Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Essence of Innocence ❯ Shadows of a Cat ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: The Essence of Innocence
Chapter 2: Shadow of a Cat
Author: neko-chan
email: lilneko_chan@hotmail.com
Pairing: Aya x Yohji, Crawford x Schuldich
Possible Pairings: Omi x Ken, Nagi x Farfarello
Warnings: yaoi, OOC, violence

Disclaimer: Weiss (WeiB) Kreuz is not my creation. It doesn't belong to me and it
never has so don't sue me. I'm not getting any money off this even though I wish I

Author's Note: Everything that I want to say is pretty much in the author's note in
chapter 1. Takatori is dead but Schwarzs is not and no one knows about Aya's sister
but she's still alive. She's still "sleeping" though but alive. I actually finished
this fic quiet fast. I was boried at school so I started to write the second part of
this story and when I went home I just typed it up. I'm just warning you ahead of time
that I do not finish fics this fast. Usually it would probably take me two to three
weeks unless its finals or AP exams. Right now I'm just sort of relaxing so I'm writing
kind of fast. Anyway, that's all that I have to say. Now I need to go back and do my
French homework. Au Revoir.

Shadow of a Cat

It was the first night of the new moon. The luminous moon laid in a sea of
shimmering brightness as the darkness danced around with their everlasting shadows.
The howling wind blew across the darkened alley sending long blond hair flying into
bright green eyes.

Dumb hair, Yohji thought. Can't stay in one spot.

Yohji adjusted his sunglasses so that it lied on the bridge of his nose. He crouched
low next to the warehouse. His black leather pants clung to him like a second skin
revealing his lengthy yet muscled limbs. His shirt matched his pants leaving little to the
imagination. If he twisted a certain way the shirt would rise revealing his stomach. Over
the shirt he wore a trench coat to block the wind.

Damn, Yohji cursed. It's cold, it's windy, and I don't want to be here! I could think
of a thousand other places that I would rather be then here.

The mission was pretty simple. Go in, get the data, and get out. There had been
harder assignments. But none as cold as this! Yohji thought angrily. It was less then fifty-
five degrees. The streets were wet and had begun to ice over. Orphaned animals hid
themselves in their cozy dens to escape the harsh weather.

Yohji sighed and looked at his teammates to see how they were fairing. He looked
at the youngest member of Weiss. Omi was wearing his usual shorts, shirt, and jacket
outfit. He had his arms wrapped around himself as he tried to rub some heat into them.
His teeth chattered as shivers ran through his small frame. The icy wind hit his face in a
thousand directions messing up his short blond hair as his checks flushed rosy pink.

Yohji then turned to the second youngest assassin. Ken was more appropriately
dressed but not by much. He was dressed in almost the same cloths as Omi but had
omitted the shorts for a pair of jeans. He had his bugnets in one hand as the other rubbed
down the other arm. His goggles held down most of his chocolate brown hair but a few
locks got lose. Ken looked at Omi and asked a question. Yohji couldn't hear the question
since the wind drifted it away but was able to hear Omi's response. "It's not that cold.
I'm okay."

Yohji decided that it was enough spying on his younger teammates and looked at
the leader. The cold, detached, taciturn, and anti-social leader, Yohji smirked. Who looks
totally unfazed by the cold weather. He's definitely the ice prince. Just like Omi and Ken,
Aya stood looking toward the warehouse. Aya wore a leather trench coat to hide his
katana. The trench coat fell over a muscled stomach on a tall and lengthy body. One hand
was on his katana as the other fell loosely at his side. Locks of blood red hair blew away
from his face revealing a beautiful face with sharp cut features. The features were never
changing as a hand went to move the silken strings from his eyes.

Aya stood there with an air of indifference, danger and...seductiveness. Sexuality
practically dripped off him, Yohji thought appreciating. He looks almost too good to eat-
WAIT a second! What the hell was THAT thought! Well...true Aya was beautiful, Yohji
compromised. He wasn't cute, or pretty or handsome...he was above that. He was
beautiful, a bishounen. His pale creamy reflection contrasted greatly to his blood red hair
and intense violet eyes. His lean body was grace and beauty in one. He was the angel of
death fallen from heaven and hiding among the mortal men on this world, teasing them
with his everlasting beauty and untouchable body. Yohji stared at Aya then suddenly he
was looking into intense violet eyes.

