Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ 5 Princes, 4 Assasins, a General, and a Kip ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 10

Disclaimer: Don't own Gundam Wing or Weiss Kreuz, so don't sue.

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The gun had shot! Duo was dead. He knew it. But…if he was dead and the bullet entered his skull, then why did he feel pain? The dead don't feel pain…do they? And why would it only be in his back? Wouldn't it be also in his head?

Duo heard some commotion, as he lay on the floor with his eye's shut. It sounded like someone was fighting. There was some yelling. Someone was yelling his name. Someone was shaking him. Holding him. Someone whispered his name. Heero? There was more yelling.


Heero had chased after Duo but he couldn't keep get through the crowed as easily as Duo. He had to speak with Duo! He needed to…no wanted to make sure Duo understood what Heero meant.

For the 5th time now, a couple blocked his way. Heero lost his temper. "Everyone get out!" yelled Heero pulling out his gun and fired 3 shots into the air. The music cut. Someone screamed. Everyone started to panic. They all began to run out of the club.

When everyone was gone, Heero ran out the door to follow Duo. Once outside, he heard some yelling. Duo's voice! He followed the voice to see Duo screaming in pain as a man removed his hand out of Duo's back. The woman in front was smiling and laughing.

"Bang, bang" the woman laughed placing the gun on Duo's forehead. The woman laughed again. Heero started to run. He wasn't going to make it!

"Duo!" Heero yelled as the woman pulled back on the trigger.

The gun fired. Heero didn't make it. Heero looked at the woman. He was going to shove that gun down her throat.

Wait! Where was the gun? It wasn't in her hand anymore.

"Heero" called a voice behind him. Heero turned to the voice. It was Quatre and HE was holding the gun.

"It's a good thing we followed you Yuy." Wu Fei pointed out. Heero looked and noticed that everyone else was there also. Even Kip.

"Hn" replied Heero as he turned back to face the man and woman.

"Well lookey here" smiled the woman, "It's the princes and the kitties (1)"

"Maybe we should finish them off," suggested the man. "Don't you think so Sevavia?"

"I completely agree, Drarlath." Smiled Sevavia.

"Wait! You're…" Omi eyes went wide.

"That's right sugar." Sevavia started walking in there direction, "We're the bad guys."

Quatre was the first to act. Dropping the gun, he aimed for Drarlath. Quatre tried to throw him, or at least knock him down. However, it didn't work. Drarlath seemed to absorb Quatre's magic.

"Foolish boy! You think your magic is anything compared to mine?" Drarlath asked. He eyes flashed green before, without moving, he sent Quatre flying to the opposite wall.

As Trowa ran to his fallen lover, Ken and Omi attacked with Heero right behind. Drarlath laughed as Ken and Omi tried to hurt him. He also was able to reflect all of Heero's fire.

Sevavia, seeing her brother was all right, easily attacked Aya who was charging after her. She dodge his sword by moving to the right when Yoji caught her. He had the thin wire choking her from behind. Sevavia struggled. She couldn't escape. Yoji smirked as he looked at Aya.

"No Yoji!" yelled Kip snapping Yoji out of his own thoughts.

"Don't worry. I've don't let them go without killing them first." Yoji answered pulling the thin wire tight against Sevavia's neck.

"Let go! Let go of her!" Kip shouted running towards Yoji. Because Yoji was starring at Kip running towards him, he didn't notice Sevavia smiling at him.

"Dumb blond (2)" she smiled as her body turned into a red gas and she easily escaped his hold.

"What?" Yoji was wide eyed. "How did she…"

"Cover your mouth." Kip jumped at Yoji, tackling him to the ground and covered Yoji's mouth with his hands. Yoji watched as the gas slowly moved towards Aya. Yoji struggled to escape Kip's grasp. Kip turned to see Aya raised his katana to the red gas.

Aya glared at the red gas approaching him.

"Move Aya!" shouted Kip.

Aya silently watched the gas come closer to him. Suddenly, in between his arms that were holding his katana was Sevavia pressed up against him.

"Hi Aya" she smiled at him as she grabbed a hold of his chin and kissed him.

"Aya!" Kip yelled jumping off Yoji and ran towards Aya.


Everyone listened to the harsh order that came from nowhere. Then all of as sudden, a small white girl appeared.

"Amorra" Sevavia smiled as she dropped Aya and he fell with a thud.

"Amorra?" Kip asked surprised. "Amorra! You came! You came!"

Amorra turned a cold glair, worse than Aya and Heero put together, towards Kip, silencing him. Amorra then turned towards Sevavia and Drarlath. "You two are in trouble. You were not supposed to kill them. Sterrick wants you back. Now!"

