Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Crazy Sunday Mornings ❯ Of Mice and Bloody Feckless Weapons ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Before anything: thank you very much for taking the time to tell me how you found the story so far, and I am very sorry I couldn't deliver faster.
Just as Aya figured out how to connect his 'WUNG' to Yohji's brilliant `FECK [less]' on the Scrabble board*, Yohji lunged forward and grabbed Aya by the shoulders, upsetting the Scrabble board and Aya's chance to show Yohi that he's the better brain. What Aya wanted to say was, "What the hell's gotten into you Kudou?” but what he managed to say was "Whaaa-a-aaARGH!" because Yohji caught him by surprise in the middle of his Scrabble brainstorm and was shaking him by the shoulders very vigorously. Before Aya could snap at Yoji in extreme annoyance, Yohji had gotten to him first by shouting directly at him.
"GET OUT! Now! I figured it out Aya, and HE WANTS YOU!"
* * *
And then everything went black. Yohji came to to a sudden, swallowing darkness. There had been a struggle, he remembered in dismembered, vague, sporadic moments. Whatever struggle it was, he lost. He then realized that he was preparing to lunge from his window ledge to the fire exit railing above him, and this confused him, because if he just came to, then he should've been lying down or some other immobile position. And then he knew what his body tried to do- it was planning to make a fantastical leap, miraculously reach the bar then use the momentum to further propel himself dangerously onto the ledge in front Aya's window. He screamed, or tried to, because his mouth didn't open, and the gripping, horrid realization came to him- he no longer controlled his body. The struggle he lost was the struggle for control. He was trapped, now only a vague consciousness inside his own mind, watching what was happening to his body alienated body like in an existentialist film done by some obscure intellectual European director. He felt around his mind and encountered his conscience- cowering in a corner and waving at him. Then he felt that heavy, foreign thing inside his head.
The voice…
It now controls me! Panicking, he tried to stop himself, straining so hard he almost passed out again. The faint sensation of the wind stinging his cheeks came to him, reminding him again that he was but trapped, and these sensations were felt by something else rather than him. 'AYA!' he thought, with a smidgen of hope. 'I must've escaped from him if I'm still alive! Dammnit that bloody idiot had better follow and stop me…' he calmed a moment, cherishing this thought. Aya would stop him. Only when his body hurdled the frightening distance between the two window ledges and crouched down by Aya's window, expertly breaking the glass with an elbow, that he remembered the earlier realization he had. The warnings he had shouted to the redhead before losing the struggle in his mind because something had hit him and he lost consciousness, leaving his mind open to the foreign influence. That Aya wasn't going to be his saviour. Aya was going to be his victim.
* * *
This is what happened.
After screaming into Aya's face, Yohji abruptly stood and distanced himself from Aya, barely managing to step backwards without falling over something.
"Aya, LEAVE NOW! IT wants YOU, can't you see?"
Aya, the sharp Assassin that we is, quickly deduced that the crazy was now in fact happening, so he stood up and approached Yohji warily. He had to calm Yohji down, bind him somehow and keep a vigilant watch over the blond. He was wrong. The crazy is not yet happening because Yohji was still unconsciously fighting back the voice from taking hold of his consciousness. Then, just as suddenly, Yohji's body jolted, froze, and then crumpled to the floor. Aya took the stun gun and some rope, and then stalked towards Yohji without taking his eyes off the prostrate blond. He didn't know this was the wrong move to do. He shoud've heeded Yohji's warning and ran the opposite direction from his teammate. But he didn't have any way of knowing that.
Beside Yohji, he ventured a wary hand on the blond's shoulder. Before he could make contact, however, Yohji's hadn shot out and took Aya' s wrist in a vise-like grip, and twisted it until Aya let go of the stun gun and went to his knees. Now standing, Yohji twisted Aya's arm further round the redhead's back. Through gritted teeth, Aya managed to say "Kudou… it's me… LET GO!" Yohji's erstwhile face broke out into momentary confusion, but this moment was enough for his grip to lax and Aya quickly got up. Yohji faced Aya and stood his full height, so that the older Assassin was looking down on the other. The redhead felt something he never felt since Aya-chan's accident- he felt real, heart-striking fear. Paralyzed for a moment he just stood there looking at Yohji and because of this he noticed something was definitely wrong with the other man.
