Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Angel of the Night ❯ Exchanging Blood Part 1 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Look. I type three pages and that's all. No more no less. So please, enough with the not writing enough.


"Your mother?"


"She distracted them while I got away."

"Did she die?"

"Yes. I avenged her in the end though. Her attacker has died and her soul laid to rest."

"What happened after you killed him?"

Hitomi looked down at her hands folded in her lap.

"I lost my way in life. My will to live, everything. I started getting into trouble."

"How did you get into trouble?"

"I started eradicating all vampires. Even ones that I wasn't sanctioned to."

She looked at Merle's clueless face and sighed.

"It means that I killed vampires that I wasn't suppose to kill."


Merle sniffled.

"What's wrong?"

"My sisters Eriya and Naria used to tell me things like that. Explain what things meant. I miss them."

Merle latched onto Hitomi's shirt and cried. Hitomi patted her back soothingly. You'll be alright Merle. I promise."

"did you have any siblings?" asked Merle as she calmed.

"Yes. I had a brother and one on the way."

"You're mommy was pregnant?"


"How can you talk about this so easily?"

"It was time to move on after a few years. I realized that she wouldn't want me to live as I did. Like a robot. Besides, time heals all wounds."

"I hope that when I am your age that I am as strong as you."

"You will be Merle. You will be. Now, get some rest. I will see you tomorrow."

Hitomi tucked her under the covers and left the room. Van was waiting for her outside of it. They glared at each other for five minutes before Hitomi broke away and sat on the couch.

"Thanks for helping me." she mumbled.

Van blinked then stared.

"It was my pleasure." he said finally smirking and bowing.

He then walked into Merle's room and sat in the chair by the bed.

"Van?" a small voice asked.

"Yes?" he asked, looking over at the sleepy little girl.

"Will you be my friend?"

Van looked taken aback. He had never had friends before.

"Sure." he said finally.

"And Hitomi's too?"

Van sighed.

"Merle? Do you know what enemies are?"

She nodded.

"That's what Hitomi and I are. Enemies."

"But Hitomi has been through a lot. Maybe you can get to know her, and we could all be friends."

Van looked at Merle's hopeful face.

"We'll see."

Merle beamed at him.

"Goodnight." she said cheerfully.


Van left the room and headed to the living room.

Merle smiled in her sleep thinking of the new family she would have eventually.


Van checked to make sure his gloves were on. He laid a hand on Hitomi's shoulder and gave her a tentative smile.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." she muttered, shrugging his hand off of her shoulder.

"Stop it." he hissed.

"Stop what?" she spat.

"Stop pushing me away."

"I push everyone away. What makes you so special?"

"Because I won't give up. Something happened tonight. Something that made you remember. Don't push me out because it hurts. I want to help you?"

"And why is that? We have never seen eye to eye before. Why start now? Why care?"

"Because you have something special inside of you. You are such a special person and…I want to know you more. Forget the past. Just open up to me a little. You won't regret it I promise."

Hitomi hesitantly reached up to cover his gloved hand with her own.

"I will…someday."

Van smiled and she slowly smiled back.

Van sucked in his breath and touched her face with his gloved hand. She was beautiful when she smiled.

"I wish I knew what your skin felt like." he said mournfully.

"Maybe you will one day…"




"What about your family? One day will you tell me about them?"


"Did you have any siblings?"

"Yes actually. I had a brother, Folken. He was the best brother in the world. I remember one time…"

Hitomi and Van jerked their heads towards the door. They could hear the pounding of many boots on the stairs leading to their apartments.

Hitomi shoved Van behind the couch and tucked a dagger into her waistband just as the door swung open. Ten officials in black were standing in the doorway all suited up almost like a mini SWAT team. They were each carrying guns that had silver bullets, or so Hitomi assumed. One of the men, probably the commander, stepped out and read from a parchment in his hand.

"Hitomi Kanzaki. You are here by charged of harboring a juvenile slayer and a vampire in your home. By order of the Slayer's Headquarters, you are here by charged with treason and sentenced to death."

'They set me up! That means Allen and Yukari….shit!'

"Sorry boys but I'm not going without a fight."

Hitomi rushed at them knife in hand. Van came out from the bedroom with Merle in his arms.

"Hitomi! Get her out of here. I'll distract them."

"No way!"

"Just do it." he snapped.

Hitomi rushed over and grabbed Merle. She leapt out a window and climbed down the fire escaping.

"Where are we going Hitomi?" asked Merle.

"A safe house I have tucked away."

Hitomi opened up the door to a simple used pickup truck and dropped Merle in a small cabin in a wooded area on the outskirts of the city.

"Stay here I'm going to go back."

Merle nodded and Hitomi rushed back to the apartment and bounded up the fire escape. The sight that greeted her wasn't the sight she hoped to see.

The men were gone but Van was in the middle of the living room floor, bleeding profusely.

"Oh Van!"

Hitomi sat behind him and scooted his body into the shelter of hers. The blood was leaking form a huge hole in his chest.


"I'm here."

"I…I did all I could. At least…you and Merle…are safe."

"Van what are you saying?"

"I'm to weak to regenerate."

"No! Van…please."

Hitomi withdrew her dagger and sliced her wrist.

"Drink." she said holding it to Van's mouth.

"Hitomi…are you sure?"

"Yes. Just do it!"

Van's mouth latched onto Hitomi's wrist. They both hissed from the pain. Hitomi wanted nothing more then to pull her wrist away but she couldn't she had to keep going.

The sensation was reduced to a dull throb then to a pleasant sensation. Hitomi moaned when Van's cat like tongue touched her wound. The curative agent made the stinging of the cut itself fade away.

Hitomi's eyes started to close and she slumped against Van. However, he was to caught up in the richness and pureness of the blood.

"Van…" she whispered just before she passed out.

Van came out of his trance like state and looked down at Hitomi in surprise.

"Thank you Hitomi." he said brushing his lips against her forehead. "Thank you."


^_^ Night of the Raven