"Fine, fine. Don't get your clothes in a bunch," sighed Sevavia. Sevavia turned towards the Gundam Wing and Weiss Kreuz boys. "Don't worry. I'll finish you all off later." She winked at them and then she and Drarlath disappeared followed by Amorra.


The Gundam Wing and Weiss Kreuz boys watched as Kip walked off a bit alone. Trowa had knelt down and helped Quatre, who was still a bit woozy from the throw, stand up.

Heero walked over to Duo. Not caring that his clothes were be stained with Duo's blood, he knelt beside him. "Duo, wake up." he repeated again, "Duo, wake up." Heero felt something funny inside of him, as if he had just run a very long marathon. His insides were shaky. His palms were sweaty. He couldn't think right. His blood pressure was rising fast. "Duo! Duo wake up!" Heero commanded a bit louder. "DUO!" Heero shouted and began shaking his. "Duo" Heero whispered as he pulled Duo's body into a tight hug.

Kip had run over to Duo as Yoji want to Aya gently placing Aya's head onto his lap. Kip knelt beside Duo. "Heero, you have to let go of Duo. Let me examine him." Kip ordered placing a hand onto Heero's shoulder. Heero let out a strange type of growl sound and Kip quickly removed his hand from Heero.

"Heero?" Quatre said softly kneeling beside Heero and Duo.

Heero didn't say a word, but did as Kip asked and gently placed Duo onto the ground.

"Oh Duo" Quatre whispered as he watch one of his dearest friends in so much pain. He placed one of his hands onto Duo's shoulder but his hand passed right through it to the ground. "Duo?" Quatre quickly removed his hand and tried again to touch Duo's shoulder. Quatre saw Kip eyes widen. "What's happening?" asked Quatre.

"That's strange." Kip remarked as he too tried to touch Duo, however his hand passed right trough as well.

"What's happening Kip!" demanded Quatre as he watched Heero place a solid hand onto Duo.

"It's his magic." Answered Kip, "When your magic feels it is in danger and you can not help yourself, your magic acts like a body guard. It will automatically react and protect you from whatever danger it is in."

"But didn't you say you needed to have the medallion to unlock the magic?" Zech questioned pointing to Heero and Quatre's medallions.

"Yes…" Kip nodded in thought, "Unless…" Kip smiled brightly, "Unless your magic is growing!" laughed Kip. "Your magic is unlocking it's self!"

"So then lets unlock them all and stop looking for the medallions." Suggested Wu Fei.

"It's not that easy to unlock." Kip whispered quietly. "His magic is not unlocked all the way. He still needs the medallion. His magic is just strong enough to protect him without him controlling it. He can not control it yet." Kip looked at Heero. "Don't worry Heero. Duo's fine. He lost a lot of blood but…" Kip placed a hand over Duo and a white light lit up Duo. Kip smiled, "He's fine. It's just like a major cut that needs a lot of stitches."

"How?" asked Heero gently placing a hand onto Duo's face.

"His magic started working as he was stabbed. All of his insides are in tact. Just get him home and let him rest. He'll be fine."


"Well good for him but what about Aya?" asked Ken holding a sad Omi.

"He hasn't woken up" Omi whispered softly.

Kip walked over to the assassin team and knelt beside Aya and Yoji. "Aya" Kip whispered softly. Aya stirred in Yoji's lap as a blue light surrounded Aya then faded.

"He's been poisoned." Kip announced softly.

"What! Why?" demanded Yoji grabbing a hold of Kip's collar.

"What I said is what I mean. He was poisoned!" Kip struggled out of Yoji's grasp.

"How?" growled Yoji.

"Sevavia" Kip pulled out away from Yoji, "She's poison. Her true form is a deadly red gas. The one you saw. Sevavia passed a poison through the kiss to Aya. It's a gas that slowly shuts down each part of your body, day by day."

"How…how long?" Ken asked the question everyone else was too afraid to ask.

"I can not cure it. I am not a healer. That was one of Amorra's gifts." Kip sighed as he solemnly watched the team members sadden at the thought of loosing their leader. "I have a potion that could help. It will lesson the affect. With is he may live up to maybe one month."

"May?" Yoji repeated looking at Aya's ashen face.

"Yeah, I've never given it to anyone before. Let alone a human. It will prolong his life." Kip placed a hand onto Yoji's shoulder.

"What kind of life could he live like this for maybe only a month. I should just place him out of his suffering. He would not like to be seen weak." Yoji whispered.

"But…" Kip started as Yoji looked fiercely up at him.

