Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Essence of Innocence ❯ Temperory Peace ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Essance of Innocence
Chapter 5: Temperory Peace
Author: lilneko_chan
email: lilneko_chan@hotmail.com
Pairing: Yohji x Aya, Ken x Omi, Crawford x Schuldich, Farfarello x Nagi
Warnings: Yaoi, OOC

Author's Note: Sorry guys that this took so long. I know that I haven't really been writing in
the last...um...seven months...hehe...I was really busy with school work and stuff. To all
the future Juniors of high school let me tell you that it is going to be hell and that you're
not going to have any free time since you're going to have test after test after another damned
test. SAT sucks ass but let's not get off the subject. I know that in the summary that I wrote
was about this fic was about Crawford finding his sister or something like that. At this point
in the story I have been setting up the plot so. Crawford's sister will show up later in the
later chapters. Also there will be more pairings since I'm going to be introducing new characters
but for now the pairings on the top are the ones I'm going to work with. For all you Nagi lovers
I haven't forgotten him. I'm kinda wondering if I should put him with Farferello or with
an original character. I think that I'm going to go with Farfarello x Nagi instead of putting
Nagi with an original character. Oh also /blah...blah...blah.../ are going to be projected
thoughts and <<blah>> are going to be a flashback or dream sequence. I also corrected some (um...
a lot) of the mistakes in the chapters. I really suck at grammer so most likely there are a lot
of mistakes still in the chapter. If you find any mistakes and would like to tell that you be
very helpful. Also Schu's name can be spelled either Schuldich or Schuldig but I'm
gonna keep it as Schuldich. Oh, for Schuldich lovers the next chapter will be in the POV of
Schuldich. Well I guess that I don't have anything else to say. Since its summer I have alot
more time to spend on these fics. No more school and no more homework. What more can a teenager
ask for ^^

Temporary Peace

The glimmering sunlight split the air as the bright butterflies hovered in the clear
blue sky. Myriads of flowers flowed gently across the sun bitten room. Heat drifted
through the gleaming windows as they pressed soothingly upon bare skin. Beams of light
fell on small pale hands as they wrapped around a rosy flower petal. They stroked the
blossoms spilling glimmers of water in its wake. The flowers seemed to lean into the
touch as if seeking its warmth. The hands clasped the flower and settled it with the other
plants in the basket. The figure stood up as the breeze picked with soft golden hair. A
graceful hand brushed the golden locks from his face as cornflower blue eyes looked up
into chocolate brown.

"...and my okason is coming back. So...I was wondering if...you would like to, I
mean if you can..come to my party."

Ken broke away from the large blue eyes then blinked at the small brunette
standing next to him. Ken ducked his head when he realized that the girl was looking up
at him expectantly. "Gomen-nasai, Mai. What did you say?"

"Ken!" Mai exclaimed. "I asked if you wanted to come to my party."

"..." Ken bit his bottom lip trying to find a nice way to let the girl down. What to
do? What to say? Ken thought hurriedly. Ack...I can't think of an excuse.

Ken shifted his eyes trying to find a distraction. His brown eyes automatically
returned to the blond standing in front of the flower shop. The youngest assassin had
stopped gathering flowers and was now watering the flowers. Omi swished the water
upon the plants as he moved the hose. Ken saw Omi's slim body dance around flowers as
gleams of gold reflected off his blond hair. Omi turned around and splashed more water
onto the pavement as he tugged his shirt down. The shirt had risen high on his lithe

Ken stared transfixed at the view of pale smooth skin until the shirt was pulled
down obstructing his view of the perfect beautiful body. Ken looked at the small hands
that rubbed over the slender stomach pushing the shirt down more. Omi stretched his
small body as he raised his hands above his head.

Beautiful, Ken thought appreciating, like an angle. Soft creamy skin stretched over
a slim yet muscular stomach...I wonder what he would do if I ran my hands over the
stretch of skin.

Damn! Ken shook his head. Baka! Got to stop thinking of Omi like that. You
SHOULDN'T be thinking about Omi like that!

Ken shook his head again at the nagging thoughts. He turned his face from the
angel and faced the young girl again. "Um...gomen Mai. I don't think that I would be
able to attend your party. There's just so much work that we need to finish in the shop."

"That's all right Ken." Mai smiled.