Yohji clenched and unclenched his hands, turning his head this way and that, moving his body about like a long depraved junkie imagining a smorgasbord of his favorite hallucinatory drugs. 'Or,' Aya thought, 'like someone experiencing movement for the first time…' Scenes of human skins in the process of being worn by low-rate sci-fi aliens ** gunned through the highway of Aya's mind, and despite finding sci-fi childish he felt a tremor running down his back. Then Yohji began flexing his facial muscles, and when he stretched his mouth wide Aya saw the canines actually growing to dangerously long and pointy.
RUN, his brain told him, and it added, NOW.
He made a slight turn, but this caught Yohji's eyes and before Aya could take three steps towards the door Yohji had already grabbed him by the neck from behind. Gritting his teeth and closing his eyes, Aya made a blind grab with his right hand, caught a fistful of blond hair, and yanked down hard. Taken more by surprise than pain, Yohji's grip nevertheless loosened and Aya quickly clawed the hands off of his neck and made a run towards the door. A blink, and then Yohji was between Aya and escape, confusing Aya furthermore. When did Yohji become so fast? Things where turning from the surprising to the inexplicable, and Aya hated inexplicable.
Aya backed away and returned to the bed, where he hoped to fish one of Omi's darts. Mentally cursing himself for not bringing his katana with him, he blindly clutched at whatever he can and turned around to see Yohji walking slowly towards him, head cocked to one side and a smile of amusement on his face. Aya only needed to see the hands clenching and unclenching at Yohji's side and the malicious look of a cat on a prowl in Yohji's eyes to know that the blond was far from merely amused.
`He's finding this all so amusing, like a game of cat and mouse. And I'm the fucking MOUSE.'
The thought of being the hunted fired up Aya's Assassin's resolve, and he shoved aside the need to run away for the moment, ignoring the sickening feeling of fear building up in his stomach. Planting his feet firmly, bending his knees slightly, Aya poised himself ready to wipe that malicious look off of Yohji's face with the…
`What the HELL…?' Of all the things Aya could've clutched at on the bed, the one thing he did clutch was the one thing he found least helpful. `Fucking well IMPROVISE moron!', the voice inside his head screeched at him. He gave the straightjacket a look of pure and utter disdain a moment before he stared Yohji head-on with grim determination. No way he was gonna die because of poor choice for a weapon! Biding his time, he controlled his breathing and focused his mind while waiting for Yohji to get in just the right proximity… the moment Yohji was at arm's reach he swung out with the straightjacket, covered and brought down Yohji's head with it. With quick and deft movements Aya secured the straightjacket on the blond head, gripped the cloth by the sleeves and pulled it hard so that Yohji fell on the floor beside the bed. Then Aya grabbed for the bottle of ammonia and smashed it hard on his teammate. Without a second look Aya turned and ran out Yohji's bedroom to his own, going straight for his katana.
“If the blow doesn't get him down, breathing in the ammonia will,” he whispered to himself. “… Hopefully I didn't kill him…” wincing a bit when the arm Yohji twisted grabbed the katana, Aya added with a hiss, “…YET.”
*I've yet to know of a Japanese version Scrabble, so for the meantime the two are playing the game in English.
** You know, those kinds of sci-fi alien movies where the basic plot is that some humans are actually aliens in disguise. I added in the low-budgeted to make it more specific. This is not to say that Aya thought Yohji was an alien in disguise.
I suck at writing action. Seriously. Unfortunately, there's more of them coming. Cringe whenever you feel like cringing.
We-ll, that's basically all I have for now. Sorry for, um, the wait. Thank you very much Comtess for the review, and yes, why do people not quote TP in fanfics? He's so quotable. KD, I bet you hate me for being late with updates. Thank you for the many reviews you posted. Being an avowed procrastinator myself I'd hate to be the cause of anyone else's start in the career of procrastinating (you see, it's a rule, like in smoking: never be the one who started another in the habit). I'm not sure if I thanked you Jennifer_K yet, so thank you for not bringing to light my bad spelling and grammar, which I grimace at every time I encounter [them]. Well…actually I do want people to point them out, so I can correct them. To the ones who reviewed early on, I hope I didn't turn you off midway, but if I did please tell me why, so I can avoid doing it. I'd hate to give watered-down follow-up chapters, please tell me if that's what I did.