Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Essence of Innocence ❯ A Child by Tiger ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
itle: The Essence of Innocence
Chapter 4: A Child by Tiger
Author: lilneko_chan
email: lilneko_chan@hotmail.com
Pairings: Yohji x Aya, Brad x Schuldich, Ken x Omi, Farfarello x Nagi
Warnings: Yaoi, OOC, violence, nudity

Disclamier: Weiss Kreuz doesn't belong to me blah, blah, blah. Disclamiers are pretty much
the same as the first three chapter so I'm going to stope writting them but they still
apply to future chapters.

Author's Note: Finally this is in Omi's POV rather then Yohji's or Aya's. I added one of
my all time favorite poems so I hope that you enjoy it. There's some nudity in the fic but
nothing to extreme. You get to see Omi naked. NO! He doesn't do anything naghty. Also, yes
Schwarz's symbol is going to be a unicorn. Why? You'll find out in future chapters. Anyway
that's all that I have to say. I corrected some mistakes over in this chapter but I suck at
grammer so there's probably another hundred and thousand more mistakes somewhere that I didn't
find. Anyway, please review or send me your comments through email.

A Child by Tiger

Tiger! Tiger! burning bright
In the forest of the night
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

Swarms of colors swirled around in space, dancing along the eternal edge. Pastels
of blue, green, yellow, and pink played joyfully as they fell from heaven's tears. Mystical
beasts of long lost tales came alive as the unicorns of serenity prance along the never-
ending sea. Demonous beasts of the devil's own thundered across the hunting field as
their prey returns from the light where hence they came. The sweet and gold-colored
lights succumbed to the cavern of darkness as wet finger-dripping pieces rest at the
bottom of death. Hades and his chariot of darkness pushed way through the light as the
pale colors of beauty fades just as the light.

Large innocent blue eyes glanced through the magical world in a veil of a wall. Sky
blue eyes glanced through the world of dark as chaos ringed in the heart of innocence.
Through the darkness of black a single red is seen. A rose of life stands tall even as
reality collapses. Then the burning heat arises and the little rose lives inside the flame of
desire. A flaming wall surrounds the rose as the blackness around tries to consume it.
Then small feathers of the angel's wings floats along the gentle breeze as the flaming bull
races through them. The fire becomes alive. Fire of rebirth glows soundly in the dark as
the gentle hand reaches out to hold it in its palm. The cornflower blue eyes become
entranced as the little feather lands lightly upon its outstretched palm.

Then a blast of light glazes the eyes as they shut tightly to drive away the pain. Just
as it came it disappeared into the darkness. Blue eyes opened slowly only to peer into a
pair of never-ending eyes. The universe deepened the eyes shown with such dept that one
can see the ending of shooting stars and worldly planets as galaxies and stars are reborn
while the burning sun shines everlasting in the magical world of never land. The eyes
stared calmly at him then with a sudden movement they blinked. Heat flared as the
scorching red arises.

The beast leaped high into the air, spread its massive wings and let out a screeching
call. The bird's body flew into the sky leaving specs of fire behind. A red tail of fire was
left in its end. Next a pure white light shot through the bird and afterwards everything
was gone leaving an emptiness of pitch black behind. The heat of the sun, the redness of
fire, and the firebird were gone. In its stead flowed little specs of snow and feathers.
Little white snowflakes covered the ground as feathers fell from heaven's grace to
imprint its soul into the little specs of white.

There in the white stood one lone figure. Shadows crept up the figure as the pale
blue eyes squinted to see. White wings decorated the person's back as a hand was held
out toward the beholder. Bright bloody drops of red fell silently from the outstretched
hand as they landed quietly upon the pure white snow. Red drops penetrated the great
vastness of white as feathers danced around in their silvery chains. A gentle brush of
wind raffled the angel's wings. A shape was beginning to form as the darkness let away
their deadly clasps. The blue eyes squinted through the snow and fog then with a second
burst of light the angel disappeared and a sleek black panther lie in its stead.

An earth-shattering roar was let lose as the night beast looked on. The panther
glanced at the owner of the eyes then crutched low for a fight. It leaped high into the air
almost soaring as it knelt down and pounced. Adrenaline and fear shattered as the panther
raced on. A spark of panic arose in the blue eyes as the beast came closer. The panther
laid low for one last leap as it opened its massive jaws. Blue eyes widen fearfully as a cry
arose it the owners throat then with a blur the panther leaped and snapped its jaws
bringing blood, death and destruction as it made its last hunt. Endless eyes stared back
waiting and waiting...

