the banter of my colleagues before agreeing to your terms. You are no different from the vampires you kill. You think you are better than everyone else!" Almund stomped off towards his tent.
"Well, that went well, Sabattian. At least he didn't put a price on our heads."
"Not yet. It would be wise to leave as soon as possible. Are the horses ready to travel?"
"Yes. I fear they have been growing a bit fat while we have been fooling around in the ruins."
Sabattian looked over his shoulder and saw Oscar duck behind a pile of dirt workers were sifting through. "There is something not right about Mr. Palfrey. He has been skulking around lately. I wonder if it is because he is stealing Nigel blind, or if it is something else. Something to do with us."
"I don't trust Oscar either. That is why I lied to Nigel about him hiring other hunters. If anything, he is fighting to keep them away." Spenser said as he helped his brother take down their tent. "When he does bother to speak to me, it is only to try to tempt me with one of the whores."
Sabattian looked around as he folded the cloth and wrapped it around the poles of the tent. "With as many people coming from far and wide to see this excavation, I would not doubt another village sprouting up around this site."
"Quit changing the subject. You're nervous about Oscar. Do you think he will follow?"
"No. He is too much of a coward, and I doubt someone with his greed would leave a treasure trove such as this excavation behind, unless..."
"Unless what?"
"Unless you quit standing around and talking my ear off, we will never get to where Ramika is meeting us."
Spenser grabbed all of his gear and began packing it on his horse. "I really mean it, What is it about Oscar that is keeping you so mum?"
Sabattian packed the last of the gear on his horse. "I keep wondering if the professor is the only one who is employing him."


"I am going ahead to the lodge to find where they are keeping D."
"Ramika, are you certain you do not want to wait for the other two?"
"Anastasia does not know I have become a hunter. I will just be another customer to view her menagerie. I must locate D before we can put our plan into motion. Without knowledge of where his exact location is beneath the lodge, our plan could go awry before we begin.”
“Then let me draw you a map of the path through the wood the vampires use to avoid the sleeping curse.” Rodgen bent down and drew a map in the dirt. “If you go to the edge of the forest here, and keep to the path, you will seem less conspicuous.”
“Are there sentries?”
“Yes, there are a few but if me and my men distract the ones at the edge, none will know that you came out of the forest to take the path back through. Any sentry afterwards will assume you came from out of the desert that lies beyond the end of the path.”
“Is there anything else I should beware of?”
“Wrap up the pommel of your sword more securely. I will wrap the scabbard. It is unwise to enter without the sword, but also unwise to carry it without disguising it more thoroughly. Also, you must keep your thoughts well guarded. Telepathy is not uncommon among the guests at the lodge. I have yet to get close enough to any who would delve deeper than surface thoughts, so I do not know the extent of their powers. Be on your guard.
“If Sabattian and Spenser get here before I am back. Make sure to inform them of what I am doing.”
“Of course.” Rodgen smiled, “And keep that superior attitude while you are at the lodge. It will also make you look less suspicious. Remember your cruelty. In this case it is a good defense.”
Ramika nodded.
“Here, you can use this old belt of mine to wrap the fancy part of the sword. I never had much use for it once it was broken, but I knew it might come in handy.” Mathew said with a blush.
“Aw, don’t listen to that pack rat.” Mark said as he threw Ramika some rusted wire and old rags. “He tries to impress every girl with his broken belt story. Truth is, he steals every bit of leather he can get off those we kill.”
“Shh! You don’t want to offend her! She’s not like the other vamps, she’s the boss’ sister. And, this does actually happen to be a belt that I broke. I thought she would want it because it was the most worn of all of them I got.”
Luke and Rodgen laughed at the banter. “If you are going to lend a hand to Ramika, you had best do it quickly. It is nearly sundown, and we need to have her on the path soon after.”
“Looks like you got the scabbard covered well, boss. “ Why don’t I go get us all something to eat?” Luke took out his bow and headed into the woods.


Oscar paced back and forth in his tent. He rubbed the sweat off his forehead as he waited for the mutated bird creature to return to him. He did not expect a vampire to walk into the tent.
He fell on his knees and bellowed as he asked for forgiveness.
“Where is she?” The vampire asked in a heavy, unusual, accent.
