Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ The Plane Ride Disaster ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2

Author's Note: Here it is chapter two. Now I had original planned it just to be a one-shot, but I figured what the heck. Quite a few people wanted me to write more.

I do not own Escaflowne or any of the original characters. Lord knows I wish I did. Fair warning my grammar may not be to swift my punctuation is the worst. I know it.

Enjoy ^_^

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At the Air Port…

Hitomi: "I can't believe Van and Folken could ditch me like this".

Millerna: (looking around) "Where's Merle?"

Hitomi: "Dilandau fried her on the plane remember?"

Dilandau: (grins crazily and chuckles evilly) "Hee, hee Fried Kitty! Meow!"

Millerna: "Is that anything like fried chicken?"

Hitomi and Dilandau: @_@

Allen: (mean while is climbing up the wall (don't ask me how) "Spiderman duh, duh, duh, duh."

Hitomi: (watching Allen) "You moron get down here!"

Allen: "I'm a kitty meow!" (Jumps off window, but ends up landing in a nose-dive).

Dilly: "Cool, maybe he broke his neck!"

Hitomi: "Dilandau that's not funny!" (Rushes over to Allen) "Are you alright Allen? Allen speak to me!"

Dilandau: "He's fine do I have to remind you, that he landed on his head".

Allen: "Babaloo, babaloo!"

Hitomi: "Your right he's fine. Hey who's watching Dryden?"

Dilandau: "I don't know! Do I look like his keeper or something, maybe that air head Millerna is."

Hitomi: "Oh great!" (Runs back over to where Millerna was, dragging Allen along by the hair).

Millerna mean while is sitting on her suitcase filing her nails, when they come running up.

Millerna: "Hi guys!"

Hitomi: "Where's Dryden?"

Millerna: "Oh he went off that way, babbling something about the world coming to an end. (Giggles) He's so silly."

A blood-curdling scream is suddenly heard through out the building! And bunch of people start running past them.

Hitomi: "What's going on?"

Stranger: "There's a mad man in the air port. He attached two security officers and is now attacking the metal detector."

Hitomi: "Sh**!"

Hitomi while dragging Allen, Dilandau and Millerna all run in the direction the people had come and sure enough Dryden is pounding and kicking the metal detector. While two security guards lay at his feet.


"This robot attacked me. I walked through it and it started beeping at me, then those two guys tried to grab me. I was scared, I want celery head!"

Hitomi: "Well Folken's not here. Him and Van flew the coop last night on the plane (mumbling) the lucky stiffs.

Dryden: "C-celery heads not here?"

Hitomi: "That's right!"

Dryden suddenly burst in to tears and for no reason what's so ever Allen burst into tears as well.

Millerna: "Your so mean Hitomi! You made Dryden and Allen cry."

Hitomi: (eye twitching) "Shut up!"

All of a sudden Dryden and Allen go quite. Hitomi looks over at them and they're both lying unconscious on the floor with a tranquilizer dart sticking in both of their necks.

Hitomi: "Who did that?"

Dilandau: (grinning evilly) "Me!"

Hitomi: (looks at Dilandau and sees him holding a tranquilizer gun) "Where did you get that?"

Dilandau: "It's mine!"

Hitomi: "Why do you have a tranquilizer gun?"

Dilandau: "So when I go on crazy rampages, Folkie can knock me out."

Hitomi: (eye twitching) "Okay! Now how do we get them out of here?"

Dilandau: "We can put them in my harnesses and drag them out!" (Holds up a kiddy harness)

Hitomi: (sweat drop) You know! I'm really going to hate myself for asking, but why do you have a harness?"

Dilandau: "So when we go out, Folkie won't lose me and I won't be able to sneak away and get in trouble!"

Hitomi: "I was right, I hate myself! Let's just get out of here before the cops show up."

Dilandau: "Can I burn down the air port?"

Hitomi: "No! Then how would we get home?"

Dilandau: "Who cares?"

Hitomi: We're not burning down the air port."

