Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ Drabbles ❯ GetBackers: Ban-chan in the Hospital! D: ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Ban-chan in the Hospital! D:
Author: Christina/AquaianGoddess
Fandom: GetBackers
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: None, really…
Summery: It wasn't the fact that Ban was in the hospital that worried Hevn.
Warnings: Character abuse and probably cursing
Notes: For my beta Sammei
Words: 1,346
It wasn't the fact that Ban was in the hospital that worried Hevn. The boys did get injured an awful lot on their jobs (usually the ones she gave them) and some injuries just can't be taken care of with Paul's first aid kit (though Hevn was sure the man could perform open heart surgery with all the stuff he had in that thing). But when Shido had been the one to call her to tell her, she knew something was wrong. She arrived at the hospital within ten minutes of Shido's call, hair all over the place and her clothes in a mismatched disarray.
"Hey, Hevn." Shido looked up at her, and she had never seen such a look on the man's face before. He looked tired and old, which scared her. Ginji was passed out in the chair one over from him, slumped over awkwardly.
"Did Gin-chan fall asleep?"
Shido coughed and looked away. "In a manner of speaking..."
"Shido-kun, what did you do?"
"Ginji started sparking and threatening the hospital staff to let him see Midou, so I hit him over the head with a chair." At Hevn's horrified look, Shido held up his hands. "I didn't hit him that hard, and the nurses looked him over already. He's fine, just knocked out, which is what we wanted because him going Raitei in the middle of a hospital is a bad bad thing, right?" It was the most Hevn had ever heard the large man say in one breath.
"So... what happened to Ban-kun?"
"I'm not sure. I was about to go to bed last night when Ginji called, panicking about Ban. By the time Ginji got him over to my place, I thought he was dead, he was so pale. Then I saw him breathing. Well, almost breathing. So I called the hospital and here we are."
"...that still doesn't tell me what happened to Ban." Hevn said, sitting down between him and Ginji with a sigh.
"I'm not sure. I couldn't even hear what Ginji told the EMTs in the ambulance. It was all sirens and the sound of the engine and it was all so loud..." Shido reached up to cover his ears as he said it, as though the noise still rang in them. "Ginji really started freaking out when they wouldn't let him in with Ban once we got here... then it was like I could suddenly hear again."
Hevn reached out and ran her fingers through Shido's hair. "You're just tired." She said gently. "Maybe you should rest?"
"I didn't find any real injuries on him when I checked him over. Nothing that could've done that to him, anyway." Shido looked at her, and he almost seemed lost some how. "He was so cold..."
Hevn tugged on Shido gently, so his head rested on her shoulder. 'He must be really tired if he's letting me do this.' She thought, stroking his hair absently. "Just rest, Shido-kun, okay? You're just tired."
"Okay..." Shido yawned against her shoulder and settled against her.
Hevn reached out with her other arm and tugged Ginji against her other side, stroking his hair and waiting for news on Ban from the doctor.
"Ban-chan?" Ginji murmured as he woke up. It didn't smell like Ban-chan... he shifted closer to the person he was leaning on. Squishy. ...It didn't feel like Ban-chan, either. Ginji opened his eyes and blinked. "...Hevn-san?"
"You're awake now?"
"I think so... what hit me?" Ginji sat up, rubbing his head. Everything that had happened was coming back now that the blanket of sleep had fallen away.
"Shido did. With a chair."
Ginji blinked and peered at the other man who was still fast asleep on Hevn's shoulder. "Shido did? Why?"
"Apparently you were freaking out and starting to spark."
"'Cause they wouldn't let me see Ban-chan!"
Hevn winced and pressed a finger to her lips. "Shhh! Shido's still sleeping," She hissed.
Ginji winced in reflex. "Sorry..." He whispered and slumped in his chair. "Did the doctor come back yet?"
"No, not yet." Hevn blinked as Shido made a soft noise of protest before settling more against Hevn, burying his face in her neck, under her hair. "So... what happened?" She whispered.
"Client tried to kill us so he could get his money back. We were running away with out payment when Ban-chan fell. We didn't realize the snow he was running over covered a pond. He stepped on it, and the ice broke and he fell through. I dragged him and our payment out of the lake and brought him to Shido... who then called the hospital and brought us here."
Hevn frowned. "So where's your payment now?"
"On the floor of Shido's house, under a couch." Ginji blinked at her, as though it was fairly obvious. "I hid it there, 'cause Ban-chan would be mad if we lost the payment."
"...Right," Hevn said. "Are you feeling calmer now?"
"I'll feel better when I can see Ban-chan again."
The doors to the waiting room opened and Kazuki walked in. "Ah, Ginji-san, you're-"
"Shhhh!" Ginji and Hevn whispered. "Shido's asleep!"
Kazuki tilted his head to peer at the man asleep on Hevn's shoulder. "...He's so cute when he's asleep, isn't he? Just absolutely darling." Kazuki grinned as he held up his phone and snapped a picture of Shido, which caused the man to wake up. Shido was frozen for about two seconds before Hevn found her self pushed into Ginji and Shido was on the other side of the room, shoulders hunched and fangs bared in a snarl.
"Kazu-chan, how did you know we were here? Were you spying on us with your threads?" Ginji asked, eyeing Kazuki suspiciously as Walked over to Shido to get him to calm down.
"Hm? Oh, no. Shido called me before he called Hevn, but my phone was off because I was working."
The doctor cleared his throat. "Amano-san? Fuyuki-san?"
Ginji was on his feet in a flash. "How's Ban-chan? Is he alright? Can I see him?!"
"Ah, Amano-san, please calm down. As far as we can tell, Midou-kun is in an extreme state of torpor due to the shock to his system."
"It's what happens when snakes get cold. They become very sluggish, or they go into hibernation." Shido said as he walked over, but not before giving Kazuki a glare that sent most sane men running in fear (Kazuki simply smiled at him and fluttered his eyelashes), "So you're saying Midou's hibernating?"
"Well, he also had quite the case of hypothermia, but you got him to us just in time. Any later and he'd have died."
"Can I please go him now?"
"I'm sorry, Amano-san... only family can visit him right now."
"Look, Doc, I'm sure you're a great guy, but Ginji is all Midou has left, and if you don't let Ginji in to see him, I'm the one that's gonna start making problems." Shido growled at the doctor.
"I'm sorry, Fuyuki-san, but I cannot allow Amano-san into room 347 until tomorrow, and that's final." The Doctor said before turning around and heading back through the door and leaving it open.
Ginji's face split into a grin before he ran for the open door and down the hall towards Ban's room.
"...Well. That was nice of him." Hevn said with a smile.
"I suppose we should come back tomorrow." Kazuki said, looking through the pictures on his phone with a smirk.
"I could always break both your legs, Kaz. Then you won't have to." Shido growled.
"Now now, Shido-kun, be nice..." Hevn said, laying a hand on his arm before fixing Kazuki with a look, "That goes for you too, Kazuki-san."
Kazuki just smiled at her and held up his phone for her to see.
Hevn did have to admit that Shido had looked cute, but before she could say anything, Shido had taken off after Kazuki as they ran out of the hospital. She shook her head and sighed. 'Boys.' She thought as she followed them out.