Omi awoke with a terrifying scream. He hunched over, clutching the blanket with
his white knuckles. Short gasps were heard in the silence as his pounding heart began to
beat. Omi crutched his shirt in his hands as he tried to calm his breathing. Beads of sweat
ran down his forehead as shivers ran up his small frame. Honey colored blond hair fell
into his blue eyes as his shoulders trembled. His blue eyes were large and frightened as
he pressed a small dedicate hand to his racing heart. When minutes passed and the figure
never moved except with few gasp of breath. Sky blue eyes soften slightly as he moved
his hand to wipe the sweat off his bow. Omi glanced at the table and the clock read six

...Gakko (1)...its time to go to gakko, Omi brain registered. Omi's breathing began
to even out and his heart started to slow to its normal pace. Omi closed his eyes as he let
his hand fall forgotten upon the bed covers. Omi shook his head as hair and sweat flew.
Omi glanced at the empty wall in front of him as he whispered to himself, "It was just a

Omi swept the covers off of him as he swung his legs over the bed then stopped.
Omi glanced at the floor and saw a small origami crane. He bent over and picked it up.
Omi held the small crane in his hand as he stared at it. With a small nervous laughed he
set it on the table.

"Getting nervous because of a silly dream." Omi half laughed.

Omi slide off the bed and onto the cold floor. The icy cold seeped into his bare
naked feet as they traveled across the room. Omi gathered his uniform under one arm as
the other reached toward the doorknob. Omi slowly turned it and peeked into the hall.

Relieved, Omi gently pushed the door and stepped into the hall. Everything was
still as the silence consumed the house. Omi looked around and saw that his teammates'
doors were all closed. Everyone is still asleep, Omi sighed. Good, I didn't want to wake
them. He knew that Yohji-kun was a late sleeper and that something was bothering the
oldest teammate. Something seems to be bothering Aya-kun as well, Omi observed. In
the ride back to the Koneko no Sumu Ie he was unusually more quiet then usual.

"Something is bothering both Yohji-kun and Aya-kun..." Omi mused. And
Ken...Omi's hand paused on the bathroom doorknob. Ken was...Omi sighed and looked
back at his friend's door. Ken was...well Ken. When they got back Ken as usual fused
over Omi's wounds.

I wasn't even that hurt, Omi thought, Ken was more hurt then me.

Omi sighed then turned the door handle and stepped inside. He stripped off his
clothes until he was bare and looked into the mirror. A thin bony but slim body greeted
his eyes as he looked on. Cornflower blue eyes reflect back as him as Omi looked away
hating what he saw. My eyes...so innocent, sweet, and serene but underneath
...underneath a shadow of guilt, sadness, and...wistfulness. Omi turned around and
switch on the hot water in the shower. Steam started to blind the reflecting mirrors as
Omi folded his clothes neatly into a stack. He ran a hand through the water satisfied with
the temperature and stepped in. His creamy reflection turned to a rosy blemish as the heat
clashed upon his nude body. He got the bar of soup and ran it over his body.

The dream...Omi thought, that dream of a bird with flames spurting from its
wings...what was that...was it...a phoenix...why would I be dreaming of a phoenix?
And the panther...he reminds me of that poem...

In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?

Shadows of the dream plagued his mind as he showered off the soapy water. He
ran his small hand down his chest as the mountain of waterfall fell down his back.
Glittering light reflected into the fog as little drops of water sprinkled down from his
eyelashes. Omi combed his slender fingers through his hair as he shook the water from

Water poured down on his youthful face then tricked down. The liquid caressed his
soft skin and washed away the last essence of soup. Omi fumbled for the handle and
turned off the water. A cloud of steam erupted form the shower as Omi stopped out. He
grabbed the blue towel hanging off the rack and began to rub it against his blond hair,
sending drops of water flying across the bathroom.

When he was satisfied with the dryness of his hair he wrapped the now wet towel
around his tiny waist and rubbed the steam off part of the mirror. He pulled out a comb
from the drawer next to him and ran it through his hair slicking it back. I know that when
it dries it's going to go tumbling back into my eyes but I don't care, Omi defended
himself from his reflection.

Omi dried the rest of his body and started to pull on his school uniform. After he
was done he stood in front of the mirror and inspected himself. A button up white shirt
was pressed tightly against his upper body as he played with the tie attempting to tie it
properly. He left the top two buttons of the shirt open. I know that school policy is to
button it all but...it's so uncomfortable. It feels as if it's trying to chock me, Omi thought
darkly. Dark green pants and a black belt completed the outfit as Omi pulled on a black
watch over his left hand. It isn't like I detest the uniform, Omi mused, but if I had a
choice I would at least make it more comfortable.