Yohji froze and looked away heat rising into his checks. Yohji pushed down the
blush that was threatening to take over. To cover his embarrassment he looked at Aya
who was still looking at him and said, "Like what you see?"

Aya stared at him then looked away.

Phew, he didn't say anything but what was that about! I'm not gay! Yohji's mind
screamed. I'm not even a yaoi fan! I can't believe that I was staring at him like that...and
I can't believe he caught me. God, what is he thinking now!? Ahhh, I'll just figure this
out later...after the mission.

Yohji looked at Aya who signaled to him, Omi, and Ken.

"Bombay, Siberian, you'll go to the east side of the warehouse and cut off all
telecommunications. Balinese and I will get the data from the laboratory. Iron animasen
(1)?" Everyone shook his head. "Kekko desu (2). Let's go."

We crossed through the bushes and reached the main doors with two guards
standing in front of it. Ken jumped on one and knocked him unconscious while Aya
tackled the other and pinned him to the ground. Bringing the hilt of his sword down on
the man's head Aya knocked him unconscious. Yohji let his wire slither out of his watch
and tied the two guards to a nearby tree. Omi opened the two doors and stepped inside.

The warehouse was a large cooperation valued for producing high-leveled
weapons. The storage room was filled with large boxes many of which were probably
filled with weapons for corrupt organizations. Iron fences separated the storage to other
parts of the warehouse. There were two hallways, one leading onto the top floor and the
alarms while the other lead underground and to the secret confidential offices.

Aya nodded toward Ken and Omi as a sign that they should go. Ken and Omi
nodded back and scurried to the stairs leading to the top floor. Aya turned to Yohji and
looked at the other stair. Yohji nodded in understanding and they proceeded underground.
Yohji had his hands on his wire while Aya held up his katana. They reached the
underground floor without any difficulty.

Aya then spoke to Yohji. "The files should be in the office to the far left."



"Abyssinian?"< br>

"...far left of which hall..."


There were hundreds of halls. Halls converged and separated and they lead to
another. Not only were there hundreds of them but they were also identical.

"We'll search the hall on the left first."

"How many rooms are there?"

"Over two hundred."

"TWO HUNDRED!?" Yohji shouted.

"Shizakani Shinasai (3)!" Aya glared.

"Gomen...but Abyssinian...we can't search all these rooms for the data within
thirty minutes."

Aya frowned. He knew that we couldn't get the job done within that short of time.
Aya seemed deep in thought but his violet eyes kept calm. He turned to his communicator
and turned it on. "Bombay?"

There came a frizzle noise then, "Hai?"

"Do you and Siberian have excess to the warehouse's security info?"

"Hai, Abyssinian."

"I need you to look up which office has the data. Mr. Ishizawa's office."

"Ii desho (4)." Omi said and the communication frizzled out again. After a few
seconds Omi turned on his communicator back on. "On the fifth hall to your left. It
should be in room S152."

"Arigatou Omi." Yohji said into his communicator.

"No problem." Then the communicator went dead.

Aya without another word strolled toward S152. Yohji muttered a few words under
his breath then walked behind the Weiss leader. Yohji looked at the rooms as he went
by...S144...S145...S147...S150...S151...and ah...S152. Aya turned the doorknob
holding his katana close in case security was inside.

The door opened slowly and they stepped inside. Yohji felt something behind him
but when he turned there was nothing there. Doesn't seem to have any movement, Yohji
thought, but he was still careful and glanced at his back once more. He moved his hand
and switched on the lights. The lights shined upon the clean room filled with thousands of
cabinets. Yohji gasped, his eyes widening for a second. God, it's going to take forever!

He moved toward cabinets next to the bookcase and started to flip through
information. "What exactly are we looking for?"

Aya frowned as he looked at data concerning the building layout. "Biological

This place creates biological weapons!? This is not good, Yohji frowned. "If
they're creating biological weapons then why aren't we destroying this place?"