Ken opened his mouth about to reply when a sultry yet cold voice interrupted him.
"If you are not buying any flowers then leave."

Ken looked back as Aya and Yohji entered the Koneko no Sumu Ie from the
backroom. Aya was carrying a bundle of fresh flowers while Yohji had a flower
arrangement in one hand. Aya walked around the back of the counter and seated himself
next to the cashier. Yohji walked toward a red haired woman and handed her the
arrangement. He had a hand on his waist while the other made some gestures as he
explained something to the woman.

While Ken watered the plants Omi walked in, glancing at the soccer player he then
helped him water the rest of the flowers. The Weiss assassins worked silently as an
occasional customer stopped them with questions. Aya's quiet glare and Yohji's smooth
flirting entertained the customers, as Ken turned from plant to plant-pouring water on
them. A small but noticeable tug brought his eyes down into large blue eyes again.

"Is something wrong?" asked Ken.

Omi's eyebrows scrunched together as he looked deep in thought. Kawaii, Ken

"Something is wrong with Aya-kun and Yohji-kun."

Ken blinked, "Something's wrong with them?"

Omi shook his head at Ken's ignorance but smiled sweetly, "They've been acting
weird ever since the...um..." Omi trailed off as a group of girls passed them.

Confusion flooded into Ken's eyes as he turned toward where Yohji stood. The
playboy was still flirting with the pretty red head but he didn't seem like he was truly
interested in the conversation. One of Ken's eyebrows lifted but his expression otherwise
remained unchanged. Ken studied Yohji intensely but other then the uninterested
expression on Yohji's face he did not find anything wrong.

I don't see anything weird, Ken contemplated. Yohji is just talking with the girl.
He seems a little uninterested but that's all...wait...Yohji is talking with the girl but he
keeps glancing to the side...

Ken looked at the direction of Yohji's gaze and saw Aya. Confusion filled Ken's
eyes as he kept glancing between Yohji and Aya. Omi was studying Ken's facial
expression and chuckled when he saw the bafflement there and gripped Ken's hand to get
his attention.

Ken looked down and tilted his head in question. Omi got on his tiptoes and
whispered into Ken's ear. "Look at the expression that Yohji-kun is looking at Aya-kun."

Ken gave a small nod and turned back to Yohji. True enough Omi was right again.
Instead of his usual carefree expression Yohji seemed to stare inventively at Aya as if he
was trying to figure out a puzzle that he couldn't solve. Shifted glances and sneaked
peaks were turned towards the redhead. The oldest assassin seemed as if he couldn't stop
looking at the tall beauty.

Ken then turned toward Aya. He doesn't seem to notice the slide glances, Ken
observed, but then again it's Aya, the cold taciturn leader of Weiss. He couldn't not have

Ken stared more intently and something sparked in his mind. Aya was acting a
little different as well. Everything he did was steady and graceful as usual but there was
just something a little off. His gestures and movements were a little stiff rather then
graceful. Something just was not right. Aya wasn't an emotional person or at least he
didn't show his emotions but the way he sat on the stool was a little more rigid then
usual. Aya's back was a little stiffer as he stared intensively at the figurations of taxes for
the shop. He was also clearly avoiding Yohji. When Aya glanced around the flower shop
his gaze would quickly shift pass Yohji then go back to the bills.

That's...interesting. I wonder why they're acting weird, Ken pondered. Omi had
been looking at Ken. "Ken?" Omi asked in a soft voice.

"They're avoiding each other but that's probably because they are paranoid about

"Aya-kun paranoid?"

"Well maybe not paranoid but a little confused just like the rest of us. We don't
know what Schwarz is up to. We don't even know why they would want a truce with us.
We are the enemies even if Takatori is dead."

"You think so?" Omi questioned but he didn't look convinced.


"When is Manx suppose to arrive?"

Ken looked at his watch, "Um...in five minutes."

Ken turned Aya, "AYA!"

Aya turned an annoyed glare toward Ken. "..."

Ken pointed to his watch indicating that Manx was going to come soon. Aya
narrowed his eyes then glace at the flower shop clock and stood up.

"The Koneko no Sumu Ie is closing early today." Aya said icily.