“I asked you a question, human. Where is she?” He pushed the red, shoulder length, tightly curled hair out of his face to get a closer look at Oscar.
The vampire kicked Oscar in the stomach sending him flying onto his cot. The cot splintered below him, but other than a few scratches, he was fine.
The vampire took off his gloves, showing heavily scarred hands.
As Oscar looked closer at the vampire, he could see that his face was also mildly scarred, but healing.
His clothing was odd and somewhat over-worn. The pants were tied at the waist by some sort of sash that looked as if it had once been colorful. Similar sashes were tied around the tops of his boots, He wore a leather vest that was functional as armor, but designed like a work of art. Over the top of it all was an open fronted robe of tan color. A long scarf of some sort hung loosely around the vampire’s neck.
“I know no one named Ramika. I am speaking of that bitch who killed my father, human. Tell me and I might just let you live.”
the vampire sat on one of the folding chairs and unrolled the scarf from around his neck. He wound up his hair and then wound the scarf around his head to create a turban.
Oscar’s eyes got wide. “Radji...”
“Correct. I am Radji Raduaster. Or, as you probably know, Radji, son of Radu and a Turkish harem slave girl. Now, where is my stepmother? “ Radji pulled a mutant bird from the folds of his robe. “This thing lead me here. I am afraid your message about a girl leaving this camp never reached my stepmother. Now, where is she?”
“I don’t really know the exact location, I really don’t. She just gave me the birds to use to send her small artifacts for her menagerie and messages. I only know that it lies in a forest. Please don’t kill me, Prince Radji!”
“Titles mean nothing to me, I am still a dhamphile. And, as you can see, I am still healing from a bad burn coupled with a nasty case of heat syndrome.”
“I will get you something to eat, or if you drink blood I can get someone in here to service your needs for a meal and more if you want. Just please...”
Radji let out a sigh. ”It seems I will get nowhere with you. Go, get me some raw meat, and if you do not return quickly, you will be the meal, understand? I need to heal before resuming my search.”
“I know what direction the forest lies. Two dhamphiles were here helping clear monsters from the ruin. They went after Ramika.”
“I told you to go get me some food, you imbecile. I am not as benevolent as my uncle or as patient as my father, now go!”
Oscar hobbled out of the tent. His luck had gone from bad to worse, with no hope of repair.
“Ah, there you are, Oscar. Any luck with the negotiations?”
“Um, negotiations professor?”
“Yes, you silly twit. I thought you were getting the Rosarios to replace the two dhamhiles that left here yesterday.” He patted Oscar on the back and continued to his tent.
“Uh, yes, right, the Rosarios.” Oscar smiled. Perhaps his problem was not as bad as what he believed. He ran to the truck belonging to the notorious group of hunters.
A woman sat on the ground near the truck. “You need some help?”
“Um, yes, are you with the Rosarios?”
“Irma Rosario. Need a price quote?”
“Um, yes. I am Oscar Palfrey, Professor Almund’s assistant. What is your fee?”
“We charge one million for a job as large as this one, payable in installments or in part of the treasure. “
“Oh, um, the Professor will be very happy about that. The dhamphiles charged twice that much plus expenses.”
Irma held out her hand. “We have a deal then?”
“Yes, um, certainly. Just go see the professor and he will give you your first installment up front.” Oscar pulled the handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat from his face.
“Is there something wrong? You look awful jumpy.”
“Um, yes, as a matter of fact there is. Another dhamphile showed up and he wrecked my tent. “
Irma smiled. “Which tent is yours, I am sure I can handle one dhamphile.”
“Follow me.” Oscar picked up a piece of raw steak from the butcher board as they passed on the way to his tent, just in case his quick thinking led him wrong.
Radji looked up as Oscar and his guest came quickly through the door. “Good, you are smarter than I thought. Give me the steak and tell Irma she may go.”
Oscar turned to look at Radji then back at Irma.
Irma laughed out loud, “You look like hell Radji.”
“I feel like hell, Irma. How are you and your brothers doing?” Radji answered in his thick accent.
“Very well. We wondered what happened when you disappeared a few years ago. Fire breather?”
“No, angry kitchen maid. Do you think you can handle this excavation job without me?”
“Certainly. So you found out where the whore is hiding?”