"Persia wanted us to get the information first before destroying it."

I suppose that is smart, Yohji contemplated. But I think it would have been better if
we destroyed this place first. He put the folder back and pulled out another. Let me
see...Yohji looked at the data...building of the XZ180...training of new recruits...side
effects of the flea itch bug, what the heck!...visual equipment...biological
chemicals...human-what was that last one...biological chemicals. Yohji pulled out the
folder and began to flip through one of the pages...

September 9

The weapon Demon Ray was created. Using biological chemicals we were able to
create the most destructive weapon ever known to man. It has the power of a hundred
times plus of the B695 weapons and a thousand more then the TW-81 bomb. The Demon
Ray was created at the Hosima Lab in...

This was it! Yohji thought joyfully. He grabbed the folder and turned to Aya. "I got
the folder."

Aya looked up and Yohji handed him the folder. He skimmed his eyes through the
materials and gave a slight nod. They started to put folders and cabinets back in order,
substituting a fake file for the one that they will take. Aya and Yohji turned and opened
the door when three load crackling shots pierced the opened door.

They both jumped and ran for cover. The shots continued and splinters flew across
the room. Aya couldn't fight back since he had a short-distanced weapon. Yohji weapon
worked better short distance but he could use it from afar. Yohji slowly moved on the
floor, crawling toward the door. Yohji leaned against the wall and readied his wire as
Aya took the opposite side ready to run when Yohji used his weapon. Yohji crouched low
and swung the wire from his fingers and sliced the legs of three armed guards. At their
confusion Aya and Yohji sprinted across the hall into another room. They landed with a
load crash and immediately inspected their surroundings.

They were in a laboratory. Animal specimen were caged as they cried for release,
chemicals in testing tubes were piled on the desks, as papers were placed in their correct
cabinet. Aya and Yohji looked around finding no escape route.

"K'so!" Aya cursed.

The intercom came on with a shout. "Abyssinian! Balinese! Are you guys there?"

Yohji grabbed the communicator. "Siberian! We're stuck in T189. Guards caught
us in Ishizawa's office and we ran to this room but there's no escape route."

"Gomen-nasai." Came Omi small voice.

Yohji was confused. Why would Omi be sorry? "Nande?"

"...I was hacking into the system when///" There was a little gulp. "...um...when I
messed up and the alarms went off. Gomen-nasai!"

"Worry about that later." Aya commanded. "Just get us out now!"

"We'll be there soon." Ken said then the intercom turned off.

Yohji fiddled with this coat. How long when those guards broke down the door?
Yohji questioned. He looked at Aya. Aya wasn't scared. No. He wasn't even nervous.
Aya was standing next to the cabinet and looking at some more files. Yohji looked at the
file in his hand and sighed. This is definitely becoming a more complicated mission then
I first thought, Yohji sighed. Then a movement caught his eye and before he knew it he
was moving toward Aya and knocked him to the floor as bullets impelled themselves in
the shelf above their heads.

When Yohji knocked Aya down they got tangled and ended up in a compromising
position. Aya was sprawled on the ground with his arms flung wide and hair spilling on
the floor under him. Yohji landed on top him, his arms and legs each on the side of Aya.
His glasses were lost and blond hair fell across his eyes. Yohji was stunned. His body
was pressed against Aya's. He then realized that Aya's body though muscled was
incredibly soft and smooth. He turned his face, which was buried in the crock of Aya's
neck to look into Aya's eyes. For the first time Aya's eyes revealed an emotion-surprise
and something else. Before Yohji would read that emotion Aya's eyes harden and Yohji
realized that he still hadn't attempted to get off of Aya.

Yohji blushed and ducked his head as he got off his teammate. He was
embarrassed that he was caught on top of Aya. He was humiliated that he didn't try to get
off sooner. And he was confused as to why it felt so nice being there. Yohji shook all the
questions away as he saw another bullet hit the wall two feet away from where he and
Aya stood. Yohji got up and grabbed Aya's hand and pulled him from the ground and
started to run toward the office across the room. Damn, Yohji cursed. Where were Omi
and Ken? They should have been here by now? Yohji ran pulling Aya with him toward
the office room. The bullets followed them spilling papers and dust. The animals shouted
and screamed as they ran by and a glass tank shattered as a bullet flew pass it and into the
wall beside Aya.