Ken saw the girls give disappointed looks and started to leave. The red head girl
that Yohji was talking with stood up on her tiptoes and gave Yohji a peck on his cheek.
Ken without knowing why looked back at Aya and saw him glare at the girl. Before Ken
could think of a reason why Aya would glare at the girl a jingle ran through the now
empty shop.

Ken fixed his eyes upon the figure standing in front of the shop. Manx stood there
with arms folded across her chest as looked at each of the assassins. Aya stood up and
went to the close sign and turned it over on the store window. Yohji and Omi followed
Manx into the back room with Ken behind them and Aya bringing up the back.

They seated themselves in the darkened room as the fragrance of flowers floated
from the store and into the murky room. The television gleamed as they readied
themselves for the news from Manx.

"Did Persia agree to the alliance?" Omi asked.

"Nothing has been agreed upon as of yet." Manx flipped her red curls away from
her eyes, "Persia wants to let Schwarz have their say then we will decide upon a

"Do you have any idea why Schwarz is doing this?"


Ken's eyebrows scrunched in thought. "Then why are we agreeing to this

"Because we..." Manx started.

//...are curious little kittens in need of some discipline. And Schwarz would be happy to
provide it.//

The outwardly thought invaded their minds as they wiped their head to the entrance
of the backroom. Brad Crawford, the leader of Schwarz slowly made his way down as his
other teammates just stood at the top of the spiraling stairs. Schuldich smirked at them as
he swiped his unruly orange hair out of his eyes only to have it tumble back into his cat-
like green eyes.

//Konnichiwa, kittens.//

He slanted his head watching their reactions to his projected greeting then with
another smirk leaned against the edge of the doorway as he glanced at each of the Weiss
members. On the other side of the doorway stood Farfarello. Farfarello in his white tanks
and pants held a straight thin knife close to his lips. His one golden eye looked at Weiss
as he slowly slid his tongue along the sharp edge of the knife. A black eye patch covered
the other eye as spiky white hair atoned his head. Nagi Naoe stood just to the left of the
berserker in a bored almost lounging stance. His sleek brown hair fell over his eyes as he
looked at Crawford as his leader made his way into the room. Crawford in his neat gray
business suit stopped just a few steps away from Manx.

"Mr. Crawford I presume." Manx held out her hand.

"And you are..." Brad let the sentence run on as he gripped Manx's hand.

"Manx. I am a representative of Weiss. I do not have much time on my hands
therefore you must excuse my abruptness but we must get this off to a quick start. Now I
would like for you to..."

"Because you are the representative then I would like to speak to you alone, Ms.

"What do you mean alone?" Ken cried as he stood up almost knocking over the
chair that he was sitting in.

"What are you getting at Crawford?" Aya replied, glaring at Crawford in a
suspicious way.

"It is hardly fair that..." Ken began.

"I would prefer that Weiss is in attendance of this meeting." Manx interjected.

"This meeting was arranged so that I may give my reasons for this alliance between
Weiss and Schwarz. I need to give confidential information to prove my reasoning
therefore I would prefer that until you are certain that you will join my proposed alliance
that Weiss step outside. It would be unfair to let Schwarz stay while Weiss leaves
therefore I will be the only speaker."

Ken opened his mouth but Manx held up her hand before continuing, "Very well,
Mr. Crawford."

"You can't be serious!"

"Manx this is not..."

"Weiss, you are to stand out in the flower shop until otherwise advised. Do you

Aya glared at Crawford behind red bangs. Aya's hands were buddle together as he
shot his deadliest 'shinne' out at the Schwarz's leader. Yohji nodded his head toward
Manx before grabbing a furious Aya and pulling him out of the room. Omi looked
worried. He stared at Manx for a few second before acknowledging her command and
waited for Ken. Ken stood the longest, staring at Manx as if she was doing a terrible
thing. Manx looked right back not flinching even once. Ken sighed giving up. With one
last fruitless glace he and Omi made their way out the backroom to where the other
members of Weiss and Schwarz were.

"Why do you think that Crawford wanted to talk to Manx? If we are actually going
to have an alliance then wouldn't it be better if everyone is there?" Omi asked as they
stepped past the hall.

"How should I know? All I know is that Crawford is a bastard with a stick up his
ass. Personally I don't think that we should form an alliance with them. They're all way

//...sexy, Kenken.//

"NO!!" Ken shouted. "...weird, sadistic, and definitely insane."