"No! Why should I make him suffer a deadly poison? Why?!" demanded Yoji as a tear fell from his face onto Aya's. "Just to see if your potion works?"

"I…" Kip started to answer but just closed his mouth.

"How long does his have without the potion?" asked Omi.

"One week. Maybe."

"Give it to me" a soft voice said. Aya! Yoji looked at the red head glairing at him. "I'm not dead yet baka. Don't make my decisions for me." Ordered Aya wiping the fallen tear from his face.

"Aya!" Yoji laughed hugging his fallen partner.

"Baka! Let go!" demanded Aya pushing Yoji away. Yoji notice he may act as if he could kill someone but he was defiantly a lot weaker. "I will not die from poison. I'll take this until we complete this mission and I am able to be properly healed by Amorra."

"Okay, okay" Yoji pulled away and let Aya sit up on his own.

"Take this." Kip ordered placing a vile into Aya's hand. It will slow the poison."

Aya nodded and took the poison in one swift swallow. "Get me up" he ordered looking at Yoji.

"What ever you say `o fearless leader.'" Yoji stood and then helped Aya stand.

"Are we all ready to go?" Zech asked watching everyone rise.

"Let's go home and rest. We have to complete this mission!" Omi smiled glad that everyone was okay for now.

As everyone started to walk, Aya swayed and then would have fallen if Yoji didn't catch him.

"What happened now?" Yoji asked picking up Aya in both arms.

"The potion is kicking in." Kip nodded not worried, "He'll be out for a while. Although I do not know how long. His body needs to rest to let the potion work properly."

"So you added a sleeping potion into the vile?" asked Quatre confused.

Kip nodded eagerly, "Yeah! He could be asleep for one day, one-week maybe even one month! I don't know how much a normal human can take."

"He could be asleep for the whole month he may live!" Yoji yelled.

"Oh," Kip said, "I never thought of that."

"WHAT!" demanded Yoji.

"Sorry." Kip laughed running down the street. I guess you just need to take care of him until then. "The more he rest, the sooner he will wake up." Kip answered running down the street.



One week

One week had passed now and I, Duo, was back to `normal'. Me and the other gundam guys are now running the flower shop. Ken and Omi help but Yoji doesn't move father than the bathroom from Aya's room. One week. That is how long Aya's been asleep. One week. That's how long Yoji has hardly slept. One week. That is how long I have avoided Heero. I know what people are thinking. Why am I avoiding Heero? Because. Because I all but confessed my feelings and he said I was an incompetent idiot. That's why. Because it hurts to watch all the couples here and not feel jealous that I won't have that EVER with Heero. Because it is my fault Aya is hurt. Because Heero and Aya are right. I am an idiot. He took care of me. But I think that's cause he blames himself for me getting hurt. I don't know why I just said that. He doesn't FEEL anything. He probably blames me but took the job of taking care of me. Not because he wants to but no one else would take care of me. Aya was right. Heero was right. I should have died.


That night as Yoji had fallen asleep in the same seat he always sat in besides Aya's bed, Aya slowly opened his eyes. "Yoji" he said softly. Aya looked over his shoulder and saw Yoji curled up in the chair. Yoji's hair was messy and frizzed and he looked like he hadn't slept for a long time. Aya normally would have ordered Yoji to wake up and lie down on the bed or well at least the floor but at the moment he was too tired and anyway, he didn't care. Yoji would just have to suffer.

Under Aya's glair, Yoji turned facing away from Aya and the blanket he was wrapped off had fallen off. Sighing, Aya slowly sat up and tucked the blanket securely around the taller blond man. Aya looked at the clock. It shown in bright numbers 6:00A.M. Groaning Aya turned in back into the bed and drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, Yoji awoke to the delicious smell of eggs, pancakes, and bacon. Blinking his eyes open, he slowly prepared to ignore his growling stomach once again in order to watch Aya…wait! Where was Aya? Yoji sat up quick as he looked at Aya's emptied bed. "Aya?" Yoji called running out of the room and into the kitchen. "Guys Aya's…" He stopped in mid-sentence as he saw the gundam guys, Zech, Kip, Ken and Omi eating around the table and Aya was at the stove cooking.

"It's about time you came out." Aya turned around and placed a plate of food in front of Yoji's seat.

"Why are you up?" asked Yoji sitting and grabbing the salt for his eggs.

"To feed you idiots." He grumbled pouring a cup of coffee for himself and sitting beside Yoji.

"But your sick" Yoji continued placing a hand onto Aya's forehead.

"I'm fine baka." Aya pulled away from Yoji's warm hand.

"Your sick" Yoji persisted

"I'm fine." Argued Aya

"You need to rest" Yoji glared

"You need to shut up" Glared Aya back

"Aya…" Yoji was about to continue when the door opened and Manix walked in.

