Vandread Fan Fiction ❯ What do you think? ❯ A New Beginning ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Duh, Of course I don't own Vandread. Jeez, I'm only fifteen! Anyhoo, I'd just like to let everyone know that this story's title is NOT Super awesome story; it's What do you think? (That's actually the title, not what do you think the title is.) I'm going to make this chapter about three times as long as the last. Ummm… time to begin.
Chapter 2: A New Beginning
Hibiki awoke with a start. Or, at least, he thought he was awake. The entire area he was in was just a big gray heap of nothing “Aaah, do what now?”
“Yo, Hibiki.”
“Who the heck are you?” Hibiki said aloud.
“Yo” the mysterious voice replied.
“You're… Yo?” Hibiki thought that was the stupidest name he ever heard.
“No, you're Yo!”
“I'm Yo?” “God, this sucks, “I definitely don't want to go through the rest of my life with a name like that”
“No!, “I'm just referring to you as Yo.”
Hibiki's brain was starting to hurt. “Wait, hold on, let me think…”
“I get it!” he exclaimed
“Great” the voice said, sounding relieved.
“I'm A Yo!” Hibiki thought for sure he got it right this time.
The voice sounded exasperated. “UGH, NO! “Yo” is a term of reference, like “Hey”!
“Uhhhh… huh?” Hibiki utterly failed to comprehend.
You're not very bright are you?” The voice had a slight laugh in it.
This made Hibiki angry. “Grrr… who does he think he is?” “Hey I have plenty of brains!” “I'd like to see you make a Vanguard from scratch!” “It's not all pounding things with a hammer ya'know.”
“Certainly not.”
Confident that he had won the argument, he turned around and crossed his arms, the biggest grin on his face. His Vanguard (or as he called it, his “Partner”) was his greatest (and as he thought about it, one of his only) achievements, and he knew that only a small handful of people could make one of its caliber. “Now as I was say…” But Hibiki could only stare as a magnificent Vanguard was being created before him. It was entirely of a bright vermillion color. Hibiki watched, mouth agape, as he witnessed all the pieces, which had literally appeared out of nothing, slowly being assembled and reconstructed to form a most brilliant machine.
“See? No hammers involved, just like you said”
Hibiki was in awe, in spite of himself, he gasped. “It's… beautiful!”
This, as we already said, vermillion Vanguard stood at least fifty feet tall, had a monumental double edged partisan crackling with electricity that, Hibiki assumed, could short-circuit a Dread with a single touch, attached to its back. It didn't seem to have any outside thrusters, but Hibiki noticed that just underneath the neck area and running behind the partisan, along where a spine would be, were many circular openings that constantly emitted fumes he thought that maybe there were smaller thrusters inside of them. It had no legs. Its torso rested on a circular band of metal that, Hibiki realized, was its main source of transportation seeing as how there were many thrusters attached to it. He could only imagine the amount of energy that it could produce. Its arms were paved with several yellow spherical objects and he could only guess their function.
As if in answer to his question (and this very likely was the case) one of the spheres levitated off the mecha, shot a few dozen lasers, and in ten seconds, completely severed the left hand. It then inserted itself into one of the fume spewing holes while giving off a sound that could be compared to a chuckle.
The entire ship gave off an orange brilliance as the hand, which up till now was a smoldering pile of junk, instantaneously regained its former splendor. It reattached itself to its appropriate arm, giving Hibiki a thumbs up.
Hibiki had now regained his composure and nervously stated “I guess… it's alright…”
The mystery voice disagreed “No… No.” “Hmph! It's not that great. I mean come on, it only has one weapon.” “Well, not including the healing spheres laser cannons.” It added as an afterthought.
“What?” Hibiki wasn't really paying attention. He was still transfixed by the green god of a Vanguard in front of him
“Do you know where you are?”
This brought Hibiki to his senses immediately. “Huh?” “Oh right!” “Where the hell am I?”
“The last thing I heard was…” Images of the ceiling lights on the Nirvana… the warmth he had felt… the voice, full of concern, that had asked for help... All these thoughts ran through his mind. “It was…”
Hibiki was shocked at the change in the voice's, uh, voice. It switched from being very casual and, as Hibiki realized, very much like Dita's, to a somber and deep tone. Hibiki began to wonder two things.
Why did this being's presence with him totally numb any and all of his confusion and fear? “Wait, fear?” “Hibiki Tokai has never heard of the word fear” he corrected himself in his mind. “Redo the list!”
Why did this being's presence with him totally numb any and all of his confusion? He thought “Well, that Vanguard was pretty cool…” but a small voice in the far reaches of his mind whispered “But I was relaxed before I saw it” ”Perhaps it's because the voice reminds me of a certain someone.” “A certain red-haired someone whom I feel comfortable around…” “No!”, “WHAT AM I THINKING” “I can't STAND that girl!”
Where the hell was he? He had nothing on this.
“Shut up” said the now commanding voice
Hibiki was taken aback, for the moment “Wh…What did you just say!” Hibiki was about to go on a full blown raving, but he was cut short by a quicksand-like substance that had formed around his toes. “What the hell are you doing!” “Come out here and fight me then!” (So much for not raving)
“YOU!” “SHUT UP!” “DON'T YOU REALIZE THAT YOU DO CARE FOR HER” The voice, once so calm and kind, quickly escalated to a menacing boom.
“I… suppose…” Hibiki silently cursed himself again. His fear, as much as he liked to pretend it didn't exist, was now quite apparent in his choke of a voice.
Hibiki wanted very much to cover his ears, but unfortunately his forearms were now completely submerged. “Damn you…” he continued to struggle “Let.. me… GO!”
NOT UNTIL YOU CAN TELL ME WHY, EVEN THOUGH YOU CARE FOR…” The voice seemed to have trouble getting the name out.
“Dita... You still treat her like dirt!”
Hibiki's neck was now being covered “ARG, HOW SHOULD I KNOW?”
“Well then…” The voice was now softer than it had ever been. “If I have to teach you by force then…”
Hibiki's last sight was the Vermillion Vanguard's healing spheres putting themselves in a formation above him, like a constellation. It was Dita's smiling face.
“Huh, Di…ta…?”
“So be it...”
Authors note:
Hello again! Please remember, reviews make the world go round! (Or else.)