“Not exactly, but I am sure Oscar here can give me a few more clues.”
“What is going on here!” Oscar bellowed.
“All those who have the name Rosario are orphans and escaped slaves. Master Radji is the one who trained us as hunters. He isn‘t our boss, he lets us make our own decisions and our own deals. Sometimes, he just comes along for the fun.”
“Then you are no different from Sabattian or Spenser.”
Irma grabbed Oscar by the arm, “Who the hell are Sabattian and Spenser? Where exactly did they go?”
“They said they were D’s sons. They went after Ramika Lee, whom we found in the ruins. They were training her to be a hunter.”
“Let go of him, Irma. He is not worth that much trouble. Just point me in the direction they left.”
Oscar looked to Irma and back to Radji. He sighed and went to a small crate in the corner of the tent. “You win. Here, this is the last of the lizard-birds I have. It will know the way to Anastasia’s hideaway.”
Radji stood and took the beast from Oscar’s hands. He patted Oscar on the head. “There, now that was not so hard, was it?”
“Better. We will get an extra reward when the professor finds out that his very own assistant is the one stealing the small artifacts.” She turned to Oscar. "The professor hired us to catch thieves. He believed it was the two dhamphiles deceiving him.”
Oscar blinked and swooned. He had to put his hand on a crate to keep from falling over. “Nigel? How could you?”
"Because he hates thieves." Radji snapped. "Now if you do not want to be drawn and quartered by your friend, I suggest you go with Irma and confess."
Oscar wiped his brow none more time as he shuffled out of the tent ahead of Irma.
Radji opened his robe and peered down at his sword. "I wonder..." He let out a nervous breath. "Of course they would. If they have the other four swords, they would try to call the kings' sword. It will not work, not without mine to complete the pentacle. It is why my father modified the writings."
He slowly stood, fighting off a wave of nausea. "I have to follow. No time to heal."


Ramika rode at a slow canter along the trail to the lodge. She could feel the eyes watching her , but she saw no one until the log building came in to view.
A teenage boy with bite marks covering his arms and neck came to take her horse. “Welcome Milady. Her highness will be glad you made it through the woods safely.”
“So are you privy to her? A mere human?” Ramika sneered.
“No! That is not what I meant! I am instructed to say that to all of the new guests! Please punish me for my thoughtlessness.” He held out his arm.
“I don’t eat leftovers. “ Ramika haughtily spouted as she dismounted and grabbed the pack from her horse. “Make sure my horse is well groomed and cared for or I will break your knees.”
“Yes, Milady!” The boy took the horse and walked it to the stable next to the lodge.
Ramika stood for a few seconds and took careful note of which stall the boy put her horse in. She knew if the need arose she could steal any of the horses there, but she preferred to have her own.
The double wooden doors swung easily inward, revealing a tavern room full of guests. Most of the guests were vampires, but a few looked to dhamphiles.
Ramika found an empty table. Immediately, a human girl with what looked like wine taps in her wrists walked up to the table. “Need a sip? I have just come on duty after sleeping off the weakness, so I should be quite potent.”
“No, but I would like to have some of that raw boar they are serving off of that tray. Go and get it for me.”
The girl bowed and did exactly as Ramika asked.
As Ramika finished up the last bit of bloody meat on her plate, the doors swung in again to reveal another group of guests.
“Hunter!” A voice squealed from across the room.
Ramika froze. She wanted to jump up and run from the room, but her fear would not let her move. She looked over her shoulder at the tall, dark haired man whom had just entered and breathed a slight sigh of relief.
Hunter Sinclair, a musician by trade, was most notorious for his cruelty. The vampire swayed his hips slightly as he walked to the squealing woman. “It has been years, Anastasia.” He pushed one of the riotous curls that had fallen across his face and flashed a smile showing his perfect white teeth. His yellow eyes looked over his shoulder towards Ramika for a moment. He puckered his lips in a mock kiss and winked.
Ramika blushed slightly. Hunter Sinclair was beautiful, and he knew it. In a way, his shameless flirtation was to Ramika's advantage. If he had sensed the nervousness of her surface thoughts, he would put it away as awe from a new admirer.
“Hunter, you and your lively friends never come to visit me anymore!”
