Voltron Fan Fiction ❯ Rainy Day ❯ Rainy Day ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Rainy Day

Keith leaned against the cool bark of an ancient willow tree that sat on the edge of slow moving brook. The rhythmic sound of the rain beating against the leaves would've normally been enough to lull him into a peaceful sleep, however Keith was far too distracted to even close his eyes for a moment. Keith pulled out his silver pocket watch and looked at the time for the tenth time in the past five minutes. Sighing he tucked the watch back into his pocket.

"You are beyond Lance. Where are you?" Keith wondered aloud. But only the sound of the rain and the babbling of the brook answered his question.

Keith couldn't believe that Lance was late for their date, as Lance had never been late for a date in the entire five years they had been together. Keith tried his cell phone again, hoping this time he could get a connection, but the rain still seemed to be interfering with his phone.

A few minutes later he heard someone approaching the tree. A bright smile lit up his face as he stepped out from under the tree. A tall figure, dressed in black, carrying a large umbrella over his head, slowly approached Keith.


Sven tipped the umbrella so he could look at Keith. "Keith…" he started to say.

"Sven? What are you doing here? Where's Lance?" Keith asked, looking confused at Sven's presence.

"Keith. You know that Lance is not coming." Sven said. He stepped over to Keith and placed a hand on the shorter man's shoulder as he held the umbrella over both of their heads to shelter them from the rain.

"What do you mean he's not coming? He's only a little late… it's only been an hour." Keith said.

"You already know the answer to that."

Keith shook his head. "No… Lance will be here. He will come for me. You'll see he'll be here." Keith said.

"Keith…" Sven sighed. "He's not coming, you have to accept that."

Keith shook his head, his eyes seemed to glaze over as he thought of what Sven was saying.

~ ~ ~

It had been two hours and Lance had still not shown up. The rain was beating down harder, and his dry shelter beneath the willow tree was no longer staying dry. There was still no reply on Lance's cell phone. Keith decided that he had waited out in the rain long enough, and Lance was not going to show up. He was upset that Lance had broke their date but knew it had to be something important to keep Lance from coming.

He headed back to his car and started down the winding road towards home. He turned a mix tape that Lance had made him only a few short weeks ago. After ten minutes of driving he came to a block in the road. Several emergency vehicles blocked off both directions of traffic as a tow truck pulled two cars out of the ditch. Keith decided to just wait, it would take an extra two hours to get home if he turned around now. He watched as the second car was pulled out of the ditch, very crumbled from the weight of the first car pressing against it.

`That car looks like Lance's.' Keith thought, but he dismissed the thought, after all Lance's car was not exactly a one of kind. But then he saw the license plate and knew it was Lance's car.

Keith's face paled as he surveyed the damage. Telling himself that Lance had been in worse accidents when they had been Voltron pilots. For a moment Keith sat frozen in place, before he finally jumped out his car and ran towards Lance's car.

A pair of strong arms grabbed him, stopping him from getting any closer to wrecked car. "Sir, please get back in your car."

Keith shook his head, franticly trying to pull away from the officer holding him. "Lance…. LANCE!" he shouted praying for an answer. "Let me go… I gotta help Lance."

"Sir, do you know the owner of that car?" The officer asked, as he motioned at the red car.

"Yes… it's Lance's car. He's my… boyfriend." Keith said.

"Oh…" the officer said quietly. "Come with me then."

Keith was puzzled as the officer led him away, but was relieved when instead of approaching the wrecked car they were approaching an ambulance. The officer knocked on the back of the ambulance door and it opened.

"This man knows the guy who was in the red car." The officer said.

As Keith was helped into the ambulance he noticed the body on the stretcher was covered with a white sheet, which was slowly becoming stained red with blood. All the colour fled Keith's face and he collapse down against the stretcher, tearing the sheet back. A heart-wrenching sob escaped Keith's lips at the sight of his lover. He wrapped his arms around Lance's lifeless body and cried. The officer and the paramedic had to turn their heads to hide their own tears at the young man's pain.

~ ~ ~

It was one year to the date since the speeding car had struck Lance's car and taken his life. Keith had kept retuning to the spot beside the brook every month waiting for Lance to come. His vision swam before eyes, making everything blurry. He could vaguely hear Sven's voice talking to him but he couldn't make out the words. He blinked his eyes and saw Lance walking towards him.

"I knew you'd come." Keith grinned.

"Of course I came." Lance gently touched Keith's cheek.

"Can we finally go on our date? I feel like I've been waiting forever."

Lance smiled. "We can. Your waiting is over. And I swear we will never be apart again."

Keith's smile brightened. "I knew you'd come for me."

Sven looked down at Keith's now lifeless body. The only thing that lessened the pain of his friend's death was the bright smile of Keith's face. Sven sighed. "I just pray that you are now finally able to be with Lance. Though from the smile on your face I'd day that he finally show up for your date."

The sky began to brighten as the sun chased away the rain clouds. And the birds that sang merrily in the trees let all know that the storm was finally over.