"Yoji…" growled Aya.

"Hello boys" she smiled

"Hi, hi!" Kip laughed eating a rather large pancake.

"Hello Kip" Manix smiled slightly, looking at the assassins she handed Aya a manila folder. "You have a new mission."

"Hn" replied Aya as he began to read the information.

"There's a ball tonight. You need to intervene." Ordered Manix looking at each of the boys at the table.

"Why?" asked Duo stuffing his face with 3 pieces of bacon.

"Maxwell what have we told you about eating with your mouth full?" Wu Fei asked throwing a napkin at Duo.

Duo laughed and then began to choke on his food. After being hit on the back from Heero to dislodge the food, Duo drank a big gulp of orange juice and looked up at Manix, "Sorry." He grinned.

"That's okay," Manix mumbled looking back at Aya. "It is rumored Schwarz will be there and it is confirmed that Sterrick is hosting it. Your 10 invitations are in there."

"So what do we do there?" asked Aya closing the manila folder and handing it to Omi.

"What ever it is you need to get done. I just know that you need to be there." Manix answered and turned to walk to the door. "Oh and by the way," Manix turned back to them all, "Don't forget to be undercover. You don't want to be caught." She smiled and then walked off the door.

"Well this is the easiest mission we have ever had." Yoji sighed leaning back in his chair and pulling out a cigarette.

"Don't smoke here" ordered Aya pulling the cigarette out of Yoji's mouth but instead of throwing it away he did something out of the ordinary and put it into Yoji's front pocket.

"Oh…"Yoji placed a hand over the pocket that now contained his good cigarette, "okay."

"Hn" replied Aya talking another sip of his coffee.

"So how are we going to get in there?" asked Quatre sitting up in his chair and placing his hands onto his lap eager to complete this next mission

"WE?" asked Aya looking at the small gundam boy.

"Yes, Quat's right. WE. We are going. Right Hee-ch…I mean Heero?" Duo corrected himself.

"Hn" replied Heero glairing at Aya.

"No we all can not go. It would be too conspicuous." Reasoned Aya.

"I quite agree." Quatre nodded.

"Quat! Don't agree with the meanie." Duo whined.

"The blond boy has the right idea." Yoji smirked at Duo's shocked face.

"Yes, Aya's right. If all of us go then it would attract too much attention. However, I feel we, the Gundam Wing members, should attend. Not you. We are the ones who have to face our enemy. Not you four." Quatre reasoned.

"Yeah! Go Quat" cheered Duo standing up from his chair.

"Sit" commanded Heero placing a hand onto Duo's shoulder and pushing him back into his chair.

"It is our mission." Argued Aya.

"Connected to ours." countered Heero.

"You are not needed as we are." Continued Aya.

"You are the ones not needed. We are. It is really our mission." Concluded Heero.

"I believe you both are right." Omi concluded softly earning a glair from both Aya and Heero.

"What do you mean Omi?" Yoji asked questionably.

"Well we are needed because Schwarz is involved; however, they are needed because it is their enemy as well." Continued Omi more confident.

"So what do we do?" asked Ken confused, "We can't all go. 10 guys going will be very strange."

"I have no idea Ken-kun." Agreed Omi.

"I have an idea." Kip suggested.

"Why don't we go separately?" asked Duo ignoring Kip.

"Because it will still attract attention Maxwell." Wu Fei pointed out.

"So only the Gundam Members attend" Heero announced.

"No the Weiss Kreuz members attend." Ordered Aya.



"I have…" started Kip




""I have…" Kip tried again.


"I HAVE AN IDEA!" shouted Kip standing on the table. The room became quiet as everyone stared at Kip. Smiling Kip hopped off the table and pulled out his bag.

"How do you suppose 10 grown men get into a ball without drawing attention?"

"Not 10 men. 10 couples. Everyone goes with a date." Smirked Kip pulling out a wig.

"Hun?" Duo asked confused.

"5 couples of men would attract more attention." Reasoned Quatre.

"No not 5 couples of men AND women."

"And how do we get chicks involved?" asked Duo still confused.

"WE are looking at them." Smirked Kip pulling out a red dress (3).

"No!" Duo shouted." NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Well what do you all think?

HMMMM? Please please review. It only takes a couple of seconds and I really do take in the advice I get. I promise.

princes and the kitties - Gundam guys are the princes, Kitties are the Weiss guys

Dumb blond- please don't take offence anyone. It was just for the story. I do not believe all blonds are dumb.

Kip had a magic bag. He could pull out anything okay? Good.