“I am anxious to see who and what you have in your menagerie. It was not easy getting here. With vampire killers competing so much, and so few havens these days, it is a wonder my band mates and me survive at all.”
“Sit and have a sip from one of the tap girls. I have a huge number of them now. Poor little orphans who depend on me for survival, and all I ask is a little blood in return.”
Hunter laughed, “And I suppose you are part of the reason for them being orphans?” He sat at a large table near the raised area that served as a stage. His 'band mates,' the name he used for his servants, human or otherwise, were setting up chairs and instruments so they would be ready to play when the vampire musician was ready.
“Actually, very few of them are a result of my nightly roaming. Most came here in search of becoming a noble. I might just give most of them their wish. With the prince in my possession and the power to create as many nobles as I please, I can restore the true order of things within one human generation.”
“Or create fodder for all of the vampire hunters.”
“Oh we won’t have to worry about them. I have a servant showing an old fool where to excavate the areas where all of our major castles once stood. I pay the old professor a ton of money through that servant. That silly human has no idea that it is a noble funding his dream of a grand historical museum.”
Anastasia shifted in her seat as she bent over to take a sip from the arms of one of her serving girls. “My foolish human servant thinks he will become a noble because he sends me trinkets that I instruct him to search for in each dig. The more of these powerful objects in my possession, the less I will be opposed. Although, I have not heard from him in some time, and he has yet to give me one very important item from the excavation he is at now. I may have to kill him early.”
Ramika waved for the servant to bring her more raw meat as she continued to listen to the conversation. The only excavation she knew of was the one of her father’s castle. Ramika thought for a moment wondering which item Anastasia was wanting, the ring or the sword.
“So when do you open the tunnels so we can ogle at your fine collection?”
“I have a servant cleaning up a mess down there, Hunter. I will open it for all my guests as soon as it is done.”
Hunter arched an eyebrow, “I have never known you to care about a bloody mess.”
“Unfortunately, it is not blood, but waste from the creatures I keep merely caged. The smell is terrible. Perhaps you could grace us with some music while we are waiting?”
“Most certainly, Your Highness.”
Ramika sat patiently and waited.
Hunter went to the stage and picked up a violin. His band mates took his movement as their cue and rushed to their own instruments.
Hunter made a flurry of movement on his violin. The intro to the song, Istanbul, flew from the strings. The rest of the musicians blended their instruments into the music, creating a harmonious cacophony behind Hunter.
Anastasia laughed. She knew he played that song to remind her of her triumph over her former husband, Radu.
Several of the guests rose from their seats as the tap girls and other slaves moved tables aside to create room for the guests to dance.
Hunter took the violin away from his chin and waved for his band mates to continue playing. He set his violin to the side of the stage and wove his way through the small crowd to stand at Ramika's table.
The music changed to something with more of a Spanish flavor, making the purr of Hunter's voice seem even more seductive. "I have not seen you before. How could I miss such a delicious beauty? Even if she tries to hide her charms behind such a silly hat. Ah, but I am being rude. Lord Hunter Sinclair, Earl of Ross, Prince of Scotia." He made a polite bow. "May I have this dance?"
Ramika crossed her arms over her chest. "Wouldn't Her Highness be offended that I took a dance that she deserved. I do not believe I will risk such an insult to Anastasia."
Hunter laughed. "Very wise, little one, very wise. " He flashed his flirtatious smile at her again. "May I at least have a name?"
"Countess Ramika Lee." she nodded in salute, "Just recently freed from my prison of rubble. It was grueling and traumatic. The room makes me feel claustrophobic, especially now that all are on their feet."
Hunter gasped. "You must go to Anastasia right away then! To have the daughter of Magnus Lee alive and well is certainly a happy surprise. She admired your father greatly." He held out his arm so that he could escort her across the room.
Ramika knew she was trapped. There was no way to avoid the false queen. She stood and gently placed her arm on Hunter's. "Thank you for escorting me."
"The pleasure is all mine."


Spenser grew apprehensive as he and Sabattian entered the sleeping forest. "I do not like this place."
"Just try to stay awake. Ramika's message spoke of an ancient spell. It is a magic spell that repelled us before, not the false queen."
"I still don't like it. You don't mean to tell me that you believe her about finding a long lost half-brother do you?"
