Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ Drabbles ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Candy! Anything to do with candy! / Catholic School Boys ( Chapter 25 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Candy! Anything to do with candy! / Catholic School Boys
Riku was secretly glad that he had been paired up with Sora, his long time crush, for their home economics class. He had fallen head over heels with the boy when they were younger, and that crush had only grown stronger as they grew up, but it was only now, as a Junior in St. Barbossa's Parochial School, that he and Sora had the same class at the same time.
“Your assignment is to make an item of my choosing,” their teacher announced after pairing up the rest of the class.
“I hope we get cookies,” Sora whispered to Riku. Cookies were the only thing Sora could actually make without burning.
“Riku and Sora? Your assignment is caramel.”
Riku and Sora gaped. Caramel? The same caramel that was the easiest thing to burn and ruin if you weren't careful and didn't watch it like a hawk? That caramel? They were doomed.
Sora pulled Riku to the side once class was over, “…Riku?”
“Yeah, Sora?”
“We're gonna fail, aren't we?”
“Well, we should at least give it a shot first, right?” Riku said, trying to be at least a little bit hopeful.
“Right,” Sora brightened, “We can go to your house after school to work on it! You have a candy thermometer anyway and your kitchen is bigger than mine! Besides, your parents hate sweet and won't eat our project like Mom did last time.”
“You're exactly like your mother in that respect, Sora,” Riku teased as he walked Sora to his next class. Riku himself had a study period.
“Hey, I only did that once and it was an accident!” Sora pouted.
“Of course it was,” Riku said, his voice an unintentional purr that made Sora look at him oddly, “I'll see you outside the gate after school okay?” Riku backed up quickly, giving Sora a half-apologetic smile, not entirely sure of what he was apologizing for, “I gotta run to study hall.”
“Okay!” Sora's smile was bright enough to light up the entire school and it made Riku's heart skip a beat, “Don't be late!”
“Never,” Really, you'd have to be blind to not notice how Riku felt.
Or you'd have to be Sora.
“I've been so obvious and he still doesn't get it,” Riku buried his face in his arms as he complained to his friend Kairi in study hall, “If I get any more obvious, I'd be stripping in his lap.”
“Maybe you should,” Kairi said, amused. “Honestly, Riku, Sora's kind of dense.”
“What if he's not dense and his obliviousness is just his way of turning me down without actually turning me down?”
“You know, for a boy who could have any girl in the school, you seem really hung up on Sora.”
“That's because I don't want anyone else, Kairi. If I did, we wouldn't be having this problem.”
Riku lifted his head and glared at her out of the corner of his eye, “Yes, Kairi. We.”
“Look, he's going to your place after school, right? Confess to him at your house.”
“No buts, just do it. Come on, Riku, this isn't like you at all.”
“I'll try, okay Kai? No promises, though.”
“That's good enough for me, Riku,” Kairi patted his hand reassuringly.
Surprisingly, Riku felt better.
Seeing Riku's smile as he walked over to where Sora was waiting for him made Sora's heart do a flip flop in his chest. “Riku!”
“Hey. You ready to go?”
“I've been ready! You said you wouldn't be late,” Sora mock pouted at his friend.
“And I'm not late.”
“Yes you are, by, like, five minutes!”
“Oh no, five minutes! How did you ever survive without me for five whole minutes?” Riku teased, poking Sora's side, “Miss Aeris was talking to me about taking the bible study class.”
“The bible study class?”
“Yeah. I figured I want to be a religious anthropologist or whatever they're called.”
“…You wanna be a what now?”
“….I want to study the history of religion.”
Sora made a face. That sounded so boring. “Why?”
“So that I can have an excuse to travel the world and keep my parents happy at the same time?”
“That's not a good reason. I mean, it is, but at the same time you shouldn't be letting your parents control you even when you're in college… I mean, it's not like you're not smart enough to get scholarships or whatever,” Sora stopped and turned around when he realized his friend had stopped a ways behind him, “What's wrong?”
“Sora. You sound like me.”
“Yes. Stop it. It's freaky.”
“Then stop making me yell all the way down there to talk to you!”
Riku shook his head and started walked again, “So you really thing I should just go for what I want?”
“Totally. It's you're life, you might as well live it doing what you love!” Riku chuckled and Sora grinned at him, “Come on, I'll race you.”
They tore down the street, laughter echoing off the other houses as they passed.