Satisfied with his appearance Omi left the bathroom and jogged down the stairs.
The house was still silent, as nobody has woken up.

"Aya-kun and Ken-kun should be down soon." Omi observed as he looked at the
clock. Yohji wasn't a morning person and Omi had school so that meant that Aya and
Ken got the morning shifts. Omi ran to the refrigerator and tugged it open. He took out
the orange juice and some toast. He put the toast into the microwave and pored some
orange juice for himself. Omi ran to the living room and pulled his backpack over one
shoulder. When he got back to the kitchen the toast was ready.

Omi glimpsed at the clock and did a double take, "Kuso! I'm late!"

He grabbed the toast from the microwave and ran out of the house with his books in
one arm. Tokiko High School wasn't too far form the Koneko no Sumu Ie but it did take
some time getting there when walking or in this case running.

Omi flew pass the few pedestrians on the streets determined to get to school on
time. If he was late then he would get his ID taken away and be lectured about merit
punctuality. If he were very late then he would be locked out of the school. The last thing
that I need is a record for being late, Omi sighed. The breeze blew his hair from his face
as colors began to blur in front of his face. The little rings of sunlight glinted off from the
blear blue sky as the morning dew filled his nose with their refreshing scent.

Even with the fresh breeze to calm his nerves he couldn't help but feel as if he was
being followed. Omi spun his head around but saw no one. Maybe it's my nerves, Omi
contemplated. The dream still lurked in his mind. Omi couldn't shake the feeling of dread
that overcame him ever since the mission the night before. The dream only intensified
that feeling.

And what shoulder, and what art
Cloud twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? And what dread feet?

Omi continued to run hoping that he wouldn't be late but deep inside dreading
what was going to happen next. His legs raced toward the end of the block and he flew
across to the over side. So deep in his thoughts he never noticed the figure standing in
front of him until he clashed into something hard. Omi slammed into the figure then felt
his own body falling onto the floor. Today is just not my day, Omi thought wearily right
before he slammed into the concert floor.

Omi saw blurs of red and black dots in front of his eyes, as he lay sprawled on the
cold concert sidewalk. His vision began to unfocused, as the air to his brain seemed to
have lost its way. Omi attempted to get into a sitting position but his vision spun and he
decided to lie back down. His breathing was heavy as he shook his head at his
clumsiness, which only intensified his headache.

What did I do? Run into a brick wall. Jeez, what a headache, Omi remarked

Omi had his eyes closed trying to rid himself of the headache. It was beginning to
recede and Omi attempted again to get into an upright position. Omi was able to do this
with little trouble and rubbed a small hand on his forehead. I can't believe I ran into
someone. Kuso! Where is the man I ran into!? I hope he isn't hurt! Omi eyes opened
suddenly as his brain registered the statement.

Omi opened his mouth to apologize, "Gomen-nasai! I didn't mean to run into you
like that."

"No need for apologizes Bombay." A voice in front of him replied.

What the hammer? What the chair?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its deadly terms clasp?

Omi's shocked eyes flew up into the boy that he ran into. Shock flashed through
his eyes as he laid them on Nagi Nagoe of Schwarz. Schwarz was the long time rival of
Weiss. They were the black to Weiss's white. Omi saw that Nagi held out a hand to him.
Omi jumped back knocking Nagi's hand away at the same time. Omi instinctively
reached behind him to grab his darts but found nothing.

Augh, Omi cursed. I left them at home. I didn't think that I was going to run into a
member of Schwarz while I was at school.

"It seems that you did not bring your weapon with you, Bombay." Nagi stated as if
the encounter with his archrival did not faze him.

"What are you doing here?" Omi asked trying to cover up the fear that began to
swell up in his heart. His hand tightened their hold on his backpack strap.

"School of coarse." Was the calm reply.

Omi blinked then looked down. Just as Nagi said he was dressed in the same
uniform as Omi. He wore the same shirt but with the all the buttons buttoned and the tie
properly knotted. The uniform clung to his slim figure emphasizing his curves. The pants
covered his limbs as they hugged their slimness, Omi mussed. The Schwarz's black hair
fell uncaring into his dark brown eyes. The tips of his bangs lay gently upon the smooth
pale cheeks. Pink lips were settled under a perk nose and cold eyes. The uniform brought
out the element of the boy. It left little to the imagination. Omi blushed when he realized
the direction of his thoughts.

Nagi hid the laugh that threatened to erupt. I've been hanging around Schudich too
much. Now I'm starting to think like him. Nagi shook his head in disgust.