"I do. I have no reason to disbelieve. Her reasoning makes perfect sense."
"Only because you are a sot."
"I can still chop off your head and release you from your existence, Spenser."
Spenser clenched his teeth and growled but said nothing more to his elder brother as they rode down the winding path.
Sabattian put his hand over his mouth to cover a yawn. He tried with all of his might to resist the call of the sleeping spell, but after a couple more winds in the small trail, he fell from his horse to the ground.
Spenser gritted his teeth as he jumped from his own horse and grabbed the reigns of his brother's horse to keep it from wandering. He looped the reigns over a nearby branch before kneeling and turning Sabattian over.
He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the steady rise and fall of Sabattian's chest. Yet, the sight was his undoing. Spenser fell to the ground next to his brother, fast asleep.
The smell of horseflesh and the gentle snoring coming from Spenser's lips alerted Rodgen where the two had fallen.
"Mark, get their horses. Luke, Matt, you two help me get them to a safer spot. The moon is full, and sanguine. This section, which can be fully bathed by its glory, makes me have to fight sleep as badly as these two. The power of the forest is heightened tonight."
"Where do we take them boss?"
"To the rocky area to the east. " Rodgen swooned and shook himself as he mouthed a spell to keep himself awake.
"Hurry, or you will have three heavy men to carry to safety."
"Luke snapped to attention and heaved both Sabattian and Spenser over their horses face down and lead the horses to the rocky outcropping.
Rodgen uncovered a cave from behind a tangle of vines and swayed inside. "Get them in here and make them comfortable. Watch over all three of us. We will be useless .... tonight." Rodgen slurred as he lay and fell into a deep sleep.
Matt looked at the horses, including those belonging to Rodgen. He looked at the three sleeping dhamphiles and back to the horses. "Mark, are you sure we shouldn't just kill them and take the horses?"
Mark slapped Matt across the face. "You forget how the boss saved our scrawny hides? You forget how good he's treated us over the years?"
"Yeah, but that was before the others came. Now there are four dhamphiles instead of just one. It spooks me."
"Shut up and get some sleep, Matt." Luke said as he built a small fire. "You are being affected by the forest and moon too, or did you forget that all of us also have vampire blood in our veins, although greatly diluted." Luke sat in the opening of the cave to take first watch.
"Yeah, Luke but we never told the boss that."
"Cut it out, Matt, we don't have to. He knows. I know he can smell it, him being only half." Mark sneered. "Now get your butt into bed before I tie you up with those leather straps you so like to collect."
Matt skulked to his pallet to take his rest.


Ramika tried to walk as gracefully as she possibly could as Hunter lead her to the chaise lounge that Anastasia was using like a throne. The thought of Anastasia thinking herself as ruler disgusted Ramika. In Ramika's mind, the only true king was Vladistan Dracula IV, although his physical form had long left the earth.
Anastasia pressed her lips together and winkled her brow in a frown. "So this is why you left my side? I know you like pretty faces, but none is as beautiful as my face." She pushed her long straight black hair behind her ears and stared intensely with her deep blue eyes at Ramika. "Oh my, what a ragamuffin."
Hunter ignored Anastasia's terse comments. "May I present Countess Ramika Lee, just recently escaped from the ruins of her father's castle, and the clutches of filthy humans."
Anastasia sat up straighter and blinked a couple of times. "Remove that silly hat, child, and let me see your face."
Ramika obeyed. She let her long black braid fall down from the constraints of the snood built into the hat and thrust her chin out haughtily.
"It is you, Ramika!" Anastasia giggled like an insane child. "We have met, but you were so little at the time, I am not sure you remember. So tell me, did Magnus grace you with the full power of nobility?"
"If you mean giving me his blood to become more than a dhamphile, unfortunately, no. He was to have done so after his wedding. As you know, he did not survive to have his nuptials."
"Oh, what a shame, but no matter. Your noble character is obvious to me. I am certain, by the way Hunter abandoned me so haphazardly, that he will be more than willing to give you what you deserve."
Their conversation was interrupted by two heavily bite scarred humans walking up from the side stairs and cow towing to their mistress.