//Why thank you Kenken. That was such a sweet comment.//

"It wasn't meant to be a sweet you psycho! And stop calling me Kenken, dammit!"
Ken said out load.

"My! My! Such strong language in front of your little chibi. And here I thought that
you were suppose to be role models for the young bishounen." Schuldich said out loud
when he saw the last two remaining Weiss members enter the front store.

Farfarello looked up at the last comment. He paused in self-inflicted injuries as
blood oozed from the bloodied knife. "Cursing hurts God."

With that he looked back down and started to slice through his arm. Omi held back
a slight whimper as Ken pushed him pass the obviously insane Irish to the other side of
the room where Aya and Yohji were. Ken glanced up at Nagi shortly who was standing
nearby next to the plots of African flowers. After Ken proceeded to try and get the
attention of his taciturn leader. Aya straighten some flower petals that had gotten ruffled
in the afternoon. Violet eyes flashed as a few flowers were the victims of the quick angry
gestures. Instead of strangling the German across the room since, Aya decided that it
would probably anger Manx so he started to vent his anger in another more productive
manner. Yohji leaned against the nearby wall with a cigarette in his fingers. Yohji just
stared at the flowers that were being victimized but did not say a word. He then looked up
at Ken and Omi then raised a gentle eyebrow in question.

"Um...Aya?" Ken softly asked, looking at the abused flowers.




Storm ing violet eyes glared at him and Ken gave an audible gulp. Ken then ducked
his head looking anywhere but at the wearer's face. "You're...um...well...the flowers
they...well they...damn."

Sudden laugher erupted from across the room as Schuldich started to grasp his
stomach. "Such eloquent language Kenken but next time I would suggest that you use
complete sentences."

Schuldich smirked as Ken turned red in embarrassment. This seemed to knock Aya
out of his internal rage and turned his attention to the German who he was ignoring

"What are you trying to do Schwarz? What kind of game are you playing?" Aya

"No games, little orchid."

With that statement Aya went rigid and his eyes narrowed even more. He gripped
the table, which the flowers were set on and started to move toward the telepath. At the
side of his eyes Ken saw Nagi move slightly as if to intercept the redhead. Yohji it seems
also saw the movement and grabbed onto the Aya's arm and leaned down to whisper into
his ear. Ken could not hear the whisper but locked his eyes on Schuldich and Farferello.

Again the telepath smirked, "You won't get an opportunity to attack us in the
future. We'll destroy you first."

Yohji eyed the German, "Stop going into our heads!"

"Then where's the fun in that! Really you should get more creative Yo-chan. Those
images you have of..."

A swish and a breath of air whipped by as Yohji released his wire. Schuldich saw
the movement and moved out of the way. Farfarello smiled as the action brought him
back to his surroundings. He leaped onto his feet and crouched low to the group with the
knife held in front of him. Schuldich leaped next to Farfarello then turned back to his
rivals. Omi seeing the Irish move pulled out his own darts from his back pocket and
pointed them at him while Ken moved in front of Omi and released his own weapon,
aiming at Schuldich. Yohji seeing that his attack didn't work pulled back the wire and
prepared for another blow. Aya who did not have his weapon with him stood in a fight
stance next to Yohji. When Yohji flung another attack the wire stopped in front of
Schuldich then fell to the ground with a clatter. Yohji blinked in surprised then cursed
himself as he looked at the last Schwarz who was still on the other side of the room.

Ken was about to throw his own attack when the back door of the flower shop
slammed open. Crawford stepped out first and signaled to his team. Manx walked into the
flower shop a second then surveyed the room. Manx narrowed her eyes as she saw Omi,
Yohji, and Ken with their weapons out and Aya who still had not switched out of a
fighting stance. Schuldich smirked as Crawford walked up to him and Nagi started to
make his way to the rest of his team.

Manx signaled for her team to be quiet. "We are forming a temporary alliance with
Schwarz as of this second."

A shocked silence grew between the teams as they looked at one another. Ken
looked down at the youngest Weiss and worried cornflower blue eyes starred up at him.
How do we get into these messes? Ken asked himself silently. Ken sighed and the only
thought that ran through his mind was that this was going to be a disaster.