Yohji kept on running until he heard a cry behind him. He paused and looked at
Aya. A bullet impelled itself into Aya's right arm. Blood spurted across the wound as
Aya clamped a hand down on the wound to stop the bleeding. The guards were closing in
on them. Yohji pulled out his wire and took out three guards. Three down and...twenty-
five to go. The odds aren't good, Yohji thought. Yohji took the wire in his hand and
strangled another guard as Aya sliced through two more using his left arm instead of the
right. Then something flew pass Yohji's face and hit its mark. A guard fell and Omi
threw four more darts toward the other guards. Ken was right behind him slicing through
security as he reached Aya.

"Sorry that we'll late. Some guards detained us." Ken replied to the unanswered

"It's alright. We were just having a little fun before you came." Yohji teased.

Omi snorted. "Sure. That's why Aya's hurt and you're gasping for breath."

"I'm not hurt!" Aya defended himself.

"Yeah and I'm not breathless." Or maybe I am, Yohji said silently to himself.


They fought and defended themselves until all but two guards were standing. They
were being to tire and needed to regroup fast. Aya took down the last two when the doors
slammed open to reveal thirty more guards armed with high tech machine guns.

"Damn." Yohji muttered. He looked at Aya and saw that the leader of Weiss was
as clueless as he was. Omi gasped as Ken's eyes widened. They were all tired and needed
to rest especially since they were hurt. Aya's arm was still bleeding and added to that was
a stomach and chest wound. Omi was scrapped and bruised but was the best off of the
four Weiss assassins. Ken was wobbling slightly from a head wound and his leg was
bleeding. Yohji was shot in the leg and had scrapes and cuts from the glass when he fell
upon them. In their condition they wouldn't be able to defeat thirty more guards.

Then in a blink of an eye something large and black darted pass them and smashed
into the line of guards blocking the doors.

"What the hell was that!?" Ken yelled.

More paper, dust and chemicals spilled as the guards fought off the invisible
attacker. One guard screamed in pain and a loud earth shacking roar was heard.

"What in the world was-" Omi's response was cut short as a large sleek black
panther pounced on the ground beside them. The animal looked at them with golden-
green eyes as if assessing them. Then it turned its massive head to the last guard who was
running toward the panther with a shard of glass. The panther twisted and snapped its
jaws on the guard's arms then slammed him to the ground. The panther put one large paw
onto the man's chest then ripped his throat out. The panther then raised its head and let
out a large roar. It looked at them once more then with a black blur it disappeared just as
it had come.

Omi was clearly shaken up as he trembled with his arms around himself. Omi was
the closest of the four when the panther had ripped the guard's throat out. Ken went
behind him and placed his hand on Omi's shoulder's murmuring reassuring words. Yohji
was confused as to where the panther had come from then he turned to look at the folder,
which he dropped during the battle.

"Masaka! Joho wa doko desu ka (5)?"

"Nani?" Omi asked

"The joho!"

We all started to look for it but it was nowhere.

"Where can it go? It was here a minute ago!" Yohji yelled.

"Let's go. If its not here then there is no use staying here." Aya said and pressed a
pressure point to slow the blood flow from his arm.

They left the warehouse beaten, worn, and without data. Ken got into the driver's
seat and started up the engine. Omi climbed in next to him and carefully put away his
darts. Yohji was about to help Aya into his seat when Aya pushed away from him and got
in himself. Yohji sighed and shook his head. As he climbed into the car he looked back at
the warehouse then climbed in.

Yohji muttered under his breath as the warehouse began to fade from sight, "Manx
is definitely not going to like this."

(1) iron animasen-no objections
(2) kekko desu-all right
(3) shizakani shinsasai-be quiet
(4) Ii desho-okay
(5) Masaka! Joho wa doko desu ka-Oh no! Where is the data?