"Ah! The mess in my menagerie is cleaned up. Come, Hunter, Ramika. You two will accompany me at the front." Anastasia rose gracefully from her makeshift throne and took Hunter's other arm. "I do not doubt you will know all about most of the trinkets I have gathered, but I will talk about them anyway."
Hunter's servants ceased their music. The crowd parted to allow Anastasia, Hunter and Ramika to lead the way into the menagerie.


Matt leaned over the three sleeping dhamphiles. He wanted to kill them, if not the boss, than the other two had to die. He toyed with his knife against a few stray strands of Spenser's hair.
"Get away from them now!" Luke roared as he jumped onto Mark to keep him from harming Spenser. "I will not allow it!"
"What in the hell is going on!" Mark screamed as he pulled Luke off of Matt. "The boss told us to leave them alone. What has gotten into the two of you?"
"I will not allow him to harm my kin!" Luke shouted. His eyes went wide as he realized what he said. He slowly backed off of Matt and looked back to Sabattian and Spenser.
Mark blinked a couple of times. "I understand your feelings Luke, but as for you Matt, I don't understand your actions one bit."
"So, that is it Luke," Matt growled, "Your vampire ancestor was the king himself. What about you, Mark, who spawned your dhamphile ancestor?"
"I don't see why there's any point to this. You have been acting crazy since you shadowed Ramika on her way to the lodge. What does it matter who my ancestor was?"
"It matters to me!" Matt howled as he sat up and tossed the dagger aside.
"Well, my ancestor was Baron Ruthhaven." Mark said flatly. "If Hunters had not brought him down, he would have peopled the entire planet with dhamphiles. He was one randy old goat. So what does ancestry have to do with you flipping out?"
"My ancestor is in the lodge." Matt sighed, "Lord Hunter Sinclair. I saw him go in right after Ramika."
Rodgen slowly roused as a result of all of the shouting. "I see." He wiped his eyes. "I wondered when you three would tell me who you were descended from."
"Boss!" Matt squeaked. "I wouldn't have done anything! I really wouldn't have!"
Sabattian woke suddenly, jumped to a standing position and pulled his sword. "What? Where in the hell am I?"
Both Matt and Mark fled tot he back of the cave but Luke stood in front of Sabattian with his empty hands outstretched. "Uncle! It is alright ! You are safe!"
"Who the hell are you!"
"I'm Luke! I am the great, great, great, grandson of your older sister, Amelia!"
Sabattian took a few deep breaths, looked around the cave and sheathed his sword.
Spenser sat up and rubbed his eyes, "What is going on?" He said lazily.
"You are going to get yourself killed if you keep sleeping so hard, Spenser." Sabattian kicked his brother's leg.
"Can't help it. My head is pounding. Where are we? What is going on?"
"I can answer that." Rodgen slowly stood. "I am Rodgen of the Wood, or Count Rodgen Lee as my sister might have explained. It is the sanguine moon, which makes my grandmother's spell on the wood more powerful. I expect only the dhamphiles and vampires within the lodge are the only ones immune to the sleeping wood's powers tonight."
Sabattian nodded and motioned for Luke to sit down. He sat beside him and looked at Luke closely. "You do look much like my sister, although I believe you missed a few greats in your description."
Luke sighed, "I was scared and spited out as many as I could without choking."
Spenser looked at Luke and smiled. "Wow! A nephew that actually knows he is descended from father! That is incredible. Oh tell Uncle Spenser more. I can't let Sabattian hog you all day."
"Sorry," Luke explained, "I didn't mean to be rude. It is just the blood manifested in my father and, well, he went crazy. He killed my entire family when the vampire blood in him rose to take control. I was forced to kill him with my own hands." Luke tried to wipe away the silent tears before his uncles could see.
Spenser pulled his nephew into his arms and cradled him like a baby. "Cry if you want. I understand."
"We all do." Rodgen added.
"So, Rodgen, where is Ramika, and what is the plan you two have concocted?"
"Ramika is at the lodge discovering your father's whereabouts. She will return in a few days so we may perform the ritual."
"What ritual?"
Rodgen held out the sheathed draconian sword for Sabattian to inspect. "Melos, the melody. The spell of the calling ritual says, ' When the gallant hawk sings its melody of vengeance, the king will return to the center. ' It tells me how to call D's sword to us. Once that is done, he will wake."
"I hope you are correct."


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