Dilandau: (frowns) "You are no fun!"

So after fastening Allen and Dryden into the harnesses Hitomi, Dilandau and Millerna grab their luggage and sneak out the emergency exit while dragging Allen and Dryden behind them. Just before a swat team shows up.

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On the bus heading to the hotel…

Dryden and Allen are lying in there seats still unconscious.

Hitomi: "How are Dryden and Allen doing Dilandau?"

Dilandau: "Sleeping and drooling."

Millerna: (looks at them) "Eww they're making a big puddle on the floor."

Hitomi: "Shut up Millerna!"

As Hitomi turns to look out of the bus window she sees two very familiar guys sitting at an out door café.


The bus slams to a stop causing everyone to fall out of there seats.


Millerna: "Eww get Dryden off me he's drooling in my hair".

Hitomi: "Shut up Millerna. Look it's Van and Folken!"

Dryden: (snorts) "Celery Head?"

Dilandau: "Where?"

Hitomi: "At that café".

Dilandau: "Oh yeah so it is! Well let's go get them. I have a bone to pick with a certain strategos, trying to ditch me with you goodies".

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Mean while at the café…

Van: "I'm glad we decided not to fly home and just continue on to Greece!"

Folken: "Mm hmm" (slurping down a milk a chino).

Van: "So now that we've been to the hotel, unpacked, had are milk a chinos, what should we do next?"

Folken: (slams down cup) "ACROPOLIS!!!"

Van: (sweat drop) "….Okay…."

Folken: (banging fist down on the table excitedly) "Acropolis, Acropolis, Acropolis!!!"

Van: (sweat drop) "Folken are you sure Allen and Dryden's insanity is not rubbing off on you?"

Folken: "I'm fine! But if we want to make that first tour we have to leave now it starts in an hour".

Van: "Aright let's go!"

Van and Folken start to leave.

Unidentified voice: "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!!"

Van and Folken look over to see Hitomi running over to them dragging a sleeping Allen strapped to a harness. Followed by Dilandau who is dragging Dryden a long and Millerna.

Van: "Oh my god they found us. Run brother!"

Folken and Van start running but don't get far before Hitomi tackles them to the ground.

Van and Folken: "OUCH!!! GET OFF!!!"

Hitomi: "Ha, ha, ha thought you could get away did ya? Well I showed you! NOW WHAT THE FU** DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING LEAVING WITHOUT ME VAN?"

Folken and Dilandau: "Hee hee! Uh-oh Van!"

Van: "Umm… well… We had to leave someone behind to look after the three nutcases and one stupid princess, and Merle was dead".

Hitomi: "So! Why didn't you leave Folken?"

Van: "Cause he was awake and besides I like him better than you".

Hitomi: "WHAT? Since when?"

Van: "Ever since we started seeing our family counselor Doc Smiley. Right brother?"

Folken: "Yep man fixed our relationship in one session".

Hitomi: "Really? What did you guys do?"

Folken: "We beat the living shi** out of him".

Van: (nods in agreement).

Hitomi: (sweat drop) "Okay! How that helps a relationship is beyond me but okay!"

Dilandau: "What are you crazy? Violence always helps relationships. Take my Slayers for instant. I beat the living crap out of them and they love me for it. Who ever said violence doesn't solve anything?"

Hitomi: "You are a very scary little man".

Mean while Allen and Dryden our just now starting to wake up.

Dryden: (rubs eyes and looks at Folken) "Celery head!" (pounces on Folken).

Folken: "Eww get him off, get him off of me" (starts trying to shake off Dryden).

Allen: (yawns and looks at Dryden and Folken and decides to join in) "Celery head!" (jumps on Folken as well).

Folken: "Nooo!!! Get em off of me! Help Van!"

Dilandau: (ears perk up) "Kill Van!"

Everyone: "NO!!!"

Dilandau: (pouts and sits on the ground) "Party poopers".

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AN: Well I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please review. ^_^