He stuffed a slim hand into his back pocket as Omi still looked down at the ground
in embarrassment. Nagi fished through his pockets trying to find something. Omi peeked
through his bangs to see what the psychic was doing. He automatically tensed and
looking suspiciously at Nagi.

When the starts threw down their spears
And water's heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the lamb make thee?

Is he going to attack me with he powers? Omi wondered. He said that he was going
to Tokiko High School but...he would have known that was the school I was attending.
With Schudich in his team he couldn't not have known. What is Schwarz up too?

Nagi pulled his hand out from his pockets and Omi clutched his hand waiting for
the attack. Nothing came. Omi blinked and turned back to Nagi. Held out was a small
shiny black pin that reflected numerous colors as the sunlight hit it at an angle.

"What's this?"

"A pin."

"What is it for?"

"A truce."

"A WHAT!?"

"A truce. A truce between Schwarz and Weiss."

Omi started at Nagi unbelieving thinking that perhaps the youngest Schwarz
member had gone over the edge. That or he was trying to trick him. Nagi's expression
was serious. Omi gulped not know what to do. He gradually took the pin into his hand
and tested its weight. Seems original...and expensive, Omi observed. The pin was gold
plated with a picture of what looked to be a white unicorn plastered onto a black and
green surface. The black and green background swirled around each other creating a
complex but beautiful design.

I'll give them this. They have good tastes in pins if not in clothes. Omi
remembered the various outfits that Schwarz wore and shook his head.

Omi tested a tender figure against the surface and felt the cold metal seep into his
finger. Should I believe him? Omi turned and inspected the telekinesis under long blond
lashes. He seems sincere...but I don't know. What to do? If only Ken was here.

"What is the design?"

"The symbol of Schwarz."

"A unicorn!?"

A shrug was the only answer. Omi thought. "Why are you coming to me? Why
don't you go to Abyssinian? He's the leader."

"So he would unsheathe his katana and shout 'shinne' then try to slice us into little
tiny pieces." Nagi humped. "I think that I would rather go to someone a little less

Omi thought that over and saw the reason to it. Of all the Weiss assassins he would
be the best choice to confront. He unlike his teammates would not have attack Schwarz
on sight. Omi was a little more understanding and wouldn't have wanted to create a
public display. He would have at least tried to find the reason why Schwarz wanted to
speak to them respectively.

Or, Omi thought wearily, it's because I'm the youngest and I'm guessing idiotic as
well since I actually believe him.

Nagi studied Omi's expression then took a small step forward. Omi saw this and
instinctively took a step backwards just as Nagi's hand came up brushed against his
cheeks. Omi flushed and cursed himself for doing so. This time Nagi did smirk and a
laugh bubbled in his throat. Omi shaded again turning to a bright red. Before Omi could
say anything to defend himself Nagi took control of the situation and gave Omi the
information that he was suppose to pass on. "Crawford-san sent me as the messenger to
try to arrange a meeting between Schwarz and Weiss. We are sincere in the truce. I
thought that you would be more understanding then the rest of Weiss."

"And why should I believe you?"

"Because I'm saying the truth."

Omi wasn't convinced. "..."

"This is the number..." Nagi held up a business card. "Where you can contact
Crawford-san. It is his business card. If Weiss is willing to meet with us then please call
this number. It would beneficial if you send us a kotozuke (2) within the next three days."
With that Nagi turned around and walked toward the school.

"That was...weird." Omi muttered under his breathe. He watched as Nagi
continued to walk down the street briskly. He stared at the retreating back of the
telekinesis until he disappeared from sight then Omi glanced down at the card.

I wonder what they are up to, Omi wondered. I don't understand all this! There are
too many questions I want to ask him. Why do they want a truce? Why did they give me
the pin? Why is Nagi going to my school!? SCHOOL!

Omi looked down at his watch and gasped. "I'm late!" Omi stuffed the business
card in his pocket and grabbed his forgotten books off from the sidewalk. I'll tell Aya-
kun when I get back from school. Omi slipped his backpack more steadily on his back
then darted down the street.

"Damn! This is what I get for talking to myself. If I don't stop the mental talking
I'm going to turn to be like Squall in Final Fantasy VIII or Farfarello." Omi shuttered at
the thought and ran to Tokiko High School hoping that he wasn't too late.

"I'm definitely going to hear that lecture on merit behavior. I just hope that they
won't lock me out of the gates..." Omi let the thought run as he raced down the street
with the card clutched in his pocket. Aya-kun is definitely not going to like this new
development, Omi thought wearily as he caught sight of Tokiko High School.

Tiger! Tiger! burning bright
In the forest of the night
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

< br>
The poem "The Tiger" was written by author William Blake

(1) gakko-school
(2) kotozuke-message